Daily Shmutz | ISRAEL (IINO)  | 5/3/24


                                                                                                                                                 Netzach Yehuda Unit 


Smotrich to Netanyahu: Government freezing construction permits in Judea, Samaria  Hezki Baruch

De facto freeze on construction in Judea and Samaria ‘unacceptable,’ offers prize to October 7 terrorists, Minister Bezalel Smotrich argues.

May 3, 2024, 11:50 AM (GMT+3) – Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, who is also a minister in the Defense ministry, sent an urgent letter to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, noting that the Israeli government is de facto freezing construction plans in Judea and Samaria – a situation which is unacceptable to him.

“The last time the Supreme Planning Council gathered to approve construction plans throughout Judea and Samaria was in June 2023,” Smotrich noted in his letter.

In February 2024, the Planning Council gathered to approve specific construction plans for Maaleh Adumim and Efrat, in response to a horrific terror attack carried out near Maaleh Adumim. By the way, the practice of approving construction plans only in response to terror attacks is inappropriate, in my opinion. The settlements must constantly be advanced.”

Smotrich emphasized that “this reality, in which there is a de facto construction freeze when it comes to approving plans in Judea and Samaria, is unacceptable and untenable, and provides a prize for terror. I will no longer be able to accept it. It is unthinkable that these Hamas-ISIS Nazis who went out to commit a horrific massacre of Israeli citizens should receive the prize they wish, and harm our hold on areas of our birthplace in Judea and Samaria.”

“The war which we are currently fighting teaches us that strengthening the settlements in Judea and Samaria is critical to the security of the State, and especially to towns along the ‘seam line,’ such as Kfar Saba, and the towns of Bat Hefer and many others, besides for the obvious importance inherent in developing areas of our land,” he stressed.

Noting a June 2023 amendment which cancels the requirement that the political echelon approve the Planning Council’s meetings for construction approval, Smotrich claimed that “the only reason” why there has been no approval of plans is “Netanyahu’s instruction on the matter.”

“I demand that you approve the immediate meeting of the Supreme Planning Council in order to approve all of the ready plans for advancement, from a professional standpoint and in accordance with the needs of the settlement, and thus end the freeze on approval of construction plans which has been decreed on the settlements in Judea and Samaria for the past year,” Smotrich concluded.

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Civil Unrest: Two large protests are currently underway in Israel:

May 2, 2024 7:22 pm Eastern

* In Jerusalem, right-wing protesters are demanding the release of activists placed an administrative detention by the Defense Minister.

* In Bnei Brak, haredim are confronting protesters demanding that the haredi community enlist.

Police have declared both demonstrations illegal and are dispersing them by force using crowd control equipment.

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[Ed.:  When the left demonstrates to remove Bibi and blocks traffic for hours, that’s okay.  But when the right demonstrates, or orthodox Jews demonstrate that’s illegal in the “Jewish Homeland”,  “The only Democracy in the Middle East”.]



Earlier today, IDF soldiers identified terrorists entering a Hezbollah military compound in the area of Ayta ash Shab in southern Lebanon. Shortly after the identification, IAF fighter jets struck the military compound in which the terrorists were operating.

Additionally, throughout the day, four launches were identified crossing from Lebanon into the area of Har Dov in northern Israel. The IDF Aerial Defense Array successfully intercepted three launches, and the other launch fell in an open area. No injuries were reported. In response, the IDF struck the sources of the launches.

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[Ed.:  I love these little ‘Shorts’!  There have been many of these in the past weeks, that have not been posted here (no link to transfer from).  So, you should join these groups for minute to minute updates. Videos like this one sure do provide mid-day happiness.]


Jewish administrative detainees launch hunger strike

Attorneys accuse Defense Minister, defense establishment of targeting Jews while releasing terrorists due to ‘lack of prison space’ after Yitzhar residents arrested over response to murder of 14-year-old Jewish shepherd.

May 1, 2024, 4:44 PM (GMT+3) – Two Jewish residents of Yitzhar who were arrested earlier this week and placed in administrative detention announced a hunger strike today (Wednesday) until they are released.

Neriah Zarog, a father of four, was placed in administrative detention for three months. Elchai Carmeli, a father of six, was given six months of administrative detention.

The two were arrested along with three others after they participated in the search for 14-year-old shepherd Binyamin Achimeir. Security officials accused them of participating in riots in the Arab villages after Achumeir was found murdered by Arab terrorists.

After a short investigation, the suspects in the riots were handed administrative arrest orders signed by Defense Minister Yoav Gallant at the request of the Shin Bet for periods of 6 months, 4 months, and 3 months.

The detainees’ attorneys attacked what they called the “persecution of the Minister of Defense against the settlers in Judea and Samaria” and noted that “while Jewish settlers are detained in administrative detention, dozens of Arab administrative detainees are released from detention and this is due to a ‘shortage of space’ in the prisons, according to the Prisons Service.”

Attorney Nati Rom of the Honenu legal organization said: “In a time of war, the security system chooses to release terrorists who sought to kill us and harm our country, with claims of lack of space and other claims. While we are at war for our existence, the Minister of Defense finds time to sign administrative arrests against civilian citizens, people who love the people and the country and have families. The Minister of Defense is deeply rooted in the ‘conceptzia’ and does not know the difference between friend and enemy, we must wake up.”

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[Ed.:  Intro opinion about the “Deal” IINO offered to Hamas below:   

The very same so-called ‘military leaders’ responsible for the October 7th massacre are now proposing crazy ‘deals’ to the enemy!  They haven’t even won the war, after a half-year with Hamas, and they’re offering insane leftist ‘deals’ to the enemy!  These men should (instead) be in jail, awaiting the most severe prosecution, and instead they are making deals while refusing to decimate HAMAS and end the war correctly!  They refused to defend Israel, and then they refuse to win the war!!  This leftist insanity will go on indefinitely.

This is precisely why I very accurately coined the term “IINO” – Israel In Name Only. The present ‘Israel’ is doomed. Israel cannot allow ‘leadership’ that is going to enable our enemies to decimate us every time!

It’s already too late to rebuild Israel from scratch; the military, the judicial, and the qakameimi vote for the party, ‘democratic’ structure of the government, where no one is accountable to the electorate. 

We are not capable of governing ourselves, and we are not capable of defending ourselves.  Time to just lay down and die.

Fortunately, HAMAS will reject our proposal.  At least they know their right hand from their left, and their ass from a hole in the ground.]

 *  *

🔅5/1/24 – ISRAEL REALTIME – Connecting to Israel in Realtime

THE DEAL (in theory, no official confirmation) offered by Israel.

According to the Hezbollah Al-Akhbar newspaper of Lebanon, this is the deal Israel offered on April 26:

First stage (40 days – subject to extension)

.. The Israeli forces will withdraw from the densely populated areas (not from Netzarim Corridor).

.. Aircraft traffic in the Gaza Strip will be suspended for 8-10 hours every day.

.. The displaced Gazans will be able to return to their homes.

.. On the 7th day after the release of the women among the hostages, IDF forces will clear the coastal axis to allow the movement of humanitarian aid.

.. On the 22nd, after the release of two-thirds of the agreed upon hostages, the IDF forces will withdraw from Netzarim Corridor. At this stage, it will be possible to bring in 500 aid trucks a day, 50 of which will be diesel for the operation of the power plant in Gaza. Heavy equipment will also be brought into the Gaza Strip to clear the rubble and the hospitals, clinics and bakeries will be repaired all over the Strip.

.. During this period, Hamas will release at least 33 hostages under the category: women, children up to the age of 19, adults over the age of 50, sick and wounded.

.. Israel will release 20 Arab prisoners for each hostage, in a matching category: women and children for women and children, adults for adults, with the proportion of 20 prisoners  kept for each hostage.

.. Arab prisoners whose remaining sentence exceeds 10 years will not be released.

Soldiers category:

.. For each kidnapped female soldier, 20 prisoners sentenced to life imprisonment and another 20 prisoners with up to 10 years remaining in prison will be released.

.. Israel has the right to veto the names of the Arab prisoners, up to 200 rejections cumulatively.

.. The prisoners will be released into the Gaza Strip or abroad.

Rate of release:

.. Hamas will release 3 Israeli hostages every 3 days.

.. The Palestinian prisoners who will be released will not be able to be re-arrested for the crimes they committed before their prison term (ie they will receive amnesty).

Starting on the 14th day, an agreement for more wounded Hamas military operatives, according to an agreed list, to go through the Rafah crossing for medical treatment abroad.

Second stage of the agreement (42 days)

.. The completion of the agreement for a comprehensive calm (ceasefire) and its announcement before the release of surviving hostages (men and soldiers) in exchange for the release of additional Arab prisoners.

.. The beginning of the necessary arrangements for the total rehabilitation of the Strip.

Step 3 of the agreement (42 days)

.. Kidnapped-prisoner body swap.

.. Beginning of the implementation of a 5-year rehabilitation plan for the Strip.

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Israel lashes out at possible ICC warrants as “outrage of historic proportions”  [2:34]   Global News

Apr 30, 2024 – Speaking on Tuesday from Jerusalem, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lashed out at the International Criminal Court (ICC) over the possibility that it could introduce arrest warrants against Netanyahu and other top officials for alleged violations of international law.

“This is an outrage of historic proportions,” Netanyahu said, suggesting that the ICC, based in The Hague, is contemplating issuing arrest warrants.

“It will also be the first time that a democratic country fighting for its life according to the rules of war is itself accused of war crimes,” he added.

Israel is not a member of the ICC and does not recognize its jurisdiction, but the Palestinian territories were admitted as a member state in 2015.

[Ed.:  Sometimes, I love this guy!  He has a golden tongue.  If only he had a spine… But you can’t have everything.]



Trump to TIME: ‘I had a bad experience with Bibi’   Israel National News

Former US Pres. Trump says two-state solution would be ‘very, very, tough,’ blames PM Netanyahu for October 7 massacre.

Apr 30, 2024, 3:07 PM (GMT+3) – Former US President Donald Trump has blamed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the Hamas massacre of Israelis on October 7, but says that he thinks a two-state solution will be “very, very tough.”

Speaking to TIME magazine, Trump said he would support Israel in the event of a war with Iran: “If they attack Israel, yes, we would be there.”

He added that he now believes Israel’s skepticism regarding the viability of a Palestinian state is on target: “There was a time when I thought two-state could work. Now I think two-state is going to be very, very tough.”

However, Trump also thinks that Israel should get the war “over with,” and refused to rule out withholding military aid to Israel. Blaming the October 7 massacre on Netanyahu, Trump explained simply, “It happened on his watch.”  [Emphasis added]

Trump also told TIME, “I had a bad experience with Bibi,” explaining that the 2020 operation to eliminate Qassem Soleimani was supposed to be a joint operation, but Netanyahu backed out at the last moment. “That was something I never forgot.”  [Emphasis added]

Related articles:


Monday night – ISRAEL REALTIME – Connecting to Israel in Realtime

End of Passover holiday in Israel.

🔻MULTIPLE LARGE ROCKET BARRAGES OVER THE HOLIDAY.. from Hezbollah.  20 at Kiryat Shmona, 15 at Arab Al-Aramsha.  3 anti-tank missiles at Metula.

🔻HAMAS ROCKETS at Sderot and Ashdod over the holiday.  Shooting is again being carried out from the north of the Gaza Strip.


.. Hamas is apparently satisfied with the Israeli proposal – but still demands the end of the war.

.. Literally at the same time the government is proposing meeting most of Hamas’s terms, the Defense Minister says “In Gaza we are obligated to eliminate Hamas and also to return the hostages, we are working on these two tasks and I am determined to accomplish both things, it will take as long as it takes, but we must do this task.”

.. MK Gantz: “Entering Rafah is important, but the return of the Israeli prisoners is more important”.

.. U.S. Sec State Blinken, during his visit to Saudi Arabia: “Hamas has an extraordinarily generous proposal for a ceasefire, it needs to decide, and decide quickly.”

.. Abdel Latif Al Qanouna, Hamas spokesman: “Without achieving the just demands of our people regarding a permanent ceasefire, the withdrawal of the forces and the return of the displaced, no agreement with the occupation will succeed.”

.. A Saudi channel publishes information from an Egyptian source that says: “A ceasefire is expected starting at the end of the week, but there are still small things to close.”

.. Another report that the Egyptian proposal includes the evacuation of IDF forces from the Netzer axis and the granting of free passage without inspection to the north of the Gaza Strip.

.. According to the reports, by the end of the week a deal will be signed for the gradual release of all the hostages, in exchange for thousands of security prisoners (including many mass murderers), a ceasefire for a year, a guarantee of not harming the remaining Hamas leaders and discussions during this time on the establishment of a Palestinian state.

▪️TWO HERO SOLDIERS HAVE FALLEN.. Ido Aviv, 28 of Carmiel, and Kalkidan Mohair, 37, of Petach Tikva, may their families be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem, and may G-d avenge their blood.

▪️MK & WAR CABINET MEMBER GANTZ INJURED.. fell off a bike and broke leg over the holiday, taken for surgery.

▪️HEZBOLLAH THREATENS.. “Entering Rafah will deepen our attacks into the heart of Israel.”

▪️COUNTER-TERROR SAMARIA OVER THE HOLIDAY.. forces into the Palestinian town of Burka near Shechem.  Entry of Israeli security forces into al-Bira in the Ramallah district.  Entry of IDF forces into the Palestinian town of Kablan, Shechem area, and Beta.

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[Ed.:  Israel’s military leadership and those in control of Israel’s  military, have proven that they will not


Smotrich to PM: ‘Egyptian deal dangerous. If approved, this gov. has no right to exist’

Minister Bezalel Smotrich, attacked the Egyptian outline for a deal to release the hostages in exchange for a ceasefire that would prevent Israeli military entry into Rafah.

Apr 28, 2024, 4:09 PM (GMT+3)   Israel National News – Chairman of the Religious Zionist Party, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, attacked the Egyptian outline for a deal to release the hostages in exchange for a ceasefire that would prevent Israeli military entry into Rafah.

Smotrich spoke to Prime Minister Netanyahu in a videotaped message and said, “Mr. Prime Minister, all Egyptian mediation agreements that ended previous “rounds” of violence, leaving Hamas alive and kicking and enabling it to strengthen itself again and again, and massacre Israeli citizens in a way that has not happened since the Holocaust, is exactly what you have led to in the last two decades, and that is exactly, but exactly, what we have all promised not to do again.”

“Agreeing to the Egyptian deal is a humiliating surrender and existential danger. this deal grants victory to the Nazis despite the sacrifice of the hundreds of heroic IDF soldiers who fell in battle, it imposes a death sentence on the hostages who are not included in the deal, and above all – it poses an immediate existential danger to the State of Israel,” Smotrich stated.

He threatened the government’s integrity. “If you decide to wave a white flag and retract the order to immediately occupy Rafah, to complete the mission of destroying Hamas and restoring security to the residents of the south and the citizens of Israel and returning all our abducted brothers and sisters to their homes – your government will have no right to exist.”

“This is a critical moment for the people of Israel. The decision is in your hands. Take strength and courage from the story of the Exodus from Egypt and from Jewish history. From Moses and Nachshon ben Aminadav that tonight, 3,365 years ago, stood at the Red Sea, overcame the weaknesses that were displayed by parts of the nation, and determined the history of the Jewish people. Speak to the people of Israel and tell them to go to Rafah now. Go with all their might. Maybe now is the time for you, Mr. Prime Minister, to show your strength,” concluded Minister Smotrich.

Earlier today, the leading Arab newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat reported that in recent days the US and Egypt have increased the pressure on Hamas to agree to a deal to release hostages in exchange for a ceasefire – to prevent Israeli military entry into Rafah.

According to the report, the Egyptian mediators made it clear to Hamas that this was the best deal they could get, and if it was not met, Israel would be able to enter Rafah legally.

It was also reported that Egypt would try to arrange a phased deal so that in its first phase, hostages would be released in exchange for a ceasefire – and issues such as the cessation of hostilities or the control of Gaza on the day after, would be postponed to a second phase and be discussed later on.

Journalist Barak Ravid reported last night that the new proposal for a deal includes significant concessions on Israel’s part, including an implied willingness to discuss ending the war, which has been included in a deal for the first time.

Among others, Hamas was offered: consent to the full return of displaced Palestinians to their homes, withdrawal of the IDF from the corridor that crosses Gaza, and, as mentioned, consent to a permanent cease-fire in the future.

An official who is in the know of the details of the negotiations said that the proposal includes the release of 33 hostages, including women, soldiers, the elderly, and the wounded, and on the other side, hundreds of terrorists found guilty of murder. According to the source, the duration of the ceasefire according to this deal would depend on the number of hostages to be released.

Related articles:


Beitar Illit synagogue goes up in flames

Synagogue catches fire on Friday night, nearby apartment suffers damage.

Apr 27, 2024, 10:29 PM (GMT+3)  Israel National News – Firefighters and firefighting volunteers from the Judea regional fire station on Friday night worked to extinguish a fire which broke out in a synagogue on Rabbi Akiva Street in Beitar Illit.

An apartment near the synagogue was also affected, and the fire caused heavy damage to the property.

The firefighters succeeded in gaining control of both fires.

Firefighter Lihai Ben Lulu said, “At about midnight, we received a report regarding a building which was going up in flames on Rabbi Akiva Street. We immediately set out for the site, in large numbers. Upon arrival at the scene we identified a building which was used as a synagogue, adjacent to a residential apartment which was going up in flames.”

“The flames were licking stories above the source of the fire, and there was concern that it would spread to additional apartments. We immediately began acting to extinguish the flames, while at the same time searching for anyone trapped. An additional team ascended to the upper floors, ordered residents to close themselves in their homes, and worked to control the flames and release the heat and smoke. Upon extinguishing the flames, we searched once more in order to ensure there was no one trapped.”

Firefighter Tamir Erez, commander of the fire station, said, “Last Thursday, there was another fire in the city of Beitar Illit – a fire which ended without costing in lives, but with great damage to property. In this fire as well, no one was killed thanks to the firefighters’ efforts. I beg of you, install fire detectors – it saves lives.”

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[Ed.:  Just spoke with 2 friends in Beitar, both say no bet Knesset involved, only an apartment which was partially burned. So much for Israel National


Comedian protests Cabinet decision: ‘Commit rape and receive a state’

Comedian Guy Hochman protests against the decision of the War Cabinet to allow British observers to meet with Nukhba terrorists: ‘A knife in all of our backs.’

Apr 27, 2024, 10:33 PM (GMT+3) Israel National News – Comedian Guy Hochman, who performed for IDF soldiers during the initial months of the war and contributed to boosting morale, protested against the Cabinet’s decision to allow visits to Hamas’ elite Nukhba terrorists being held in Israeli prisons.

“Clearly, kill our children, rape our women – in return, you get a state. We don’t deal with Nazis. We exterminate them,” Hochman declared.

“Our brothers and sisters are going through rape and sexual assault, starvation and abuse, and do not receive medication. And the devilish Nukhba terrorists, in addition to pampering conditions, will enjoy visits and indulgences.”

“There is no limit to stupidity. There isn’t even a strategic element here. Three months ago the Prime Minister asked that Red Cross representatives would visit the hostages. The Cabinet’s current decision is a knife in our backs. Cowards!”  [Emphasis added]

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[Ed.:  Israel’s ‘War Cabinate’:

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.