Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION | 3/21/23


Arabic road signs in Germany   Giulio Meotti

Europe seems determined to go all the way down the road to the end of the nation state. Op-ed.

Mar 21, 2023, 4:05 PM (GMT+2) – “Bilingual road signs are a symbolic expression of social inclusion. They show that people identify with their district and diversity.” Thus Samy Charchira, councilor of the Greens in Düsseldorf (very German name), where for the first time in Germany road signs in Arabic have been inaugurated – you know, such as in Cairo, Baghdad or Damascus.

“For several generations, many people, families and traders of Moroccan and North African origin have lived in the district” and “have contributed to building” Germany. “For this they deserve respect, admiration and representation”, underlined the Greens. Morocco’s consul Lalla Loubna Ait-Bassidi also praised the decision: “I am grateful that integration is being expressed in a way that people from 20 Arab nations can read and understand.”

Multiculturalism is the end of nation state and Europe seems determined to go down that road all the way.

The parishes of Düsseldorf have decided that the traditional Christian autumn festival, that of Saint Martin which is celebrated on 11 November, be called the “festival of lights” so as not to offend migrants. Since 2020, four mosques in the city (out of a total of eight) invoke the muezzin’s prayer over loudspeakers. In the city of Düren, near Düsseldorf, the Turkish Fatih mosque calls to prayer three times a day, almost like in Islamic countries.

[Ed.:  ACHTUNG: Allah hu akbar! Islam uber alles, baby!]


Smashing the Overton window   Katherine Watt

Omnibus Repeal Act for Congress members in post-invasion, post-coup, occupied, financial-biopharmaceutical-wartime America to consider.

Orientation for new readers.

March 21, 2023 – I saw a Twitter comment a few weeks ago, about the information and analysis that Sasha Latypova and I offer to the public discourse during the Covid-19 Constitutional crisis, describing it as —

So far outside the overton window at this stage virtually no one knows what to do with it.

The Overton window has been defined as “the range of policies politically acceptable to the mainstream population at a given time.”

The Twitter comment lines up with my experience of how a lot of people respond to our work.

Most thoughtful people have immediate, visceral responses.

Paraphrased, the first response is:

Whoa! This makes sense of a lot of things that don’t make sense without it.

It explains things that aren’t explained by analyses limited to FDA incompetence, regulatory capture, and Big Pharma profiteering.

The second response is,

Wait, what the heck??? This can’t be real!!! How can the US Government be engaged in a semi-covert war against its own people and the people of the whole world, on behalf of a handful of central bankster families, using financial system manipulation, public health emergency pretexts and bioweapons fraudulently labeled as vaccines?

And if it’s true, why does everybody in what we thought were positions of legitimate authority keep pretending it’s not happening, and doing nothing to stop the killing and looting?

The two responses sometimes occur simultaneously within one person.

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.