Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION  | 6/20/24


“3,000 Rockets a Day and Hospitals Overwhelmed”: What All-Out Israel-Hezbollah War Would Look Like   [Excellent VIDEO  17:11]   Rachel O’Donoghue

A full-scale war between Israel and Hezbollah inched closer this week as the Shiite Lebanese terror group’s leader Hassan Nasrallah threatened both Israel and Cyprus. In a televised address on Wednesday, Nasrallah said, “There will be no place safe from our missiles and our drones should a larger conflagration erupt…”

June 20, 2024   4:56 pm  Honest Reporting – A full-scale war between Israel and Hezbollah inched closer this week as the Shiite Lebanese terror group’s leader Hassan Nasrallah threatened both Israel and Cyprus.

In a televised address on Wednesday, Nasrallah said, “There will be no place safe from our missiles and our drones should a larger conflagration erupt,” and that Hezbollah had “a bank of targets” it would aim for in precision strikes. He also urged the Cypriot government against opening airports and bases on the island for the “enemy” to operate from, although Israel is not known to have ever done this.

Hezbollah and Israel have exchanged near-daily fire since the October 7 Hamas attack, after the group fired rockets in support of Hamas, forcing tens of thousands of Israeli civilians to evacuate their homes in northern communities close to the border. Israeli military chiefs now think an all-out war is a real possibility.

In a statement, the military said “operational plans for an offensive in Lebanon were approved and validated, and decisions were taken on the continuation of increasing the readiness of troops in the field.”

But what would a war with Hezbollah look like? How would Israelis be affected by the war? And who would win?

‘3,000 Rockets Launched Daily; Air Defenses Overwhelmed and Mass Casualties’

A three-year study by Reichman University’s Institute for Counter-Terrorism, in which more than 100 senior military and government officials took part, forecasted devastation in Israel in the event of war.

The report, which was reportedly presented to government officials before the Hamas attack last year and seen by Israeli publication Calcalist, predicted Hezbollah would fire between 2,500 to 3,000 rockets each day at Israel. These would range from accurate rockets to precision long-range missiles and would be interspersed with intense barrages aimed at specific targets for maximum destruction, such as densely populated civilian areas or military targets.

Iranian terror proxies in the region, including pro-Iranian militias in Syria and Iraq, Hamas and Islamic Jihad in the West Bank and Gaza, and Yemen’s Houthis, would also join the conflict. It is thought that a multi-pronged assault could destroy Israel’s air defense systems, specifically by using munitions and drones to target Iron Dome batteries, as well as cause thousands of civilian and military casualties.

There has also been speculation that Iran itself would join, attacking Israel, as it did on April 13.

Due to Hezbollah’s vast arsenal of rockets, Israel’s Iron Dome interceptors and David’s Sling missiles would run out just a few days into the conflict, leaving most of the country entirely exposed and unprotected. It is thought that the daily rocket fire would last for weeks. The group’s precision missiles would target Israeli military bases to hinder counterattacks and critical infrastructure such as power plants, water facilities, and electricity stations.

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[Ed.:  Israel knows this information very well.  Therefore, in my estimation, day one of the “3,000 rockets a day,” Israel would nuke Hezbollah (or the equivalent) and obliterate them.  Immediately, Pakistan and Iran (using Pakistani and Chinese nuclear warheads) would nuke Israel.  Israel would then immediately send nukes back.  But, it would be too little too late.  There would be some 40,000 of us left living in caves without food or water.  This exact scenario was prophesied by Rabbi Akiba and Shimon Bar Yochai 3,000 years ago for the end of days (which is now,) and they have had a 100% batting average so far. G-d forbid!  Please keep in mind that I have been totally wrong many times before! Therefore, even I don’t take my own word for it. Only G-d’s will will prevail.]


Caroline Glick Reacts to Israeli PM’s Criticisms of Biden Admin. Withholding Crucial Munitions   [14:46]  Caroline Glick

Jun 19, 2024Caroline Glick, Senior Contributing Editor of Jewish News Syndicate, reacts to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin’s Netanyahu’s criticisms of the Biden administration for withholding crucial munitions from Israel and provides an update on the IDF’s progress eliminating Hamas.


Antisemitism Gone Wild    Leon Kushner

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2024  Our Toronto District School Board is considering to promote an ‘anti-Palestinian’ school policy that would consider anyone opposing memes like ‘from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’ as anti-Palestinian. In fact anyone opposing pro-Palestinians who wish to replace Jewish Israel with Muslim Palestine as anti-Palestinian hate speech. This is one more tactic to silence us.

Despite the statistics provided by our police force where antisemitic incidents in Toronto have increased by 300% since last year and has put Jew hate in the top racist spot, way ahead of any Palestinian hate, our school board insists on pushing their narrative to protect their right to demean Jewish students, Jewish teachers and Jews at large.

The trustees at the school board planned to vote on this policy yesterday evening so we planned a rally in front of the building prior to their meeting.

I went to the rally with some friends and was thrilled to see hundreds of people (mostly Jews) along with some news reporters and police of course. No politicians showed up. Apparently we are not that important to them.

I’m glad that I went despite the heat. We are in the midst of a severe heat wave right now.

I wrote the following note to the trustees as we were not permitted to speak at the meeting:

Dear TDSB Trustees,

I urge you all to vote no on today’s vote regarding ‘anti-Palestinian racism’.

We all know that the one group of people in our city and beyond who are really suffering from some of the most vile bigotry are the Jews.

Prioritizing ‘anti-palestinian’ racism now makes a mockery of the very real racism that Jews are dealing with.

You must realize that the true goal of this agenda is to demonize Jewish students and teachers at our schools even more than they already are.

Please vote no, silence is not an option.

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Netanyahu Confronts Biden on Weapons Betrayal  [44:56]  Caroline Glick

June 19, 2024 JNS TV – Netanyahu calls out the Biden administration for withholding weapons,  Thomas Friedman wants Sinwar in power and Bib overthrown and the UN panel finds no conclusive evidence that a famine exists in Gaza.


Released hostage Ada Sagi: ‘I don’t believe in peace now’   Tziki Brandwine

Released hostage, Ada Sagi, spoke about her captivity, her loss of hope for peace, and the payment Gaza residents were given to guard the hostages: ‘I heard them say 70 shekels a day, that’s a lot of money in Gaza, because they don’t have jobs.’

Jun 19, 2024, 12:44 PM (GMT+3) – Ada Sagi, a former peace activist, who was kidnapped to Gaza on October 7 and released in hostage deal, spoke to the BBC about being held hostage by Hamas, that she does not believe in peace any more, and that she believes that the world today hates Jews.

“I don’t believe in peace. I understand that Hamas doesn’t want peace,” she said in the interview. On the possibility of a deal, she said that, “Israel needs to make a deal, to return all the hostages, alive and dead.”

Sagi described her captivity and said that she was hidden for the first day in a house with children, but was later moved to a house in Khan Yunis. The owner of the apartment told them that his wife and children were sent to stay with his father-in-law. She also said that the owner of the house was a nurse.

Sagi said that the residents of Gaza were paid for looking after them: “I heard them say 70 Shekels a day. That’s a lot of money in Gaza because they don’t have jobs. If you have a job not through Hamas, you won’t earn more than 20 Shekels.”

She also spoke about the days when the deal came to fruition and the anticipation of release: “Every time there was a knock on the door, you think they’ve come to take you.”

At one point, she added, she was taken to Nasser Hospital and the terrorists told her and the other hostages who were with her: “You are staying here.”

“People say they are not involved. They are involved and receive money for each hostage.” she added. Regarding the world attitude towards Israel and the hostages, Sagi said that she believes that the world hates the Jews.

Related articles:


Obama & Biden & Mayorkas have INVADED America! A Sitting POTUS & a De Facto POTUS Obama invaded USA with millions of unvetted ILLEGALS e.g. terrorists, rapists, murderers, bombers among them! Why?    DR. PAUL ALEXANDER

8 ISIS terrorists found in New York etc. all coming in illegally to USA by Obama & Biden & we have millions of ‘got-aways’ who we have no names or where they are in USA & border agents ‘vetted’ these 8.

JUN 19, 2024 – That is what is even more scary about the 8 ISIS ‘illegals’ just captured which is that the border agents, the ‘process’, so called vetted these 8 and let them in so it tells you that we have 6 catastrophic situations to consider:

1)millions came and coming and are inside USA unvetted, dangerous

2)the ‘vetting’ process is pure sub-optimal bullshit garbage, the border agents are hamstrung, constrained from doing their jobs and in most parts working against all that they were trained to do…their lives are at risk too being attacked by these illegals…I call them 3rd world scum…feral banal animals who should not be allowed entry to USA…these are dangerous bad people…this is indeed a dangerous situation now as Obama and Biden and Mayorkas have placed our wives and daughters at risk of gang rape and brutalization, death…when Americans are raped and murdered by the dangerous people inside the illegals, will Biden and Obama and Mayorkas be held responsible and be accountable?

3)Obama and Biden have purposely allowed millions of unvetted people, military aged males, bombers, terrorists etc. into USA KNOWINGLY, knowing that they would kill Americans, would rape and sodomize…so the issue is WHY? Which sane nation does this? It is as if they lit own funeral pyres. Who would do this to their own nation and people? Unless you are trying to hurt them? Is this possible? I am trying to understand and want some clarity for this is mind altering.

4)America is poised for one and more Bataclan (France 2015) type terror attacks, INSIDE America, where many, men, women and young persons will be killed, brutalized, raped, stabbed etc. just like Bataclan…one need sit back and just observe what took place across Europe…many of these people are so very dangerous to begin, America hating etc. and have intent only to harm…so why has Obama and Biden done this? What is the value added? There are OPPORTUNITY COSTS to every decision made and the costs here are horrendous. I see no good way out for USA. Our women, daughters are at risk.

5)As El Salvador’s President jail MS-13 (Mara Salvatrutra) in the MEGA prison jail, America is taking them in

6)The recent so called tightening at the border by Biden is a pure lie, a MISDIRECTION, the border is only constrained if the illegals hit 2,500 per day…so the border is NOT closed to illegals, Obama and Biden have lied and it is not only the DEMOCRATS who place us at risk but Republicans too. Speaker Johnson gave Ukraine, Taiwan etc. 90 billion US recently in foreign aid and he was declarative that there will be no foreign aid unless money goes to fund US border security yet he lost his testicles or outright lied to America and deceived us typical Washington fashion, for we looked and not one dollar, not 1$ went to border security.

[Ed.:  No effort was spent on my part to correct Paul Alexander’s English.  With a PhD., he don’t need no stinking’ English composition rules!  I had previously unsubscribed from him because of this and his free use of foul language, but now I actually like his bad mouth!]


How Bad is Biden’s ‘Extreme Pressure’ on Israel?    BY DANIEL GREENFIELD

JUN 18, 2024 12:00 PM – “I have made very clear to the Israelis what they have to do in the near term, and if they don’t, what’s going to happen.”

The Biden administration had not set out to defeat Hamas, but to defeat the Israeli government.

That’s why the proposed Biden deal will protect Hamas and allow it to control Gaza while the administration has made every effort to remove Netanyahu. The collapse of Israel’s War Cabinet is the fruit of the Biden administration’s interference.

Biden did everything possible to stop Israel from going into Rafah. He failed at that. Israel is inside the last Hamas stronghold.

And it’s winning.

The IDF on Monday said that its Division 162 has defeated half of Hamas’s battalions in Rafah, including killing at least 550 terrorists, as well as destroyed around 200 tunnel shafts, and eliminated the terror group’s last major rocket inventory.

Further, the IDF said that within a couple of weeks it would likely be in control of all of Rafah and that the final battles with the remaining two Hamas battalions in parts of Tel al-Sultan and the eastern part of Shabura are already underway.

Currently, the IDF says Division 162, commanded by Brig. Gen. Itzik Cohen, has already achieved operation control of over 60-70% of all of Rafah with all of the 1.4 million or so civilians having long fled to al-Muwasi on the coast, central Gaza and Khan Yunis.

IDF sources also said they believed they had killed much more than 550 terrorists, but that this number represented actual bodies seen, versus Hamas forces who entered a structure which was then bombed, but without finding a body.

But it’s paying a price.

From the start of the war until now, Division 162 has suffered 3,800 wounded and 180 killed, with 23 fallen in the Rafah battles.

The casualty rate has increased with time because the Biden administration blocked Israel from being able to use certain kinds of air strikes and fought the deployment of armored brigades. The block placed on some kinds of military exports made the tensions go public, as did this exchange with an anti-Israel activist.

President Joe Biden told a left-wing journalist that he is wielding “extreme pressure” against Israel and that he has threatened consequences should Jerusalem not follow his agenda, in a bizarre interaction that was posted to social media platform TikTok.

“Israel’s security in the region is essential. And that’s fundamentally different than how Israel acts in Gaza,” Biden said.

“As you probably know, I’ve been putting extreme pressure on the Israelis to open up more humanitarian access in Gaza. And I think we’re getting close.”

However, when Biden noticed that Katz had not walked away, he suddenly began speaking aggressively to the journalist.

“I see you’re a typical press guy. I can trust you as far as I can throw your phone,” Biden said. “And I have a good arm, I can throw it a long way.”

The president then abruptly changed tact, saying “My point is this…I have made very clear to the Israelis what they have to do in the near term, and if they don’t, what’s going to happen.”

When Katz questioned if that meant the U.S. would cut off funding to Israel should Jerusalem not adhere to American demands, aides swooped in and hustled the journalist away from Biden.

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The Promise of Offensive War, The Perils of Containment   BY HUGH FITZGERALD

JUN 18, 2024 2:00 PM – The Bidenites are trying to impose a deal on Israel that, if accepted, will prevent the IDF from finishing off the last four Hamas battalions in Rafah, and still leave thousands of Hamas fighters in northern Gaza who though their larger units have dissolved, have been trying to regroup. Should the Americans prevent Israel from achieving its goal of totally destroying Hamas as a military force, this would allow the terror group to claim that it has been “victorious” in the war because, despite everything that the IDF has thrown at it over eight months, it would still be standing, so that it might eventually repeat the attacks of October 7, as it has promised, “again and again.” Fortunately, Hamas now insists on major changes to the deal enunciated by Joe Biden; it demands both an immediate and permanent ceasefire, and a total withdrawal of the IDF from Gaza, something that neither Israel nor the Bidenites can possibly accept.

Hillel Frisch discusses here the lessons of the IDF campaigns in both the south against Hamas, and in the north against Hezbollah, which he argues shows that going on the offense “pays off” for Israel, while containment has only brought disaster. “Yes to Victory; No to Containment and Defeat,” by Hillel Frisch, JNS.org, June 16, 2024:

Since 2002, we have seen repeatedly in Judea and Samaria, and again in 2005 with the disengagement from Gaza, how going on the offense pays off, while containment in the hope of stability results in massive losses in lives and resources, to the point of threatening Israel’s very existence. A comparison of eight months of war in the north and the south have hammered home this lesson once again.

Assessing the effectiveness of going on the offensive compared to adopting a policy of containment and restraint using past examples is a relatively simple exercise. In Judea and Samaria, Israel went on the offensive in 2002 against the war of terror [the Second Intifada, in which more than 1000 Israelis were murdered] that Yasser Arafat initiated two years earlier. Israel reconquered the major towns in the West Bank that had become sanctuaries for terrorists organizing murderous suicide bombings against Israelis in buses and restaurants and shootings in wedding halls and synagogues, most of which took place within Israel’s Green Line. Since the end of that operation, Israel has followed up on an almost daily basis with raids against terrorists and would-be terrorists.

The results are indisputable. The terrorist toll dropped from some 450 deaths in 2002 to 50 in 2006 and has more than halved since then—a bloody toll without doubt, but one that Israel has nevertheless learned to live with and even to prosper alongside….

Data provided by the IDF’s Home Front Command provides ample proof of the relative efficacy of the two strategies: The number of times air raid sirens were sounded to warn of incoming attacks on both these fronts in the past eight months of war reflects, at least partially, the growing costs in the north, where Israel has adopted a policy of containment, as opposed to the sharply reduced costs in the south in the Gaza border communities.

In Sderot, the major urban center closest to the Gaza border, the number of warnings declined from 86 in the first month of the war (Oct. 8-Nov. 7, 2023) to 12 in the month ending on June 2. In Kiryat Shmona, the urban center closest to the Lebanese border, the number of warnings increased from 13 in the first month to 78 in the eighth month of the war. Most of the residents of Sderot have returned to the town and both its schools and local college have re-opened. Kiryat Shmona, on the other hand, has become a ghost town and its inhabitants have become internal refugees. The offensive war against Hamas compared to the policy of containment applied to Hezbollah explains these differences….

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A Muslim Aliyah Paralleled the Jewish Aliyah: Part I, to 1948   by Daniel Pipes
Middle East Quarterly
Summer 2024

So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country [Palestine] and multiplied till their population has increased.” — Winston Churchill in 1938

[T]he Arab immigration into Palestine since 1921 has vastly exceeded the total Jewish immigration during this whole period.” — Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1939

Editor’s note: The following analysis makes up the first half of a two-part study. The second part, “A Muslim Aliyah Paralleled the Jewish Aliyah: Part II, since 1948,” will appear in the Fall 2024 edition of the Middle East Quarterly.

Famously, Jewish immigration to the Land of Israel, called aliyah, is centuries old and took on an organized form in 1882. Described as “the central goal of the State of Israel” (in the words of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon), it provides the demographic basis on which the entire Zionist enterprise rests. Both very public and highly controversial, it has inspired millions of Jews to move to territories now under Israeli control.

Much less famously, a large and diverse non-Jewish immigration to Palestine (meaning here, roughly Gaza, the West Bank, and the northern half of the State of Israel), mostly Muslim, has also taken place. These immigrants included Arabs, Muslims, and many others. They and their descendants probably make up a majority of the population now called Palestinian. Palestinians, in other words, are not an aboriginal, autochthonous, first, indigenous, or native people; most of them are as recently arrived as Zionists. They are also as ethnically diverse.

The scale of this non-Jewish immigration was once well known, as the Churchill and Roosevelt quotes above indicate. It has, however, long since disappeared from view, replaced by a fable about a homogeneous people living on the land since the deepest antiquity.

This article seeks to restore the historical record by reviewing non-Jewish immigration to Palestine during the century from the 1840s until the creation of Israel in 1948; then it examines the fairytale that displaced that record. A future article will take up non-Jewish immigration since 1948 to the State of Israel.

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Robert Kennedy Jr. Says What Every American Is Feeling   [VIDEO]    THE VIGILANT FOX

This explains why the mainstream media rarely gives him a platform.

JUN 19, 2024 – “The system’s rigged,” proclaimed Robert F. Kennedy Jr., channeling the frustration felt by countless Americans during a heated interview with The Young Turk’s Cenk Uygur.

“People know that they don’t own their government anymore … It’s rigged against them.”

In a searing indictment, Kennedy described the current state as an “oligarchy” engineered to “strip-mine wealth from the American middle class and send it north.”

“We do not have a democracy now because the little guy in this country has absolutely no say in what’s happening with his government,” Kennedy asserted. This disenfranchisement, he explained, fuels “the rise in this violence and the polarization, et cetera.”

Kennedy didn’t hold back in his stark portrayal of economic injustice. “It [the system] is rigged to shift money upward. It’s like a vacuum cleaner. The Fed and all of these — all of our laws and institutions are designed to strip-mine wealth from the American middle class and send it north.”

He proceeded to issue a reality check on the current situation. “You eliminate the middle class, which we’ve done now, and you have this new oligarchy of billionaires, and you have widespread poverty below. That configuration is too unstable to support democracy sustainably. So we’re going to lose democracy if we don’t have a middle classand we don’t have one anymore.”

Kennedy’s fiery critique is a message that should resonate with every working and middle-class American. Ironically, the system appears rigged against Kennedy himself, as he finds no voice on CNN’s upcoming debate stage despite meeting the network’s qualifying terms.

Watch the Full Interview [1:23:40]


Is an Assassination in Their Plans?   [11:11]    Awaken With JP

In today’s video we watch an interview with Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones as they talk about the possibility of Trump being taken out…


How to tell that the West’s ‘pro-Palestinian’ protesters really only care about bashing Israel   By Victor Davis Hanson

June 14, 2024, 5:17 p.m. ET New York Post – What are the mobs in Washington defiling iconic federal statues with impunity and pelting policemen really protesting?

What are the throngs in London brazenly swarming parks and rampaging in the streets really angry about?


They could care less that the Islamist Turkish government still stations 40,000 troops in occupied Cyprus.

No one is protesting against the Chinese takeover of a once-independent Tibet or the threatened absorption of an autonomous Taiwan.


None of these mobs are agitating on behalf of the nearly one million Jews ethnically cleansed since 1947 from the major capitals of the Middle East.

Some 200,000 Cypriots displaced by Turks earn not a murmur, nor does the ethnic cleansing of 99% of Nagorno-Karabakh’s ancient Armenian population just last year.

Civilian casualties?

The global protesters are not furious over the one million Uighurs brutalized by the communist Chinese government.

Neither are they concerned about the Turkish government’s indiscriminate war against the Kurds or its serial threats to attack Armenians and Greeks.

The new woke jihadist movement is instead focused only on Israel and “Palestine.”

It is oblivious to the modern gruesome Muslim-on-Muslim exterminations of Bashar al-Assad and Saddam Hussein, the Black September massacres of Palestinians by Jordanian forces and the 1982 erasure of thousands in Hama, Syria.

So woke jihadism is not an ecumenical concern for the oppressed, the occupied, the collateral damage of war or the fate of refugees.

Instead, it is a romanticized and repackaged anti-Western, anti-Israel and antisemitic jihadism that supports the murder of civilians, mass rape, torture and hostage-taking.

But what makes it now so insidious is its new tripartite constituency.

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FBI Director Chris Wray defies the State Department on Iran   Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger

FBI Director Chris Wray’s position on Islamic terrorism/Iran

June 17, 2024  – FBI Director, Chris Wray reiterated – during his June 4, 2024 Senate testimony and April 11, 2024 House testimony – his warning of an October 7-like terrorism on the US soil:

“We have seen the threat from foreign terrorists rise to a whole another level after the October 7 [Hamas terrorism]….Increasingly concerning is the potential for a coordinated attack here in the [US] homeland, akin to the ISIS attack we saw at the Russia Concert Hall in March, 2024 [137 murdered, 180 wounded]…. Nations such as the PRC, Russia and Iran are becoming more aggressive and more capable than ever before.  These nations seek to undermine our core democratic, economic and scientific institutions….

“We are in an environment where the threats from international terrorism, domestic terrorism and state sponsored terrorism are all simultaneously elevated…. We are paying heightened attention to how the events abroad could directly affect and inspire people to commit violence here in the homeland….

“Our top concern stems from lone offenders inspired by the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict, as they pose the most likely threat to Americans.  In recent years, there have been several events in the US that were purportedly motivated, at least in part, by the Israel-Hamas conflict….

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German Study: Vast Majority of People Will Grow Out of Transgenderism Within 5 Years   By Ben Johnson

June 16, 2024 at 1:00pm – A massive, years-long study shows the overwhelming majority of young people who identify as transgender will grow out of the diagnosis within five years. Researchers, who tracked all children and young adults diagnosed with gender dysphoria over a nine-year period, found a similar supermajority of trans people suffered from at least one other psychological condition.

The Central Institute for Statutory Health Insurance in Germany reviewed all the medical billing records from the nation’s health care providers for insured people between the ages of five and 24 diagnosed with gender identity disorders from 2013 to 2022.

Researchers then combed through the data to identify trends in the number of children and adolescents diagnosed with transgenderism, including the prevalence, demographics, and duration of those struggling with their gender identity.

Two out of three young people medically diagnosed with gender dysphoria will no longer identify as a member of the opposite sex within five years. Researchers found overall that 63.6 percent of trans children and adolescents desisted from their clinically-confirmed gender diagnosis, and “only 36.4 percent had a confirmed [gender identity disorder] diagnosis after five years.”

Experts found the majority of all people who identified as transgender desisted during that time frame. The most likely group to change its mind is 15- to -19-year-old females, with 72.7 percent desisting. But a majority (50.3 percent) of young men who came to their transgender identity in adulthood (males age 20-24) also desisted in five years.

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[Ed.: “Oops, I was wrong.”]


‘Sue Me for Blasphemy, but There is No “Trans” Community    DR. PAUL ALEXANDER

The Technological Manipulation of the Human Mind    by Jennifer Bilek;

The “trans community,” like “trans” itself, is a corporate fiction. It is

marketing propaganda so extreme, so diffuse, and penetrating, it is functioning like cult indoctrination’; I find this a good read and lots in it I believe and makes sense…bravery

JUN 16, 2024 – ‘There exists a widespread belief in many Western societies, that wasn’t even considered remotely possible just fifteen years ago, that there are people who fall outside our sexed borders. Though this belief has only become widespread in just over a decade, many people consider vast and rapid changes to our social order to accommodate this belief, compassionate and just.

Billions of years of evolution, and hundreds of thousands of years of human evolution, and the way our societies are organized around our biological realities as male, and female are being promoted as outdated. The overhauling of our societies, has been justified as support for what people call the “trans community.” “Trans,” as most people understand it today, refers to people, who for various reasons, seek to disown their physical reality – that of their reproductive sex. Men with the fetish of autogynephilia, children with autism or other mental and developmental issues, lesbians and gay men and youth reacting to social and internalized homophobia, individuals invested in a  science fiction that they can create their own physical realities, youth attempting to rebel against strict boxes for culturally sanctioned sex role behavior, are all being referred to as a community. Corporate propaganda has us thinking these people are part of a cohesive group, one that was initially promoted as having intense body dysphoria, and who are now presented as expressing their true nature.

The “trans community,” like “trans” itself, is a corporate fiction. It is marketing propaganda so extreme, so diffuse, and penetrating, it is functioning like cult indoctrination.

“Trans” is not a type of person. People are biological systems that reproduce themselves through male and female sexes. Drugs and surgeries and/or claiming to be anything other than a male or female person doesn’t change this. People who have disorders of sexual development (intersex conditions), men with fetishes, and people who promote the idea that other cultures historically had names for a third sex don’t change it. Lesbians and gay men, attempting to hide from homophobia, and children who don’t adhere to strict boxes of social behavior for males and females are not a subgroup of humanity. They are humans, male and female all, with varying reasons for attempting to disown their sexed reality, not least of all because they’ve been told they can – repeatedly.
“Trans”  is political and corporate power aimed at the next generation, conditioning them to think of themselves as parts instead of integrated biological systems within the larger biological system of our physical reality.
The youth are being conquered, their physicality is being colonized for profit and control of resources, just like so many parts of the planet have been colonized, its rich resources extracted for profit and its inhabitants controlled.’

Sue Me for Blasphemy, but There is No “Trans” Community  (substack.com)



IDF Announces Pause in Fighting As 11 Soldiers Die  [54:51]   Caroline Glick

June 16, 2024  JNS – Tragedy strikes over the weekend as the war against Hamas claims 11 soldiers’ lives;  the IDF announces a pause in fighting to deliver humanitarian aid in Rafah and Israel’s entrenched leadership tells the people to take a win and go home.


Saudi Arabia Just Ditched The US Dollar For The Yuan (How This Affects You)   [10:09]   Tom Nash


Biden Gives Asylum To Illegal Migrants To Win Votes  [24:06]   Mahyar Tousi

[Ed.:  But, but, only citizens can vote!  (Not any more, flatfoot.)]


America INVADED: in grave danger, imminent    DR. PAUL ALEXANDER

Obama & Biden have INVADED USA with illegals that among them, while the Latino brings many murderers & rapists & feral animals, there are islamic jihadist

radical extremists hell bent on raping and killing Americans.

JUN 16, 2024  – The radical islamic follower is dressing Latino, shaving beards, complete as if Latino, even the radical Chinese radicals. Obama (as he runs Biden’s administration, his 3rd term) and Biden have set America on a path of sheer terror for Bataclan France 2015 was brought here; Canada faces same.

Obama and Biden have INVADED America! In our faces.

I say it how I understand it. Ensure your daughters know how to defend themselves from the islamic feral 6th century medieval barbaric sub-human beast. Understand the 2nd and when to use to defend life that is under threat. Learn to defend yourself from the feral 6th century beast.

You take this threat as a joke? Unreal? Overblown?

Well, Obama and Biden are now in the realm of treason to the US for we have many instances, but I will remind you of one that is recent. 8 (eight) Tajik persons, males, military aged, who came in illegally due to Obama and Biden, crossed at the Southern Border, and were vetted (a stunning aspect of this) and now arrested (New York, Philadelphia and Los Angeles) as have links to ISIS. Talking of ‘bombs’. They were on the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force radar. I thank the FBI here and the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). But shockingly, their criminal backgrounds checks came back clean when they crossed illegally. This is very serious. The vetting is hugely sub-optimal and dangerous.

Do you understand that? It is real and HERE.

So while Biden soils his pants on world stages now, we have the results of this invasion of America bubbling. They are plotting now to kill.

Understand that the threat is real, it is here, law enforcement knows about it, and I tip my hat to them for they know what is coming and I know that they do all they can daily to keep us safe.

Obama (in his 8 years) and now Biden have lit the funeral pyres of Americans, and no sane nation does this. Millions of unvetted animals with millions of ‘got-aways’. We do not know where they are or their names now. They ‘got-away’. Border services told us this. Many are hard core terrorists who came to rape and kill.

Be warned. Many will die due to Obama and Biden deliberate flooding of US with people who will rape and kill Americans and why? Why would they do this? Is it that democrats hate America? This election is about one thing, well two, the borders and the cost of living, inflation. If we do not close the border and mass deport, America is finished.

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Jewish Right to Judea and Samaria   By Alex Grobman PhD.

10 Sivan 5784 – June 16, 2024

When U.S. Ambassador David Friedman, expressed support for Israel retaining part of Judea and Samaria in any future peace agreement, his remarks were greeted with scorn from Haaretz and others. Anyone familiar with the history of the Israeli/Arab conflict might conclude that the Arabs won all of the wars in which they fought, and therefore could dictate the terms of the peace. A logical question might be asked: By what legal right are Arabs permitted to live in Gaza and Judea and Samaria, but the Jews are restricted to only certain portions of these areas? The Mandate for Palestine conferred the right of the Jews to settle anywhere between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. This entitlement has not been changed in international law.

At the San Remo Conference in San Remo, Italy in April 1920, the Supreme Council of the Principal Allied Powers, Britain, France, Italy and Japan met to define the precise boundaries of the lands they had conquered at the end of the First World War. As part of a broad peace agreement, the Council decided that the Balfour Declaration of November 2, 1917, would be incorporated in The Treaty of Peace with Turkey.

When the Arabs brought their case before the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP), the committee established on May 15, 1947, to investigate the source of the conflict in Palestine and to offer a solution, the committee concluded, “There would seem to be no grounds for questioning the validity of the Mandate for the reason advanced by the Arab States.” Though the Arabs viewed themselves as having a “natural” right to Palestine, the UNSCOP report asserted that the “Arabs have never established a government there and…that not since 63 B.C., when Pompey stormed Jerusalem, has Palestine been an independent State.”

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Europe Between Hope and Fear   by Amir Taheri
June 16, 2024 at 4:00 am

  • The federal tendency runs counter to the European political tradition based on national sovereignty. In fact, Western Europe, the heartland of the EU, is the birthplace of the very concept of the nation-state, built on the ruins of various empires, a model subsequently adopted by almost all other countries.
  • In the first mass rally against the success of the National Rally in the election, thousands of “progressive” militants gathered in the Place de la République to “defend French values”. However, there was not a single French flag in sight. Instead, we had a forest of Palestinian flags with slogans against the EU leadership, US President Joe Biden, and, of course, Benjamin Netanyahu.
  • Thus the European Union is under attack from both the radical right and the ultra-left, while the center-left is shrinking and the center-right flirting with radical right groups.
  • European democracies face the danger that Hobbes warned against two centuries ago: the Leviathan, i.e. the state, being put to death with a thousand cuts. Political fragmentation, encouraged by the proportional representation system, creates scores of small but ultra-active groups wedded to niche ideas, not to say obsessions.
  • The latest EU election showed at least one thing: The EU is becoming increasingly unpopular. Under growing pressure from the fringes both of right and left, it is doubling down on some of the policies that occasioned its unpopularity.

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Responding to Hezbollah’s strategic offensive   Caroline Glick

By acting slowly and deliberately, Israel can learn as it goes, adapting its operations to the conditions it discovers on the ground.  Op-ed.

Jun 15, 2024, 9:20 PM (GMT+3) – (JNS) Hezbollah is burning a swathe through northern Israel. The nature reserves, grazing land, fields and orchards are burning to the ground. Military bases, including several strategic assets, are incurring major damage. More than 1,000 homes have been destroyed. Businesses are bankrupt. And some 80,000 Israelis are living in hotels with no sense of when they may be able to go home.

Hezbollah has significantly increased the pace and lethality of its attacks on the Upper and Western Galilee, and the Golan Heights in recent weeks, as well as extended its attacks to the Mount Carmel area and the Jezreel Valley.

Haifa, Acre and Tiberias have all been subjected to missile, drone and rocket assaults. During Shavuot on Wednesday, Hezbollah shot more than 200 projectiles at Israel. On Thursday, more than 100 more continued and expanded the fires, destruction and mayhem.

The Israel Defense Forces claim that Hezbollah’s actions haven’t broken the mold of tit-for-tat assaults that Hezbollah and Israel have been exchanging for the past eight months. On Tuesday night, the Israeli Air Force carried out an airstrike on the Nasser Unit of Hezbollah’s southern command. The Nasser unit is a division-sized formation responsible for Hezbollah’s operations along the border with Israel.

The unit’s commander, Taleb Sami Abdullah, and three of his senior staff were killed in the raid. The IDF’s claim that Hezbollah’s massive missile, drone and rocket barrages on Wednesday and Thursday, and into Friday, are a tit-for-tat supports Hezbollah’s line that its massive aggression is a legitimate reaction to Abdullah’s assassination.

The IDF’s claim is, to be sure, self-defeating. But that’s not the main problem.

The main problem with the IDF’s assertion is that it ignores the strategic logic of Hezbollah’s operations. Hezbollah isn’t attacking in response to any specific Israeli operation. It is attacking to achieve its strategic goals. Hezbollah isn’t simply abusive; it is waging a strategic war with clear long-term and intermediate strategic objectives.

Hezbollah began shelling Israel with drones, anti-tank rockets and missiles on Oct. 8. It has maintained and slowly escalated its attacks since then. Far from reactive, Hezbollah’s moves are ends-driven. From one assault to the next, Hezbollah learns more about penetrating Israel’s defenses. Its escalatory cycle is a function of its learning curve.

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Substack Has Gone Woke   EMERALD ROBINSON

One look at the “U.S. Politics” leaderboard tells you: something smells rotten on Sutter Street

JUN 15, 2024 – This year, the number of paid subscribers signing up on my Substack has declined — a lot. I’ve talked with several people who also run popular blogs on Substack, and they are noticing the same trend.

One of the reasons for this decline is that the leftists who run the Substack platform have herded most of America’s most prominent dissidents into a new subcategory they call: “health politics.”

Why was this strange move made unilaterally, and without the consent of the re-categorized?

All the better to censor the dissidents and restrict their traffic in an election year — of course.

Meanwhile, the old leaderboard category where most of us previously belonged (“Top U.S. Politics”) has been remade into a smorgasbord of left-wing fools and notorious liars so that the range of opinion has been narrowed to the bandwidth between neo-liberalism and communism.

Just feast your eyes on this rancid baloney.

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Psychological Bioterrorism   ROBERT W MALONE MD, MS

An address to the “No to Agenda 2030” conference in Rome, Italy

JUN 15, 2024 – In my opinion, the promoted fear of the current “Avian Influenza” strain is one example of “Disease X,” which the WHO has been warning of.  However, “Avian influenza” is not the threat to human health that it is being promoted to be.  To the best of my knowledge, there have been no documented human deaths from this version of Bird Flu, and there is no evidence that it is being transmitted from human to human in a regular or sustained fashion.  This appears to be another example of “Psychological Bioterrorism”, which is the focus of this lecture.

Psychological Bioterrorism

This discussion is augmented by the 2017 disclosures of Dr. Alexander Kouzminov, an ex-intelligence operative who worked for the Soviet-Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) during the 1980-90s and who specialized in intelligence operations involving bioweapons-related activities in target countries before he resigned from the SVR and emigrated to New Zealand.

What is Psychological Bioterrorism?

“Psychological” or “Information Bioterrorism” involves the use of fear of an infectious disease to control people and their behavior.  It is a very effective method for mass manipulation of populations and works by creating a state of heightened anxiety and fear of death in the people who are targeted.  This fear is often grounded in misleading, poorly documented historical stories- essentially folk tales or parables- about historic pandemics of very dangerous diseases.

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.