The Fundamentals of Silver (Ag)

Today I’m launching a new blog channel in Metals. For the introductory video, I specifically looked for one of reasonable viewing length (11:37) covering the most basic fundamentals of the precious metals market, explaining why I and many others believe precious metals (PMs, silver in particular) will play a central role as a repository of wealth (and the transfer thereof) in the coming monetary implosion.

“What’s that? Coming monetary implosion?!” If by chance the idea is foreign to you, not to worry, it will be duly fleshed out in coming posts. But I do believe that anyone who would be attracted to my blog in the first place is very likely to be aware of the potential upside of this particular asset class, and perhaps will have already invested in a coin or two.

Precious metals (PMs) is one of my favorite rabbit holes, one I dived into and never left. I began studying precious metals shortly after the 2008 real estate market crash, and once I came to understand the fundamentals, the more I came to realize that silver (Ag on the Periodic Table of Elements) is unquestionably the most undervalued commodity on Earth… with the possible exception of clean, potable water.

Yes, the video was produced by SD Bullion, one of the leading bullion marketers in the business. So yes, the content comes off a bit like a sales pitch. No argument… but there’s two sides to that coin, as it were. One can also view this information as being quite expert and verifiable, as well. As this blog develops, I’ll be posting many other resources to corroborate and expand upon the the information presented in this primer.

If your interest is already piqued, but perhaps you have yet to pull the trigger on moving some of your savings into PMs, you can easily dip your toe into the pool by visiting your local coin or pawn shop, locate the bullion desk, and tell the clerk you’d like to look at some .999 bullion coins and bars (this refers to the relative purity of the metal, ie 99.9% pure silver or gold).

If you want to shop online, there are several rock-solid companies doing business, some of which I’ve used myself on occasion (I’ll be covering this in more detail as this channel develops).

For the moment, I can recommend a US-based company where wifey and I have been making automatic weekly micro-investments for well over a decade. Originally known as SilverSaver, a few years ago the company (based in the State of Delaware) expanded into gold (Au) as well, changing their name to OWNx.

Having availed ourselves of their scheduled weekly and/or monthly automatic buys, as well as taking occasional delivery of physical metals, we have fully tested the integrity of the company, and will say that OWNx has performed as promised. Which is to say: Insofar as one can completely trust any business entity, in our experience OWNx has thus far proved itself trustworthy.



DISCLAIMER: I am no expert, just a dumb old guitar player sharing his personal experiences and opinions here.
As such, I am NOT offering financial advice, and there are risks associated with any investment you might make.
You are well-advised to take any financial statements made here with a grain of salt, and do your own research.
And certainly, consult a trusted professional financial advisor before investing in this or any other market.

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