Study: Analysis of VAERS Shows the COVID Shots are Likely Cause of Deaths, Spontaneous Abortions, Cardiovascular, Neurological, and Immunological Adverse Events | Health Impact News


This is an updated version of a short summary of the study I have recently completed and submitted for publication (and had accepted) entitled: “A report on the U.S. Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) of the COVID-19 Messenger RNA (mRNA) biologicals”. The goal here is make the public aware of the soaring Adverse Event reports in the context of the COVID-19 biologicals being administered en-masse prior to scientifically respectable safety and efficacy studies being completed. A Fellowship has been created to honor the son of the President of Vaccine Choice Canada who has now passed on following vaccine injury. His name was Joshua Kuntz. Please go to the following link if you wish to make a donation. I didn’t know Joshua in life, but his, and all the lives of families affected by vaccine injury need to be acknowledged and honored.

I will upload a link to my paper once it is in print.

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