Daily Shmutz COVID-19 1/30-2/1/23


[Ed.:  FEAR YOUR DOCTOR!  Medicine is a disgraced profession.  They cannot (and must not) be trusted any longer! Cultivate Nosocomephobia and iatrophobia.  Spread ‘vaccine hesitancy!]



Never Again is Now Global – Five-part Docuseries World Premiere | Jan 30 — Feb 3 | 7pm EST

Never Again Is Now Global — A Five-Part Series by Vera Sharav

Mark your calendar — Watch the GLOBAL PREMIERE on CHD.TV January 30 — Feb 3 7pm EST | 4pm PST | 6pm CST

Part 2: Anyone Who Wants To Start A War Has To Lie   [1:06:57]

‘Little to no difference’: Massive mask meta-study undermines remaining COVID mandates

Researchers in “gold standard” collaboration struggle to find benefit from surgical over no masks, or N95 respirators over surgical. Findings buoy warnings by PPE expert that even “perfect rate of capture” by N95s can’t stop COVID transmission.

An international research collaboration that reviewed several dozen rigorous studies of “physical interventions” against influenza and COVID-19 through last year failed to find even a modest effect on infection or illness rates from masks of all qualities.


Tragic: Fully Vaccinated and Boosted 6-Year-Old Child Dies Suddenly   By Jim Hoft

January 31, 2023 at 7:20pm – On January 25, at the age of 6, Anastasia Weaver passed away unexpectedly in the Emergency Room of Akron Children’s Hospital in Boardman, Ohio, surrounded by her family.

Anastasia’s mother, Jessica Day-Weaver, said that her husband, Andrew Weaver, found Anastasia unresponsive around 6 a.m. on Wednesday when he got home.

“This is the hardest post I’ve ever had to make. This morning at 6 am, Anastasia passed away. Andrew came home and checked on her and she wasn’t breathing. I did CPR until the ambulance came then we went to children’s [hospital],” Mrs. Day-Weaver wrote on her Facebook account.

Weaver said that after 15 minutes of being taken to Akron Children’s Hospital, Anastasia was pronounced dead.

No details have been released on the cause of death.

“We aren’t sure what happened. We are in shock and devastated. As soon as we have any updates, we will post them,” said Mrs. Day-Weaver.

[Ed.:  Yes, we are sure what happened.  She was murdered after trusting the people who gave her a lethal injection with impunity!]


How COVID Patients Died for Profit   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Hospitals Caused COVID Deaths for $29,000

It sounds outlandish, but millions of lives may have been sacrificed by hospitals which have essentially turned into killing fields. How else can you explain the fact that despite knowing this standard of care was a death sentence since May 2020 – they’re still using it to this day?


  • By May 2020, it had become apparent that the standard practice of putting COVID-19 patients on mechanical ventilation with ventilators was a death sentence
  • Between 50% and 86% of COVID patients placed on life support ended up dying
  • By May 2020, doctors had also found that high-flow nasal cannulas and proning led to better outcomes than ventilators
  • The World Health Organization promoted the use of ventilators as a way to purportedly curtail the spread of virus-laden aerosols, thereby protecting other patients and hospital staff. In other words, suspected COVID patients were sacrificed to “protect” others
  • The matter becomes even more perverse when you consider the fact that many “COVID cases” were patients who merely tested positive using faulty PCR testing. Hospitals also received massive incentives to diagnose patients with COVID and put them on a vent


Bulk post from Brownstone Institute:

Here is some content so far from this week:

It All Began with Fear    BY GABRIELLE BAUER. When Covid-19 came along, Laura Dodsworth grew alarmed—not at the virus, but at the fear swirling around it. She watched the fear grow legs and wings and wrap itself around her country. What troubled her most was that her government, historically charged with keeping people calm during times of crisis, seemed to be amplifying the fear. The media, which she had expected to push back against government edicts, gave the fear train an extra shove.

Covid Insider Farrar and His Eugenics Agenda    BY PAULA JARDINE.  Let’s call a spade a spade and go back to calling this what we used to call it – eugenics. And be ever mindful as the WHO pandemic treaty and vaccine passport projects continue, with the potential for your DNA to become the means by which your identification is verified, that the man who will soon be in charge of setting the global agenda for it is Sir Jeremy Farrar.

Amendments to WHO’s International Health Regulations: An Annotated Guide    BY DAVID BELL. The amendments to the IHR are intended to fundamentally change the relationship between individuals, their country’s governments, and the WHO. They place the WHO as having rights overriding that of individuals, erasing the basic principles developed after World War Two regarding human rights and the sovereignty of States. In doing so, they signal a return to a colonialist and feudalist approach fundamentally different to that to which people in relatively democratic countries have become accustomed. The lack of major pushback by politicians and the lack of concern in the media and consequent ignorance of the general public is therefore both strange and alarming.

A Freudian Critique of the Pandemic Response    BY BERT OLIVIER. Considering that Freud associates the life instinct (Eros) with the aggregation of families and communities, and with the panoply of creative endeavours comprising culture, and its antithesis, the death instinct (Thanatos), with decomposition, diverse kinds of destruction, and with aggressiveness, the current predominance of the latter – Thanatos – in the world should be obvious, if not conspicuous.

The Decline and Fall of the University    BY GARRETT SHELDON. Academia was full of eccentric professors with various crazy ideas and habits (some brilliant), naïve students, and pompous administrators; but they all adhered to the same standard of knowledge. This led not just to scientific discovery and technological progress, but to every other kind of progress: economic, political, social, and ethical.

The Biomedical Security State, British Edition    BY AARON KHERIATY. In Britain, Orwell’s country of origin, seven decades after the publication of 1984, it turns out that Big Brother is Always Watching. Perhaps this is a good moment to remind everyone that Orwell’s classic dystopian novel was meant to be a warning, not an instruction manual.

How the “Unvaccinated” Got It Right    BY ROBIN KOERNER. The continued insistence on rolling out the “vaccine” to the entire population when the data revealed that those with no comorbidities were at low risk of severe illness or death from COVID was therefore immoral and ascientific on its face. The argument that reduced transmission from the non-vulnerable to the vulnerable as a result of mass “vaccination” could only stand if the long-term safety of the “vaccine” had been established, which it had not.

The Compulsive Delusions of the Imperial Mind    BY THOMAS HARRINGTON.  Perhaps it is time to admit that much of what occurred during the acute phase of the Covid crisis was, in many ways, the culmination of a long multi-decade process of intense, top-down social pedagogy designed to separate us from our most basic empathic instincts.

Blindsight Is 2020    BY GABRIELLE BAUER. Epidemiologists can do epidemiology. Public health experts can do public health. But none of these experts can do society or human nature any better than intellectuals from other disciplines or even “ordinary people.” No scientist has the legal or moral authority to tell someone they can’t sit next to a parent on their deathbed.

It Started Before the Outbreak: A BioNTech-“Pfizer” Vax Project Timeline BY ROBERT KOGON. There is no avoiding the conclusion that BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine project must in fact have started before any Covid-19 cases had even been reported.

Eugenics, Then and Now     BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. We have solid historical and contemporary proof that eugenic ambitions are capable of sweeping up the most elite intellectuals and policy circles. The dream of curating the population by force to make it more fit is a historical reality and not nearly as discredited as people tend to believe. It can always make a return in new guise, with new language, and new excuses.

How Two Conflicting Covid Stories Shattered Society   BY GABRIELLE BAUER. The two stories continued to unfold in tandem, the gulf between them widening with each passing month. Beneath all the arguments about the science lay a fundamental difference in world view, a divergent vision of the type of world needed to steer humanity through a pandemic: A world of alarm or equanimity? A world with more central authority or more personal choice? A world that keeps fighting to the bitter end or flexes with a force of nature?

Drinking and Excess Deaths in lockdown    BY TOM JEFFERSONCARL HENEGHAN. These are deaths wholly attributable to alcohol, which means that at least 27.4% more of our fellow citizens have drunk themselves to death thanks to the imposition of curtailment of individual freedom. Males die more frequently – twice that of females. Mental disorders and accidental poisoning events were present but played a small part in adding to the tally. Most of the deaths will have been habitual heavy drinkers who found refuge by increasing their daily intake.

The Sovietization of Medical Care     BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. The further we move away from health care as essentially a doctor/patient relationship, with freedom of choice on all sides, and the more we allow central plans to replace on-the-ground clinical wisdom, the less it looks like quality health care and the less it contributes to public health. The Soviets already tried this path. It did not work. Health-care by modeling and data targeting: we tried it over the last three years with horrible results.

Humanity Must Move Beyond Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt  BY MICHAÉLA C. SCHIPPERS.  FUD first brought about by a crisis in health, cascaded into loss of faith in government, in the people around us and sometimes in ourselves. Three years is too long a time for FUD to be considered a crisis, but when a crisis is not resolved, loss of hope is the outcome. Many people have lost work, friends, health and even their lives as a result.

The War on Doctors and Patients    BY PIERRE KORY   JANUARY 27, 2023. The suppression of doctors’ freedom to advise and treat patients began early in the pandemic. Promising alternative courses of treatment, such as generic drugs like ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine, were shouted down by false news narratives. Media companies took their cues from public health agencies, which exaggerated concerns over people using medicines to treat COVID in ways that were not intended and against medical advice. Positive clinical data was ignored.

The Grim Future of Establishment Journalism     BY DAVID JAMES. The professional liars have won. Newsrooms have been eviscerated because Google and Facebook took all the advertising revenue, and the spin merchants in business, government and nonprofits have almost limitless resources. If journalism – as opposed to commentary in blogs, websites, social media, and online channels – is to have a future, a new approach is needed.

How Government and Big Tech Colluded to Usurp Constitutional Rights    BY WILLIAM SPRUANCE. Not only did the government turn its capability on the American people, but it recruited the most powerful information companies in the history of the world to advance its agenda, leaving American citizens poorer, stripped of their rights, and left with no place to hide.

CIA Agent Cloaks Lockdown Propaganda in Concern for China   BY DEBBIE LERMAN. If anyone is wondering why it’s important to debunk and expose all of the fictions and propaganda of the Covid biosecurity agenda, this tiny window into the terrifying vision they have for our future is the answer.

The West Must Never Again Go Totalitarian   BY JOAKIM BOOK. We might still have food on the shelves — though of worse quality and at much higher prices. We might still have the ability to move and work and travel, but heavily circumscribed, always at risk of canceling and always with papers showing the number of needles in your arm, or your scarred heart tissue. Nobody is torturing us (yet anyway) and for the most part we have some semblance of rights and freedoms remaining. ut we’re closer to that horrific totalitarian world today than we were, say five years ago.

The Impending US ICD Vaccine Passport and Its Unconstitutionality   BY HARVEY RISCH.  The government itself—through the CDC—has determined that vaccination status is not of policy importance. There can thus be no compelling interest for the government to forcibly collect this information against the wishes of the population, even were it not stigmatizing. So much more so after the government has spent the last two years publicly demonizing unvaccinated people for their rational and legitimate personal health choices.

Timeline: The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2   BY EMILY KOPP. This timeline compiles numerous sources in an effort to covey the backstory of the enormously influential article. The timeline is likely to grow as more information emerges. All times have been approximated to Eastern Time.

Engineered, Yes, but in the Wuhan Lab?   BY WILL JONES. In fact, there is no evidence the Chinese were aware of the outbreak at all before December. U.S. intelligence has stated it does not have evidence the Chinese were aware of it prior to then, and this is consistent with how the Chinese themselves behaved.



Let the Crow Eating Begin   Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH™

Newsweek: “It’s Time for the Scientific Community to Admit We Were Wrong About COVID and It Cost Lives | Opinion”  By JOHN LEAKE

Newsweek just published an editorial by Kevin Bass, a medical school student in Texas, about how the official scientific establishment in the United States got it wrong about COVID-19. At the risk of sounding immodest, all of the realizations that he catalogues in his essay were apparent to me by May of 2020, almost three years go.

People often ask me why I perceived at the beginning of this mess that our public health officials were lying to us. The answer is simple: I am a longstanding student of history (including medical history) and of human nature. It is precisely a lack of education in history that made so many people susceptible to being manipulated and defrauded by the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex.

Students of political history have often marveled that the Anglo-Irish statesman, Edmund Burke, made all of his accurate predictions about the French Revolution in 1790. Burke foresaw that the Jacobins would grossly mismanage everything and then resort to terror when none of their harebrained schemes worked. He predicted the bloody fiasco would end with the accession to power of a military commander.

Three years after Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France was published, the Reign of Terror began. Nine years later, Napoleon Bonaparte came to power through a combination of subterfuge and soldiers with fixed bayonets.

How did Burke make these predictions? He knew history and he understood human nature. He therefore saw that the Jacobins had no idea what they were doing. None of their abstract schemes acknowledged the complex reality of human affairs. Their entire conception of reality was ideological, not practical, and they insisted on imposing it with fanatical zeal.

Precisely the same is true of the Vaccine Syndicate that ran the official Pandemic Response. Its leaders are votaries of the COVID-19 Vaccine Cult, and all of their policies were in the service of getting a needle in every arm. Their monolithic policy totally ignored the complex reality of the problem.

Those familiar with history (and medical history) could see by April of 2020 that “The Science” constantly invoked by our government health agencies was an ideological construct—an Orthodoxy—and not true science. True scientific inquiry was conducted by doctors in the field who had the courage to treat the illness instead of waiting for the heralded “vaccine.”

Kevin Bass’s Newsweek is a good start. May the rest of the Official “Follow the Science” Establishment get out their forks and knives and start eating crow.


MUST WATCH: Medical Professionals-Turned-Whistleblowers Expose Houston Methodist Hospital’s Early COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate  By Jim Hoft

On Sunday, Five-time Emmy Award winner Sharyl Attkisson aired an investigation on her show Full Measure in which she spoke with former employees of Houston Methodist Hospital, the first hospital in the country to implement a mandatory Covid vaccine policy.

On March 31, 2021, Houston Methodist Hospital became the first hospital system in the United States to mandate vaccination for all employees.

According to NEJM, “Two percent of employees and physicians were exempted for medical or religious reasons, 158 employees without exemptions were terminated for failure to comply, and one employed physician chose to resign. A small group of former employees raised a legal challenge to this mandate, which was summarily dismissed by U.S. District Judge Lynn Hughes, who stated in his ruling, “Methodist is trying to do their business of saving lives without giving them the Covid-19 virus. It is a choice made to keep staff, patients, and their families safer.””

On Sunday’s episode of Full Measure, Attkisson interviewed a group of seasoned doctors and nurses who got suspended and ultimately terminated for refusing to comply and question the unconstitutional COVID vaccine mandate.


23-Year-Old University of Arizona Swimmer Ty Wells Dies ‘Suddenly’   By Jim Hoft

January 31, 2023 at 8:45am – The University of Arizona’s former swimming standout, who competed from 2018 to 22, died unexpectedly on Friday, according to Arizona Athletics.

Ty Wells died on Friday, January 27. He was 23.

Cardiologist: Over 7M Americans may have some form of HEART INJURY due to COVID-19 vaccines   by: Roy Green
Friday, January 27, 2023 – (Natural News) Board-certified internist and cardiologist Dr. Thomas Levy told Steve Kirsch in an interview on Jan. 17 that over seven million Americans may be suffering from some degree of heart damage because of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines.

Levy came up with these startling figures based on the assumption that at least 2.8 percent of people who get the COVID-19 vaccines eventually developed some form of heart injury detectable with a troponin test. (Related: EVERYONE who gets mRNA jabbed for covid suffers some degree of heart injury, study finds.)

Official data released on August 21, 2022, showed a total of 263 million Americans, or 79 percent of the U.S. population, have received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine. Given those figures, the projected number of Americans with vaccine-induced heart damage would be around 7.4 million.


23-Year-Old University of Arizona Swimmer Ty Wells Dies ‘Suddenly’   By Jim Hoft

January 31, 2023 at 8:45am – The University of Arizona’s former swimming standout, who competed from 2018 to 22, died unexpectedly on Friday, according to Arizona Athletics.

Ty Wells died on Friday, January 27. He was 23.


Cardiologist: Over 7M Americans may have some form of HEART INJURY due to COVID-19 vaccines   by: Roy Green
Friday, January 27, 2023 – (Natural News) Board-certified internist and cardiologist Dr. Thomas Levy told Steve Kirsch in an interview on Jan. 17 that over seven million Americans may be suffering from some degree of heart damage because of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines.

Levy came up with these startling figures based on the assumption that at least 2.8 percent of people who get the COVID-19 vaccines eventually developed some form of heart injury detectable with a troponin test. (Related: EVERYONE who gets mRNA jabbed for covid suffers some degree of heart injury, study finds.)

Official data released on August 21, 2022, showed a total of 263 million Americans, or 79 percent of the U.S. population, have received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine. Given those figures, the projected number of Americans with vaccine-induced heart damage would be around 7.4 million.


Why Are the EKGs of Pilots No Longer Normal?   [1:01:37]   Steve Kirsch interviews Dr. Thomas Levy

Has the COVID Jab Made It Too Risky to Fly?

‘Fly the friendly skies’ at your own risk – that’s the takeaway from this latest move by the Federal Aviation Administration. With no public announcement or explanation for this drastic action, it’s clear it was not done to increase your safety – and they were hoping no one would notice.


  • October 24, 2022, the FAA changed the EKG requirements necessary for pilots to fly — but not to make them safer
  • With no public announcement or explanation, the agency expanded the allowable range for PR, a measure of heart function
  • Widening this parameter means those with potential heart damage are now allowed to fly commercial aircraft, potentially putting passengers at risk, should they suffer a heart attack or other event while in the air
  • Evidence suggests that pilots’ worsening heart health is due to adverse effects of COVID-19 shots
  • An estimated 20% of pilots screened may have suffered heart damage due to COVID-19 shots, and the FAA may have been forced to widen the EKG parameters so pilots could continue to fly


Never Again is Now Global – World Premiere | Monday, Jan 30 | 7pm EST

Never Again Is Now Global — A Five-Part Series by Vera Sharav

Mark your calendar — Watch the GLOBAL PREMIERE on CHD.TV January 30th 7pm EST | 4pm PST | 6pm CST

Part 1: Here We Go Again On Steroids

[Ed.:  FEAR YOUR DOCTOR!  Medicine is a disgraced profession.  They cannot (and must not) be trusted any longer! Cultivate Nosocomephobia and iatrophobia.  Spread ‘vaccine hesitancy!]



Hollywood Actress Annie Wersching, Best Known For Roles in ’24’ and ‘Star Trek,’ Dead at 45   By Cristina Laila

January 29, 2023 at 9:15pm – Hollywood actress Annie Wersching passed away on Sunday at the age of 45.

Annie Wersching starred in ‘Star Trek,’ ’24,’ ‘Vampire Diaries’ and other television series.

The actress died of cancer, according to a statement by her publicist.


Renowned MIT Professor and Drug Safety Analytics Specialist Calls for Immediate Suspension of all mRNA COVID Vaccines  By Jim Hoft

January 30, 2023 at 7:30am – The number of health professionals and experts calling for the immediate suspension of COVID mRNA vaccines is growing, and yet governments still turn a blind eye to one of the most atrocious crimes against humanity.

Late Sunday night, Prof. Retsef Levi from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) warned about the risks associated with experimental mRNA COVID vaccines.

Prof. Levi has been a faculty member at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts since 2006. MIT is one of the top private universities in Cambridge, United States. It is ranked #1 in QS World University Rankings 2023.

“I have more than 30 years of experience as a practitioner and an academic in using data and analytics to assess and manage risk, particularly in the context of health systems health policies, as well as the management of safety and quality of manufacturing of biologic drugs,” said Levi.

Levi claims that neither governments nor big pharmaceutical companies have been able to deliver on their efficacy claims.

It can be recalled that Pfizer’s President of International Developed Markets, Janine Small, admitted that the vaccine had never been tested on its ability to prevent transmission, contrary to what was previously advertised.

Levi added that the risks outweigh the benefits.

“I’m filming this video to share my strong conviction that at this point in time, all COVID mRNA vaccination programs should stop immediately,” he said.

“They should stop because they completely failed to fulfill any of their advertised promise regarding efficacy. And more importantly, they should stop because of the mounting and indisputable evidence that they cause unprecedented level of harm, including the death of young people and children,” he continued.


32-Year-Old Firefighter and Marine Corps Veteran Dies Suddenly   By Jim Hoft

January 30, 2023 at 7:15am – An Ohio firefighter and Marine Corps veteran died suddenly last week.

Joshua Fanti, 32, died suddenly at Tripoint Medical Center, ER in Concord Township on Sunday, January 22, 2023.

No details have been released on the cause of death.


Acute Psychosis after COVID-19 Vaccination   Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH™

Alarming Manuscripts Report Acute Neuropsychiatric Symptoms

Unvaccinated patients have mentioned half-jokingly that COVID-19 vaccination in friends and family makes some of them “crazy.” While I have always brushed this off as fear driven vaccine ideology taking over common sense in some zealots, the building literature on neuropsychiatric symptoms is alarming. There are now ~10 papers describing headache, fever, and a range of acute neuropsychiatric symptoms after both mRNA and adenoviral COVID-19 vaccination. The strong bias among editors and publishers has kept countless papers out of the mainstream medical media, hence one has to look far and wide to find information on the topic of vaccine safety. Borovina et al, from Croatia described three cases of acute headache followed by psychosis.

All three patients required hospitalization with exhaustive diagnostic testing and medical treatment. One of the cases progressed to attempted suicide with a knife stabbing to the abdomen requiring emergency abdominal surgery. As a doctor I am disturbed by medical evidence demonstrating gene coded SARS-CoV-2 Wuhan Institute of Virology Spike protein in the human brain after vaccination. I wonder how many subtle changes go clinically unrecognized. Even if a small number are affect, the massive numbers who came forward make any “rare” complication a common issue to face in clinical practice.

In conclusion, we should not downplay or attempt to normalize neuropsychiatric symptoms after COVID-19 shots. Every case should be taken seriously. Suicides after December 10, 2020 should be investigated and the brand, doses, and dates of vaccination should be recorded by healthcare personnel and noted by family members.


Proof of Ukrainian Biolabs   By Clandestine

Interesting Twitter feed about US biolabs in Ukraine as the source of COVID-19

Total Page Visits: 474

About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.