1.25.21: The Proof Seems Undeniable! Future Is Proving The Past! Pray!

A possible alternative reality? We’ll see.

AWK’s references to Q are interesting, if sometimes unconvincing. For instance, I personally place little faith in the purported numerological correlations, post timestamps and “deltas”.

But… when you’re aware of the hidden perfidy behind such events as the Act of 1871, the creation of the Fed, Pearl Harbor, Viet Nam, JFK, Operations of various flavors (Paperclip, Dominic, High Jump etc), 9-11, and certainly the theft of Trump’s verifiable yet suppressed landslide victory last November… well, it makes you wonder if the Q phenomenon might surprise us yet.

I’ll be writing more along these lines in the future. So much work on my plate these days, but it’s such a juicy topic.

“Hold the line please, I’ll be with you shortly.”

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