Daily Shmutz | NEWS  | 1/21/24



Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You – Episode 6   THE VIGILANT FOX

JAN 21, 2024

#10 – Dr. David Martin warns the next terror campaign on the world is already being planned.

#9 – Globalist talking head makes surprising comments about Donald Trump.

#8 – Major television network censors NFL star praising Jesus during post-game interview.

#7 – John Kerry snaps on reporter after being confronted on his climate hypocrisy.

#6 – Michelle Obama is angling to replace Joe Biden for president: report.

#5 – HIV tests are turning positive after COVID-19 “vaccination” and infection, nine studies report.

#4 – Ex-teacher upset with the term “groomer” gets sentenced to 17 years in prison for producing child porn.

#3 – NBC news admits ‘Deep State’ exists… to save us from Trump’s return.

#2 – Argentina President Javier Milei does the unspeakable and criticizes taxation at Davos 2024.

#1 – The CDC drafted an alert for myocarditis and COVID-19 “vaccines” but never sent it.

Plus, a message of hope from Dr. Tess Lawrie. (Watch)

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BONUS #1 – Cancer doctor suggests foods to eat — and not to eat.

BONUS #2 – The ‘next pandemic’: what you need to do to be ready.

BONUS #3 – Bison organs have some amazing health benefits that Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know about.

Special thanks to Maria Zeee (@zeee_media) for doing an incredible job hosting Media Blackout!

Please repost and follow (Vigilant FoxMaria Zeee, and Vigilant News) to support our work — and stay tuned for episode 7 next Sunday!


Maria Bartiromo: Klaus Schwab Got Up and Walked Out of Room During Argentina President Milei’s Speech at Davos Attacking Globalist Power-Hungry Elites   [3:21]   By Jim Hoft

Jan. 21, 2024 11:20 am – President Javier Milei of Argentina took the World Economic Forum by storm with a provocative keynote speech on Wednesday.

The libertarian leader delivered a blistering critique of socialism and a fervent endorsement of capitalist principles before a crowd of the world’s most influential political and economic figures.

Milei, having been introduced by Klaus Schwab himself, then proceeded to confront the elites with his fiery speech.

The 53-year-old president did not hold back in his rebuke of the West’s slide toward collectivism — a political theory associated with communism.

“I am here today to tell you that the West is in danger,” warned Milei.

“It is in danger because those who are supposed to defend the values of the West have been co-opted by a vision of the world that inexorably leads to socialism and, consequently, to poverty,” he added.

He lambasted Western leaders for abandoning the principles of freedom and succumbing to various forms of collectivism, including state interventionism, radical feminism, abortion, social justice movements, and population control.

“The leaders of the Western world have abandoned the model of freedom for different versions of what we call collectivism. Collectivist experiments are never the solution to the problems that afflict the citizens of the world rather they are the root cause.”

This weekend, FOX Business host Maria Bartiromo was back from Davos and reported on the annual event.

Bartiromo told Rachel Campos-Duffy that Klaus Schwab walked out of President Milei’s speech. Klaus was not interested in being lectured to by a national leader.


No More Research on Cellphone Radiation and Human Health, Government Says   By Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D.

The National Toxicology Program said it no longer plans to study the effects of cellphone radiation on human health, citing technical challenges and lack of resources — even though its own $30 million study found evidence of cancer and DNA damage.

January 18, 2024 – The National Toxicology Program (NTP) has no plans to further study the effects of cellphone radiofrequency radiation (RFR) on human health — even though the program’s own $30 million study that took about 10 years to complete in 2018 reported evidence of cancer and DNA damage.

The NTP said in an updated January 2024 fact sheet that it was abandoning further investigation because “the research was technically challenging and more resource-intensive than expected.”

For decades, the NTP has been the premier governmental testing program for pharmaceuticals, chemicals and radiation, according to Devra Davis, Ph.D., MPH, a toxicologist and epidemiologist who served on the board of scientific counselors for the NTP when it was launched in the 1980s.

Commenting on the news, Davis said, “It is the ultimate arrogance and folly to stop doing research on this major growing environmental pollutant, precisely when we have ample evidence of harm.”


New DNC Pipe-Bomb Video Can “Utterly Demolish The Jan6 Narrative”: Darren Beattie

Peloni:  For further details, see Beattie’s tweet thread summary or his comprehensive article on Revolver News.  Revolver has been an important source of investigative reporting since its founding, but this recent revolation was in a class all of its own.  Highly recommended.

by Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge Friday, Jan 19, 2024 – 07:20 PM

“If the Republicans step up, if the speaker steps up, if the relevant congressional figures step up, this is the chance to utterly demolish the January 6th narrative that the regime is using to weaponize the national security state against the American people, and to take Trump off the ballot.”

Having acquitted himself extremely well (and calmly) during the ZeroHedge Debate on January 6th, Darren Beattie brandished his considerable tome of facts to discuss with Tucker Carlson the impact of newly-released footage surrounding the pipe-bomb incidents of January 6th (well 5th).

Carlson begins by quite appropriately pointing out the fact that the FBI’s ongoing efforts to apprehend those involved (or not) in the Capitol riot contrasts greatly with their apparent inability to identify the person responsible for the pipe bombs:

“The FBI wants you to know that if you were there, you can’t hide,” highlighting the extensive use of surveillance technology in these efforts.

Except if you hide in plain sight…


Bidenomics: Price of Postage Stamps Going Up Again on Sunday (Up 24 Percent Since 2021)   By Kristinn Taylor

Jan. 20, 2024 4:00 pm – Citing “inflationary pressures”, the U.S. Postal Service is increasing rates again on Sunday, with the price of first class “forever” stamps rising about 3 percent from 66 cents to 68 cents. The price for a first class forever stamp when Joe Biden took office in 2021 was 55 cents. At 68 cents, that makes about a 24 percent increase thanks to Bidenomics (23.6 percent).


“The Blood of Patriots” – Joe Biden Warns Millions of Trump Supporters: “If You Really Want to Worry About the Government… You Need an F-16!”  (VIDEO)   By Cristina Laila

Jan. 19, 2024 7:00 pm – Joe Biden on Friday welcomed mayors attending the US Conference of Mayors Winter Meeting to the East Room at the White House.

Biden incoherently slurred his way through a speech to the mayors. He also started shouting out of nowhere.


At one point Biden threatened millions of Trump supporters, but he bungled that too.

“I love people who say, ‘THE BLOOD OF LIBERTY.’ Or, excuse me, ‘the tree of liberty is watered with the blood of patriots!’ Well, guess what, man. I didn’t see a whole lot of patriots that are out there walking around making sure that we have these weapons and if you really want to worry about the government, you need an F-16! [fighter jet]”



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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.