Daily Shmutz COMMENTARY / OPINION  2/5-7/23


Jordan Peterson’s Proposal for Alternative to World Economic Forum   By JOHN LEAKE

Joe Rogan interviews Jordan Peterson  [17:03]   

Returning power to local communities composed of responsible citizens.

Feb 5, 2023 – In his recent Joe Rogan interview, Dr. Jordan Peterson articulated a vision of an alternative to the central, oligarchic power that has, in recent years, greatly extended its power over mankind. As he said to Mr. Rogan:

You guys [Russell Brand and Joe Rogan] are very sensitive to the danger of that kind of corrupt collusion, that regulatory capture that occurs when corporate entities, media entities, and governmental entities are all in bed together—like the FDA, the CDC, and so forth and so on.

For years, Dr. Peterson has been the world’s most eloquent critic of corrupt central power. As he has frequently explained, much of the trouble is the inevitable outcome of an organization or jurisdiction that becomes so big that those who occupy the command center cease having any contact with or understanding of the far flung communities that lie in their dominion.


The Blessing & the Curse  Michoel Green

See, I have placed before you this day
the blessing and the curse,
the life and the sudden death,
the egg and the bug,
your immune system and the jab,
your conscience and their woke dictates,
the face and the mask,
the congregation and the segregation,
the courage and the complicity
the right to choose and the mandate
individual liberties and their apartheid
the censored truth and the mainstream propaganda,
reliance on G-d’s nature and pharmaceutical dependency,
clean well water and their tainted tap water,
food sovereignty and their ‘bio-enhanced’ supply chain,
the freedom and the enslavement.

Choose the former, so that you and your offspring will live.

[Based on Deut. 30:19]

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.