Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION  | 4/24/24



12 News Stories to Melt Your Brain!     [7:50]   Awaken With JP


“Settlements”: Do they Thwart a Two State Solution?   By Alex Grobman PhD.

17 Nisan 5784 – April 24, 2024 – “All settlement growth is categorically bad and infuriating,” former US Ambassador Thomas R. Nides declared.

By that, one must assume he means the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria. Based on the uncompromising manner the Arabs present their demands, one might assume that they won the war, not Israel. They precipitate a conflict, make explicit demands of the victor and threaten another Intifada unless Israel complies with their ultimatums. Instead of being criticized for their intransigence, Arab objurgate directives are viewed as reasonable.

Author Hillel Halkin asks what if every Israel government since 1967 had prohibited Jews from living in Judea and Samaria until a peace agreement had been signed. In the interim, Israel would have held the land in escrow for the Palestinian Arabs until they ceased fighting, and then give them the land free of Jews.

Would this have accelerated peace negotiations or tempered the PLO’s determination to obliterate the Jewish state Halkin askes? This would simply have enabled the Arabs the opportunity to pursue their goal of destroying Israel. If the Palestinian Arabs succeeded, they would say “all to the better.” If not, they would respond “what did we lose?” Furthermore, it is quite offensive to tell Jews they can live in London, Paris, Berlin, Madrid, New York, Moscow, Mexico City or Buenos Aires, yet are prohibited from living in Judea and Samaria — the areas in the land of Israel most linked to the Bible, Jewish memory and history.


US-Israel vs. Iran: acumen   Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger

April 24, 2024

*Israel is grateful to the US and its Arab allies for their support in the face of Iran’s ballistic offensive against Israel.

*At the same time, Israel’s war against the Ayatollahs – who constitute a clear and present lethal threat to the pro-US Arab regimes, as well as a potent threat to the US’ homeland security – enhances the national security and homeland security of the US and its Arab allies.

*In fact, FBI Director, Chris Wray, highlighted the Iranian threat during his hearings at the House and Senate Committees on Homeland Security. Wray stated that the October 7, 2024 horrific Hamas terrorism is inspiring Iran-supported anti-US Islamic terrorists to attack US targets throughout the globe, including on the US homeland.

*The Middle East considers Israel as the US’ main beachhead and force-multiplier, and as a role-model of countering-terrorism in a region, which is critical to global trade and to the supply of oil and natural gas, as well as a global epicenter of anti-US terrorism and drug trafficking. Anti-US rogue entities assume that hitting Israel injures the US strategic posture in the Middle East and beyond.

*Since the early 1980s, Iran and Hezbollah have operated in Latin America – which they view as the soft underbelly of the US – along with the drug cartels of Mexico, Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador and Brazil, Latin American terror organizations and all anti-US Latin American governments. Moreover, they’ve intensified their presence along the US-Mexico border and on US soil, in order to advance the vision of Iran’s Ayatollahs: bringing “The Great American Satan” to submission.

*The Ayatollahs are also determined to topple the pro-US Sunni Arab regimes in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Jordan, Egypt and Morocco.

*Recently, the Ayatollahs have intensified their attempts to topple Jordan’s pro-US Hashemite regime, which would complete the encircling of Saudi Arabia by Iran and its proxies (in Yemen, Iraq and Syria), and radically aggravate lethal threats to Israel. The Ayatollahs activate their terror-proxies in Jordan-bordering Iraq and Syria, as well as the terror potential among the 2 million Syrian refugees in northern Jordan.  In addition, the Ayatollahs have forged ties with the subversive infrastructure of the Jordan-based Moslem Brotherhood, and leverage the fragmentation among Jordan’s Bedouin tribes, and the history of confrontations between the Hashemite regime and its Palestinian majority.

*The dramatic catapulting of Iran’s Ayatollahs to a dramatic regional and global prominence – since their February ascension to power – has been largely a derivative of the US State Department’s policy.  This policy has adhered to the diplomatic option, opposing the regime-change option, irrespective of the Ayatollahs’ systematic anti-US track record of regional and global terrorism, drug trafficking, money laundering and proliferation of advanced military technologies. It is based on an alternate reality, whereby a financial and diplomatic bonanza could induce the Ayatollahs to accept peaceful coexistence, become good faith negotiators and abandon their 1,400-year-old vision.

*While the US attempts to deter Iran’s Ayatollahs (“Don’t”), the State Department has waived and softened economic sanctions on Iran, which has rewarded Tehran with well over $100bn, which have been mostly channeled to the Ayatollahs’ anti-US policy.


No, we should not feel sorry for ‘the children’ in Gaza.   JOSHUA HOFFMAN

Isn’t it interesting how so many people never seem to really worry about the Israeli children, just those on the Palestinian side?

APR 24, 2024 – Earlier this week, the notorious United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees posted photos of children in Gaza with the caption: “One child is killed or injured every 10 minutes.”

It was just another one of the countless blatantly calculated lies on which the Palestinian narrative, spanning decades, has been predominantly built.

In fact, there are so many lies that it is nearly impossible to discern fact from fiction across virulent Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim propaganda — all with the goal not of legitimizing their “plight” but of delegitimizing the Jewish state.

And yet, don’t just take it from me, an overly biased Jewish American-Israeli, right?

Here are the recent words of Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of one of Hamas’ founders:

“‘Palestine’ is the lie itself. If Palestine was never a country nor a nation, then all the theories built on this lie are invalid. ‘Palestine’ has become the utopia for so many escapists who lack the power to create change in the real world. Driven by misery, they seek revolution, and by revolution they are led back to misery.”1
Fathi Hammad, a member of the Hamas political bureau and Interior Minister in the Gaza Strip from 2009 to 2014, had this to say: “Half of us Palestinians are Egyptians, the other half are Saudis.” (By “Saudis,” he means that most of the Arabs in the Levant originally arrived from Arabia, which is historically accurate.)

Yet the Palestinians and their “supporters” across the world continue to spew endless lie after lie, blood libel after blood libel, gaslighting ploy after gaslighting ploy — that I have lost all space in my heart and mind to offer genuine empathy and sympathy for the Palestinians, their children notwithstanding.


Barbaric anti-Israel protesters are causing mayhem at the gates of Columbia University   By Benjamin Weingarten

April 23, 2024, 10:12 p.m. ET – That Jews were made to feel unsafe to walk the Columbia University campus Passover eve in 2024, fearing risk of assault from unchecked promoters of genocidal jihadism and the destruction of Israel, America and the Judeo-Christian West, is a complete and utter disgrace.

It is also the logical conclusion of the progressives’ long march through the institutions.

Absent a massive sea change, not just Jews but all Americans will bear the brunt of the ceding of schools to those who would destroy the very civilization from which they sprang.

Our elite academic institutions — and shamefully, my alma mater, which at its literal core, its core curriculum, mandates the study of a Western canon that contains the ideas of liberty and justice and emphasizes the pursuit of virtue and excellence, on which America is based — have for decades been petri dishes of left-wing radicalism that reject these noble ideals.

Jew-hatred has in recent decades increasingly become a central feature of that radicalism, in no small part through the overlapping ideologies and interests of the Western left and Islamic supremacists — the subject of my book that foretold the crises of post-Oct. 7 America, “American Ingrate: Ilhan Omar and the Progressive-Islamist Takeover of the Democratic Party.”

Islamist-leftist alliance 

The simple explanation is the Western left, under the banner of diversity, equity, inclusion — rebranded cultural Marxism — divides the world between oppressed and oppressors and has come to cast the tiny and perpetually persecuted Jewish minority as most oppressive of them all.

Israel, the collective Jew, like America, has been branded, ludicrously and dishonestly, as an evil occupier.

To left-wing ideologues, global “justice” and “equity” demand knocking Israel and America down a peg or three and elevating our enemies, including Islamic supremacists.

Call it an Affirmative action for tyrants.

The cause of Palestinian nationalism and the idea the West is the aggressor against the Muslim world, thereby justifying genocidal jihadism, fit neatly into this worldview.

That’s no accident.


‘The House That I Live In’*   by Lawrence Kadish
April 24, 2024 at 4:00 am – Before Hitler declared war on the United States in 1941, there were Nazis marching in our streets as Americans.

Today, at college campuses across our nation, there are Americans marching as Nazis and terrorist-supporters, shouting, “We’re all Hamas.”

Make no mistake about it. When student protestors burn the American flag and chant “Death to America” it has little to do with the Israeli military response to the murderous rampage by Hamas on October 7th and much to do with Iran’s grand strategy of bringing death to the “Great Satan” through “useful idiots.”

Clearly, the protestors are outraged that Israelis have refused to be the mute, mutilated victims of the last Hamas outrage. After all, violent acts of anti-Semitism and Jew-killing are not supposed to come with a cost to its perpetrators. The “Death to America” crowd must be asking, “When did the Israelis change the rules?”

So these Iranian foot soldiers with student loans have taken to college campuses, where places like Columbia University have been forced to implement virtual learning and Jewish students are warned to stay away for their own safety. Would the universities have responded the same way if the protests had been, say, anti-Black?

There should be little confusion as to what is occurring as police confront and arrest students and their organizers. These are individuals waging a coordinated, lavishly-funded campaign (exact funding has been meticulously researched and published by NGO Monitor) to demonize Jews, Israel, and those who stand against anti-Semitism, and the United States.

Former Black Panther supporter David Horowitz noted:

“An SDS radical once wrote, ‘The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution.’ In other words the cause – whether inner city blacks or women – is never the real cause, but only an occasion to advance the real cause which is the accumulation of power to make the revolution.”

They are seeking nothing less than to change American society. They have harnessed the Internet to organize, encourage, and amplify their hatred while dismantling our values so that political violence can be redefined as their free speech. Jews are just their targets today. Tomorrow it is you.


State Department Stabs Israel in the Back, Twists the Knife   by David Horowitz and Robert Spencer

Biden administration promotes Hamas propaganda by smearing Israel as a human rights abuser.

April 24, 2024 – On Tuesday, the State Department published its 2023 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices. What should have been a non-political document completed the betrayal of Israel that the Biden administration began on March 25, when it refrained from having the U.S. veto a UN resolution calling for a Gaza ceasefire, the impact of which would enable the leadership of Hamas to survive and launch more attacks on Jews and Jewish babies. The clear meaning of the October 7 massacre was witnessed in Palestinians burning infants alive to cries of “Allahu Akbar” as though the incineration of the innocent – should they be Jews – is a holy sacrament rather than a sick episode in the wretched history of humanity’s inhumanity to its weakest members.

Far from being horrified by this celebration of evil, the Biden administration conflated the practices of the only civilized society in the Middle East with the monsters seeking its destruction.

Fox News noted that the Biden State Department report “highlighted Israel prominently, featuring concerns over the country’s precautions to minimize the civilian toll of Palestinians on the first page, which is normally reserved for the most egregious of human rights abusers.”

Not only does the report include Israel among the most barbaric human rights abusers – China, Putin’s Russia, the Taliban, and Iran, the would-be exterminators of the Jewish state — but “Israel was mentioned before the Biden administration’s State Department addressed ‘ongoing and brutal human rights abuses in Iran’ or ‘the Taliban’s systemic mistreatment of and discrimination against Afghanistan’s women and girls.’”

In Iran, they chant “Death to America” and have been waging war against their own people, brutally suppressing nationwide riots that broke out after Sharia police murdered a young woman, Mahsa Amini, who had been arrested for not wearing her hijab properly. In Afghanistan, girls have been denied the right to an education, and the Taliban regime’s Supreme Leader announced in late March: “We will flog women in public, we will stone them to death in public.” No similar quotes were offered by the State Department from Israel’s leaders… because there are none.

The State Department report treats Israel as a worse human rights abuser than any of the above.

As far as the State Department is concerned, Israel’s alleged human rights violations are so egregious that they warrant being discussed immediately after the report mentions “the Kremlin’s disregard and contempt for human rights,” which “are on full display in its war against Ukraine,” and the “horrific violence, death, and destruction, including mass killings, unjust detentions, rape, and other forms of gender-based violence” that the Sudanese Armed Forces have unleashed in that country. In other words, Israel – the only non-racist democracy in the Middle East – is worse than the slaveocracy in Sudan, when it comes to the Jews’ human rights records.

This is an obscene libel. John Spencer, who is chair of urban warfare studies at the Modern War Institute (MWI) at West Point, analyzed the IDF’s actions in Gaza and reported in late March that “Israel has implemented more precautions to prevent civilian harm than any military in history—above and beyond what international law requires and more than the U.S. did in its wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.”



‘Son of Hamas’ Mosab Hassan Yousef: ‘If we finish Rafah, we finish Hamas’    NATAN GALULA

Back in the public sphere after Oct. 7, the former terror scion turned undercover Shin Bet agent laments how the Islamist group his father co-founded is tolerated in the West

April 24, 2024 – One of the most passionate voices in support of a large-scale Israel Defense Force operation to clear Hamas from its last major stronghold in the Gaza Strip’s southernmost city of Rafah comes from a man raised by the terrorist organization.

Mosab Hassan Yousef, the disowned son of a Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef, told The Times of Israel last week that the Israeli government must “finish the job” in Gaza to remove Hamas from power, regardless of the unfolding situation with Iran.

“We need to go into Rafah now. Not tomorrow. What are we waiting for? We finish Rafah, we finish Hamas. This will remove them from power, which will be the first step [toward peace],” he said.

The 45-year-old was born in Ramallah and vividly remembers the foundation of Hamas in 1986. Decades ago, Yousef was dubbed the “Green Prince” (also the title of a 2014 documentary based on his autobiography) for his efforts to help Israel’s internal security agency, the Shin Bet, in thwarting terror attacks during the Second Intifada in the early 2000s.

After saving countless lives in those harrowing days, he has developed a “fundamental relationship” with the Jewish people, albeit not without bumps along the road.

His sharp-tongued criticism of Hamas has been considered too controversial by some, he said, eventually leading to his disappearance from public activism. However, the October 7 atrocities brought him back.


How Trump Saved Ukraine Aid    PEDRO L. GONZALEZ

Republican support for assistance to Kyiv was circling the drain. Then the former president proposed making it a loan and rescued it.

APR 24, 2024 – It’s been clear for a long time that, despite all the populist proclamations, Donald Trump’s view on aid for Ukraine aligns with the establishment position: the cash must flow, one way or another. That’s not what his supporters want to hear, but after this weekend, there’s no evading it.

On Saturday, the House passed a massive aid package, shepherded against the opposition by Speaker Mike Johnson with House Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries. It had the support of all Democrats but just less than half of Republicans and includes billions of dollars in “economic assistance” for Ukraine in the form of “forgivable loans.” That is to say, it’s money that doesn’t have to be repaid. It’s a farce, and everyone knows it.

But here’s the key detail missing from all the right-wing outrage on Twitter now: Johnson collaborated with the Democrats in the House to ram through this package at Trump’s behest.

[Ed.:  It will certainly be interesting what he does after we elect him again next time, as we all know they will steal the next one too. One indictor might be whaat he did the last time in the 2020 stolen election.]


The Ultimate Victim Hierarchy! Hilarious   [15:53]   Awaken With JP


WAYNE ROOT: This is 100% Obama: Columbia U Anarchy. Jew-Hatred. America-Hatred. The Rigged Communist Show Trial Against Trump. The Intentional Destruction of America. This is Where It All Started- with my College Classmate Obama at Columbia.    By Wayne Allyn Root

Apr. 23, 2024 12:40 pm – This is all Obama.

What you see happening right now in New York City. It all started at Columbia University way back in the early 1980’s. Obama was my Columbia U classmate. And now it’s all full circle back to our roots (excuse the pun).

Columbia University is the canary in the coal mine.

George HW Bush talked about “1,000 points of light.” Obama uses “1,000 points of destruction” to achieve his goal- the intentional destruction of America.

You can see it all happening just blocks apart right now – all built around Columbia University and NYC.

Upper Manhattan is where the anarchy at Columbia is on display. The Jew-hatred. The America-hatred. The hatred of capitalism. The desire to destroy the greatest nation in world history, ever blessed by God.

And then a few miles south to lower Manhattan is the courtroom where a rigged communist show trial is happening to destroy the greatest symbol of everything Obama hates- President Donald J. Trump.

SYNERGY: Columbia U and New York City. That’s where Obama and I learned the plan to destroy America- called “Cloward-Piven.”

I have a unique understanding of Obama. Not only was he my college classmate, I’ve studied him for most of my adult life. You want to understand what makes Obama tick? Read 452 pages of my #1 bestselling book from 2013, “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.”

Here is what I see happening right now…

Obama is the real President of the United States. Unelected. Yet he holds all the power, calls all the shots for his brain-dead, dementia puppet Joe Biden.

The rigged election; the open borders; the Green New Deal; DEI and Critical Race Theory; transgender brainwashing of your kids at school; the weakening of our military; the division and hatred; the crime wave created by radical leftist prosecutors who let every criminal go free; the weaponization of government; the 86,000 new IRS agents; the massive spending and debt, leading to massive inflation, which murders the middle class.

Everything bad and evil happening for the past 3 ½ years- it all started with Obama’s presidency.

Obama honed these skills at Columbia. Then he sharpened them for eight years as president. Now he has perfected and accelerated them as the “shadow president” – the man behind puppet Biden.

Everything happening in NYC right now…has Obama’s fingerprints all over it.

The anarchy at Columbia U. That’s Obama.

The hatred for America. That’s Obama.

The hatred for capitalism. That’s Obama.

The hatred for President Trump and the communist show trial rigged to destroy him. That’s Obama.

The hatred for Jews (and anyone in power). That’s Obama.

By the way, don’t take my word for it. Even ultra-liberal, lifelong Democrat, and former Obama supporter Alan Dershowitz recently said Obama hates Israel and the Jews. He called Obama “despicable.” He blames Obama for the antisemitic, anti-Israel and anti-American attitudes in this country today.


Alan, welcome to “Wayne’s World.” This is exactly what I’ve been saying about Obama since my college classmate was campaigning for President in 2007.

One more thing Obama is great at- painting everyone who disagrees with his plans to destroy America as a “racist.” You know the real definition of racist? Anyone winning an argument with a communist.

This is all Cloward-Piven.

The main tool of Cloward-Piven was to get the whole country on welfare and food stamps, so the country would be overwhelmed. This creates so much debt, the economy implodes, the country collapses and in this mess, America is reborn as a socialist/communist utopia.

Obama started all of that during his presidency. The spending, taxes and debt exploded. Even though Obama’s friends and donors got filthy rich on Wall Street, Main Street was decimated. By some measures, Obama’s economy was worse than the Great Depression.

Under Obama the number of Americans on welfare, food stamps and a thousand other government programs exploded to well over 100 million.

Then he passed Obamacare to solve a problem that never existed. Healthcare spending exploded. More Americans dependent on government, more debt, more inflation to wipe out the middle class.

But now Obama has perfected his craft.

If you can’t get everyone on welfare, just open the border and wave in the whole poverty-stricken world. Plus the added benefit of all the sick and pregnant of the world to add more massive spending, healthcare spending, welfare and debt until the economy is overwhelmed and America collapses.

Meanwhile you also completely change the demographic makeup of America and replace American citizens with foreign sheep who vote 100% Democrat to keep their welfare checks coming.

And boy did Obama sharpen his use of government as a weapon. I’m a witness. As president he used the IRS to try to destroy me personally.

Today he has weaponized every agency of government and funded 86,000 new IRS agents- many with guns. He uses the DOJ and FBI to destroy President Trump, J6 protestors and soon everyone who stands in the way of the final destruction of America.

Obama and his Marxist comrades use a government partnership with media and social media to push propaganda and misinformation out to the public 24/7, and to censor, silence and ban anyone who tells the truth.

And then there’s the radicalized lynch mobs used as Obama’s army to create chaos and crisis. Today he is behind the anarchy and unrest of this radical anti-Israel, pro-Hamas movement.

Soon the real “Obama Army” will appear- 20 million new illegal aliens- most of them criminals and military age males.

The Trump persecution. The rigged Trump trials. The Jew-hatred. The America-hatred. The open border empowering a foreign invasion. The insane welfare, spending and debt. Exploding healthcare costs.

It’s all Obama on STEROIDS.

It all started at Columbia U. That’s the centerpiece of the attack on Trump, America, capitalism and Jews right now.

It’s all come full circle.

[Ed.:  He has “fundamentally changed America” after all!  He won! We lost.  We have lost America for all time. Elections won’t retrieve it.  It’s over, get over it. – Opinion]


Lou Dobbs Interviews Brigitte Gabriel About Israel’s War with Iran   [5:37]   Brigitte Gabriel

Aired April 19, 2024 (ACT FOR AMERICA)


When Western culture goes mad, it attacks Jews   Giulio Meotti

Insanity in the west includes marching against Israel, the country that symbolizes all the lost values of western society. Opinion.

Apr 23, 2024, 10:22 PM (GMT+3) – In Pedro Almodovar’s film, “La mala educación”, there is an amazing phrase from the protagonist, Ignacio: “I don’t believe in anything and therefore I’m not afraid of anything”. Here it is, the new spirit blowing in the West from Columbia University to the Biennale in Venice, one of the world’s most famous artistic festivals which opened this week in Italy.

A progressive, inclusive, anti-colonial Biennale open to the “South of the world”, where sexual gender and geographical origin count more than talent.

In a work exhibited in Spain’s national pavilion in the Venetian Gardens, Peruvian artist Sandra Gamarra compares the treatment of Palestinian Arabs to discrimination against transgender people. “Transbody is to normative heterosexuality what Palestine is to the West: a colony whose extent and form are perpetuated only through violence,” Gamarra wrote in the work.


In the work at the Bienniale by the Mexican Frieda Toranzo Jaeger, we see a future characterized by queer freedom, ecologism and “Viva Palestina”, between a lesbian scene and a reference to Frida Kahlo.

Meanwhile, the ayatollahs, guests in Venice with an exhibition on the “human race” (brilliant), arrested an artist in Tehran who had dared to make fun of the mullahs, painting them in the form of animals. They also subjected her to a “virginity test”.


Now we all live in the crazy and demented world of Judith Butler, who calls herself “they” but cannot distinguish a democracy that counts heads (Israel) from a caliphate that cuts them off (Gaza).

Now we have Netflix’s rainbow fairies, neutral bathrooms, transgender Homer, transbody, Ramadan crescents hanging in Europe’s de-Christianized cities and let us not forget universities like Columbia and Yale which resemble Nazi Germany.

When Western culture goes crazy, it attacks Jews. It happened in 1934 and it is happening in 2024.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The moment when Mahmoudi is told:  “It’s NOT ‘juice’, Mahmoudi, it’s JEWS!]


Op-ed: Israel’s annihilation is the end of western civilization   Mark Langfan

A “two-state solution” would serve as a reward for Hamas for their acts of murder, rape, torture, and the kidnapping of Israeli civilians.

Apr 21, 2024, 8:08 PM (GMT+3) – The Jewish state of Israel is the cornerstone of world peace and security. Yet despite the fact that Israel, a strong and vibrant beacon of freedom and democracy, was brutally attacked by Hamas on October 7, the Biden Administration is pressuring Israel to keep that Islamic terrorist organization afloat.

As Prime Minster Netanyahu and his government proclaim that Israel will in fact enter Rafah and destroy Hamas’ last four fighting battalions, the United States is currently pressuring Israel to abstain from launching a full-scale operation to finish off Hamas. Instead, the U.S. has offered an alternative proposal, which includes smaller scale targeted military strikes, with their obsessive focus being on providing Gazans with humanitarian aid – as opposed to a decisive Israeli victory.

At the same time the Biden Administration continues to fixate over the creation of a state called “Palestine” the day after the war. A “two-state solution” would serve as a reward for Hamas for their acts of murder, rape, torture, and the kidnapping of Israeli civilians.

The U.S. doesn’t understand that a “demilitarized” Palestinian West Bank / Gaza State will turn Israel from a U.S. strategic asset and bulwark against Middle East terror, that is able to defend itself, into a defenseless U.S. liability, inviting attack – unable even to defend itself, let alone project American military power.

There is very little doubt that just as Hamas took over Gaza following Israel’s grave mistake of unilaterally withdrawing its civilians and soldiers in 2005 (the expulsion), Hamas would sooner rather than later, take up positions throughout the highlands of Judea and Samaria, within mortar range of Israel’s heavily populated coastal plain, where 75% of Israel’s citizens reside, as well as Ben Gurion International Airport.

On Iranian orders, Hamas will also fire barrages of rockets into Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, provoking an Israeli attempt to mobilize to reinvade Judea and Samaria, which will trigger massive Arab/Iranian long-range missile strikes.

In addition to the existential threat posed by a Hamas takeover of Judea and Samaria, along with threats to the Golan Heights, without the possession of those strategic defensive mountain ridges, and with Israel’s ability to mobilize degraded, Israel could easily be destroyed and occupied by Syria and Egypt.

What the Biden Administration fails to recognize is that Israel is NATO’s South-Eastern Flank defending Cyprus, Rhodes, Crete, and even Greece, against a Turkish resurrection of its Ottoman Empire. Turkey is trying to steal billions of dollars of Greek Cypriot and Israeli Eastern Mediterranean gas resources to fund billions of further Islamic Mediterranean military build-up.

Israel is also the west’s only line of defense against the westward advance of the Iranian Caliphate. In practical terms, an Iranian-occupied Israel would leave 370 million Muslims vs. 11 million Greeks – the gateway to the caliphate taking over all of Europe.

Following the disappearance of Israel, G-d forbid, the second domino to fall would be Jordan. Without Israel as its strategic protector, Jordan would be easily encroached by the militarily powerful Hezbollah terrorist organization, a proxy of Iran, along with Syrians, Egyptians, and Shiastan/Iran. Syria views Jordan as “Southern Syria” and will fulfill its vision of “Manifest Destiny.”

In addition, Saudi Arabia will collapse, without the Suez Canal under friendly occupational control and without the ability of western powers to resupply or defend the Saudi Kingdom.


The losers will lose everything   By Robert Arvay

April 22, 2024  – Any political prediction for the remainder of 2024 must, to be taken seriously, account for one overbearing fact:  neither side can afford to lose.  For one side or the other, it will be game over.  Political power will thereafter be denied forever to the defeated party.

For conservatives, the specter of another four years of radical leftism means another forty. Unprecedentedly massive, government-sponsored, illegal immigration will inevitably lead to a new, loyal and permanent, voting bloc, legal or otherwise.  The entire purpose of government-funded illegal immigration is to bring about illegal voting for leftists.  Not only that, but even after the election, the 2030 census will, if leftists prevail, bestow representation in Congress to people who break the law every day, just by being here, people who do not share our heritage or values, people who in many cases hate us.  Those representatives will tend overwhelmingly to be leftists.  They are supposed to represent you, but they will instead support those who are taking your job and siphoning off your tax dollars.

There are other factors that will spell the end of constitutional democracy, the end of the rule of law, and the bastardization of our culture but government-funded lawbreaking will be sufficient to do its intended job.

The other side of the coin is that the leftist nightmare already occurred in 2016, when Hillary Clinton unexpectedly lost her throne, and Donald Trump was elected president.  The Left escaped its fate by immediately moving to cripple the Trump presidency, by endlessly undermining his every effort, and by carefully plotting never again to lose the White House.  The Left learned its lesson.  It is not enough to lie, cheat, and steal.  The lies must be Josef Goebbels’ “big lie.”  The cheating must be shameless, even when it is exposed.  The stealing must be on a grand scale, leaving no mail-in ballot unblemished.  The only reason Clinton lost in 2016 was because the Left lied, cheated, stole, but not enough.  In 2020, the limits came undone, and the left pulled off the greatest fraud in history.

They fully expect to do it again, but on an even grander scale.

Only this time, even fraud will not be enough.  If the leftist candidate officially “wins” in a historic landslide, nobody will believe it.  The ordinary American, shocked into inaction since the January 6 incident, is in no mood to hand over his country to yet another blatant, obvious theft. State legislators are on notice.  In order to certify their electors, there must be no reasonable doubt that the vote was conducted within the requirements of the law.  The legislators now know, as many of them did not in 2020, that no one can require them to certify an elector until they have performed their due diligence.  That power is theirs alone, not the secretaries of state.


Did Iran attack Israel with assurances from Biden?     By Ken Timmerman

April 17, 2024

Normally I don’t cover breaking news, but this is too important.

I was wrong.

I believed the Iranians would not attack Israel directly as they had been threatening, because such an attack would green-light an Israeli response on the Iranian homeland that would be devastating for the Islamic regime.

I reasoned that the extraordinary coordination among U.S. and Israeli officials late last week signaled a potential joint U.S.-Israeli counterstrike should Iran’s leaders be so reckless as to attack Israel.

I said that publicly in my regular newsletter on April 5. A few days later, Israeli minister without portfolio, Benny Ganz, said it on Israeli TV. (In case you missed it, Benny Ganz is the “moderate” Israeli politician Biden & Co. are trying to maneuver into position to replace Bibi.)

Both of us were wrong.

I believed that Israel would strike back against Iran with such devastating force – potentially, in a joint counter-strike with the U.S. against Iranian nuclear facilities – that it would reveal the regime’s weakness.

Iranian air defenses would show themselves incapable of shooting down a single U.S. or Israeli plane, a fact that would become immediately obvious. An Israeli counterstrike would make the regime appear weak in the eyes of the Iranian people.

And that is something regime leaders cannot allow to happen. They cannot appear weak, because then they will fall.

On Sunday morning, I woke up in the south of France to the extraordinary news that Iran had defied all expectations and launched 170 drones, 30 cruise missiles, and more than 100 ballistic missiles against Israel.

Even more extraordinary were the results: Israel announced that along with its allies, it had knocked out all 170 drones and 30 cruise missiles before they even reached Israeli airspace, and intercepted 99% of the ballistic missiles, many of them in exo-atmospheric kills that showered shrapnel across the Negev desert, severely wounding a 7-year Bedouin girl who lived near the Netarim Air Force base, where Israel’s fleet of F-35 fighters is based.

But here is the key: Israel alone did not thwart the Iranian attack. The United States, the UK, Jordan, and even France sent their pilots aloft to intercept incoming drones and cruise missiles before they reached Israel, with the U.S. Central Command coordinating that response.

And that international assistance appears to have a come at a price: President Biden publicly warned Prime Minister Netanyahu on Sunday that the thwarted Iranian attack on Israel was it. The U.S. would not support an Israeli strike against Iran in response.

Israel took out Iranian military commanders illicitly using a diplomatic facility in Damascus on April 1; Iran retaliated against Israeli territory in a strike that killed no Israeli two weeks later. Strike, counter-strike. Game over.

As the former U.S. National Intelligence Officer for Iran, Norman Roule, told CNN on Sunday, the Iranian attack on Israel “erased all the red lines.”



Behind the Scenes with David Bedein The Kenneth Timmerman Interview   [39:59]

April 22, 2024


Plagues – past, present and future   By Michael Kuttner

April 22, 2024

Why was this night different from all other nights?

Instead of a restful and peaceful night’s sleep, we were roused from our slumber at approximately 1.30am by a series of loud explosions. Looking out from our bedroom window, we beheld an eerie sight reminiscent of a Star Wars movie. Streaking across the night sky were innumerable illuminated orange objects which all seemed to disintegrate and explodeI guessed that they were the Iranian drones which had been launched from Iran. There had been reports earlier in the evening of a possible drone strike. 

Within a few minutes, the air raid sirens wailed, and unaware whether missiles were heading in our direction, it was a mad dash for our local communal air raid shelter only about 30 seconds from our home. The sirens ceased almost immediately which indicated that nothing was heading our way. Drones were still flying but obviously posed no lethal threat.

By this time, everyone in the country was up and monitoring the news, and needless to say, mobile phones were being used to check up on family and friends. Getting back to sleep proved to be a difficult exercise especially for those glued to the breaking news developments.

It was only the next day that one had time to think about the unfolding events and draw some conclusions.

I predicted that it would take no more than a couple of hours for all the usual crowd to warn Israel not to retaliate, to show restraint and allow “diplomacy” to deal with the terrorist regime in Iran.

Pesach (Passover) is, therefore, an ideal time to remember how our ancestors dealt with past tyrants whose agenda included ethnic cleansing, murder, enslavement, kidnapping and murder. The exodus from Egyptian bondage only occurred after an escalating series of plagues and diplomatic negotiations with Pharaoh. His attempt to kill all Hebrew male babies at birth failed thanks to the heroic efforts of the midwives who thwarted this pogrom. Moses and Aaron did try to negotiate an exit strategy but this failed in the face of a stubborn refusal to agree on the part of the Egyptian leader.


POLL: How A Real Indictment Against Donald J. Trump Would Read   2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD

MAR 26, 2024 – This Substack is vehemently apolitical, and considers the left vs right Kabuki theater paradigm a grand distraction of the criminally corrupt corporate plantation Uniparty. While the Marxist Dems are far more pernicious and utterly disgusting in their overtly communist Cloward-Piven identity politrix policies and general demeanor, the RINOS are in some ways vastly more dangerous in their traitorous duplicities.

This Substack has very mixed feelings about Donald J. Trump, especially since his murderous Operation Warp Speed rollout and unrelenting DEATHVAX™ support, his pardoning of all the wrong criminals (e.g. Jared Kushner’s guilty and deranged father), yet not granting clemency to heroes like Assange and Snowden, his bringing some of the vilest swamp creatures into his cabinet, never building that wall, sending a continuous flow of arms to Ukraine despite the 2014 CIA coup, and so on and so forth.

On the other hand, Trump pulled America out of the PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE Paris Accords, rid the nation of the scandalous Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), officially started zero new wars, created a badly needed surge in oil production, and made excellent economic decisions that directly led to far greater overall prosperity.

But what exactly would a detailed and granular indictment of Trump look like?

  • COUNT 1: The Accused failed to order a thorough investigation of multiple shooters at and Deep State involvement in the October 1, 2017, Las Vegas shooting and, instead, acted to curtail Second Amendment rights by banning bump stocks.
  • COUNT 2: The Accused failed to dismiss certain federal officials who (a) committed criminal acts and/or
  • (b) failed or refused to fulfill their oaths of office, including, but not limited to Jeff Sessions, Mark Milley, Anthony Fauci, Francis Collins, William Barr, and Christopher Wray.
  • COUNT 3: The Accused failed to build a wall along the U.S. southern border to protect against unlawful entry/invasion by foreign persons even though the Supreme Court, in Irump v. Sierra Club, 19A60 July 26, 2019), specifically authorized the Accused to use $6 billion of Defense funds to construct such a wall.
  • COUNT 4: The Accused failed or refused to release records disclosing criminal involvement by the U.S. government in certain events, including, but not limited to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and the Oklahoma City Bombing and 9/11 attacks (together involving the mass murder of 3,164 persons).
  • COUNT 5: The Accused failed to protect persons, property, and civil liberties by refusing to invoke the Insurrection and/or RICO Acts against BLM and Antifa rioters who caused S2 billion in damages and at least 25 deaths across the nation in the summer of 2020.
  • COUNT 6: The Accused locked-down the U.S. economy in 2020, causing immeasurable and long-term financial and societal damage, solely on account of an alleged cold virus with a Case Fatality Rate of 0.1%.
  • COUNT 7: The Accused advocated for and implemented “Operation Warp Speed”, the deadliest bioweapon attack in human history.
  • COUNT 8: The Accused failed to act, as head of the executive branch, to protect the integrity of the 2020 federal general election, resulting in stolen elections for Congress and the Presidency and, consequently, in the loss of our republican form of government.
  • COUNT 9: The Accused failed to remove U.S. troops and vast quantities of military equipment from Afghanistan before leaving office and before transferring command authority to a known usurper, resulting in the prompt and foreseeable loss in that country of American lives and treasure.
  • COUNT 10: The Accused lured nearly a million American patriots to the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, for a Reichstag fire- style setup/criminal entrapment that resulted in (1) imprisonment of many “]6” protesters (who the Accused refused to pardon) and (2) a nationwide suppression of political opposition.



Iran miscalculated. Iran attacked Israel thinking we are weak, like never before. Iran is wrong.

Do not miss understanding how wrong Iran’s calculation is, and the most probable result of this first time ever direct attack on Israel.


BIG SURPRISE! Israeli silent eagles suddenly appeared deep inside Iran for payback!  [8:45]   Oracle Eyes

April 21, 2024

[Ed.:  Tee-hee!]


Finally FOUND! Israeli Fighter Jet Hit Iran’s Wanted Private Transfer! Logistics Route is Broken!  [8:24]  Yair Pinto

April 20, 2024 – n this news report, you can find information about the escalation of conflicts between Israel and Iran. It includes details of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) responding to Iran rocket attacks, indicating a deepening of the conflict in the Middle East and the potential involvement of Iran-backed groups like Hezbollah. Developments in Lebanon, Syria, Iran, and Yemen are also covered. The conflicts involve the use of missiles, drones, and naval forces. Additionally, it emphasizes the close monitoring of the situation in the region by the United States, NATO, and Russia. It is noted that Putin’s administration could escalate tensions between Ukraine and Russia, and attention is drawn to military movements in critical regions on the world map. Despite efforts by air defense systems, the conflicts persist. Our news also highlights the roles of leaders such as Netanyahu, Biden, Trump, and Zelensky in crisis management.


Jonathan Pollard: Can the Netanyahu Octopus Beat Iran?  [5:12]   Machon Shilo

April 21, 2024 – Discussion between former Prisoner of Zion, Jonathan Pollard and the head of Machon Shilo, Rabbi David Bar-Hayim


Israel’s Message with Iran Strike: You Can Run, But You Can’t Hide    [45:27]   Caroline Glick

April 21, 2024 – Israel has retaliated with a limited strike against Iran, while it appears that the US is giving the green light for a  Rafah operation and Antony Blinken is set to announce sanctions against an entire IDF unit.


The final sellout? Uniparty devils sending $95 billion to corrupt foreign governments – $300 million goes to prevent Ukrainians from escaping military draft by fleeing to Poland   LEO HOHMANN

America is all but conquered and this is just the latest evidence.

APR 21, 2024 – The House voted on Saturday to betray America and American interests. As sellouts go, this was a big one, even by Washington Uniparty standards, as these members of Congress basically flipped their collective middle finger at America’s working poor and its increasingly struggling middle class.

These globalist sycophants, led by the globalist Speaker Mike Johnson, passed three separate foreign-aid bills that will provide funding to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, transferring a total of $95 billion from the U.S. Treasury directly to foreign governments. The massive foreign-aid package now heads to the Senate, where it will be rubber-stamped and signed by Joe Biden.

According to Just the News, the Ukraine Security Supplemental Appropriations Act was passed 311-112. The bill contains $61 billion for Ukraine.

This bill is not only anti-American, it’s anti-Ukrainian. Even more so, it’s anti-human because it will result in many more dead Ukrainians and Russians.

Included in the package is $300 million to protect Ukraine’s border with Poland. This $300 million will be used to keep Ukrainians from fleeing into Poland to escape the military draft, which sends them into the meatgrinder and certain death at the front with a superior Russian military. No matter how hard they try to serve it up on a pretty platter, it doesn’t get any more evil than this.

Watch Steve Poplar’s report on the bill below.

Democrats cheered after the foreign-aid bills were passed, according to CNN. Some celebrated by raising Ukrainian flags in the House chamber.

The House then passed the Israel Security Supplemental with a vote of 366-58. It contains $26.4 billion to aid Israel. Taiwan will get $8 billion.

Some of House Speaker Mike Johnson’s GOP colleagues have threatened to oust him as speaker if he moved forward with Ukraine aid. He ignored them. Johnson is now so popular with Democrats that some say they will prevent Republicans from ousting him.

Congressman Thomas Massie, R-Ky., told reporters, according to The Washington Post:

“To send $100 billion overseas without reinforcing our own borders shows that we put America last.”

Ya think?

Massie and Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Ariz., have cosponsored a motion introduced by Georgia GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s to vacate the office of the Speaker, while Democrats including Tom Suozzi of New York and Jared Moskowitz of Florida have pledged to save Johnson if that attempt to oust him arrives, according to the New York Post.

Congressman Andrew Clyde, R-Ga., on Thursday called the foreign aid package that funds the Ukraine war “America Last.”

I would call it something even worse: America’s betrayal.


King Deep State Sits on a Stolen Throne   By J.B. Shurk

April 21, 2024  – All hail King Deep State!  That is essentially what we have now, is it not?  An unelected, all-powerful, mercurial king — and certainly not a binding constitution limiting government’s authority and preserving Americans’ rights.

Our First Amendment forbids Congress from restricting an individual’s free speech, but that hasn’t stopped King Deep State from conspiring with Big Tech to silence every voice deemed offensive to the realm.  Our Fourth Amendment forbids nosy officials from poking around in Americans’ private records and communications without first securing particularized warrants establishing probable cause that a crime has been committed, but that hasn’t stopped King Deep State from rummaging through our emails, text messages, and bank statements or eavesdropping on our intimate phone conversations in the name of “national security.”  Our Second Amendment forbids the government from infringing the people’s right to keep and bear arms, but that hasn’t stopped King Deep State from restricting gun purchases, tracking gun owners, and disarming those he doesn’t like.  The Bill of Rights doesn’t mean much when King Deep State uses it as royal toilet paper.  Perhaps it should be renamed, “The Bill of Humble Suggestions, Should His Most Excellent Majesty Approve…or Require Some Gentle Two-Ply.”

If the first step to recovery is admitting that we have a problem, then let’s be honest with ourselves: this is no longer a country ofby, or for the people.  It is an imperial stompy-foot of, by, and for “elites.”  A private central bank decrees the value of our dollars.  Covert espionage agencies advance secret foreign policies in our name.  The Pentagon conducts illicit foreign wars for our alleged benefit.  The National Security Agency monitors what we privately tell each other.  King Deep State’s Silicon Valley vassals tell us what we can publicly say out loud.  The Fascist Bureau of Intimidation decides when dissidents’ doors must be broken down.  The king’s obedient press corps prints only pre-approved news.  The Supreme Court holds up a wet finger in the Deep State’s manufactured winds to determine which rights we may temporarily retain.  And a small contingent of multinational investment firms and industrial behemoths write the bills and budgets that the people’s pretend representatives in Congress never read but obligingly pass.

[Ed.:  It’s kind of an inversion of the story of The King’s New Clothes, where the king is invisible, and we can only see the clothes!]


CHAPTER 15: Conflict Theory and the Hegelian Dialectic   by Linda Goudsmit
Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is (forthcoming release May 2024)
April 21, 2024 – Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism. The tactical attack plan uses asymmetric psychological and informational warfare to destabilize Americans and drive society out of objective reality into the madness of subjective reality. America’s children are the primary target of the globalist predators.

In order to fully understand the synergistic and catastrophic effects of race wars and Outcome-Based Education’s third stage, Transformational Education (Chapter 12), it is necessary to understand that conflict theory is both the fulcrum and the facilitator of Marxism and its various species.

Conflict theory is a derivative of Malthusianism. Thomas Malthus (1766–1834), English economist and demographer, published his famous theory on population in 1798, An Essay on the Principle of Population. Malthus applied supply-and-demand economic theory to food-population ratios and ultimately to societal conflict. Malthus theorized that population grows exponentially and food supplies grow arithmetically; therefore, population would necessarily outstrip food resources and eventually result in conflict.

German philosopher Karl Marx (1818–1883) had a broader view of conflict. Marx believed that society exists in a perpetual state of conflict over competition for all resources, not just food. He focused on the conflict between social classes over those resources. Marx identified the wealthy bourgeoisie as oppressors, and the working-class poor as oppressed. Marxist conflict theory assumes that human beings act in their own self-interest, that the resources they seek are limited, and that the pursuit of limited resources necessarily leads to societal conflict.

Marx was also influenced by German philosopher Georg Hegel (1770–1831), whose philosophy rejects objective reality and disdains the individual. Instead, Hegel posits that

society evolved and progressed in accordance with the laws of “dialectic,” a cyclical pattern in which one prevailing idea/worldview (thesis) comes into conflict with an opposing idea/worldview (antithesis), and by means of that conflict causes a new, more meritorious creation (synthesis) to emerge. Marx believed that through this process, society would eventually move past capitalist economics—as it had previously moved past feudalism—and embrace socialism and communism. (David Horowitz, Discover the Networks: Karl Marx)[i]


Passover Guide for the Perplexed 2024   Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger
April 17, 2024
1. Passover (April 22-30, 2024) is a Jewish national liberation holiday, highlighting the Exodus, the Parting of the Sea, the Ten Commandments, the 40-year-wandering in the desert, and the reentry to the Land of Israel 3,600 years ago.

2. The Abolitionist and human rights movements were spurred by the Passover Exodus. For example,  in 1850, Harriet Tubman, who was one of the leaders of the “Underground Railroad” – an Exodus of Afro-American slaves to freedom – was known as “Mama Moses.” Moreover, on December 11, 1964, upon accepting the Nobel Prize, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said: “The Bible tells the thrilling story of how Moses stood in Pharaoh’s court centuries ago and cried, ‘Let my people go!’” Furthermore, Paul Robeson and Louis Armstrong leveraged the liberty theme of Passover through the lyrics: “When Israel was in Egypt’s land, let my people go! Oppressed so hard they could not stand, let my people go! Go down Moses, way down in Egypt’s land; tell old Pharaoh to let my people go….!”

3. The US Founding Fathers were inspired by the Exodus, in particular, and the Mosaic legacy, in general, shaping the Federalist system, including the concepts of (anti-monarchy) limited government, separation of powers among three co-equal branches of government, featuring Congress, as the most powerful legislature in the world. Thomas Paine’s Common Sense – “the cement of the 1776 Revolution” – referred to King George III as “the hardened, sullen-tempered Pharaoh of England.” And, the Early Pilgrims considered their 10-week-sail in the Atlantic ocean as “the modern day Parting of the Sea,” and their destination as “the modern day Promised Land” and “the New Israel.”

4. The US Founding Fathers deemed it appropriate to engrave the essence of the Biblical role model of liberty (the Passover-related Jubilee) on the Liberty Bell: “Proclaim liberty throughout all the land, unto all the inhabitants thereof (Leviticus, 25:10).”    The Jubilee is commemorated every 50 years, and the Liberty Bell was installed in 1751 upon the 50th anniversary of William Penn’s Charter of Privileges.  

  • Moreover, there are 50 States in the United States, whose Hebrew name is “The States of the Covenant” (Artzot Habreet –ארצות הברית ). Also, the Exodus is mentioned 50 times in the Five Books of Moses; Moses received (on Mount Sinai) the Torah – which includes 50 gates of wisdom – 50 days following the Exodus, as celebrated by the Shavou’ot/Pentecost Holiday, 50 days following Passover.
  • 5. According to Heinrich Heine, the 19th century German poet, “Since the Exodus, freedom has always spoken with a Hebrew accent.”
  • 6. According to the late Prof. Yehudah Elitzur, one of Israel’s pioneers of Biblical research, the Exodus took place in the second half of the 15th century BCE, during the reign of Egypt’s Amenhotep II. Accordingly, the 40-year-national coalescing of the Jewish people – while wandering in the desert – took place when Egypt was ruled by Thutmose IV. Then, Joshua conquered Canaan when Egypt was ruled by Amenhotep III and Amenhotep IV, who were preoccupied with domestic affairs to the extent that they refrained from expansionist ventures. Moreover, as documented by letters which were discovered in Tel el Amarna, the capital city of ancient Egypt, the 14th century BCE Pharaoh, Amenhotep IV, was informed by the rulers of Jerusalem, Samaria and other parts of Canaan, about a military offensive launched by the “Habirus” (Hebrews and other Semitic tribes), which corresponded to the timing of Joshua’s offensive against the same rulers. Amenhotep IV was a determined reformer, who introduced monotheism, possibly influenced by the ground-breaking and game-changing legacy of Moses and the Exodus.

7. Passover aims at coalescing the fabrics of the Jewish family and the Jewish people, commemorating and strengthening Jewish roots, and enhancing core values such as faith, humility, education, defiance of odds, can-do mentality, optimism, and patriotism, which are prerequisites to a free and vibrant society.

Read more

[Ed.:  Passover begins at sundown Monday, April 22, 2024, and ends at sundown Tuesday, April 30, 2024. For additional details about Passover see:  https://www.chabad.org/holidays/passover/default_cdo/jewish/Passover-Pesach.htm]   


BOMBS AWAY – ISRAEL HITS IRAN   [VIDEO 8:09] Tom Nash   written by David Mark

April 20, 2024 – Israel allegedly bombed the Iranian air defenses In Isfahan, near the Natanz nuclear site Thursday-Friday in an overnight mission.

While details are still coming out, it seems that Israel that the target of the Israeli attack was a military base and radar statio in Isfahan near the Natanz nuclear facility, but not the nuclear facility itself. Althought it was only one site that was attacked, the site was attacked several times.

Israel used radar evading missiles seemingly launched from inside Iraq (probably Kurdistan) and UAVs launched either Iranian Kurdistan or Azeri areas in northwest Iran.

While the Israeli attack was not designed to start a direct shooting war with Iran, it was a clear retaliation for Iran’s attack on Israel. Besides that the attack accomplished a few things. Firstly, it proved that the Russian-made air defense systems in place do not work. Secondly, it showed that Israel can take out Iran’s nuclear facilities at any time. Thirdly, and perhaps the most important, Iran’s Islamic regime does not have the grip over Iran they want everyone to believe.

By enlisting the Kurds and Azeris both in neighboring Iraq and inside Iran itself to attack the Mullahs, Israel has revealed that it too has proxies and those proxies have real teeth. The attack was carried out on the Ayatollah’s 85th birthday - the ultimate gift to the aging despot.

With the retaliation out of the way, the IDF can focus on strengthening its control over Gaza, conquering Rafah, and preparing for an all out war with Hezbollah, Syria, and the Shiite militias.

[Ed.:  Excellent, as always.]


Latma – Stayin’ Alive (CNN’s version of The Exodus)   [1:44]   Latma

April 18, 2024 – Breaking news: The real story of the Jewish exodus from Egypt by CNN



Conspiracy Theory Fact or Fiction?

APR 20, 2024 – No-go zones, as the term is most commonly used today, are areas within cities where it is unsafe to enter if one is not Muslim. Within these areas, the authorities have lost control. Police, emergency services, and other non-residents are either barred from entering or consider it unsafe and won’t enter. In Europe and UK, such areas are spreading rapidly due to massive immigration campaigns.

The term “no go zone” has often been associated with people accused of spreading “right-wing” conspiracies. This is because government officials and their mainstream media apologists usually deny the existence of such areas. This denialism began in earnest over a decade ago, and then as the narrative scaffolding was set since then, mainstream media has taken this as de-facto truth. But the reality is completely different.

A decade ago, such zones were hotly denied by officials. In fact, the city of Paris threatened to sue Fox News in 2015 for reporting on the existence of such areas within the city limits. State-Sponsored media sources, such as The Guardian – to this day- write that the use of the term “no go zone” is just another way the “right” stoke anti-immigration “fears” and anti-Muslim hate. Because of such push-back, the term “no go zones” became a hot-button term used only by the brave and the stupid almost a decade ago. But what was touted as another “right-wing” conspiracy theory that promoted populism,* racism, and anti-immigration hate – has come to be a real phenomenon throughout Europe.

Despite the rhetoric by both city officials and the liberal press, there is plenty of evidence that such zones exist and that they are growing in number.

Below is the typical fact-checker response to the query of asking for a definition of a “No Go Zone”. Of note, almost all of these factcheck and news articles debunking no-go zones are at least five years old, but rise to the top and first page of GoogleNet search engines:


New Rule: Quiet on Set | Real Time with Bill Maher  [8:32]

Wokeness is not an extension of liberalism anymore. It becomes the opposite.”

Apr 19, 2024The explosive documentary about the toxic and abusive environment inside ’90s kids’ TV didn’t just expose a dangerous workplace, it also exposed Hollywood hypocrisy.

[Ed.:  This is amazing to see truth coming from the left! BRAVO!!]


Hamas controls the streets of Europe   Giulio Meotti

When I defined Belgium as “Europe’s first Muslim state” a year ago, it was not hyperbole.   Opinion.

Apr 19, 2024, 5:29 PM (GMT+3) – Everything is going just great.

Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh will visit Recep Tayip Erdogan in Turkey, who wants to be sultan but is also head of the second largest NATO army.

Speaking of NATO, which has its headquarters in Brussels…

Three locations changed in 48 hours and then the suspension by the police. Thus ended the meeting of European conservatives scheduled for Brussels, organized by the Edmund Burke Foundation and the Israeli philosopher Yoram Hazony. The Belgian police announced the revocation of the permits and set the seal for the immediate closure of the National Conservatism conference for “public order reasons” (it took a judge for the doors to be reopened). As if it were a crime scene.

It was not a meeting of fascists. Among the speakers, the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, the former head of the German secret service Hans-Georg Maasen, the Israeli Minister for the Diaspora Amichai Chikli, the former English Interior Minister Suella Braverman, the former Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Moroawiecki , the French conservative leader Eric Zemmour, the Brexit leader Nigel Farage (whose bank account was also closed in England for political dissent, as if we were in the USSR), scholars and intellectuals such as Frank Furedi and Melanie Phillips.

The socialist mayor of Brussels, Philippe Close, had refused to make a space available and the event was moved to a hotel in the neighborhood near the EU institutions. Then a further change at Claridge’s in the center of Brussels after the interference of the mayor of Etterbeck who put pressure on the Sofitel hotel to cancel the conference.

In practice, the entire European capital was committed to ensuring that nothing different was said about Islam, immigration and the fate of Western civilization. Writes Ayaan Hirsi Ali: “Radical Islamists manipulate incredibly naive Western liberals”.



Biden, it was you!  Shari Goodman

It was not Donald Trump who made the terrible mistakes listed below. It was you, President Biden, you alone! Op-ed.

Apr 18, 2024, 8:43 PM (GMT+3) – In previous decades it was customary for sitting Presidents to refrain from berating and criticizing the work of previous presidents, but Joe Biden has never been one to engage in human niceties; thus, from the onset of his presidency he has relentlessly scapegoated President Trump to deflect criticism of his nearly four years of failed leadership.

However, with a Presidential election six month away, it is time to highlight Biden’s failed policies and lay blame where it belongs….at the feet of the current occupier of the White House.

Dear President Biden:

It was not President Trump who refused to enforce our immigration laws. It was YOU!

It was not President Trump who opened our southern border to 10 million illegals from across the globe. By erasing President Trump’s Executive Order, worked out with Mexico, to house illegals there, it was you, Biden, who is responsible for the entry of drug cartels, criminals, gang members, rapists, and terrorists from enemy countries into our collective home. It was YOU!

It was not President Trump who secretly and illegally flew 325,000 illegals from across the globe to cities across the U.S. at taxpayers’ expense. It was YOU

It was not President Trump who allowed CCP affiliated military age men to enter our collective home illegally. It was YOU!

It was not President Trump who erased our energy independence by shutting down the Alaska Pipeline and making us once again energy dependent on foreign sources. It was YOU!



Cool hand, Bibi   Jack Engelhard

Israel has a moral duty to send Iran a message…a real message. How? By going after its proxy…Hamas.  Opinion.

Apr 19, 2024, 5:51 PM (GMT+3) – Smart move to keep the Mullahs guessing and in suspense. The rest of the world is also waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Or has it?

I am braced for the usual criticisms from Bibi-haters, and mine own accusers, but I will go on. First, though, some old business.

Glenn Greenwald, the prominent commentator, appeared on Megyn Kelly’s podcast where he surprised her, and me, with overheated denunciations against Israel. I used to think he was a good guy. Obviously, I hadn’t been paying attention. Neither, Megyn, who is as pro-Israel as it gets. She won’t talk to me ever since I wrote a book about her. My loss. But in my book, or any book, she is a sweetheart.

So Greenwald comes on to say, feverishly, that Israel receives four billion dollars in aid from the United States, yearly, which is far more than any other country ever sees.

Such wild misinformation comes from a black heart. Over some three years, Glenn, the United States has spent more than $100 billion for Ukraine.

If you say that is not technically foreign aid, so what is it…Monopoly money? Afghanistan…one trillion dollars, plus American blood. For NATO, tens of billions every year.

I could continue, but enough, and time for the topic at hand.

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.