Daily Shmutz | NEWS  | 5/27/24




Biden’s FBI Justified Its Deadly Force Policy in Mar-a-Lago Raid Because of “Life Threatening” Contraband in Kitchen, Gym    By Cristina Laila

May 27, 2024 7:20 pm – Judge Aileen Cannon last Tuesday unsealed numerous motions related to Jack Smith’s classified documents case against Trump.

One filing revealed Biden’s FBI authorized the use of deadly force during their raid on Mar-a-Lago authorized by US Attorney General Merrick Garland in August 2022.

Armed FBI agents were prepared to confront Trump!!

“Should FPOTUS [Trump] arrive at MAL [Mar-a-Lago], FBI MM EM and OSCs will be prepared to engage with FPOTUS and USSS Security Team,” the document read. “Should USSS provide resistance or interfere with FBI timeline or accesses, FBI MM EM will engage with [redacted] and [redacted] will engage with USSS POC’s per existing liaison relationships.”

“Law enforcement officers of the Department of Justice may use deadly force only when necessary, that is, when the officer has a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the officer or to another person,” the document read.

In an appalling statement released Tuesday evening, the FBI claimed the authorization of deadly force on former President Trump is just “standard protocol.”

The stenographers in the media also came out in defense of the deadly force policy and claimed it was just standard operating procedure.

US Attorney General Merrick Garland claimed the same deadly force policy was in effect when the FBI searched Biden’s Delaware homes. Of course, Merrick Garland did not offer any documents to back up his claims.



Libertarian Party Nominee Oliver Chase is a Radical Leftist, Supports Black Lives Matter, Drag Queen Story Hour and Big Tech Censorship   By Ben Kew

May 27, 2024 6:20 pm – Chase Oliver, the Libertarian Party’s nominee for president, is a woke leftist.

Oliver, a 38-year-old openly gay former Democrat, was chosen as the party’s nominee on Sunday evening after multiple rounds of voting.

According to Politico, he is “aligned with a more traditionalist faction of the Libertarian Party, the Classical Liberal Caucus,” and “defeated a more hard-line Mises Caucus candidate by less than 1 percent in the penultimate round of voting.”

However, it has since emerged that far from being a libertarian, he is an ultra-progressive who supports the Marxist terror group Black Lives Matter, drag queen story hours, open borders, and Big Tech censorship.

Evidence of Oliver’s views circulated around the X platform, including one post in which he celebrated Donald Trump’s banning from Twitter back in January 2021 and called for the invocation of the 25th Amendment to remove him from office.


Memorial Day 2024: The memes of the greatest generation.   D PARKER

One-panel cartoons were the ‘memes’ of the men and women fighting in WWII, they speak volumes for that generation.

MAY 27, 2024 – There are certain reference books that you like to keep around, One of these is Up Front, by Bill Mauldin, the cover features the image of Willie and Joe, the two main characters in his one-panel cartoons.  They represent the infantrymen of the greatest generation, the rank-and-file foot soldier – the ‘dogfaces’ – that took the brunt of the fighting of the war and came back to raise another that now wants to erase their sacrifices.   The book is a commentary and background for his drawings that showed the humorous, dark, and gritting side of that part of the war.

We call those cartoons the memes of the greatest generation because that is in essence what they are.  Fulfilling the same function in a slightly different form, but well worth a look on this particular occasion.

View the memes


Telegraph: Iran’s Regime on Brink of Collapse  By David Israel

[E. Rowell:  From Amir Tsarfati’s Telegram channel on 20/5: “Intellitimes blog reveals that Iran fitted President Raisi with a government helicopter based on a military Bell 412EP equipped with 4 rotors, depending on the size and number of passengers in this version, but on the day of the crash it was observed with only two rotors, similar to the Bell 212, indicating a change which was made in a helicopter possibly because of shortage of original parts or a poorly made upgrade.  This means that the helicopter that was originally designed to carry 10 passengers using a propulsion force created by 4 rotors took off that morning, with 9 passengers, with propulsion power from only 2 rotors and in weather and wind conditions that did not match its original design.”]

26 May 2024 JEWISH PRESS – The Telegraph Defense and Foreign Affairs Editor Con Coughlin, on Sunday, reported that “The rotten Iranian regime is on the edge of collapse,” and suggested that “Instead of appeasing its leaders, the West should be helping to bring about its downfall.”

Iran’s leadership places blame for the helicopter crash that claimed the lives of President Raisi, the foreign minister, and six others not on any failings in aircraft operations or maintenance, but on the West and its sanctions, notes Coughlin. These economic restrictions, they argue, have cruelly denied Tehran the ability to procure the necessary aviation parts to properly maintain the US-made Bell 212 helicopter in which the Iranian president met his untimely demise. This deflection of responsibility reveals the warped perspective through which Iran’s rulers view such catastrophic events.

“It’s hard not to see the death of Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash last week as a reflection of the Islamic Republic’s institutional decrepitude. As is generally the case when the mullahs find themselves under pressure, their default position is to blame the West,” Coughlin writes.

And so, as Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s portrayal of “business as usual” rings increasingly hollow, the regime’s glaring inability to ensure even the basic security of its highest elected official lays bare the stark reality facing Iranians, rapidly solidifying the perception of a government in terminal decline.

The mullahs’ faltering grip on power is becoming more apparent with each such incident that exposes their diminishing control and competence. As this pivotal event casts further doubt on the regime’s viability, the Iranian people’s eroding confidence in their leaders’ capacity to govern effectively only intensifies.

The regime’s fundamental fragility has not escaped the notice of ordinary Iranians, who have increasingly voiced their discontent through widespread protests, argues Coughlin. Denied a legitimate avenue to register their contempt for the leadership at the ballot box, the citizens have sustained a constant wave of anti-government demonstrations, braving the wrath of Iranian security forces. The regime’s desperation to suppress this simmering unrest is palpable, as executions have soared to record levels. Protesters, bloggers, and notable dissidents face death sentences under the catchall charge of “enmity against God” – a measure of the extremes to which the authorities will go to quell dissent.

The people’s defiance, undeterred by the brutal crackdowns, underscores the depths of their disillusionment with the ruling establishment. Despite the risks, Iranians continue to take to the streets, their relentless demonstrations a resounding rejection of the regime’s legitimacy and an expression of their unwavering demand for change. As the chasm between the populace and their leaders widens, the regime’s tenuous grip on power is laid bare, fueling escalating unrest that poses an existential threat to the once-formidable revolutionary government.

Coughlin concludes: “Rather than virtue-signaling their remorse, as the UN Security Council did by observing a moment of silence in honor of one of Iran’s most notorious killers, the West should be doing its level best to highlight the fact the regime’s days are numbered.”


Louisiana House Passes Bill to Allow Law Enforcement to Arrest Illegal Immigrants   By Jordan Conradson

May 27, 2024 1:40 pm – The Louisiana House of Representatives last week, by a vote of 74-23, passed State Senator Valarie Hodges’ bill that will allow police to arrest illegal aliens.

Per NOLA, “SB 388 needs one procedural approval from the Senate, which passed the proposal before the House amended it.”

“If SB 388 takes effect, violating the statute would be punishable by up to one year in prison and a $4,000 fine for a first offense, with harsher penalties for a second offense.”

The Governor is reportedly likely going to sign this bill into law.

A similar proposal was brought to the desk of Katie Hobbs earlier this year, and she vetoed the bill calling it “Anti-immigrant legislation.”

Louisiana is slated to join Texas and Iowa in putting American citizens before illegal immigrants who have no right to be in this Country.

KRVS reports,


BREAKING: North Korea Launches Ballistic Missile Towards Japan – Residents of Okinawa Told To Hide in Shelters   [VIDEO]   By Paul Serran

May 27, 2024 10:20 am – North Korea has reportedly fired a long range missile in direction of Japan.

The emergency J-alert system has been activated all over the country.

Residents of Japanese prefecture of Okinawa received a warning about a possible missile launch from North Korea and were instructed to take shelter inside buildings or in underground premises.

Japanese Prime-Minister Office confirms that North Korea has apparently launched a possible ballistic missile.

Japan’s NHK News on Twitter/X:

“At around 10:45 pm, a video captured by a camera shooting the skies above North Korea from the Chinese side showed a thin red light rising into the sky, and after a few tens of seconds, the light grew larger.”


Memorial Day 2024 – Today More Than Ever Americans Are Under Threat of Losing Our Freedom   [VIDEOS]   By Jim Hoft

May 27, 2024 7:30 am – Happy Memorial Day 2024!

Today, more than at any other time in US history, we are in jeopardy of losing our country.
We have an Democrat administration that is:
** Persecuting the leading opposition candidate and former president with numerous lawfare cases
** Jailing Christian pro-lifers who sing hymns outside an abortion clinic
** Censored opposing voices like The Gateway Pundit who were speaking the truth – we are fighting back!
** Jailing Trump supporters for years without trial in dangerous prisons
** Jailing Trump supporters for allegedly disrupting Congress while leftist radicals are allowed to disrupt Congress on a weekly basis.

America today is under threat of a Marxist takeover!

Let us always remember – in the words of Ronald Reagan – “Freedom isn’t free and America is the last stand on Earth.”

Those words are more important today than any time in recent history.

A Time for Choosing speech Oct 27, 1964


Pentagon Says Aid to Gaza Will Flow Soon From Pier

May 27, 2025  Conservative Valor – A new pier has been moored to the beach in Gaza, and the Pentagon has declared that humanitarian assistance will soon begin streaming onto the coast, reaching the people in need.

After seven months of fierce conflict between Israel and Hamas, the 2.3 million people living in Gaza are in dire need of food and other supplies. Unfortunately, according to the United Nations, fuel imports have almost halted, making it exceedingly challenging to transmit relief to Gaza.

More than two months ago, President Joe Biden authorized the $320 million pier project to aid the hungry Palestinians. Food and other supplies are unable to reach Gaza due to Israeli restrictions on border crossings and severe fighting. Aid organizations will disperse the cargo when it is placed at a port facility constructed by the Israelis, which is located immediately southwest of Gaza City. The United States and Israel have been in regular communication over the best way to ensure the safety of the ships and beach workers, as up to 500 tons of food are expected to reach the shores of Gaza in the coming days.

U.N. authorities estimate that 700,000 Palestinians have been displaced as a result of fighting between Israeli forces and Palestinian terrorists near Rafah in the south and Israel’s return to combat operations in northern Gaza. Even as it was being built, a mortar fire hit the location. Hamas has warned to attack any foreign troops who “occupy” the Gaza Strip.

Australians Abandon Physical Cash and the Freedom It Protects   J.D. TUCCILLE

Digital payments are easy to use, but also to monitor and block.

5.27.2024 7:00 AM – The end of cash has been heralded for years—mostly by government officials eager to end the expense of minting coins and printing banknotes while pushing transactions to digital forms that can be tracked and taxed. The transformation has met varying degrees of acceptance or resistance from people around the globe. But Australians appear to be eagerly advancing down the road towards a cash-free world.

You’re all signed up! Look for a confirmation email in your inbox.

Disappearing Banknotes and Coins

“Cash was once a staple in the economy, but it’s fast becoming a relic of the past,” according to an April report on Australia’s financial evolution from SBSNews. “Just a decade ago, more than half of transactions were cash. Now it’s just one in seven, and it’s happened at an alarming rate.”

Various forms of digital payments now account for the lion’s share of transactions, with a growing number of merchants now refusing coins and banknotes, and ATMs disappearing around the country. That means cash is increasingly difficult to find and use even for those who prefer physical money.

The transformation was turbocharged by COVID-19, as people moved away from any sort of contact. But usage of cash was already plunging, according to the Reserve Bank of Australia, from almost 70 percent of transactions in 2007 to less than 30 percent in 2019. “Cash payments accounted for 13 per cent of the number and 8 per cent of the value of all consumer payments in 2022,” the bank finds.

While Australian consumers and central bank bureaucrats embrace the shift, there are serious downsides to an all-digital economy.


WHO Global Pandemic Treaty Fails After Two Years of Negotiation, Commie Chief Says He Will ‘Try Everything’ to Reach Fresh Agreement   By Ben Kew

May 26, 2024 5:40 pm – After two years of negotiations, an effort by the World Health Organization to agree on a global pandemic treaty has failed.

The plan, which sought to agree on a framework for how countries would respond to the next pandemic, would give the WHO the power to mandate lockdowns, vaccines, and vaccine passports and other forms of authoritarian control.

The effort was led by WHO Director, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, an Ethiopian politician with links to Marxist guerilla movements whose “recommendations” shaped the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

ABC reported:

How to Get the Prescription McCullough Protocol Before the Government Bans It

On Friday, Roland Driece, co-chair of WHO’s negotiating board for the agreement, acknowledged that countries were unable to come up with a draft. WHO had hoped a final draft treaty could be agreed on at its yearly meeting of health ministers starting Monday in Geneva. “We are not where we hoped we would be when we started this process,” he said, adding that finalizing an international agreement on how to respond to a pandemic was critical “for the sake of humanity.”

Driece said the World Health Assembly next week would take up lessons from its work and plot the way forward, urging participants to make “the right decisions to take this process forward” to one day reach a pandemic agreement “because we need it.” The draft treaty had attempted to address the gap that occurred between COVID-19 vaccines in rich and poorer countries, which WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said amounted to “a catastrophic moral failure.”

The accord’s aim was to set guidelines for how the WHO’s 194 member countries might stop future pandemics and better share resources. But experts warned there were virtually no consequences for countries that don’t comply. The co-chairs of the treaty-drafting process didn’t specify what caused the logjam, but diplomats have said vast differences remained over sharing of information about pathogens that emerge and the sharing of technologies to fight them.


UPDATE: Chinese Nationals Breached US Military Bases and Sensitive US Sites Over 100 Times in Recent Years    By Jim Hoft

May 26, 2024 12:00 pm – The US Fleet Forces Commander Admiral Daryl Caudle warned FOX News viewers that there have been an uptick in foreign nationals attempting to penetrate US military bases around the country. These attempted breaches are taking place two to three times a week now.

Journalist Lara Logan reported on attempted breaches at several US bases by Chechens, Jordanians and Chinese.

Of course, the blame for this goes back to Joe Biden and the Democrat Party’s organized plan to open the borders to millions of unknown aliens.

U.S. Fleet Forces Commander Admiral Daryl Caudle told Bill Hemmer on America Reports that attempted penetrations of U.S. military bases by foreign nationals are taking place ‘two or three times a week.’

But this appears to be a much larger problem than what is being reported.

Chinese nationals have breached US military sites and sensitive areas like Kennedy Space Center over 100 times in recent years.

The New York Post reported on this back in 2023.

Chinese nationals have snuck onto military bases and other sensitive US sites more than 100 times in recent years — sparking federal investigations into possible spying, according to a report Monday.

Alarming cases include people crossing into a United States missile range in New Mexico — and scuba divers swimming near a rocket launch site and Kennedy Space Center in Florida, officials told the Wall Street Journal.

Some have also used drones to take detailed aerial footage of sensitive military sites — while the Pentagon confirmed cases of people “speeding through security checkpoints.”

Many would-be intruders, however, claim to be confused tourists who think they have a reservation at an on-base hotel — and they often use what appears to be scripted language when confronted by security, the report said.


Trump Brings Nikki Haley Into the Fold, Announces Former Rival Will Likely Be on His Team   By Jack Davis

May 26, 2024 9:20 am – A day after former rival for the Republican presidential nomination Nikki Haley said she would vote for him for president, former President Donald Trump said there would be a place for Haley on his team.

“Well, I think she’s going to be on our team because we have a lot of the same ideas, the same thoughts,” Trump said in an interview with News 12.

“I appreciated what she said,” Trump said, referring to her support for his candidacy.

“You know, we had a nasty campaign; it was pretty nasty. But she’s a very capable person, and I’m sure she’s going to be on our team in some form. Absolutely,” the former president added.

A day after former rival for the Republican presidential nomination Nikki Haley said she would vote for him for president, former President Donald Trump said there would be a place for Haley on his team.

“Well, I think she’s going to be on our team because we have a lot of the same ideas, the same thoughts,” Trump said in an interview with News 12.

“I appreciated what she said,” Trump said, referring to her support for his candidacy.

“You know, we had a nasty campaign; it was pretty nasty. But she’s a very capable person, and I’m sure she’s going to be on our team in some form. Absolutely,” the former president added.

[Ed.:  NO WORDS!!]


‘Groom These Women’: The Persecution of Christians, April 2024   by Raymond Ibrahim
May 26, 2024 at 6:00 am

  • On April 26, a Muslim man named Muhammad Shehroz, led a 4-year-old Christian boy, Moosa Masih to a field where he brutally sodomized and then sought to strangle the child to death. — britishasianchristians.org, May 3, 2024, Pakistan.
  • Even though it is illegal in Pakistan to marry underage girls, the authorities refused to act on the Christian family’s pleas to recover their daughter, due to a birth certificate that had obviously been forged, which claimed she was 18. A court subsequently ruled that, being of age, Ameen had willingly converted to Islam and married a Muslim man. — britishasianchristians.org, April 28, 2014, Pakistan.
  • “On April 5th, members of the jirga [Pakistani conflict resolution team] forcibly arrived at my residence and coerced me to accompany them to the police station. They threatened to abduct my daughters if I dared to resist,” said the father of Kainat Pervaiz, a 16-year-old Christian girl who was abducted and raped. They coerced him to drop the case in exchange for 50,000 rupees (USD $180) and the proposed marriage of his daughter to her rapist as a form of “compensation.” — britishasianchristians.org, April 28, 2014, Pakistan.
  • [A] massive riot broke out in an asylum shelter after some Muslims noticed a resident wearing a cross necklace. — medforth.biz, April 13, 2024, Germany.

The following are among the abuses and murders inflicted on Christians by Muslims throughout the month of April 2024.

The Muslim Slaughter of Christians

Uganda: On Apr. 10, a Muslim man murdered his mother for refusing to leave the Christian faith. Two months earlier, Sulaina Nabirye, a 50-year-old widow, had put her faith in Christ. Immediately, her 31-year-old son, Arajabu Mukiibi, began to pressure her to return to Islam, according to a relative (name withheld for security reasons):

“During the month of Ramadan, she complained of her son pressuring her to stop attending church and revert back to Islam, since he was studying to become an imam at Bugembe Mosque. When she refused to convert back to Islam, he stopped visiting her at her house and threatened to chase or even kill her.”

Due to these threats, the anonymous relative began to visit the mother more often, and was present on Apr. 9, when the son visited. After pretending that he had reconciled himself to his mother’s Christian status, he said that his wife was preparing dinner for them:

“At 7 p.m. he came with food, which he gave to us, and he left. I was praying and fasting, so I did not eat the food. Shortly after eating the food, Sulaina started vomiting, and then followed diarrhea. I tried what I could, but things were worsening, I called a nearby clinic officer who came with medication. He tried to put her on drip, but all was in vain.”

Nabirye died that night, around 2 a.m. The food was discovered to be laced with methanol, a toxic chemical. “Her son did not come to help his mum,” the relative said. “He and his wife who were living close by did not show up. This made me conclude that he is the one who planned the poisoning.”

Muslims, sadly, have poisoned their Christian relatives in Uganda on many occasions over the years.

United Kingdom: On Apr. 11, Ahmed Alil, a Muslim man, stood trial for the Oct. 15, 2023 murder of a 70-year-old pensioner and the attempted murder of his housemate, Javed Nouri, a convert to Christianity. According to the prosecutor, Alil considered Nouri an “apostate” and “therefore somebody who deserved to die.” During the trial, prosecutor Jonathan Sandiford said that Alil, armed with two knives, had kicked open the door of his housemate Nouri’s bedroom while shouting “Allahu Akbar,” then lunged at him, and repeatedly stabbed him. Nouri managed to fight him off and escape Alil, still armed and irate, stormed out of the house and randomly stabbed—six times—a passerby, Terence Carney, 70, who died at the scene. Even though his violence and murder were prompted by his housemate’s apostasy to Christianity, on being arrested, Alil tried to present his behavior as a product of wanting “Palestine to be free from the Zionists.”

Nigeria: Some April headlines from the ongoing Muslim genocide of Christians in the African nation:


HERE WE GO: Navy Commander Confirms DOZENS of Penetration Operations by Foreign Nationals Reported at US Bases Over Last Few Weeks   (Video)   By Jim Hoft

May 25, 2024 6:15 pm – The US Fleet Forces Commander Admiral Daryl Caudle warned FOX News viewers that there have been an uptick in foreign nationals attempting to penetrate US military bases around the country. These attempted breaches are taking place two to three times a week now.

Journalist Lara Logan reported on attempted breaches at several US bases by Chechens, Jordanians and Chinese.



Biden Doesn’t Want Trump to Talk About the Raid his Regime Ordered Against Former President Trump.

May 25, 2024 – Last week, newly unsealed court documents revealed a startling directive: President Biden’s FBI, under the explicit authorization of Attorney General Merrick Garland, sanctioned the use of ‘deadly force’ during the unprecedented raid on President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate. While both Garland and the FBI hastily labeled the ‘deadly force’ language as standard protocol, this revelation, first reported by independent journalist Julie Kelly, sent shockwaves around the globe. The raid itself had already stunned the nation back in 2022, but the notion that Biden and his Attorney General could authorize such extreme measures against a former president and his family is deeply troubling. Why would the Biden administration go to such lengths, knowing the potential for violence? This question weighs heavily on the minds of many Americans, amplifying concerns about the misuse of Biden’s executive power for political ends.

While the ‘deadly force’ language might be standard boilerplate, the FBI’s need to modify the directive to account for the target being a Secret Service protectee should have highlighted the abnormality of this situation to everyone involved. Nothing about a raid against a former president is normal.  [Emphasis added]


New Illinois Bill Mandates “Climate” Brainwashing in Schools   By Margaret Flavin

May 25, 2024 3:00 pm – In yet another surrender to the global agenda of the far-left UN and the World Economic Forum, a new proposed bill in Illinois seeks to mandate climate change brainwashing in public schools across the state.

Illinois House Bill 4895 would require students to be taught that human activities are causing global warming and provide state-supported “solutions” to the alleged crisis.

From the bill:

Amends the Courses of Study Article of the School Code. Provides that, beginning with the 2026-2027 school year, every public school shall provide instruction on climate change, which shall include, but not be limited to, identifying the environmental and ecological impacts of climate change on individuals and communities and evaluating solutions for addressing and mitigating the impact of climate change and shall be in alignment with State learning standards, as appropriate. Provides that the State Board of Education shall, subject to appropriation, prepare and make available multi-disciplinary instructional resources and professional learning opportunities for educators that may be used to meet the requirements of the instruction. Effective July 1, 2025.

The Illinois State Board of Education will also prepare “multidisciplinary instructional resources” and “professional development” opportunities for teachers to ensure the agenda’s permeation.

While the state pushes “climate change,” Critical Race Theory, and the sexualization of children in schools, academic rigor in the state continues to slip lower and lower.

The Illinois State Board of Education’s report card is dreadful.

In 30 schools in Illinois, not a single student can read at grade level, 22 of which are in the City of Chicago.

In 53 schools, not a single student can do math at grade level, 33 of which are in  Chicago.



War Room: British Member of Parliament Reveals UK and US Soldiers Are Active in Ukraine Firing Advanced Missiles at Russia  (VIDEO  23:24)   By Jim Hoft

May 25, 2024 3:40 pm – British MP Andrew Bridgen recently went on the Doc Malik podcast to discuss the current developments in the Ukraine War. According to Bridgen, the US and UK have soldiers in Ukraine who are operating advanced missile delivery systems that are raining down on Russian forces.

Andrew Bridgeon: Rishi wants out. We are actually at war with Russia now. We’ve got- They just haven’t told you… We’re actually at war with Russia now. I met with Andrey Kelen, the Russian ambassador in London a couple of months ago. And he said that we know that your people are firing those Stormshadow missiles at us out of Ukraine because you couldn’t train the Ukrainians to do it. We know you’re doing it. And I mean, everything everybody Everybody knows that there are lots of US, UK, French. The French are in there.

Doc Malik: I thought it was the Brits were down on the ground and special advisors training sessions and teaching them and showing them… That’s how we started with the Vietnam War. Vietnam War, yeah. Dude, what the f*ck are we doing poking the bear? That’s really stupid.

Andrew Bridgen: They’re determined to get us into a war with Russia. And thank God, we’ve got someone in Putin who at least as a has got some brains.

Doc Malik: Now you sound like a Putin lover.

Andrew Bridgen: Well, I’m not. I’m not convinced any of them are any good. But at the end of the day, if you look at the facts, since ’91, we’ve moved NATO a thousand miles nearer to Moscow. They haven’t moved nearer to us. No, they haven’t. And if you think about what we were trying to do, the EU wanted to bring in Ukraine for whatever reason, and NATO wanted it, and they’d have put missiles on the border of Russia. Well, I mean, what did America do when the old Soviet Union tried to put missiles in Cuba, 90 miles off the Florida Coast?

Doc Malik: Yeah, exactly.

Andrew Bridgen: And if you look back, the Russians have told us for long enough, Ukraine has got to remain neutral. We’re not going to let it get… They’ve told us this for a very long time.

This news is not exactly new. Back in 2023 dozens of documents were leaked online that revealed the US and US were among several Western nations with special forces operating in Ukraine.

Our elites are already at war with Russia. It’s happening.

Ben Harnwell brought this clip on The War Room on Thursday.


San Diego #1 Illegal Border Crossing Sector!   Brigitte Gabriel

Including Special Interest Nationals

MAY 25, 2024  ACT FOR AMERICA – San Diego has become the new epicenter of illegal immigration, sparking major national security concerns as it surpasses all other southern border sectors in illegal crossings. Recent entries have included individuals from high-risk countries such as Pakistan, Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and China, with no Mexican nationals among them. These individuals often discard their legal identifications, and except for Turkey, none of these countries cooperate with the U.S. government in providing criminal background checks. Many of these migrants fly to Mexico from Turkey.

Border Patrol policy mandates that all undocumented individuals should be treated as inadmissible and immediately returned if they fail to provide a passport or legal identification. However, this protocol is being grossly neglected.

In January, 25 state governors joined Texas Governor Greg Abbott in attributing the border challenges to the Biden administration’s failure to enforce existing immigration laws and its policy of granting mass parole to migrants who entered the country illegally. This includes a record number of inadmissible aliens who intentionally dispose of their identification documents before entry.

A San Diego patriot, Cory Gautereaux, who lives minutes from the border, has taken it upon himself to collect discarded passports and identifications. He has found many documents that illegals have attempted to destroy, cut, and burn to prevent their true identity from being documented at the border, where they receive automatic parole and disappear into the interior of the country.

It is deeply disturbing that Border Patrol is not making a serious effort to collect the piles of discarded identifications to compare to the biometric data they create on each inadmissible parolee, which includes their reported name, country of origin, and reason for seeking asylum.

Private citizens in San Diego are resorting to installing their barbed wire, zip-tying wood pallets, and erecting other materials to prevent illegals from simply walking through gaps in our border barriers left open due to the cancellation of the border wall.

San Diegans have a vested interest in securing the border as the gateway for California’s illegal immigrants, who tend to stay in the state more than in any other border state. California has the highest number of illegal immigrants, with more than 3 million reportedly residing here and 10% of the labor market.


INJUSTICE: Pro-Life Grandmother Who Suffered Stroke in Prison – Sentenced to Two Years Behind Bars for Protesting Peacefully at Abortion Clinic   Mike LaChance

May 24, 2024 9:20 pm – Heather Idoni, a 59 year-old grandmother and mother of 15, has just been sentenced to two years in prison for protesting at an abortion clinic.

Meanwhile, Marilyn Mosby, the corrupt former state’s attorney from Baltimore who was found guilty of perjury and mortgage fraud, is walking free with no jail time.

Under Biden, the DOJ weaponized the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, a 1994 law that prohibits interfering with anyone obtaining or providing “reproductive health services,” as a punishment for the Supreme Court’s reversal of  Roe v. Wade in June 2022.

After the Supreme Court ruling, Biden formed the DOJ-led Reproductive Rights Task Force to enforce the act.

According to The Epoch Times, The FACE Act has now been used 130 times against pro-life individuals but only used three times against pro-abortion protesters.

Idoni was also convicted for praying and singing hymns in the hallway of a clinic in Tennessee, and she currently awaits trial for two additional FACE violations in Michigan.

Idoni recently spoke with LifeSiteNews and shared the abuses she alleges she has faced while incarcerated.

Heather Idoni, a defendant in the Washington, D.C., FACE (Freedom to Access Clinic Entrances) Act trials, told LifeSiteNews that she has been subjected to 22 days of solitary confinement. In an exclusive interview, she said that she received this punishment for sharing food with fellow prisoners. Idoni alleged that she was allowed to walk outside her cell only for two hours in the middle of the night each day and that the lights of her cell were continually kept on. Idoni has been in prison since she was convicted last autumn.

Earlier this month, the Pro-Life activist Heather Idoni suffered a stroke after her 22 days of solitary confinement in prison for sharing food with fellow prisoners.

Breitbart News reports:


Montana Parents Who Lose Custody of 14-Year-Old Daughter for Opposing Gender Transition Say Government Took Their Child to Canada Without a Warrant   By Jim Hft

May 25, 2024 8:00 am – Todd and Krista Kolstad of Glasgow, Montana, filed a lawsuit against the Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS), accusing it of egregious civil rights violations.

The couple asserted that their 14-year-old daughter was unlawfully removed from their custody and sent to Canada by her biological mother without due process or a warrant.

The lawsuit, filed in Billings, targets DPHHS social workers Cyndi Baillargeon and Crystal Whitmore, accusing them of seizing their daughter unlawfully—without due process or a warrant.

The couple contended that state workers violated the law by removing the child from their custody without obtaining a judge-signed warrant.

Daily Montanan reported:

Court documents filed Monday also allege that the Kolstads had been supportive of finding a hospital bed for H.K., in Montana, and believed the teen would be taken to Billings Clinic. However, they said with little notice, the state switched plans, sending H.K., to a psychiatric treatment center in Casper and then forbade contact. The Kolstads also maintain that both the in-patient Wyoming hospital and the youth group home in Billings allowed their child to be addressed by a male name, allowed male clothing and toiletries as well as provided chest binders — all things to which they objected.

Attorney Matthew Monforton, who represents the Kolstads, argues in court filings that the child was “not in any danger of serious bodily harm when CPS seized her.” Moreover, according to the doctor’s notes in the court documents, H.K. was “not an active threat” of suicide or harm when moved to Wyoming.

However, the lawsuit argued that CPS workers falsely testified in an affidavit that the teenager faced “an imminent risk of physical harm.” Monforton said that Child Protective Services was also silent about the Kolstads’ deeply held religious beliefs.

“This omission was material because, under Montana law, a finding of child neglect cannot occur ‘for the sole reason that a parent or legal guardian, because of religious beliefs, does not provide adequate health care for a child,’” the court documents said.

The Kolstads also claimed in the court filing that they were told by Child Protective Services that they would not regain custody “of their daughter unless they accepted her transgenderism.”

This legal battle comes to light following initial reports by The Gateway Pundit earlier this year, which brought national attention to the Kolstad family’s plight.

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