‘The Dimming”   (1:56:51)


LOOK UP!  [9:57]


Weather Manipulation:  Using lazer beams to start storms   weather.com

[Ed.:  The Weather Channel, is misleadingly calling this “Cloud Seeding”, but this is different.  Cloud seeding is creating chemtrails with chemicals that will lead to rain storms; toxic rain that is. Using lasers from the ground to cause rain does not involve all those chemicals.  I gotta’ get me one of those nifty lasers and be able to play God myself, if only for the fun of it! Surely God won’t mind…]


UN Goes Full Panic Mode on Global Warming   (Short)    Glenn Beck  


“OWNING THE WEATHER”  [55:24]   Dan Wigington, GeoengineeringWatch.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, July 29, 2023, #416   

“Earth is at catastrophic risk of collapse by 2025”, even mainstream sources are now admitting to what is becoming all but impossible to hide or deny. Over a dozen countries are enduring catastrophic wildfires, primary heat distributing ocean currents are shutting down and the ozone layer is collapsing. While matrix media attempts to pacify populations by convincing them that we can tech our way out of the converging catastrophes that are closing in from every direction (or “adapt), the reality on the ground continues to prove otherwise. The challenges we collectively face are not just coming, they are here. Is there still time to make a difference?

[Ed.:  “This is the coolest summer that we will remember.”  And this summer is the hottest summer in recorded history. They want us to agree with their push to ‘block out the sun’.]


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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.