Daily Shmutz TOP OF THE NEWS  1/23-24/23



Boarding up the Federal Reserve  [10:42]   penguinsix

Took a walk past the White House today on my way to a Power Lunch at the Old Ebbitt Grill before heading over the Federal Reserve building where workman are placing boards up and down the sides of one of the buildings. Looks like they are protecting some of the stone work with some plywood.

[Ed.:  Apparently, they don’t want broken windows, or bullet holes in walls of their building!]


Dollar, crypto both failing as governments make way for new world reserve currency   by Ethan Huff

Monday, January 23, 2023 – (Natural News) The world is transitioning from a paradigm of Federal Reserve fiat currency dominance to what appears to be a gold-backed digital currency that will eventually serve as the new world reserve currency instead of the United States dollar.

The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) nations have already announced plans to create this new gold-backed digital currency as competition for the dollar, which is rapidly declining as the U.S. military-industrial complex loses its foothold of control over the world.

In order to level the playing field, especially for smaller nations, BRICS is in the process of bringing a gold-backed digital currency to fruition, and soon. And the recent failures of FTX, Genesis Trading, and other fraudulent cryptocurrency exchanges and platforms is helping to speed things along.



[Ed.:  Lancet, considered one of the most prestigious medical journals in the world, has now lost any semblance of credibility.

Medicine is a disgraced profession. They cannot (and must not) be trusted any longer! Cultivate Nosocomephobia and iatrophobia.]

Lancet Urges Shift Away from Human-Centered Health Care, ‘All Life Is Equal’

ROME — The once-prestigious UK Lancet medical journal urges a “revolutionary shift of perspective” away from human-centered health care in favor of “ecological equity” attributing equal value to all life.

In its advocacy for “One Health,” the Lancet proposes “an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimise the health of people, animals, and ecosystems,” asserting that “the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the wider environment (including ecosystems) are closely linked and inter-dependent.”

The traditional approach to health care takes “a purely anthropocentric view — that the human being is the centre of medical attention and concern,” the Lancet declares, whereas One Health “places us in an interconnected and interdependent relationship with non-human animals and the environment.”

The revolutionary shift of perspective called for by One Health is based on the more progressive axiom that “all life is equal, and of equal concern,” the journal proposes, which means “addressing pressing health issues at the human–animal–environment interface.”

Such a shift “requires a complete change to our relationship with animals,” the Lancet asserts, which is why the journal recommends transition “from an animal-based diet to a plant-based one, which not only benefits human health, but also animal health and wellbeing.”

In its revolutionary proposal, the Lancet suggests that the life of a human being is not necessarily worth more than the life of any non-human animal.

One Health demands that we take a fundamentally different approach to the natural world, the journal contends, “one in which we are as concerned about the welfare of non-human animals and the environment as we are about humans.”

“In its truest sense, One Health is a call for ecological, not merely health, equity,” it concludes.

[Ed.:  Many would wonder how the most prestigious medical journal in the world would abandon science and become ‘woke’?  Well, if we followed the money on this one, it would be CCP money coming from the WHO!]


Woke Medical Journal Says Humans Are No More Valuable Than Animals, Calls For Shift Away From Human-Centered Health Care   By Cullen Linebarger

January 23, 2023 at 12:20pm – Individuals within scientific community have taken a decidedly woke worldview for years, from encouraging obesity to discriminating against white individuals. The Lancet becomes the latest entrant into this crusade by repeating PETA talking points and declaring them science.

Breitbart reported Monday that The Lancet published a journal encouraging “ecological equity,” meaning that all life has equal value. Their proposal, “One Health,” advocates shifting the human being from the center of medical health to one where humans are interdependent with animals, plants, and the “wider environment.”

The so-called medical journal argues that this means we must completely change our relationship with animals and proposes adopting a vegan diet as one way to accomplish this. The Lancet says without evidence this will benefit both human and animal health.

The Lancet is essentially arguing that your life has no more value than a pig. Any efforts to better your well-being must take the welfare of the pig into consideration.


Netanyahu admits Israeli government partnered with Pfizer to compile genetic database of population   [VIDEO 2:29]   by Ethan Huff
January 22, 2023 –  
(Natural News) Upon once again being reinstated last month as Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu dropped a bombshell about how he pressured Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla to turn the “Holy Land” into a “lab for Pfizer” to unleash its covid “vaccines.”  [Emphasis added]

In a recent interview with philosopher Dr. Jordan Peterson, Netanyahu made numerous shocking admissions, without any shame, about how the Israeli people were used as human guinea pigs [Emphasis added]in the Pfizer experiment – all thanks to Netanyahu’s goading.

“I described that in my book, my conversations with Albert Bourla, Pfizer and I persuaded him to give tiny Israel then the necessary vaccines to get us out first from the covid,” Netanyahu revealed.

“And the reason I could do that is because we have a database, 98%, a medical database. 98% of our population has digitized medical records and [a] little card.” (Related: The Israeli government knew from the beginning that covid injections were injuring and killing people; pushed the shots anyway.)

Netanyahu used Israel’s medical records technology to force the Israeli people to get jabbed, [Emphasis added] as it allowed for quick and easy access to their “vaccinated” or “unvaccinated” status. This is how the Middle Eastern state’s vaccine “passport” scheme was made possible.

“I said, we’ll use that to tell you whether these vaccines – what do they do to people, no individual people, not with their individual identities,” Netanyahu revealed. “But statistically what does it do to people with … meningitis: what does it do to people with high blood pressure, what is it you want to know?”

“So Israel became, if you will, the lab for Pfizer, and that’s how we did it. We gave the information to the world, and not only it’s been published in medical magazines and so on. That’s a database we have.”

Be sure to watch the interview below:

[Ed.:  Yes, Bibi unilaterally (read: single-handedly) signed the contract with Pfiser and no one even knew about it! (Just like his 5G deal with the CCP that was installed when we were locked down over Channuka 2020. That was also done secretly. Let’s not even mention Bibi contracting our ports over to the CCP…) Jewish blood is cheapest in IINO!

So what now?  Is Bibi’s precious database telling him that the ‘vaccinated’ no longer have their own genes?  Is his database telling him how many young women cannot give birth?  Does his database tell him how many Jews he killed?  Bibi has damned himself for single-handedly committing genocide against the Jewish People. Hashem does not regard His People as guinea pigs, and does not take replacing His gene pool lightly… There is no human court that could met out as severe a sentence as what Bibi’s going to receive ‘upstairs’! That’s one of the reasons that we say: “Baruch Dayan Emet”. (Blessed is the True Judge.)]

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.