Daily Shmutz | ISRAEL (IINO)  | 5/26/24



Outrageous: Police are using wildly excessive force against people who came to pray at the Meron complex.   [VIDEO 0:20]

May 26, 2024 2:08 pm Eastern 𝗜𝗦𝗥𝗔𝗘𝗟 𝗟𝗜𝗩𝗘 𝗡𝗘𝗪𝗦  https://chat.whatsapp.com/LRWCrwwNfZYLj3E47Yg8od

[Ed.:  How’s THAT for “Never Again”!  How’s THAT for ‘Milk and Honey’!  How’s THAT for ‘Jewish Homeland’!  THAT’s IINO! ]  



May 26, 2024 – Shortly after the IDF capitulated to the ICJ and pulled most of its forces out of Rafah, including handing the Rafah crossing over to Egypt, Hamas fired a barrage of rockets at central Israel. Most were intercepted with one hitting an open area.

The IDF claimed it pulled the Givati Brigade from Rafah, reversing the gains it made in the first weeks of the operation, in order to give them “a rest.” However, the timing of the retreat, which corresponds to the ICJ ruling that Israel must end the Rafah operation makes the IDF move appear connected to the ruling.

International Court of Justice in The Hague (ICJ) ruled on Friday that Israel must “immediately halt its military offensive, and any other action in the Rafah Governorate, which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part,” there is some debate among legal scholars over what precisely this order means.”

The retreat comes at a time, when frustration is growing among the rank and file soldiers. Most recently a video was released of a reserve soldier claiming there were 100,000 soldiers ready to only follow Netanyahu to victory. Despite the current challenges with Gantz and Gallant, it is ultimately Netanyahu who has been unwilling to fire Gantz and Gallant and appoint competent military leaders ready for a real victory.

The pressure from America to stop the war and capitulate is immense and despite the Prime Minister’s declaration that Israel won’t stop fighting, every retreat gives more power to Hamas and brings the terror group that much closer to victory. Soldiers are frustrated, hostage families are in desperation, the north is unlivable, and our leaders appears to be feckless.

Netanyahu stands like the King Saul of old, opposite the Philistines – scared to face Goliath on his own. We all know how that story ended.

[Ed.:  Oh, NICE!]


Did the ICJ really prohibit Israel from operating in Rafah?   Gary Willig

4 ICJ justices say ruling on Rafah merely obligates Israel not to engage in actions that violate its obligations under the Genocide Convention, not to desist from all military operations in the city.

May 26, 2024, 8:38 AM (GMT+3)  Following the International Court of Justice’s (ICJ) ruling on Friday ordering Israel to “immediately halt its military offensive, and any other action in the Rafah Governorate, which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part,” there is some debate among legal scholars over what precisely this order means.

Professor Stefan Talmon, Director at the Institute of Public International Law, University of Bonn, and Supernumerary Fellow of St. Anne’s College, Oxford, stated that the Court “did NOT say that Israel must immediately halt its military operation in Rafah.”

He stated that the addition of the words “which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part” limit the application of the order and permit military action that does not bringing about such conditions, which Israel does not have intention to commit in the first place.

“Thus, Israel was not ordered to halt all military operations but only military operations that would violate its obligations under the Genocide Convention,” Talmon said.

He noted that the ICJ’s order that Russia must halt its military operations in Ukraine following its invasion in 2022 did not contain such a clause and was therefore applicable to all of Russia’s military actions.

Four of the judges who took part in the ICJ’s deliberations on its order agreed with Talmon’s analysis.

Former Israeli Supreme Court Justice Aharon Barak, who has represented Israel at the ICJ in the case South Africa brought against the Jewish State, wrote, “This measure requires Israel to halt its military offensive in the Rafah Governate only in so far as is necessary to comply with Israel’s obligations under the genocide convention.”

Barak added, “Israel is not prevented from carrying out its military operation in the Rafah Governate as long as it fulfills its obligations under the genocide convention. As a result, the measure is a qualified one, which preserves Israel’s right to prevent and repel threats and attacks by Hamas, defend itself and its citizens, and free the hostages.”

Judge Georg Nolte of Germany wrote that “The measure obliging Israel to halt the current military offensive in Rafah is conditioned by the need to prevent ‘conditions of life that could bring about [the] physical destruction in whole or in part’ of the Palestinian group in Gaza.”

Romanian Judge Bogdan Aurescu wrote, “In my view, this measure needs to be interpreted that it indicates as well the halt of the Israeli military offensive to the extent that it ‘may inflict n the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.'”

ICJ Vice President Julia Sebutinde of Uganda wrote, “This measure does not entirely prohibit the Israeli military from operating in Rafah. Instead, it only operates to partially restrict Israel’s offensive in Rafah to the extent it implicates rights under the genocide convention.”

Judge Sebutinde cautioned against misunderstanding the court’s order as “mandating a unilateral ceasefire in Rafah” and “restricting Israel’s ability to pursue its legitimate military objections, while leaving its enemies, including Hamas, free to attack without Israel being able to respond.”

“I reiterate that Israel has the right to defend itself against its enemies, including Hamas, and to continue efforts to rescue its missing hostages. These rights are not incompatible with its obligations under the genocide convention,” Judge Sebutinde concluded.

The Israeli government is also interpreting the ICJ order in this manner so that the military operation in Rafah can continue while obeying the order.

The Head of the National Security Council, Tzachi Hanegbi, and the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oren Marmorstein, released a joint statement on Friday saying, “Israel will continue its efforts to enable humanitarian assistance and will act, in full compliance with the law, to reduce as much as possible harm caused to the civilian population in Gaza.”

Yesterday (Saturday), Hanegbi told Channel 12 News, “What they are asking us, is not to commit genocide in Rafah. We did not commit genocide and we will not commit genocide.”

Related articles:


Minister Gantz: ‘Barrage from Rafah proves: IDF must operate everywhere Hamas is

Minister Benny Gantz toured communities near the Gaza border and an IDF base in the area and discussed the missile barrage on central Israel.

May 26, 2024, 5:26 PM (GMT+3)  Israel National News – National Unity Chairman Minister Benny Gantz toured Kibbutz Kerem Shalom, Moshav Yated, and Kibbutz Nir Oz, near the Gaza border, on Sunday, together with MK Alon Schuster (National Unity) and Eshkol Regional Council Chairman Gadi Yarkoni.

During the visit, he met with residents, security coordinators, and members of local security teams.

After touring the communities, he visited the Urim Base, where he met with IDF lookouts, some of whom enlisted after October 7th.

At the end of the visit, Gantz addressed the missile barrage on central Israel from Rafah and stated: “The launches from Rafah today prove that the IDF must operate everywhere Hamas is. And that’s what will be.

The world must know, that the ones who hold hostages, the ones who fire at our cities, the ones who spread terror – they’re responsible. The Hamas murderers are war criminals. We will settle the score with everyone – sooner or later.”

[Ed.:  Gantz the shwantz.  (Shwantz means pinga cabeza in Yiddish.)


Soldier who called for rebellion charged with severe crimes

The IDF Investigations Department is charging the reservist who called for soldiers to disobey orders given by the Defense Minister and Chief of Staff with insurrection, incitement to insurrection, and inappropriate insubordination.

May 26, 2024, 3:53 PM (GMT+3)  Israel National News – The Military Police Investigations Department is charging a reservist with several serious offenses after he published a video calling for a rebellion against Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Herzl Halevi.

Among other things, the Investigations Department is charging the reservist with insurrection, incitement to insurrection, and inappropriate insubordination.

The reservist’s lawyer sent a letter to the Investigations Department claiming: “The only thing my client stated was that he will not listen to a future unauthorized order from the Minister of Defense (while in disagreeing with the Prime Minister and in violation of a government decision), positively emphasizing and clarifying that he will follow an order given by the government itself and the Prime Minister.”

He added: “This is selective enforcement, for over a year multitudes of videos have been uploaded to social media showing reservists announcing their intentions to disobey the military’s orders, and law enforcement did not take such steps.

Watch (Hebrew)

[Ed.:  IINO’s government press (Israel National News,) has put words in the soldiers mouth!  Not once did he call for disobeying orders.  He called for Gallant and Halevi to either resign, or finish the job and win the war.  Of course, they will finish the soldier, instead.  What he did say is that “there were 100,000 soldiers ready to only follow Netanyahu to victory.” Actually, the soldier is right! The military leadership who are responsible for October 7th, and who refuse to win the war need to be arrested and prosecuted for dereliction of duty, and their role in the injury and death of thousands of Israelis.  Complete military reform must be implemented.]


IDF reduces forces in Gaza after ICJ ruling

Israel and Egypt reportedly will reopen the Rafah Crossing to allow humanitarian aid into Rafah as troops removed from the city.

May 26, 2024, 12:42 PM (GMT+3)  Israel National News – The IDF has reduced the number of troops deployed in eastern Rafah and the Givati Brigade left the Gaza Strip overnight from the area where it had been operating for the last three weeks.

The military explained, according to a report by Ynet, that this was done to allow the troops to return to Gaza and Rafah at a later date ‘refreshed’ after weeks of combat. Four combat teams from the 162nd Division remain.

According to the report, the Givati Brigade’s departure from the southern city in the Gaza Strip comes amid reports that Israel will allow the reopening of the Rafah Crossing by the Egyptian army from the southern side of the crossing, in order to allow additional humanitarian aid income, and accordingly, Israeli forces will be removed from the area.

The withdrawal of the forces comes after the International Court of Justice in The Hague (ICJ) ruled on Friday that Israel must “immediately halt its military offensive, and any other action in the Rafah Governorate, which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part,” there is some debate among legal scholars over what precisely this order means.”

[Ed.:  IINO’s military takes their marching orders from the ICJ and Obama’s swamp government.  Jewish blood is cheapest in The Land Of IINO…]


Police force hundreds out of Meron   Itzik Brandwein

Police have stopped buses full of passengers trying to reach Meron and forced dozens of worshipers out of Meron after they began destroying police barricades.

May 26, 2024, 2:56 PM (GMT+3) – Since the end of Shabbat, hundreds of people have been trying to reach Mount Meron for Lag B’Omer despite IDF orders and numerous police roadblocks.

In the Jordan Valley, the police stopped several buses full of passengers trying to reach Meron. On the mountain itself, dozens were removed by the police after initiating confrontations with police, dismantling barriers, and trying to ascend the mountain.

The police say that ”Since the morning, hundreds of people have arrived at the Meron compound, clashing with police and damaging property that was placed there for their security.”

So far, over 500 people who tried to enter the mountain without permits have been removed from the Meron area in police buses.

The police emphasized that the three planned bonfires that were meant to take place before dawn passed without any exceptional incidents and in accordance with the law.

Related articles:


Biden’s $320M Gaza Pier Has Detached & Drifted Onto Israeli Beach   BY TYLER DURDEN

SATURDAY, MAY 25, 2024 – 12:15 PM – A section of the $320 million floating pier built and erected off Gaza’s coast has broken off and floated onto an Israeli beach. The Saturday mishap is the latest setback for the US humanitarian aid project, after three US troops were reported injured aboard the pier two days prior, including one critically.

The Times of Isreal’s military correspondent Emanuel Fabian has reported that “An American vessel used to unload humanitarian aid from ships into the Gaza Strip via a floating pier disconnected from a small boat tugging it this morning due to stormy seas, leading it to get stuck on the coast of Ashdod, eyewitnesses say.”

The recovery operation has not gone well either, as “Another ship was then sent to try and extract the stuck vessel, but also got beached,” Fabian writes.

And yet a second US Army vessel also got stuck in shallow waters while trying to rescue the pier section. Overnight US ships had been moving two pieces of the floating pier to the Port of Ashdod in southern Israel when the now beached section detached and drifted away. American troops can be seen in footage standing helplessly on the beach.

An official US Central Command (CENTCOM) statement says the following:

This morning four U.S. Army vessels supporting the maritime humanitarian aid mission in Gaza were affected by heavy sea states. The vessels broke free from their moorings and two vessels are now anchored on the beach near the pier.

The third and fourth vessels are beached on the coast of Israel near Ashkelon. Efforts to recover the vessels are under way with assistance from the Israeli Navy.

The pier operation was already last week off to a rough start — and was paused for two days — after desperate Palestinians mobbed and ransacked the first trucks transporting aid unloaded from the pier before they could reach a distribution warehouse managed by the World Food Programme.

The pier has been center of controversy, given a number of land routes for aid into Gaza are possible, but have been blocked by Israel’s military.

Now, to mitigate that devastation amid reports of famine the US government has spent $320 million to build a pier to bypass its own beneficiary’s land-route blockade. But operating it has proven tricky especially due to inclement conditions in the eastern Mediterranean.

At best, the pier will only put a dent in the daunting humanitarian challenge. “I just want to be clear that this humanitarian maritime corridor alone is not enough to meet the staggering needs in Gaza, but it is an important addition,” said USAID Levant response management team director Daniel Dieckhaus. “It is meant to augment, not replace or substitute for land crossings into Gaza.”

At this point, with a section of the pier stuck on an Israel beach, and coming over two months after President Biden first unveiled the ambitious project, the whole initiative is becoming a bit of an embarrassment involving setback after setback.


US-built Gaza pier, valued at $320 million, swept away by sea waves   Osama Ali

May 25th, 2024 – 12:36 GMT – ALBAWABA – Recent events have resulted in the US floating pier drifting to the coasts of Ashdod after waves off the coast of Gaza washed away a portion of it, according to Al Jazeera.

US Gaza strategy leaked: Revealing plan for Gaza aid port

The Israeli navy, according to reports, is now working to recover the detached section of the pier that was forced to break away by the might of the waves and reattach it to the main building.

Photographic proof documented the cooperative efforts of Israeli naval troops and US military personnel in securing the detached portion of the pier and dragging it back to the Gaza shore.

Furthermore, according to sources from the Yedioth Ahronoth daily, the divided area includes a flatboat that is often used for loading and unloading goods from ships.


US naval vessels disconnect from Gaza aid pier, wash up on Israeli beaches   By EMANUEL FABIAN

CENTCOM reports no casualties, says humanitarian jetty still functioning after four ships break off their moorings 

25 May 2024, 9:24 pm – American vessels connected to a floating pier near the Gaza Strip disconnected Saturday from the jetty due to stormy seas, leading them to get stuck on the coast off Israel, US Central Command said in a statement.

In total, four vessels broke free from their moorings, CENTCOM said, adding that no injuries were reported and the aid pier remains fully functional.

One of the ships got stuck on a beach at the southern end of Ashdod, and another ship sent to extract the stuck vessel also got beached.

The other two vessels washed up on a beach near the pier, the statement said, adding that efforts to recover the vessels were underway with assistance from the Israeli Navy.

The statement stressed no US personnel would enter Gaza to help retrieve the vessels, reiterating the American position of no boots on the ground.


🟡 Sun morning  5/26/24 2:48 am Eastern – ISRAEL REALTIME – Connecting to Israel in Realtime

🔥LAG SAMAYACH, a happy Lag b’Omer 🔥

▪️HAMAS CLAIMS, IDF SAYS NOPE.. Hamas claims to have captured multiple soldiers / soldier bodies in Jabaliya.  IDF says nope.  Hamas’s video proof: dragging a bloodied body – no face visible, through a tunnel, and 2 sets of IDF equipment in a photo.

.. Celebrations of capture broke out in Judea-Samaria and south Lebanon.

▪️AID, FROM EGYPT.. Following American pressure, Egypt is preparing to open the Rafah crossing in order to transfer aid to the Gaza Strip.  Egypt stopped aid after Israel captured the crossing.  In the meantime Egypt, also from US pressure, is transferring their aid trucks via the Kerem Shalom crossing.

.. The Red Crescent announced that 200 humanitarian aid trucks have begun entering the Gaza Strip through the Kerem Shalom crossing. (( Although Hamas has fired rockets at the crossing almost daily. ))

.. US military: 4 of its transfer ships ran aground in Gaza.

.. Gazans report that the aid that enters through the crossings causes them a huge price increase because it reaches the hands of Hamas first which “taxes” it, unlike what arrives by the US aid pier.

▪️MERON LIGHTING.. overnight there were small lightings and around 500 people allowed in Meron.  Plans to broadcast live or even report on the lightings were blocked to prevent the enemy from using it to target.

▪️US CONGRESS TO US SEC STATE BLINKEN.. Rep. Scott Perry: “Why does the US demand conditions of war from Israel but not from Ukraine?”  Blinkin did not know how to answer.

♦️COUNTER-TERROR.. Shechem, Jenin, and East Jerusalem Shuafat.  In Jenin, IDF forces are surrounded the al-Amal hospital.

♦️OVERNIGHT GAZA ATTACKS.. in Nusirat, and in Rafah.

♦️RAFAH BATTLES CONTINUE.. fierce fighting has been going on in Rafah between the terrorists and the IDF forces.  The Air Force attacks terrorist targets alongside the IDF’s heavy artillery.

ANTI-TANK MISSILES from Hezbollah at Margarito and Menara.

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Urgent Update From Iran: The Jewish man condemned to death has been denied another appeal and is in immediate danger of execution.

May 25, 2024 – 8:27 pm Eastern – Please pray for the speedy deliverance of Arvin Nathaniel Ghahremani!

𝗜𝗦𝗥𝗔𝗘𝗟 𝗟𝗜𝗩𝗘 𝗡𝗘𝗪𝗦    https://chat.whatsapp.com/LRWCrwwNfZYLj3E47Yg8od


🔅 May 25, 2024  4:59 pm Eastern – Sat night Lag b’Omer – ISRAEL REALTIME – Connecting to Israel in Realtime

🔥LAG SAMAYACH, a happy Lag b’Omer 🔥

EXPLOSION OVER MERON.. An explosion was heard over Miron, due to an interception.

▪️MERON LIMITED LIGHTING DELAYED.. due to the security situation (see item above) and the riot (see item below), permission and safety for a tiny lighting by the Boyaner Rebbe has not yet been approved.

▪️A FEW HUNDRED RELIGIOUS ZEALOTS.. violated the Home Front Command safety ban on entering the Tomb of Rashbi in Meron and rioted when ordered to leave by police – basically trashing the holy site in throwing things at the police.  They were forcibly removed – putting both themselves and the security forces at life risk.

▪️TEL AVIV PROTESTS.. lit large fires in the road (NOT in honor of Lag b’Omer), at which point the police declared the protest illegal and called on demonstrators to disperse.  The riot police, mounted police, and water cannon moving in after they refused to disperse.

▪️ON THE FAKE OBJECTION VIDEO.. (( Commentary by right-wing Channel 14 )) “For many months, the left side of the political map called for a mutiny in the army.  They encouraged refusal and made it legitimate, and called to refuse an order to serve and refuse to obey the political echelon.  Now that it comes from the right (a very wrong and serious thing!) those who did it until a few months ago in the name of ‘democracy’ are shocked and angry.”

🔸DEAL, HAMAS UPDATES.. Hamas: “Osama Hamdan, told the Al Jazeera network: We do not need new negotiations” (( because EU countries and the ICJ and ICC are doing their job for them. ))

▪️JEW UP FOR EXECUTION IN IRAN.. The request for a retrial of Ervin Nathaniel Kahrmani, a young Iranian Jew who was sentenced to “retribution” (execution) on the charge of “premeditated murder”, was rejected by the Iran Supreme Court.

▪️POLICE / CHABAD CONFLICT IN LOD?  Brief report that police are not allowing people to enter the Chabad neighborhood for a planned city Lag b’Omer event – with thousands crowding the police-closed entrance.

♦️COUNTER-TERROR – TULKARM (Samaria).. firefight between terrorists and the security services of the Palestinian Authority in Tulkarm, terrorist Muhammad Ahmed Khatib was killed.


♦️IDF WAVE OF ATTACKS – SOUTHERN LEBANON – The Air Force has launched another wave of attacks in southern Lebanon, and is now attacking the targets of Problema al-Sha’ab and Al-Hiyam

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🔥🔥May 25, 2024 [2:21 pm Eastern] – Sat night after Shabbat – ISRAEL REALTIME – Connecting to Israel in Realtime

( 1 / 2 )

LAG SAMAYACH, a happy Lag b’Omer, the celebration of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai and the mystical portion of the Torah.

▪️MERON RISK.. Security officials discussing the possibility of canceling even the tiny bonfires allowed at the Meron Tomb of Rashbi, due to direct threats of rocket and drone fire at the area.

▪️OBJECTION VIDEO IS FAKE.. on Friday a video was released supposedly from a reserve soldier in Gaza (with a mask on) saying the soldiers are sick of the situation having lost their jobs and homes and should consider rebelling against the IDF General and Defense Minister.

.. HOWEVER, the person who made the video was tracked down and arrested.  NOT in Gaza, NOT in the army!  The video was a fake, the trying to convince people to rebel orders – a crime.  He has been arrested.

🔸DEAL, ROUND 33.. the negotiation talks are expected to resume next week in Doha, Qatar when delegations from Hamas and Israel will arrive to present their positions. The head of the Mossad presented to the mediators the guidelines approved by the cabinet, and agreed with the Prime Minister of Qatar and the head of the CIA to meet again.

.. Senior Hamas official Muhammad Mardawi clarifies: “The ball is in Israel’s court regarding the end of the war. A permanent ceasefire is the only way to reach a deal. Any proposal presented to us must include a full Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip.”

.. A senior Hamas official denied to Reuters the reports of renewed contacts in Cairo for a hostage deal.

▪️TUNNELS.. Israeli National Security Adviser Tzachi Hangabi: So far we have found 11 tunnels on the Philadelphia route between Egypt and Gaza, and we have no evidence if our kidnappers were taken out of Gaza.​​​​ (( The Israeli Representative to the ICC said 50 tunnels.  50, or 11?  Or??? ))

▪️A NOTE ON THE IMPOSSIBLE STANDARD OF THE COURT.. (( As many have noted, the court used as some of its reasoning that Israel is instructing Gaza civilians to move out of the combat zone.  Moving civilians out of a combat zone is wrong, and keeping civilians in a combat zone is wrong.  Per the court – if there are civilians, combat is illegal, if civilians are moved it is illegal.  Defense is therefore illegal in enemy territory – regardless of whether they attacked you. ))

.. Leader ofIsrael Our Home party, MK Avigdor Lieberman: “As I warned, the decision of the Israeli government to appear before the International Court of Justice in The Hague was a serious mistake and falling into a trap with a predetermined end.”

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LAG SAMAYACH, a happy Lag b’Omer, the celebration of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai and the mystical portion of the Torah.

( 2 / 2 )

▪️PIECE OF AID PIER BREAKS AWAY.. beaches in Ashdod, US landing craft sent to rescue it also beached in Ashdod.  US says 4 pieces or vessels broke away due to weather, asking the Israeli Navy for help.

▪️US ATTACKS YEMEN.. Saudi Al-Hadath network: in an attack in Yemen yesterday by the US, two Iranians and about ten commanders and terrorists of the Houthis were killed. Among the Houthis who were killed were those who returned from a military college of the Iran Revolutionary Guards.

▪️PROTEST – HOSTAGES & ANTI GOVT. RALLY.. The Kaplan protest area / Begin gate in Tel Aviv, 100,000+ protestors for “deal now” and “govt. resign”. Chants – “The people do not forget Netanyahu the murderer.”

.. and is being broadcast LIVE on Al Jazeera.

ANTI-TANK MISSILES from Hezbollah at a house in Shatula, 2 houses in Metulla, and a synagogue in Dovev.

HEAVY ROCKET from Hezbollah HITS the Kiryat Shmona industrial zone.  Significant damage.

ROCKETS FROM Hezbollah at Northern communities – 10 attacks over Shabbat.  At least one was a barrage of 30+ rockets.

SUICIDE DRONES from Hezbollah at Northern communities – 6 attacks over Shabbat.

ROCKETS from Hamas at near-Gaza communities – 1 attack over Shabbat. 1

♦️JABALIYA – central Gaza.. A very big advance – the IDF controls most of the area – most of it is occupied and the rest is controlled by snipers. The next stage – capture of the west of the area.  Rumors say that a commander of Hamas, Iz a Din Al Haddad, is hiding in the west area.

.. Captured and destroyed lathes for the production of rockets.

.. Arrests of men of fighting age for interrogation.

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Finally, perplexed, bothered, and bewildered   Jack Engelhard

At a time when Israel is being pummeled from all sides, Israeli leaders need to get their act together and speak in a single Churchillian voice.   Opinion.

May 23, 2024, 11:51 PM (GMT+3) – Will the real Benjamin Netanyahu please stand up? The more I read, the more confused I get.

My critics will say…so stop reading so much. But I can’t help myself, because as a writer, it is my duty to save the world, starting with Israel.

So, here’s a secret, which I now reveal for the first time in the history of journalism and literature. So here goes: Every writer thinks he is special and that his sayings are unique. Every writer thinks he has the answer. We all think that our latest book, our latest op-ed will solve everything.

The world will bestow us with garlands, gratitudes, and prizes, because at last the final word has been written. No more writing needs to be done.

Out goes every newspaper, every website. We have made them all obsolete.

Until, we wake up in the morning to discover that we hardly made a splash. As I often say, NOBODY CARES. Worse, our accusers take turns ripping us to shreds.

We have accomplished nothing. Recall F. Scott Fitzgerald’s lament, “Why all this writing? Nobody reads me.”

So we start all over again, because this time…maybe THIS TIME…

What we do, then, is go back to reading to decide what position to take, which makes sense, except that nothing makes sense. All is confusion, paradox and contradiction.

Thus, a few days ago, Israel’s defense minister, Yoav Gallant, met with US officials and bought the [Democrat] party message hook, line and sinker, saying that after the dust has settled, Israel should not re-take Gaza, but rather hand it back to the Arabs, suggesting that Mahmoud Abbas and his Palestinian Authority would be an excellent choice.

This was met with howls of…are you nuts?

Truly, strange things happen when Israeli leaders meet Blinken and others of that sort…and remember, this is supposed to be a right-wing government.

Until it isn’t.

So why are we fighting…for the benefit of Abbas and his terrorists? The IDF heroes, risking life and limb, deserve better.

At a time when Israel is being pummeled from all sides, Israeli leaders need to get their act together and speak in a single Churchillian voice. Clarity please when the ICC casts a dark shadow over Netanyahu and the Jewish State, and when Ireland, Spain and Norway take the side of terrorists by agreeing to recognize a “Palestinian” state.

Lest we forget that moment of silence for the butcher of Tehran.

Meanwhile, the war goes on, and we learn that only about a third of the Hamas terrorists have been eliminated, while newly-minted Nazis riot on street and campus.

Wobbly won’t do in the face of all this.

Entering the flare-up was Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who smoked out Gallant with mockery, saying that Israel will never trade Hamas-land for Fatah-land.

Sanity at last.

Or so you thought…until Netanyahu appeared on CNN to reverse himself, insisting that Israel has no plan to re-take Gaza.

Rather, it should be governed by the PA, plus an assortment of international troops.

Bottom Line…same old story. Nothing has been learned.

Continue reading


Report: IDF refused to supply canine, soldiers were killed as a result

Soldiers requested a canine from the Oketz Unit to assist in locating explosives. The IDF did not supply the dog, and several soldiers were killed when an IED exploded.

May 23, 2024, 10:31 PM (GMT+3)  Israel National News – An IDF force that raided a new area in the Gaza Strip requested a canine from the Oketz Unit to locate explosives.

According to a report by Kan News military correspondent Roy Sharon, the IDF refused to supply a canine. The soldiers went on the raid anyway and were hit by an IED planted by Hamas, which killed several.

The next day the forces received the dog, but for the soldiers who were killed, it was too late. The division commander in charge of the force is investigating the incident.

The IDF is working to increase the amount of canines in the Oketz Unit. During the war, nearly 30 canines were killed. The dogs identified hundreds of explosives and saved many soldiers’ lives.

The IDF Spokesperson commented on the report: “The incident is under investigation, and when it’s over the findings will be given to the families.” According to the military, “The Oketz Unit has limited resources which are utilized in all fronts of combat and are assigned to various tasks. The decisions on the matter are made per operational necessity.”

[Ed.:  Jewish blood is cheapest in the Land of IINO,]

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.