Daily Shmutz | ISRAEL (IINO)  | 11/26/23


Who are the Palestinian Prisoners Slated for Release?   By Baruch Yedid, TPS

Israel published a list of 300 Palestinian prisoners of whom 150 will be freed.

November 26, 2023 – Israel and Hamas are now exchanging lists of abductees and imprisoned terrorists ahead of partial prisoner exchange and temporary ceasefire brokered by Qatar.

Details of the agreement are being finalized in Doha and a formal announcement is expected later today. Until then, fighting continues in the Gaza Strip.

Under the terms of the ceasefire agreement, 150 Palestinian prisoners and 50 Israeli hostages — primarily women and children — will be released in stages over a four-day period.

Israel published a list of 300 Palestinian prisoners of whom 150 will be freed. Israeli terror victims have a 24-hour window to file legal petitions to the Supreme Court.

While some of the Palestinians aren’t associated with any specific terror group, many are affiliated with Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

Under the terms of agreement, the released Palestinians will be allowed to return to their previous residences.

The agreement does not obligate Israel to release anyone convicted of murder, but several of the Palestinians in the list of 300 came close.


Released terrorists celebrated by Palestinians all over country   By Pesach Benson, TPS

Palestinians celebrate the release of 39 prisoners, including affiliates of Hamas and other groups.
November 26, 2023 – Celebrations occurred on Saturday night following the release of 39 Palestinian prisoners.

Videos posted on social media showed Palestinians in Judea, Samaria, and eastern Jerusalem celebrating the return of 39 terrorists freed by Israel on Saturday night as part of a partial prisoner exchange with Hamas.

The 39 Palestinians are all women and minors.

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir had instructed police to prevent celebrations from taking place in eastern Jerusalem.

While some of the Palestinians aren’t associated with any specific terror group, others are affiliated with Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

The released Palestinians will be allowed to return to their previous residences.

The most notable of the freed Palestinians is would-be suicide bomber Israa Jaabis. She somehow survived when she blew up a car with gas cylinders near Maale Adumim in 2015. A police officer was injured in the attack. Jaabis made headlines in 2022 when her request for a nose job was rejected by the Israeli Prisons Service as a cosmetic procedure not necessary for Jaabis’s health.

In January, Defense Minister Yoav Galant revoked travel permits for three Palestinian Authority officials who participated in a celebration for the release of Karim Younis, one of the longest-serving prisoners jailed for terror. The three had traveled to the Younis family’s home in ‘Ara, south of Haifa.


Israel-Hamas war: Fight on Gaza ceasefire is with Israel’s mind, heart   By YAAKOV KATZ

It is impossible to ignore that deals of this kind are Israel’s vulnerable and weak point, something our enemies can (and will) continue to exploit.

NOVEMBER 24, 2023 12:18 – Our strength is also our weakness.

That is what I have been thinking about the last week ever since the deal to release some of the hostages – for now, the women and children – became serious. On the one hand, Israelis are strong since they put the fate of the few – the hostages – ahead of the ultimate mission which is to eliminate Hamas. On the other hand, it is impossible to ignore that deals of this kind are Israel’s vulnerable and weak point, something our enemies can (and will) continue to exploit.

This deal is an argument between the Israeli mind and the Israeli heart. The Israeli mind looks at the deal with grave concern. Israel is stopping its military for at least four days which could easily turn into 10. Hamas will have the upper hand and will use the time to regroup, redeploy, and rearm.

For the last three weeks, the IDF has been moving through Gaza with a massive force, succeeding in achieving its goals of cutting off southern Gaza from the north and isolating Hamas forces in two areas in the south – Khan Yunis and Rafah.

It is not easy to stop a massive military force and once stopped, it is not easy to get it restarted with the same energy and momentum. In addition, with a lull in the fighting, Hamas forces will be able to move around Gaza freely and prepare for a future Israeli offensive. This will mean that if and when the operation restarts, IDF soldiers can expect tougher resistance.

That is the mind though. The heart, on the other hand, has no doubt that Israel needs to do everything possible to get the hostages back. The failures that enabled Hamas to attack Israel on October 7 are a stain on the prime minister and his government, on the generals in the IDF, and on the top operatives in the Shin Bet. Just as they are responsible for the failures that led to this, they are also responsible for bringing home the nearly 240 people they let down.

Most hostages are civilians

This is especially the case when considering that most of the hostages are civilians and not soldiers. They were people spending the morning of October 7 at home or at the Supernova music festival.


Hamas seeks to extend Gaza truce, Qatari officials visit Israel   By TOVAH LAZAROFF

Qatar, which mediated the original hostage deal even though it has no formal diplomatic relations with Israel, sent an intelligence delegation to Israel on Saturday to discuss extending the deal.

NOVEMBER 26, 2023 22:13 – Hamas sought to extend the four-day pause in the Gaza war Sunday night, after it had completed 80% of a hostage deal that went into effect Friday, releasing 40 Israelis, one Filipino and 17 Thai citizens over the last three days.

A jubilant Israel welcomed 14 of those Israelis and three Thai citizens on Sunday, including Avigail Idan (4) who also holds American citizenship.

Hamas killed her parents in front of her in Kfar Aza during the group’s attack on Southern Israel on October 7, when terrorists seized some 240 hostages.

“We are moved to the depth of our souls,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said.

[Ed.:  He does have a golden tongue, a way with words, doesn’t he! I miss his brother Yoni (his memory is a blessing.]


BREAKING: Prime Minister of Qatar says that more than 40 Israeli women and children are being held captive by unknown entities in Gaza, and not by Hamas.

According to the Qatari PM they “don’t have a way to locate them” and one of the reasons for the ceasefire “is to uncover their  whereabouts”.

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Red Cross: Hamas Releases 14 Israeli Hostages and 3 Foreign Nationals in Latest Exchange including TWO 4-YEAR OLDS  By Jim Hoft

Nov. 26, 2023 10:20 am – The International Red Cross announced the latest release of Israeli hostages by Hamas on Sunday night.

Hamas released 14 Isreali captives after the release of 13 Israeli hostages on Saturday.

The names of the latest hostages to be released:

1. Abigail Idan, 4
2. Ella Elyakim, 8
3. Dafna Elyakim, 15
4. Hagar Brodetz Ama, 40 and her children
5. Ofri Brodetz, 10
6. Yuval Brodetz, 8
7. Oriya Brodetz, 4
8. Chen Goldstein, 48 and her children
9. Agam Goldstein, 17
10. Tal Goldstein, 9
11. Gal Goldstein, 11
12. Alma Avraham, 84
13. Adrian Aviva Siegel, 63

[Ed.:  Look over here (at the hostage release deal), not over there (at the Modern State of Israel being held hostage by its own hostages!)


The Intelligence Failure of October 7 – Roots and Lessons   by Amnon Sofrin

November 2023  [The Jerusalem Strategic Review] – Hamas’ sudden attack on the kibbutzim and the towns neighboring the Gaza Strip caught the IDF and the country by total surprise. During the first 24 hours, beginning at 6:30 in the morning of October 7, the Hamas Nukhba (name of the commando troops, means “elite”) and those who came in with them conquered and held an area of about 4-5 kilometers depth inside Israel, and in places penetrated well beyond that. The lack of any forewarning accounted also for the confused and disorganized, albeit often individually heroic, actions of the military and the police throughout the day.

What went wrong? How could Israel’s intelligence community have failed to “ring the bell”? To understand we have to analyze both the failure at the strategic level of analysis and the collapse at the tactical level of collection and detection.

The strategic level

Hamas’ leaders planned the attack over a long time and at an impressively high level of secrecy. We presume, based on what we know at this stage, that the planning for this operation began in 2021 and was carried out by Hamas leaders in Gaza Mohammed Deif and Yahya Sinwar with a small group of people. The planning was very detailed; each unit was assigned a specific mission with files prepared for each targeted community and military base.

While the Hamas units had no prior idea as to what their mission would be before the morning of the attack, they were trained on generic models of an Israeli kibbutz as well as on models of Israeli tanks, bases and other targets. They were also studying the points of penetration above ground, once the attack tunnels system (of which there were more than 30 in 2014) were put out of use. And yet these activities went on without setting off alarms on the Israeli side.

At the strategic level of analysis in the Israeli intelligence community, as well as among the political decision makers and the highest military echelon, a widely-held groupthink took hold: namely, that Hamas was adapting to the duties of governance. Thus, Israel was willing to make sure that the economic situation in the Gaza strip would improve – by allowing the monthly delivery of money from Qatar (in suitcases – since the Palestinian Authority blocked the use of the banking system for these transactions); and by allowing more people from Gaza to work in Israel. The governing assumption, which seemed to be confirmed by events, was that Hamas’ leadership would have no incentive to launch a new confrontation with Israel since it would continue to focus on improving the lives of Gaza residents.

Moreover, the prevailing belief was that the Hamas leadership was deterred from new attacks after suffering what the IDF claimed, perhaps too conveniently, were serious losses inflicted by the Israeli Air Force during the fighting in May 2021. This groupthink seemed to be reaffirmed when Hamas chose twice, in August 2022 and again in May 2023, to stay out of the fighting when the IDF attacked leaders of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Gaza, leading to short rounds of fighting. Hamas did not interfere, and Israel’s decision makers saw this as confirmation that Hamas was deterred and had no incentive to launch another major confrontation with Israel, at least for some years (given that seven years had passed between the fighting in 2014 and the Hamas rocket attacks in 2021).

Another aspect of the intelligence failure – which wove together the strategic level of analysis and the tactical level of collecting and assessing Hamas’ military capabilities – was the lack of knowledge and understanding of the remarkable improvement in Hamas’ ability to launch such an organized and coordinated attack, and the nature of the simple but effective devices it acquired – with help from Iran – in order to overcome Israel’s defenses.


Hezbollah Attacks, But Tries to Stay Out of Total War   BY HUGH FITZGERALD

NOV 25, 2023 10:00 AM – In 2006, the UN passed Resolution 1701, according to which Hezbollah was supposed to be disarmed. It never happened. Now Hezbollah is stronger than ever. It essentially runs the Lebanese government; not Prime Minister Najib Mikati, but Hezbollah’s leader Hassan Nasrallah, calls the shots in Beirut. And thanks to Iran, Hezbollah has a storehouse of 150,000 missiles and rockets. Its arsenal is ten times more powerful than that possessed by Hamas.

During the four-day “pause” in its campaign in Gaza against Hamas that Israel has agreed to, the IDF could turn more of its attention to Hezbollah, stepping up its bombing campaign in southern Lebanon, to destroy weapons warehouses, enough airstrikes to inflict significant punishment, but not enough to cause Hezbollah to respond with a full-scale war, which at this point Israel would prefer to avoid. Once Hamas is destroyed, however, the Israelis may want to deal more forcefully with Hezbollah to degrade its storehouses bristling with weapons.

Since October 7, Hezbollah has fired at least 1,000 missiles into Israel’s northern cities. It has now been attacking Israel with missiles, drones, and artillery. Almost every night, there is an exchange of fire between Israel and Hezbollah. Six Israeli soldiers and three civilians have so far been killed by Hezbollah fire since October 7. More on this fighting in the north, which has escalated on November 20, can be found here: “Hezbollah says attacks Israeli troops with drones, artillery, missiles,” AFP, November 20, 2023:

The Israel-Lebanon border has seen daily exchanges of fire since the Israel-Hamas war began on October 7.

Hezbollah fighters targeted soldiers west of Kiryat Shmona in northern Israel “with three attack drones,” the Iran-backed group said in a statement, adding shortly after that it had also targeted troops in the area with artillery fire [on November 20].

Both statements claimed the attacks were “direct hits.”

Earlier Monday, Hezbollah said it had fired “Burkan missiles” at an Israeli barracks, and also claimed a number of other attacks on Israeli positions.

Israel’s army said “three UAVs (drones) were identified striking adjacent” to an army post, without specifying where. It added that “no injuries were reported.”…

Hezbollah said the three drones made “direct hits” on an army post and killed Israelis. The IDF said that the drones struck a site “adjacent” to the army post, and that there were no casualties. Which version do you believe?


Palestinians CHEER as Two Men Are EXECUTED, Hung Upside Down From Electric Pole, Their Legs are Cut Off, Accused of Cooperating with Israel   By Pamela Geller

November 25, 2023 – This is who the world defends.

Tonight Hamas have executed two Palestinians the monsters claim were Israeli informants while hundreds of “innocent” Palestinian civilians cheered and whistled.

One of the Palestinians who was executed tonight by Hamas had his legs cut off before they discarded his body in the garbage.

Executed and hung upside down on a metal pole.


Hundreds of Palestinian CIVILIANS lined the streets tonight to cheer and whistle as 2 Palestinian men were executed and hung upside down on a metal pole.

One of the executed men then had his legs cut off with his body discarded and thrown into a pile of rubbish.

Hamas claimed the 2 victims were Israeli informants.


Breaking: Hamas Transfers Second Set of Hostages via Egypt Including 13 Israeli and 4 Thai Hostages   By Jim Hoft

Nov. 25, 2023 6:00 pm – The Israeli Defense Forces, IDF, announced moments ago (6 PM ET US) that Hamas released a second set of Israeli and Thai hostages.

According to the IDF 13 Israeli and 4 Thai hostages were released.

This was after Hamas delayed their release earlier Saturday.

It looks like 9 children, including one boy, and 4 women were released by Hamas this morning.

[Ed.:  Oh, the suspense!!  Oh, the drama!! Totally captivating, isn’t it!! This show is better than a good card trick, because we get to be the cards that are being  played]


“They Feared for Their Lives” – Initial Reports: ‘Innocent’ Palestinians Threatened and Hurled Stones at Bus Carrying Israeli Hostages Out of Gaza   By Jim Hoft

Nov. 25, 2023 2:20 pm – Details are beginning to emerge about what the Israeli hostages were forced to endure during the captivity in Gaza by Hamas terrorists.

The hostages were taken hostage on October 7, 2023, when Hamas stormed the southern border into Israel and slaughtered 1,400 innocent Jews, foreigners, and teens at an overnight concert.

Hamas also took some 240 Jews hostage.

The first group of 13 hostages were released on Friday. The group included women and children.

The initial report revealed the hostages feared for their lives as Palestinians hurled stones and objects at their van. They wanted them dead!

And here are the cheering hordes of ‘innocent’ Palestinians cheering Hamas killers after they slaughtered 1,400 Jews and foreigners in southern Israel on October 7.


This Strategy Changes EVERYTHING – Best Anti-Tunnel Tactic Ever?  [9:55]

Nov 25, 2023 – How Israel has been handling the HAMAS tunnel network. Hamas has been using these tunnels to smuggle weapons and militants into Gaza, and Israel has been hit hard by this.

This video explains how Israel has been handling the HAMAS tunnel network and how it has affected their military operations in Gaza. From airstrikes to ground operations, you’ll learn everything you need to know about this controversial topic.


DEVELOPING: Hamas is refusing to transfer the hostages scheduled for release this evening to the Red Cross, citing unmet conditions by Israel.

[11:58 AM, 11/25/2023] +1 (224) 216-2379:  According to a Hamas spokesperson, the decision to postpone the release of the hostages hinges on Israel fulfilling specific terms of the agreement, which include allowing truck entries and releasing certain prisoners.

Hamas accuses Israel of delaying the hostage release process by not adhering to the agreed terms. However, Israeli officials have firmly rejected these accusations, stating, “We met all our commitments.”

This sudden turn of events introduces a new level of complexity to the already tense negotiations and  puts the fate of the hostages in uncertainty. – Bernie News

BREAKING: Israel has sent a message to Hamas warning that if the next round of hostages aren’t released by midnight (5 hours) then the ceasefire will be suspended and the IDF will resume large-scale air-ground-sea operations in the Gaza Strip. 

[12:06 PM, 11/25/2023] +1 (224) 216-2379

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Report: Details are emerging about what the hostages endured in Hamas captivity.

[12:46 PM, 11/25/2023] +1 (224) 216-2379:  Some of them survived on only rice during their last two weeks of captivity.

When they were being moved yesterday, some of the hostages feared for their lives as crowds of Gazans civilians hurled stones and other objects at their van.

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Qatar warns Hamas from playing games with the hostage agreement: Stop with the games, you will be sorry for them. – RotterNet

[12:53 PM, 11/25/2023] +1 (224) 216-2379:

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IDF releases footage showing the moment released hostages entered Israeli territory on Friday evening.

[12:53 PM, 11/25/2023] +1 (224) 216-2379:

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[Ed.:  Israel has been pressured into this hostage game, and by doing so, Israel herself is being held hostage by the enemy.  The only path to victory for Israel is to get out of the hostage game altogether, and decimate the enemy population entirely.  This most likely will not be possible since it requires Israel to overcome its fear of success.]


For Israel, Failures Never Learned and Lessons for Today   By Alexander G. Markovsky

October 14, 2023 – As prominent Zionist Max Nordau once observed, “Logic is a Greek art, and Jews can’t tolerate it. The Jew learns not by way of reason but from catastrophes.” Although the circumstances have changed greatly since those words were written, Max Nordau’s wisdom as applied to Israel has not changed.

In 1947, Arab countries rejected a UN plan to partition the British mandate in Palestine into two states. Armed with British weaponry and guided by British officers, Arabs were convinced they could claim the entire territory by military triumph. If not for comrade Stalin, who supplied the Jews with weapons via Czechoslovakia and dispatched hundreds of seasoned Soviet officers and generals of Jewish heritage to Palestine, all of whom played a pivotal role in the formation, organization, and leadership of the Israeli army, including the air force, Israel would not exist.

In subsequent years, however (e.g., 1956, 1967, and 1973), after each decisive victory, Israel crawled back to the humiliated enemies, begging them for reconciliation and offering captured lands as concessions for peace and recognition of the State of Israel. The process was called “land for peace” and has resulted in neither land nor peace.

Nevertheless, despite these failed bargains and the ever-present and immediate threat of annihilation, Jews have fallen prey to the seductive illusion that peace can be bought. They’ve spilled much blood to achieve this lofty goal.

In 1993, Israel signed the Oslo Accords and accepted a new advanced form of “land for peace” called the Two-State Solution. This solution, widely supported by the West, was, ironically, an older concept the Arabs had rejected in 1947.

By and large, Israel had not learned the lessons of the past. Israelis continued repeatedly stepping on the same rakes.


WATCH LIVE: Hamas Hostage Transfer, 12 Thais, 13 Israelis Released, Palestinian Civilians Chase and Jeer at Ambulances Driving Israeli Women, Children Hostages Out of Gaza.   By Pamela Geller

November 24, 2023 – Happening now….. 12 Thais had been released from captivity in Gaza and 13 Israelis (no Americans).

A total of 50 hostages and 150 Palestinian terrorists are to be freed over the four-day truce


Deal With The Devil: The Hellish Choice Behind the Hostage Hudna/Ceasefire “Will Bring Us to Disaster”   By Pamela Geller

November 24, 2023 – Lest we forget, Yahya Sinwar (photo above), leader of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, was released years back in a similar hostage deal. Sinwar is the key mastermind of the October 7 onslaught in southern Israel in which at least 1,200 people were killed and some 240 were kidnapped.

Hamas Hudna Goes Into Effect as Hostages Are Expected to Be Freed

After declaring the deal “will bring us to disaster,” National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir criticized Israel’s war cabinet, which is made up of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and minister without a portfolio Benny Gantz, who joined the government early in the war in order to join the war cabinet. In addition, MK Gadi Eisenkot serves as an observer in the cabinet.

“There is another thing, and that’s the concept that guides the war cabinet… they talked about a deal of 80 [hostages], dropped it to 70, then dropped it to 50,” Ben Gvir said. “They said they wouldn’t let food enter, then after that, they said they wouldn’t let fuel enter, and now they have fuel.” Ben Gvir also slammed the cabinet for the decision made last week to allow limited but regular fuel deliveries to enter the Strip for the first time since October 7.

The following is the best analysis of the terrible, horrible hostage deal.

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.