Aluminum Snow: Lab Test Confirmed  [7:00]   Dane Wigington

2/2/23 –  Geoengineering Watch will start to release as of yet unseen footage from the filming of The Dimming, this is the first installment. Aluminum nanoparticle fallout from climate engineering operations are building up in our snow, soils and runoff waters, the levels are far beyond alarming. Lab test results of snow from the side of Northern California’s Mt. Shasta are a truly shocking example. Testing samples from this formerly pristine water source have revealed levels of aluminum that are so astronomically high that the meltwater can only be considered completely contaminated. This 7 minute video contains important GeoengineeringWatch.org footage. The testimony revealed in this video is from a highly degreed former USFS government scientist, it serves as a sobering wake up call and warning for us all.


Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News,  January 28, 2023, #390  [55:25]

 “Dangerous Arctic Blast Ushering Coldest Air For 2023 Across Northern US”, a new FOX news harbinger headline of the coming winter weather warfare that is scheduled for regions of the US. The Weather Channel climate engineering cover-up actors are doing their best to pretend the engineered winter weather whiplash extremes are just an act of nature. Around the world numerous countries are descending into chaos, supply chains are breaking down. Atmospheric and ecological collapse are unfolding and accelerating across the board, but Bill Gates has just announced that “things are only continuing to get better”. We are truly living in a planetary asylum, is there still any chance of turning the tide? The latest installment of Global Alert News CLICK HERE.

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All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer.

Dane Wigington

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