Dr. Jeffrey Barke Speaks Out On COVID-19 Madness – YouTube


Dr. Jeffrey I. Barke, MD, a family practice physician based in Newport Beach, CA speaks out on the COVID-19 madness gripping the country during a rally in Riverside, CA. This doctor represents thousands like him that are being systematically silenced by Big Tech, MSM, and government “experts”.

Main points made by the doctor are as follows:

-Quarantining the healthy does not save lives -Face masks are not effective

-Never in our history have we quarantined the healthy

-The U.S. Constitution was not designed to restrain the people but rather the government

-Governor Newsom has stepped on our freedoms

-The fatality rate of COVID-19 is in the ballpark of a bad seasonal flu

-We get over this virus by achieving herd immunity -We can never achieve herd immunity by keeping the herd quarantined

-It’s time we allow the young and healthy to open the doors and get back to work

-Quarantining the healthy does not save lives

-Face masks are not effective

-Never in our history have we quarantined the healthy.

I’m expecting that this video, like others before it voicing similar objections, is likely to be taken down by YouTube censors. If that happens, I’ll no doubt find it archived on LBRY, and update this post.

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