Daily Shmutz | COVID-19  / Malicious Medical Quackery |  6/2/24

COVID-19  / Malicious Medical Quackery

[Ed.:  FEAR YOUR DOCTOR!  Medicine is a disgraced profession.  They cannot (and must not) be trusted any longer! Cultivate Nosocomephobia and iatrophobia.  Spread ‘vaccine hesitancy’! How Bad is My Batch?]

[Ed.:  How Bad is My Batch?  Enter you batch number(s) and find out.  Then take action and purge yourself of this shit to the extent possible. It’s do-able!]

Fauci Admits He Made Up Tyrannical COVID Guidelines Including Child Masking and Social Distancing — Were Based on Mere Assumptions, Not Science   By Jim Hft

June 2, 2024 6:00 pm – Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has admitted that some of the most stringent COVID-19 guidelines, including social distancing and child masking, were not rooted in concrete scientific evidence.

This admission came during a comprehensive interview with the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic earlier this year, details of which were released ahead of Dr. Fauci’s scheduled testimony on Monday.

According to a transcript released by Republicans, during the January interviews, Dr. Fauci disclosed that the widely enforced “6 feet apart” social distancing guideline “sort of just appeared” and was not based on any data.

This guideline had significant repercussions, leading to the closure of schools and small businesses nationwide. Ironically, however, Fauci permitted the George Floyd protests and riots to wreak havoc across the country.

Below is Dr. Fauci’s transcribed interview via the COVID Select Subcommittee:

SOCIAL DISTANCING: The “6 feet apart” social distancing recommendation forced on Americans by federal health officials was arbitrary and not based on science.

Majority Counsel: “Do you recall when discussions regarding, kind of, the at least a 6 foot threshold began?”
Dr. Fauci: “The 6 foot in the school?”
Majority Counsel: “Six foot overall.  I mean, 6-foot was applied at businesses—”
Dr. Fauci: “Yeah.”
Majority Counsel: “—it was applied in schools, it was applied here.  At least how the messaging was applied was that 6-foot distancing was the distance that needed to be—“
Dr. Fauci: “You know, I don’t recall.  It sort of just appeared.  I don’t recall, like, a discussion of whether it should be 5 or 6 or whatever.  It was just that 6 foot is—”
Majority Counsel: “Did you see any studies that supported 6 feet?”
Dr. Fauci: “I was not aware of studies that in fact, that would be a very difficult study to do.”

Francis Collins, the former director of the National Insitute of Health, admitted in a closed-door interview earlier this year that he did not see any scientific evidence that social distancing was a proven method of containing the virus.

The controversy extends beyond social distancing. During the pandemic, Americans were subjected to strict mask mandates, with penalties imposed on those who did not comply. These mandates covered everyone – from adults entering businesses to children in schools. Now, it appears these directives were also issued without a solid foundation in science.

When questioned about the evidence supporting the masking of children, Dr. Fauci’s memory was unclear.

Below is Dr. Fauci’s transcribed interview via the COVID Select Subcommittee:

MASKING: Dr. Fauci testified that he did not recall any supporting evidence for masking children. Concerningly, mask-wearing has been associated with learning loss and severe speech development issues in America’s children.

Majority Counsel: “Do you recall reviewing any studies or data supporting masking for children?”
Dr. Fauci: “You know, I might have, Mitch, but I don’t recall specifically that I did. I might have.”
Majority Counsel: “Since the — there’s been a lot of studies that have come out since the pandemic started, but specifically on this there have been significant on kind of like the learning loss and speech and development issues that have been associated with particularly young children wearing masks while they’re growing up. They can’t see their teacher talk and can’t learn how to form words. Have you followed any of those studies?”
Dr. Fauci: “No. But I believe that there are a lot of conflicting studies too, that there are those that say, yes, there is an impact, and there are those that say there’s not. I still think that’s up in the air.”

You can read the key takeaways in the new memo here.

So there you have it. Time and time again, those of us, including The Gateway Pundit, who questioned every aspect of the COVID pandemic, from the lockdown regimes and mask mandates all the way through to vaccines and potential treatments, have been proven correct.

U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), Ranking Member of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, joined Maria Bartiromo to discuss Fauci’s upcoming hearing on Monday.

Earlier this month, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) finally admitted to funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the site of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This admission directly contradicts previous statements made under oath by Dr. Anthony Fauci,

“Fauci lied. He committed a felony. It’s clear there was a massive cover-up from the beginning,” Sen. Paul wrote.


[Ed.: “Follow the science”!]


Historical videos by Dr. Mike Yeadon – they were a kind of Noah’s Ark for many  by Suavek

JUN 01, 2024For many people, Dr. Yeadon’s historical videos represent nothing less than their own survival story. If you don’t know what’s happening, your chances are slim.

Dr. Mike Yeadon, former vice president of Pfizer and now whistleblower, has been tirelessly warning the world about the “COVID” pseudo-vaccines since 2020. Those who believe him can survive.

Dr Mike Yeadon’s narrative is not just an opinion. It is a statement whose correctness is confirmed by reality every day. The “devil” is in the design of mRNA. The mechanism of action of this genetic substance has nothing to do with medical protection. The toxicity was known before its introduction. The claim of the alleged protective effect was based, among other things, on the fact that the victims of these injections were still recorded in the statistics as “unvaccinated” for almost 1 month (usually 28 days) after their second pseudo-“vaccination”. It was said that the alleged protective effect could not develop before this time. But most deaths and injuries due to this toxicity occurred within 2 weeks of each injection. The stupid claim that this could be some kind of protection is based not only, but also, on this incorrect counting method. It was a fraud that makes any reasonable person hold their breath.

Since 2020, Dr Yeadon has evaluated many scientific studies, conducted research and, as a forward-thinking researcher, has in some cases arrived at new findings that make medical fraud look even worse. Nevertheless, his warnings remain current and so do most of the findings from 2020-2023. You have information here that is of both historical and enlightenment value and that you can put to good use.

The readers of the articles published in this Substack know exactly what is currently going on in the world. But the concept of the Substack and its main idea lie in the practical possibility of sharing information in a compact form where it is necessary. My personal guiding principle is: God helps those who know how to help themselves.” I wish you the best of luck with your enlightenment work.

Dr. Mike Yeadon – Covid death shots is medical murder

See videos below


REVEALED: Dr. Anthony Fauci confesses he ‘made up’ covid rules including 6 feet social distancing and masking kids   By JON MICHAEL RAASCH

2 June 2024 – Bombshell testimony from Dr. Anthony Fauci reveals he made up the six foot social distancing rule and other measures to ‘protect’ Americans from covid.

Republicans put out the full transcript of their sit down interview with Fauci from January just days before his highly-anticipated public testimony on Monday.

They plan to grill him about covid restrictions he put in place, that he admitted didn’t do much to ‘slow the spread’ of the virus.

Kids’ learning loss and social setbacks have been well documented, with one National Institute of Health (NIH) study calling the impact of mask use on students’ literacy and learning was ‘very negative.’

And the impacts from social distancing caused ‘depression, generalized anxiety, acute stress, and intrusive thoughts,’ another NIH study found.

Speaking to counsel on behalf of the committee earlier this year, Fauci told Republicans that the six foot social distancing rule ‘sort of just appeared’ and that he did not recall how it came about.

‘You know, I don’t recall. It sort of just appeared,’ he said according to committee transcripts when pressed on how the rule came about.

He added he ‘was not aware of studies’ that supported the social distancing, conceding that such studies ‘would be very difficult’ to do.

In addition to not recalling any evidence supporting social distancing, Fauci also told the committee’s counsel that he didn’t remember reading anything to support that masking kids would prevent COVID.

‘Do you recall reviewing any studies or data supporting masking for children?’ he was asked.

‘I might have,’ he responded before adding ‘but I don’t recall specifically that I did.’

The pandemic patriarch also testified that he had not followed any studies after the fact regarding the impacts that forced mask wearing had on children, of which there have been many.

And his answer was an ironic COVID-esque pun, ‘I still think that’s up in the air,’ Fauci said about whether masking kids was a solid way to prevent transmission.

Further, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) told the counsel that he believes the lab leak theory – the idea that COVID began at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) – is a real ‘possibility.’

‘I think people have made conspiracy aspects from it,’ he said, adding ‘it could be a lab leak.’

‘So I think that in and of itself isn’t inherently a conspiracy theory, but some people spin off things from that that are kind of crazy.’

His admission that COVID may have began at the WIV comes four years after he backed the publication of a paper which threw cold water on the lab leak theory called the ‘Proximal Origin’ paper.

Continue reading



Japan’s most senior cancer doctor: COVID shots are ‘essentially murder’   [VIDEO  9:50]   by Emily Mangiaracina

Dr. Masanori Fukushima has called on the World Health Organization to lead an investigation of the harmful outcomes of the COVID shots.

MAY 26, 2024 – The most senior medical oncologist in Japan recently slammed the COVID-19 mRNA shots as “the work of evil” that has caused “essentially murder.”

In an interview published April 19, Dr. Masanori Fukushima, who spearheaded the first cancer outpatient clinic at Kyoto University and launched the first course in pharmacoepidemiology there, listed a slew of problems with the COVID mRNA jabs, evidencing what he called an evil “abuse of science.”

He pointed out that “turbo cancers,” a kind “previously unseen by doctors” that progress extremely quickly and are typically in stage four by the time they are diagnosed, have started to appear after the jab rollouts. These “turbo cancers” are emerging along with excess mortality due to cancer in general, which Fukushima says cannot be explained only by lost opportunities for screenings or treatment during the COVID outbreak.

As a tragic example of the fatal danger of the COVID shots, the oncologist shared the story of a 28-year-old man who was found dead by his wife when she tried to wake him in the morning, five days after he received his second Pfizer shot.

“The doctor who did the autopsy said that when he tried to remove the heart, it was soft and had disintegrated,” Fukushima said. “And even just one case like this shows how dangerous this vaccine can be.”

He pointed out that these severe harms, including death, have been afflicting people – post-jab – who have a history of good health.

“It’s serious. It’s essentially murder. In the end, I want to state clearly that this is my view,” the doctor said.

He lamented that the media, including newspapers, generally have not reported on these harms, and that in fact those who question the safety of the COVID shots – just as with the flu shots – have been characterized as anti-science “heretics.” He described the attitude of those who shut down the voices COVID “vaccine” critics, however, as far from scientific, and “more akin to faith, hysteria or even cult behavior.”

“I am now deeply concerned not only about a serious crisis in medicine but in science and democracy,” Fukushima said.

He highlighted the fact that countries that most aggressively pushed the COVID shot, such as Israel, saw the highest rates of death and infection, as shown by studies comparing Middle Eastern countries, including Jordan, Syria and Egypt. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arranged a special deal with Pfizer to use Israelis as lab rats in a national injection program with the Pfizer Covid “vaccine.”

“Israel led in early and widespread vaccination but also had the highest death and infection rates. The less aggressively vaccinated areas saw less harm,” said Fukushima, noting that “Israel was quick to halt the vaccine.”

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.