Daily Shmutz | ISRAEL (IINO)  | 6/21/24



Biden Regime Interrogates Jews From Israel Applying for Green Cards, Whether They are “War Criminals” Before Approving Visas, etc.   By Pamela Geller

June 20, 2024 – ‘I felt like the questions were copied from the Office of the Chief Prosecutor in the International Criminal Court in The Hague’

The Biden regime has opened our borders to ISIS, murderers, rapists and military age men from hostile adversaries. His administration is teeming with terror tied operatives But don’t you worry, the Biden regime is tracking down the Jews coming from Israel.

Caroline Glick writes, “The U.S. is interrogating Israelis about the granular details of their IDF service under suspicion that they are “war criminals,” before approving visas, etc” Meantime, DHS immigration screener and Hamas supporter Nejwa Ali is still on payroll.

US asks Israelis applying for green card whether they committed war crimes   By Itamar Eichner, Ynet News, June 20, 2024;

Israeli applicants for permanent resident status in US must undergo in-depth investigation regarding their service in the IDF, including skills with weapons and explosives; ‘I felt like the questions were copied from the Office of the Chief Prosecutor in the International Criminal Court in The Hague’.

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1 HOUR AGO! IDF ELIMINATES PRO-IRANIAN commander wanted for 10 years with MASSIVE AIRSTRIKE!  [9:07]

June 21, 2024  Raptor News


IAEA Accused of Secretly Funding Iran’s Nuclear Program

June 20, 2024  JBN News – A damning report by the German tabloid Bild accuses the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) of secretly funding Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

Iranian scientist Karimi-Sabet, who has been on the US sanctions list since 2020 for his role in the regime’s nuclear weapons development, was allegedly given multiple cash payments by the IAEA to avoid a paper trail.

To cover its tracks, the IAEA is claiming that its work strictly follows UN regulations. However, this excuse falls flat considering the report also exposes the agency’s funding of training Iran’s nuclear researchers in Russia. Allegedly since 2019, the IAEA has been sending Iranians to train under President Vladimir Putin’s clandestine Rosatom nuclear program.

Both the US and Israel have long suspected a quid pro quo between Iran and Russia, with Tehran receiving support for its atomic pursuit in exchange for supplying Moscow with deadly drones for its unprovoked war against Ukraine.

Despite the gravity of the situation, US President Joe Biden is still committed to reviving the failed 2015 JCPOA nuclear deal. If reinstated, this agreement would provide substantial financial benefits to Iran’s oppressive regime, amounting to approximately $275 billion in the first year and a staggering $1 trillion by 2030.

With the IAEA’s credibility in question and Biden seemingly more concerned with appeasing Iran, the world is left to wonder whether the West can hold Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei accountable before he obtains an ultimate doomsday weapon.


Shurat HaDin: FRC report rejecting Gaza famine exposes UN bigotry, undermines ICC prosecution claim

The report rejected FEWS NET claims of the Gaza famine, yet the UN ignored its main conclusion rejecting the Gaza famine.

JUNE 19, 2024 13:31  post.com  – In late May 2024, the Famine Review Committee (FRC) published its updated report on behalf of the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC), the premier global famine monitoring initiative structured as a partnership between governments, international organizations, and NGOs. The report rejected FEWS NET (Famine Early Warning System Network) claims of Gaza famine, determining that these reports bluntly ignored “between as much as 38% to 49%” of food deliveries to Gaza and concluding that it “does not find the FEWS NET analysis plausible.” This report was ignored by UN agencies, including the World Health Organization, which continued to echo the “Gaza famine” campaign. Even upon publishing this report, the UN ignored its main conclusion rejecting the Gaza famine.

“The FRC report serves as a wake-up call, revealing – once again – the deep bias and obsession by UN agencies with Israel,” said Nitsana Darshan Leitner, founder and president of Shurat HaDin-Israel Law Center, adding that “Miscalculating almost 50% of food supply into Gaza cannot be a minor mishap. It is clearly deliberate, exactly as bluntly ignoring this expert report – once already filed – by UN agencies. The UN is simply saying to us: “Don’t let the facts come in the way of demonizing Israel.”

Darshan Leitner emphasized that “this report does more than just expose UN bigotry: it also undermines the ICC prosecutor’s claims that Israel is deliberately using starvation as a method of warfare against the Gazan population. The ICC’s next steps will reveal its true colors. If the Prosecutor wishes to save anything left from the ICC’s reputation, he should quickly reconsider his actions, pull back his request for arrest warrants, and publish a formal apology. If he or the Pre-Trial Chamber chooses to ignore it and continue their modern “Dreyfus Affair” antisemitic blood libel against Israel, they will bury the remaining ICC credibility with it.”


“3,000 Rockets a Day and Hospitals Overwhelmed”: What All-Out Israel-Hezbollah War Would Look Like  [Excellent VIDEO  17:11]   Rachel O’Donoghue

A full-scale war between Israel and Hezbollah inched closer this week as the Shiite Lebanese terror group’s leader Hassan Nasrallah threatened both Israel and Cyprus. In a televised address on Wednesday, Nasrallah said, “There will be no place safe from our missiles and our drones should a larger conflagration erupt…”

June 20, 2024   4:56 pm  Honest Reporting – A full-scale war between Israel and Hezbollah inched closer this week as the Shiite Lebanese terror group’s leader Hassan Nasrallah threatened both Israel and Cyprus.

In a televised address on Wednesday, Nasrallah said, “There will be no place safe from our missiles and our drones should a larger conflagration erupt,” and that Hezbollah had “a bank of targets” it would aim for in precision strikes. He also urged the Cypriot government against opening airports and bases on the island for the “enemy” to operate from, although Israel is not known to have ever done this.

Hezbollah and Israel have exchanged near-daily fire since the October 7 Hamas attack, after the group fired rockets in support of Hamas, forcing tens of thousands of Israeli civilians to evacuate their homes in northern communities close to the border. Israeli military chiefs now think an all-out war is a real possibility.

In a statement, the military said “operational plans for an offensive in Lebanon were approved and validated, and decisions were taken on the continuation of increasing the readiness of troops in the field.”

But what would a war with Hezbollah look like? How would Israelis be affected by the war? And who would win?

‘3,000 Rockets Launched Daily; Air Defenses Overwhelmed and Mass Casualties’

A three-year study by Reichman University’s Institute for Counter-Terrorism, in which more than 100 senior military and government officials took part, forecasted devastation in Israel in the event of war.

The report, which was reportedly presented to government officials before the Hamas attack last year and seen by Israeli publication Calcalist, predicted Hezbollah would fire between 2,500 to 3,000 rockets each day at Israel. These would range from accurate rockets to precision long-range missiles and would be interspersed with intense barrages aimed at specific targets for maximum destruction, such as densely populated civilian areas or military targets.

Iranian terror proxies in the region, including pro-Iranian militias in Syria and Iraq, Hamas and Islamic Jihad in the West Bank and Gaza, and Yemen’s Houthis, would also join the conflict. It is thought that a multi-pronged assault could destroy Israel’s air defense systems, specifically by using munitions and drones to target Iron Dome batteries, as well as cause thousands of civilian and military casualties.

There has also been speculation that Iran itself would join, attacking Israel, as it did on April 13.

Due to Hezbollah’s vast arsenal of rockets, Israel’s Iron Dome interceptors and David’s Sling missiles would run out just a few days into the conflict, leaving most of the country entirely exposed and unprotected. It is thought that the daily rocket fire would last for weeks. The group’s precision missiles would target Israeli military bases to hinder counterattacks and critical infrastructure such as power plants, water facilities, and electricity stations.

Continue reading

[Ed.:  Israel knows this information very well.  Therefore, in my estimation, day one of the “3,000 rockets a day,” Israel would nuke Hezbollah (or the equivalent) and obliterate them.  Immediately, Pakistan and Iran (using Pakistani and Chinese nuclear warheads) would nuke Israel.  Israel would then immediately send nukes back.  But, it would be too little too late.  There would be some 40,000 to 600,000 of us left living in caves without food or water.  This exact scenario was prophesied by Rabbi Akiba and Shimon Bar Yochai 3,000 years ago for the end of days (which is now,) and they have had a 100% batting average so far. G-d forbid!  Please keep in mind that I have been totally wrong many times before! Therefore, even I don’t take my own word for it. Only G-d’s will will prevail.]



[7:59 PM, 6/20/2024]   +972 52-272-5969:  According to a U.S. Defense Official, elements of Carrier Strike Group 2, including the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, currently conducting operations against the Houthi terrorist group in the southern Red Sea, will soon be redeployed to the Eastern Mediterranean.

This redeployment aims to assist Israel with the defense of its northern airspace from large-scale attacks involving long-range missiles, rockets, and drones expected to be launched by Hezbollah at the beginning of an Israeli ground and air offensive into southern Lebanon.

Once in the Eastern Mediterranean, the ships will join additional U.S. and British Navy vessels currently deployed to the Mediterranean and from Naval Station Rota in Spain. Meanwhile, coalition forces with the EU’s “Operation Aspides” will continue operations against the Houthis in the Red Sea.


US Aid To Israel: It was today announced that the USA has sent a substantial shipment of arms to Israel. This comes as the conclusion of a series of political maneuvers between Israel and the USA.

June 20, 2024 @ 7:32 p.m. Eastern  𝗜𝗦𝗥𝗔𝗘𝗟 𝗟𝗜𝗩𝗘 𝗡𝗘𝗪𝗦 =

The affair began with several public statements by US officials that aid to Israel would be delayed as a protest against the harm to the civilian population of the Gaza Strip.

Israeli officials from multiple parties dismissed US pressure, saying that Israel would win the war without American backing. At length, a shipment of munitions intended for Israel was delayed.

More recently, Prime Minister Netanyahu made a video statement calling it ‘inconceivable that the USA is delaying arms shipments to Israel in the midst of a war.’ The statement drew criticism from both countries for the hostile tone and the implied dependence on American aid.

Shortly thereafter, faced with growing hostility on Capitol Hill, in the press, and among undecided voters, the Biden administration denounced Netanyahu’s comments as false and authorized the weapons shipment. ‘We don’t know what he’s talking about,’ claimed the White House press secretary.

Prime Minister Netanyahu tweeted a summary of the saga: ‘I am ready to face personal attacks as long as Israel gets the weapons it needs from America for this war for its existence.’

[Ed.:  Therefore,


Survivor claims: Nearly 50 survivors of Nova massacre have committed suicide   Hezki Baruch

Many survivors of the Nova music festival massacre are forcibly admitted to psychiatric wards; other survivors demand: ‘Why do we need to prove and explain more in order to receive help?’

Apr 16, 2024, 12:26 PM (GMT+3) – The State Control Committee on Tuesday held a meeting discussing the bureaucratic difficulties faced by the survivors of the Nova music festival massacre on October 7, as they attempt to receive treatment for their trauma.

Guy Ben Shimon, a survivor of the massacre said, “There are nearly 50 suicides among the Nova [survivors] – that is a number from two months ago. There are many more who are forcibly admitted.”

The Ministry of Health responded that the statement is untrue and that there are less than 10 suicides among those who survived the massacre.

Na’ama Eitan, who also survived the massacre, said, “I participated in a study which checked my heartrate and other parameters and showed me how I really am not okay at all. The average number of hours I sleep each night is two. I spent seven hours under a tree, while terrorists passed beside me and I called the police and asked, ‘Where are you? Why is no one coming?’ If there is quiet around me, my head is noisy and I go back to there. I need someone to accompany me at all times.”

She stressed, “If it weren’t for my psychologist, I would not be here. I have friends who have not yet gotten out of bed, and they have no help. Twenty-four treatments? What is that? Nothing! Why do I need to prove to someone what I experienced? Why do I need to prove and explain what happened to me? I was there.”

Or Nasa, another survivor, shared, “We don’t wake up at night and we can’t do anything, and now they come and we need to fill out this form or that form. This could ruin our entire day. We are not able to do anything. A friend stopped working because of a mental breakdown that she experienced, but the National Insurance Institute doctors did not recognize her as suffering a work injury. I need to go to a psychologist but there is an appointment only five months from now.”

Related articles:


‘A scandalous decision’: Road from Ramallah reopened without checkpoint   Rafael Levi

Beit El residents are organizing protests against the decision to open the road out of Ramallah without security checks for passing vehicles. 

Jun 20, 2024, 1:45 PM (GMT+3) – The Focus checkpoint, the exit route from Ramallah near Beit El, was opened Thursday morning for Palestinian Authority (PA) Arab traffic, without any inspection of the vehicles passing through.

The checkpoint had been closed to Palestinian Authority Arabs for a long period. Recently, it was opened to PA traffic subject to inspection, but on Thursday morning, as mentioned, the checkpoint was opened without inspection.

Residents of Beit El stress that opening the route for traffic without inspection poses a danger, and that similar checkpoints in the area have security and inspection for those exiting the Palestinian Authority cities. A protest against the reopening has been organised.

In the past, the area has seen several shooting attacks against IDF soldiers and residents, in which Israelis were injured. One of the attackers was a Palestinian Authority policeman who left the police headquarters in Ramallah and used a weapon from the Palestinian Authority.

Beit El mayor Shai Alon criticized the decision: “In a week when two of the town’s residents fell in the war for the existence of the State of Israel, in a week when the entire town is in mourning and sorrow, there are those who decide that the security of Beit El residents is not equal to the security of the rest of Israel’s residents. The scandalous decision to open the Focus crossing even without security, against all warnings, against common sense which says that where there were attacks in the past there will be attacks in the future – is a moral folly. We have approached all relevant security bodies and presented them with the danger of opening the crossing and now they have turned their backs on us.”

He added sharply: “Our blood is not free for the taking and we will fight to have this decision canceled and shelved. This is an unfortunate decision that knowingly endangers lives. The time has come to act to protect Israelis and not the well-being of Al-Bireh and Ramallah residents. If the road is opened as planned – it’s only a matter of time until, God forbid, we have casualties from terror attacks. We were promised security, and we demand that this promise be fulfilled in full.”

A military source explained that, “In light of the situation assessment and in coordination with all security bodies, the Focus checkpoint near the city of Ramallah was opened to traffic several weeks ago. Over the past few months, infrastructure work has been carried out and advanced observation, collection, and blocking measures have been installed at the checkpoint.”

He added, “After another situation assessment, it was decided to change the inspection times and the positioning of forces around the checkpoint to strategic points in order to secure the route continuously for all citizens. Additionally, it should be noted that there are many exits from the city of Ramallah through villages, most of which are not secured at all from which Palestinians have been exiting in recent months.”

Related articles:

[Ed.:  “Our blood is not free for the taking…”  (False.)  Jewish blood is cheapest in the modern land of IINO, especially theirs!]


Ezra Yakin Promoted

June 20, 2024  𝗜𝗦𝗥𝗔𝗘𝗟 𝗟𝗜𝗩𝗘 𝗡𝗘𝗪𝗦 – The IDF’s Oldest Reservist Promoted: Ezra Yakhin, 96, fought in the Lehi paramilitary group before the founding of Israel. Despite his age, he is still in reserve service as a motivational speaker in the Education Corps ‘Torchbearer Unit’. Since the beginning of the war, he has moved from unit to unit, inspiring the soldiers of today with the same fighting spirit that founded Israel.

Today, he was awarded the rank of Command Master Sergeant. “Since the age of 15, I have fought for the people and land of Israel. As the Lehi anthem Unknown Soldiers goes, only death discharges us from service.”


🟣  Thu morning June 20, 2024 @ 3:14 a.m. Eastern – ISRAEL REALTIME – Connecting to Israel in Realtime

▪️ASSUMED DEAD HOSTAGES.. (Ynet via Wall Street Journal) The number of hostages still alive may be much lower than what is believed in Israel, and may only reach 50. Wall Street Journal via mediators in the negotiations for the deal and an American official familiar with intelligence obtained by the US. Meaning 66 of those assumed being held captive in Gaza likely dead.

▪️MIN OF RELIGIOUS SERVICES – READY FOR BURIALS.. “The Ministry of Religious Services, which is in charge of the burial, is preparing itself for big scenarios in the north.”

▪️CORRECTION – US CARRIER BATTLEGROUP INBOUND (to Israel)?  NO – fake news. The report was: “CNN: The aircraft carrier Ford and accompanying fleet are on their way to the coast of Haifa in the north of the country.”

▪️EVERY PEEP OF ISRAELI POLITICS FOLLOWED.. (Amit Segal) A friend from the Emirates called today to find out when the government is collapsing. He follows Al Jazeera which reports on every peep in the government.  In the eyes of the terrorist network and its supporters, this is not a conflict in the coalition or politics, but more holes in the Zionist ship.


1. Hezbollah told the mediator that no threat to them will work.

2. If Israel wants to start a war – Israel should take into account that Iran that will intervene militarily and join Hezbollah (first time hearing this from a Hezbollah source).

3. Israel will face massive launches from Iran and Lebanon.

4. The reason for the publication of the video of the Hizbullah ‘Dukifat’ drone – because Hochstein conveyed messages that Israel gave an ultimatum to Hizbullah until the 26th of the month, in response Hizbullah threatened Israel again.

5. The 48-hour ceasefire was not because of the Feast of the Sacrifice, but a coordination between Iran and the US to lower tensions ahead of the envoys visit.

▪️RED SEA SHIPPING ATTACK via SUICIDE BOAT.. bomb laden drone boats are now being used by the Houthis, and are what hit and sank the Greek bulk carrier ship in the Red Sea.

.. US CENTCOM: in the last 24 hours destroyed two Houthi suicide boats in the Red Sea. In addition, destroyed two command and control stations of the Houthis.

▪️AID PIER.. contrary to many mainstream media reports, the US has reconnected the floating dock in Gaza after seas calmed.

▪️PROTESTS.. small group of protestors blocked the Ayalon highway north near La Guardia, “120 abductees are still being held captive by Hamas in Gaza, and the most burning issue on the agenda is political deals, exemption from conscription and appointing rabbis. Israeli government, cabinet – wake up!”

A small group blocked the Einat intersection with the same banners as well.

In most cases large professionally printed banners show these are planned and well financed protests.

▪️AIR TRAVEL.. A record number of passengers in Israel since the beginning of the war – today about 62,200 passengers will pass through Ben Gurion Airport on 376 incoming and outgoing international flights: about 33,300 will leave, about 28,900 will enter.  That remains much lower that before the war due to airline capacity, higher flight costs and reduced tourism.

▪️TAXES.. Treasury plan for 2025: child allowances and wages in the public sector will be cut, the sugar tax (sweetened drinks) will be returned. And also recommend a cut in the (discretionary) coalition funds and improving financial efficiency in the IDF.

♦️COUNTER-TERROR – TULKARM.. overnight IDF forces operating in Tulkarm.

♦️COUNTER-TERROR – Jenin.. IDF forces operating in Jenin this morning, 2 arrested.

HAMAS attacks Aid Transfer Port Kerem Shalom, via ROCKETS this morning – – again.

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Biden Administration Seeks to Silence Consensus Civil Society Organizations in Israel   by Naomi Linder Kahn
June 20, 2024 at 4:00 am

  • The letter provides irrefutable evidence and undeniable testimony that the humanitarian aid provided to Gaza, ostensibly to the civilian population, is invariably commandeered by Hamas: The letter cites statements to this effect by the US embassy in Israel, the US government itself, the IDF, UNRWA – and even Fatah officials.
  • “The shocking truth is that the United States is providing material support to a terrorist organization that is waging a brutal war against the only democratic ally the US has in the middle east, and the US-funded and trained Palestinian Authority Security Forces are no different than Hamas. Exposing the terrorist nature of the US’s ‘partner for peace’ is ‘inconvenient,’ to put it politely, so the Administration has decided to attack the messenger in order to suppress the message.” – Meir Deutsch, Director General, Regavim.

Biden Administration seeks to silence consensus civil society organizations in Israel with sanctions typically used against terrorists: “A draconian measure that harks back to the days of colonialist oppression.”

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BREAKING: Hezbollah Drones THREATEN Israel; Hamas Pivots To GUERILLA WARFARE  [17:56]   Yair Pinto

June 19, 2024  TBN Israel – Israel’s Yair Pinto reports on the Israel-Hamas War. Pinto reports on a Hezbollah reconnaissance drone flying above Haifa which captured video and photos of key Israeli military and civilian infrastructure. As the IDF continues to push deeper into Rafah, it has uncovered tunnel shaft entrances in nearly every home and is actively working to eliminate the city’s vast tunnel network.


Even Egypt in SHOCK! 5500 Hamaz Members Fleeing to Egypt Through Tunnels! Israel Found Warehouse!  [8:33]   Raptor News


Wed. night  June 19, 2024 @ 3:33 p.m. Eastern  – ISRAEL REALTIME – Connecting to Israel in Realtime

▪️HEZBOLLAH LEADER NASRALLAH.. (1) threatens to invade the Galilee, (2) threatens to attack the country of Cyprus…

“if you allow Israel to use your airports against Lebanon in the war, the “resistance” will bring you into the circle of combat” against the background of Israeli Air Force training in Cyprus and “information in his possession” according to which Israel plans to use airports in Cyprus if its airports are damaged in the war with Hezbollah.

.. The Cypriot ambassador to Israel, in response to Nasrallah’s threats: “When someone threatens us, we will of course react.”

▪️U.S. ENVOY TO LEBANON.. US special envoy Hochstein announces – attempts to negotiate the situation in the north have failed.

▪️ANY TIME NOW.. Senior political official: The countdown to an Israeli response to Hezbollah has begun.

▪️US CARRIER BATTLEGROUP INBOUND?  CNN: The aircraft carrier Ford and accompanying fleet are on their way to the coast of Haifa in the north of the country.

▪️PROTESTORS IN THE KNESSET PUBLIC OBSERVATION ROOM.. in front of the members of the Knesset, the messages “You are finished” and “Elections now” were pasted on the protective glass wall. The Knesset guards took the protestors away.  Police report to be filed for disrupting the venue.

▪️IRAN NUKES.. Washington Post: Iran has added a large number of centrifuges and will soon be able to triple its uranium enrichment rate. Iran will be able to produce several nukes every month at this rate.

▪️PROTEST IN ASHKELON.. moderate sized protest (thousand) calling for early elections.  “We must have elections, because if there were regular elections for another month – we would suddenly see a hostage deal, the end of the campaign in Gaza, an order in Lebanon and the adoption of the American-Saudi initiative.”

▪️ARMS INBOUND.. Following Netanyahu’s pressure and the public announcement of the delay in arms shipments from the U.S.: the administration is releasing a ship tonight with critical armaments to Israel. It is important to note that each ship is equivalent to a fairly large number of air shipments.

AIR TRAVEL.. Low cost airline Transavia sold fights resuming from/to Israel, passengers whose flights were supposed to take place in the coming months report they received notice of cancellation.  It seems this low cost KLM affiliate has changed their mind on flying to Israel.

♦️AT ATTACK IN SYRIA, IDF DROPPED LEAFLETS.. “Time after time the Syrian army continues to pay a price as a result of the presence of Hezbollah in its sites. As we warned – we will not stop acting as long as the intelligence cooperation with Hezbollah continues.”

ROCKET BARRAGE AT KIRYAT SHMONA from Hezbollah, 15 rockets.

2 ANTI-TANK MISSILES fired at Metulla by Hezbollah.  Hit on military buildings.

2 ROCKET ATTACKS from HAMAS at Alumim and Netiv HaAssara.


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MEMRI:  Lebanese MP Camille Dory Chamoun Threatens Hizbullah: We Have Soldiers, We Have An Army; At Zero Hour, We Can Mobilize 20,000 Fighters

Lebanese MP Camille Dory Chamoun said in a June 13 2024 interview with Al-Mashhad TV (UAE) that 75% of the Lebanese people oppose Hizbullah and that they can mobilize 20,000 soldiers to fight it if necessary. He said that if Hizbullah wants to reach a solution through negotiations, it would be “fine,” but otherwise, if they want to partition Lebanon, Hizbullah’s opponents have the necessary weapons and soldiers to do so. Chamoun said that the Sunnis, the Druze, and the Christians will unite for this purpose. He added that Iran should pay the price of the war in south Lebanon, because it made the decision to wage it.

Dory Chamoun: “The decision to launch a war against Israel from our southern border was made by Hizbullah- or maybe I should call them Hezb-Iran because I don’t think Allah wants to have anything to do with this country…

Interviewer: “Hold on a second. You have weapons and soldiers? This is a serious statement. You are armed. You have an army?”

Chamoun: “Indeed, it is serious. It is serious and they should take this into consideration. They know full well that at the zero hour, we can send 20,000 fighters to the streets, apart from the Lebanese army that will be split in two again, like in 1975.”

Interviewer: “From where will you get 20,000 fighters?”

Chamoun: “The Sunnis, the Druze, and the Christians will join ranks.”

Interviewer: “From where will you get 20,000 fighters?”

Chamoun: “They exist.”

Interviewer: “Where?”

Chamoun: “In their homes. A smart strategist always prepares a fallback line. If [Hizbullah] do not know their fallback line, they have learned nothing in politics and military practices.”

Interviewer: “I think that this statement indicates that you have learned nothing in politics and military practices. You are declaring war [on Hizbullah]. You are criticizing the illegal weapons of someone else, but say you have 20,000 armed men, ready to storm the streets when the zero hour comes…”

Chamoun: “If [Hizbullah] attacks our areas, I am 100 % certain that…”

Interviewer: Who do you rely upon? Dr. [Samir] Geagea?”

Chamoun: “We are relying on ourselves, and I know that Dr. Geagea is also fully ready. We are all ready. We do not have rockets that threaten Tel Aviv and beyond, but we have personal weapons, like we always have had, and like others have.”

[Ed.:  Very interesting.  Israel could/should/ and would happily supply them with full support.]


Son of Hamas co-founder: ‘We can remove Hamas, cut the head, and let the tail die’

Mosab Hassan Yousef calls to ‘stop the lame excuse’ of saying that Hamas is an idea that can’t be destroyed.

Jun 20, 2024, 5:12 PM (GMT+3) Israel National News – Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef, refuted recent claims that it would be impossible to destroy Hamas because Hamas is an idea.

“I see increasing voices saying Hamas is an idea that can’t be destroyed. This is what I used to think 15 years ago,” Yousef wrote on X.

“Hamas depends on the Muslim Brotherhood, Islam, and the human condition. We can’t eradicate it overnight. But we can remove it from power, cut the head, and let the tail die,” he explained.

“The Nazis were removed from power and reduced to an idea in the head of a dead man. Whenever it rises it must be killed,” the reformed, former terrorist noted.

He demanded: “Stop the lame excuse. The war will not end until justice is delivered and anyone who gets in the way will be destroyed as well.”

IDF Spokesman Daniel Hagari caused an uproar on Wednesday when he said in an interview with Channel 13 that “saying that it’s possible to destroy Hamas and to make it disappear is to throw dust into the public’s eyes.”

He explained that “Hamas is an idea. “Whoever thinks that it’s possible to make it disappear is mistaken. It’s the Muslim Brotherhood.”

The IDF Spokesperson later issued a clarification in which it stated: “The IDF Spokesman discussed the destruction of Hamas as an ideology and an idea, and he said that clearly. Any claim otherwise is taking his words out of context.”


IDF Spokesman Hagari: “Whoever thinks it’s possible to destroy Hamas is mistaken”

IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said that whoever says that Israel could destroy Hamas is misleading the public.

Jun 19, 2024, 9:04 PM (GMT+3)  Israel National News – IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari admitted on Wednesday that it would be impossible to eliminate Hamas.

“Hamas is an idea,” he explained in an interview with Channel 13, “Whoever thinks that it’s possible to make it disappear is mistaken. It’s the Muslim Brotherhood.”

When asked if the Palestinian Authority could replace Hamas in the Gaza Strip, he answered that “the political echelon has to decide. Saying that it’s possible to destroy Hamas and to make it disappear is to throw dust into the public’s eyes.”

Hagari committed that the security forces would eliminate Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, “He will make a mistake and it will happen.”

The Prime Minister’s Office issued a response to Hagari’s statement: “The Security Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has defined the destruction of Hamas’ military and governing capabilities as one of the goals of the war. The IDF, of course, is committed to this.”

The IDF Spokesperson issued a clarification following the publication of the interview: “The IDF is committed to achieving the war’s objectives as laid out by the Cabinet, it has been working day and night throughout the war and will continue to do so.”

It added: “The commanders of the IDF and its servicemen and women are fighting with determination and persistence to destroy the military capabilities and the governmental and organizational infrastructure of Hamas in Gaza, a clear military objective.

Regarding Hagari’s statements, the IDF emphasized that “the IDF Spokesman discussed the destruction of Hamas as an ideology and an idea, and he said that clearly. Any claim otherwise is taking his words out of context.”

[Ed.:  IINO’s military leadership must be replaced with leaders who are not resigned to defeat.  Pisher Hagari is living proof of the need for complete military reform.  Eliminating Hamas is very do-able, we only need military leadership that are not leftist spineless pussies.]

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ‘Rear Admiral’ Hagari thinks this is how to be a ‘Rear Admiral’

Hezbollah Taunts Israel with Footage Revealing Sensitive Areas

June 19, 2024  JBN News – Hezbollah dramatically escalated the risk of a full-scale war on Wednesday by releasing a shocking video that showcases sensitive Israeli military and civilian locations.

The aerial footage captures residential areas in Israel’s north, including shopping malls, high-rises, and vehicles. It exposes sensitive locations like an IDF military base and Iron Dome batteries, missile storage facilities, and radar installations housed at weapons manufacturer Rafael near Haifa.

Hezbollah’s propaganda stunt also taunts Israeli navy ships, oil depots, and a combat diving unit headquartered at Haifa’s port – a crucial maritime hub with billions in economic interests from companies across the world.

In a scathing response, Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz declared that the Jewish state is “getting very close” to declaring war against the Iran-backed terror proxy. [Emphasis added for comic effect]

“We are getting very close to the moment of deciding to change the rules of the game against Hezbollah and Lebanon,” Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz wrote on X. “In an all-out war, Hezbollah will be destroyed, and Lebanon severely beaten,” he added.

Hezbollah’s latest provocation comes amidst a war started by Iran’s other proxy, Hamas, following its unprovoked massacre against Israel on October 7. After firing approximately 5,000 rockets, missiles, and drones at northern Israel since that fateful day, Hezbollah has claimed solidarity with Hamas’ genocidal doctrine.

According to CNN, Hezbollah’s video may be the handiwork of spies operating within Israel’s borders, meticulously documenting targets for future attacks. Its alarming level of detail stresses the urgent need for Israel to root out this insidious threat for its own survival.

As the Israel teeters on the edge of a second full-scale war, the Biden administration is hoping to find a diplomatic solution by reportedly sending an envoy to the region. However, with Hezbollah’s insatiable thirst for Jewish blood, the time for diplomatic solutions may be over.

[Ed.: …”Jewish state is “getting very close” to declaring war…”   Pitiful!!  Embarrassing!!]


HISTORIC MOMENT In Lebanon! Hezbollah RETREATING! 100,000 Israeli Soldiers Are Rushing To That Area!  [9:41]

Jun 18, 2024  Baron Global – In this news report, you can find information about the escalation of conflicts between Israel and Iran. It includes details of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) responding to Iran rocket attacks, indicating a deepening of the conflict in the Middle East and the potential involvement of Iran-backed groups like Hezbollah. Developments in Lebanon, Syria, Iran, and Yemen are also covered. The conflicts involve the use of missiles, drones, and naval forces. Additionally, it emphasizes the close monitoring of the situation in the region by the United States, NATO, and Russia. It is noted that Putin’s administration could escalate tensions between Ukraine and Russia, and attention is drawn to military movements in critical regions on the world map. Despite efforts by air defense systems, the conflicts persist. Our news also highlights the roles of leaders such as Netanyahu, Biden, Trump, and Zelensky in crisis management.


Israeli Ships Was Saved at Last Second! U.S and British Warplanes Did Such a Thing…  [8:01]

June 18, 2024  Raptor News


🟠Wed morning June 19, 2024 @ 3:42 a.m. Eastern – ISRAEL REALTIME – Connecting to Israel in Realtime

⚠️The muslim holiday that started Sun night ends tonight – expect Hezbollah to return to heavier fire tonight or tomorrow morning.

🔸DEAL BLAH BLAH.. The Prime Minister of Qatar is pressuring senior Hamas officials to bridge the gap between the movement’s proposal and the Israeli proposal.

Related, the US envoy going to Lebanon on a deal for the north – on arriving Hezbollah released the threat video against Israel as their response.

▪️EXCHANGE OF ACCUSATIONS.. over the intelligence document describing how Hamas would attack that happened 2 weeks later…

.. in 8200 they did not draw clear conclusions from the document.

.. in the Gaza Division they discovered the document, but it was not forwarded to the relevant officials.

▪️PROTEST – TEL AVIV.. Demonstration (small) at Sheba Hospital after a doctor was injured at last nights Kaplan protests: “Police violence is a civil danger”.

▪️KIBBUTZ GROWTH.. unusual because most kibbutzim have folded.  160 more houses: Kibbutz Galil Yam next to Herzliya will double its size. The profit will be shared among the members.

▪️AID PIER.. New York Times report: The American floating dock has failed and will be permanently dismantled.

▪️POLITICS – UPHEAVAL OVER THE RABBIS LAW.. the coalition, under urging of member party Shas, attempted to bring a law requiring (Jewish) cities of 50,000+ residents to appoint a city rabbi, via nominating committees controlled by the Religious Services Ministry.  This would have added about 600 state rabbi positions as well as shifting control over appointments of government-paid municipal and neighborhood rabbis from the cities to the ministry committees.

To some extent this proposal is normal political pandering, where a party in power gets to do some things their way.

However, due to the war, the anti-govt protests, and the resistance on charedi draft, the outcry over the proposed law was felt even within Likud where some MK’s refused to support it, and also with surprising opposition from coalition party Otzma Yehudit.

The Prime Minister pulled the proposal, Shas leader Deri expressed major upset and have scheduled an urgent party meeting.

♦️IDF ATTACKS SYRIA.. A Syrian officer was killed in an alleged Israeli airstrike this morning in southern Syria, the state-run SANA news agency reports.  Citing a military source, SANA says two Syrian military sites in Quneitra and Daraa were targeted by Israeli drones.  The strikes also caused “material losses,” the report adds.

HEZBOLLAH SUICIDE DRONES & ROCKETS x 3 rounds, northern towns.

HAMAS launched a SUICIDE DRONE!  Towards Holit, Sufa, Nir Itzhak.

HAMAS ROCKET at Kerem Shalom, the aid transfer station.

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Report: Israel Upgrades Nuclear Capabilities as Regional Tensions Rise

June 18, 2024  JBN News – A new report has shed light on Israel’s nuclear capabilities even as it maintains a policy of ambiguity.

According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), Israel has begun upgrading facilities at its Dimona nuclear site. The Jewish State allegedly holds as many as 90 active nuclear warheads, with 30 ready for aircraft delivery and the rest to boost its ballistic missile arsenal.

SIPRI also believes Israel may be augmenting the range of its nuclear capabilities by upgrading missiles from its mysterious Jericho defense program. Israel’s diesel submarine fleet could also soon be transformed into an undersea nuclear triad.

Israel’s alleged move should come as no surprise given that eight nuclear-armed states have recently prioritized modernizing their nuclear forces. In the US and Russia, the largest nuclear powers, there has been emphasis on not just upgrading warhead numbers but also tactical systems like cruise missiles.

Analysts argue that Israel’s suspected nuclear advancements illuminate the catastrophic failure of the Biden administration’s strategy of appeasing Iran’s apocalyptic regime. By obsessively clinging to his former boss’s failed 2015 JCPOA nuclear deal, the White House has boxed itself into empowering the very threat it claims to be containing.

According to the International Atomic Energy Agency, Iran’s stockpile of enriched uranium has ballooned to over 30 times the agreed-upon limit in the deeply flawed nuclear deal. As of mid-May, Iran possessed 142.1 kilograms of uranium enriched up to 60% purity. If Iran were to further enrich its existing nuclear material, it would be sufficient to produce two nuclear weapons.


🔅🔅Tue evening June 18, 2024 @ 1:09 p.m. Eastern – ISRAEL REALTIME – Connecting to Israel in Realtime

▪️US STILL DELAYING ARMS?  Netanyahu: I told Blinken to stop delaying the arms shipments. As Churchill said to the USA – give us the weapons and we will do the job.

.. At the same time, US Senate approved a huge deal for the sale of arms to Israel worth 18 billion dollars, which also includes 50 F-15 planes.

▪️NO STARVATION IN GAZA – ICC ACCEPTS LIES.. Columbia University Professors Avi Federgruen and Ran Kivetz have analyzed available data and conducted research whose “findings demonstrate that sufficient amounts of food are being supplied into Gaza.”

They note that it is “a myth that Israel is responsible for famine in Gaza.” They argue that the International Criminal Court and UN have joined Hamas in blaming Israel for a “famine that never was, hoping to stop the war [in Gaza].”

They examined the “hard data, available from such sources as COGAT and the UN, demonstrate that 250 truckloads suffice to feed the entire Gazan population, in accordance with a normal diet in North America.”

Experts: ICC, UN blamed Israel for a famine that never happened in Gaza – exclusive

❗️HEZBOLLAH RELEASES Surveillance VIDEO.. showing drone video of potential attack sites throughout Haifa and northern Israel.  Arab channels are crowing about it.

▪️US ENVOY MEETS, HEZBOLLAH FIRES.. The American envoy Amos Hochstein met in Lebanon with the Lebanese Foreign Minister – at the same time Hezbollah renewed the fire on the northern border (during Hochstein’s visit) after two days of silence.

▪️SMUGGLER CAUGHT W/WEAPONS – EILAT.. An attempt to smuggle weapons from Jordan to Israel, through Eilat, was revealed. Under the guise of returning from vacation – this is how a Bir resident tried to smuggle 17 Glock pistols from Jordan to Israel.

▪️HAMAS SHOOTS THEIR OWN.. Hamas took a number of Gazans who published criticism of the organization, tied them up and shot them on live video.  (Not shared here.)

▪️ECONOMY – FOOD PRICE INCREASE.. Starting July 1, Angels bakery will increase the price of its products by 9%.

▪️OPPOSITION LEADER MK YAIR LAPID:  “Israel should apologize for killing Palestinian children in Gaza.” (On X per Ch. 14)

▪️TERROR – ATTEMPTED STABBING – Migdal Oz.. Attempted stabbing attack at Migdal Oz, terrorist shot.

♦️The IDF says it carried out a series of strikes in southern Lebanon today, targeting several Hezbollah operatives involved in launching drones.

4 rounds SUICIDE DRONES, 5 rounds ROCKETS by Hezbollah at northern towns.

2 rounds ROCKETS at Kerem Shalom aid entry station by HAMAS.

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Israel Gave Work Permits, While Palestinians Planned Oct. 7 Massacre   by Bassam Tawil
June 18, 2024 at 5:00 am

  • Prior to the October 7 massacre, more than 170,000 Palestinians were working in Israel, constituting an important source of income for the Palestinian economy…. The Palestinians from the Gaza Strip who were permitted to work in Israel received many of the same rights as Israeli workers, including health insurance and pension plans.
  • “I will be able to earn about $120 dollars a day [in Israel], while I cannot even earn $250 dollars a month in Gaza. Due to the difficult political and economic conditions, the people of the Gaza Strip suffer greatly from poverty and are unable to build a future for their children like their parents.” — Mohammed Kamal, a 38-year-old father of four from the Gaza Strip, newarab.com, March 24, 2022.
  • It appears that the murderers and rapists from the Gaza Strip saw Israel’s goodwill gestures as an indication of Israel’s weakness. In addition, they apparently saw the controversy in Israel surrounding the Israeli government’s judicial reform plan as a sign that Israel had become extremely weak, especially when anti-government protesters threatened to boycott military reserve service.
  • The October 7 atrocities serve as a reminder that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not about improving the living conditions of the Palestinians or strengthening their economy. Instead, the conflict is about the desire of the majority of Palestinians to slaughter Jews and destroy Israel.
  • Pre-and post-October 7 public opinion polls have consistently demonstrated that the majority of Palestinians back Hamas and believe that the atrocities committed on that day were “correct.”
  • Now, Palestinians can blame Hamas not only for dragging them into a disastrous war with Israel, but also for having left tens of thousands of families jobless in the wake of their loss of permits to work in Israel.
  • Instead of brainwashing and indoctrinating their people against Israel and Jews, Palestinian leaders need to be required to focus on creating job opportunities and boosting the Palestinian economy, which the flow of international handouts have relieved them from doing.
  • The Palestinians would also greatly benefit if they would realize that there are actually dire repercussions when they “bite the hand that feeds them.”
  • After the October 7 atrocities, it would be absurd to assume that Israel will once more welcome tens of thousands of laborers from the Gaza Strip. Many of those workers to whom Israel opened its doors were apparently working in Israel by day, and by night returning to Gaza and providing Hamas with highly detailed maps and drawings of every house in Israel’s border communities, and reports about everyone in them, including the pet dogs.
  • A massacre was not the outcome many had expected after the Israelis’ willingness to help to improve the lives of their Palestinian neighbors.
  • “Black-and-white depictions of Gaza before the war are not only inaccurate but fail to capture the color-rich realities that existed, in which the potential for coexistence and peace was present in daily occurrences; human-to-human connections between Palestinian workers and Israelis were a window of what the future could look like.” — Ahmed Fouad Alkhatib, former resident of the Gaza Strip, x.com, June 16, 2024.

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Biden’s Failure: US Taxpayers to Spend Another $22M to Repair Gaza Pier – Report   By C. Douglas Golden

Jun. 17, 2024 11:40 am – The good news: Thanks to God’s underrated sense of irony, President Joe Biden’s administration’s ludicrous plan to build a pier in Gaza without putting U.S. boots on the ground in order to deliver aid that absolutely, positively wouldn’t be stolen by Hamas has been, for the moment, foiled by the unseen element of bad weather that happens every year in the Mediterranean. More’s the pity.

The bad news: Apparently, “devout Catholic” Joe Biden can’t take a divine hint and the American taxpayer will be on the hook for at least another $22 million to fix the thing so Hamas can restart stealing … erm, I mean, borrowing aid.

According to the The Jerusalem Post, the $320 million pier had apparently been fixed and ready for action last Saturday after breaking apart under moderate seas and partially sinking in late May. However, it only managed to say open for a single day before that darned water stopped cooperating again.

“The pier was reattached to the coastline Friday after a mishap in which heavy seas cost at least $22 million in damage to the structure. More than a million pounds of aid flowed over it Saturday, but operations were curtailed again Sunday and Monday because of more heavy sea conditions,” The Washington Post reported, citing military sources.

In addition, the World Food Program announced on Sunday that they were suspending aid operations because of rampant looting.

“We are reassessing the safety aspects of where we should be and what this means for us,” said World Food Program head Cindy McCain. “It made things a lot more dangerous. … The crowd is already hungry. They’re desperate. And then to have something like this occur?”

“[WFP trucks] are looted because it’s so difficult to get along,” she added.

Hamas has a long history of, shall we say, requisitioning aid provided to the benighted residents of Gaza and decided who needs it most (hint: usually themselves), but that didn’t stop President Biden from promising to build the pier during his State of the Union address in March.

“The United States has been leading international efforts to get more humanitarian assistance into Gaza,” he said. “Tonight, I’m directing the U.S. military to lead an emergency mission to establish a temporary pier in the Mediterranean on the Gaza coast that can receive large ships carrying food, water, medicine and temporary shelters.

“No U.S. boots will be on the ground. This temporary pier would enable a massive increase in the amount of humanitarian assistance getting into Gaza every day.”

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[Ed.:  I could have fixed it for them for a mere $21 million.]


🔵🔵 ISRAEL REALTIME – Connecting to Israel in Realtime

Monday afternoon June 17, 2024 @ 11:15 AM Eastern

▪️WAR CABINET DISSOLVED, KITCHEN CABINET FORMED.. the war cabinet, a small set of ministers, was authorized to make direct war decisions as part of the emergency coalition deal.  With National Unity – MK Gantz dissolving the emergency coalition, PM Netanyahu has dissolved the war cabinet.

However, a limited quick decision making team with the PM continues, now as the “Kitchen Cabinet”.

▪️GREEK BULK CARRIER SHIP SINKS.. in the Red Sea due to Houthi attack on June 12, which also killed one crew member.

▪️ECONOMY – DEFENSE EXPORTS?  A record in defense exports, during the war Israel has sold weapons to the world for $13 billion.

▪️HEALTH – WEST NILE VIRUS!  5 patients with West Nile virus fever were hospitalized in Ichilov hospital – some in serious condition.  The virus is transmitted by infected mosquitoes and can be fatal.  People are advised to eliminate standing water to remove mosquito breeding locations – even a small puddle.

▪️UN OFFICIAL REPORT – NO FAMINE IN GAZA.. UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the Occupied Palestinian Territory: “No evidence was found that there is a famine in Gaza and therefore it cannot be determined that there is a famine in Gaza.” -> link https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/famine-review-committee-review-famine-early-warning-systems-network-fews-net-ipc-compatible-analysis-northern-governorates-gaza-strip-conclusions-and-recommendations-may-2024

▪️LIMITS ON FISHING DURING BREEDING SEASON.. Min. Of Agriculture and the Nature Authority announce fishing limits April – August, with size and number limits per species, to protect the breeding population and fish stocks.

♦️GAZA EVAC.. Gazans evacuating Shafut area of Zeitoun, following tanks heading into the area.

♦️RAFAH SUMMARY:  The IDF says it has dismantled about half of Hamas’s fighting force in Rafah. Of Hamas’s Rafah Brigade’s four battalions, two — Yabna (South) and East Rafah  —  are considered to be almost completely dismantled, while the capabilities of the other two — Shaboura (North) and Tel Sultan (West) — are somewhat degraded from IDF operations.

Along the Philadelphi Egypt border corridor, the IDF says it has located hundreds of rockets, including dozens of long-range projectiles aimed at central Israel.

The IDF says it has located at least 25 “long” tunnels that reach up to the border with Egypt, some of which likely cross into Sinai and had been used by Hamas to smuggle weapons.

The IDF has lost 22 soldiers amid the fighting in Rafah.

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[Ed.:  The installation of a kitchen cabinate is very important, but they should not forget to instal the kitchen sink...]


Yair Netanyahu infers there was treason on October 7th

Netanuahu’s son claimed, that Supreme Court froze the state auditor’s review of the IDF and Shin Bet, to hide events leading up to the massacre. ‘A state investigative committee is almost always used as a cover-up committee for the Left wing.’

Jun 17, 2024, 9:45 AM (GMT+3)  Israel National News – Yair Netanyahu, the son of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, attacked the High Court of Justice following its decision to freeze the State Comptroller’s investigation of the major IDF and Shin Bet failure to anticipate the October 7th attack.

“What are they trying to hide? If there was no treason, why are they so afraid that external and independent parties will check what happened?” Netanyahu Jr. wondered.

He added, “To this day, no one has explained why they did not inform the Prime Minister about the conversation held the night before October 7th. Why was he not informed about the material discovered as part of the Walls of Jericho intelligence report? Why did the heads of the army and intelligence constantly claim that Hamas was deterred? Where was the Air Force on 7.10”?

The Prime Minister’s son also criticized the attempts to establish a state commission of inquiry and claimed that it was a purely political move. “A state investigation committee, despite the pretentious name, is always chaired by a Supreme Court judge, and is therefore almost always used as a cover-up committee for the Left.”

Yesterday, the High Court of Justice ordered to freeze the State Comptroller’s review of the IDF and Shin Bet’s failure on and up to October 7. “At this stage, pending the hearing of the petition given the complex security situation – I am ordering the postponement of the IDF and Shin Bet review.”

Related articles:

[Ed.:  Of course!  It took him this long to realize it?]


Netanyahu dissolves War Cabinet

The Prime Minister has decided to dissolve the War Cabinet and decisions will instead be made by the Security Cabinet.

Jun 17, 2024, 11:20 AM (GMT+3)  Israel National News – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced to his ministers who participated in the Security Cabinet session on Sunday that he has decided to dissolve the War Cabinet and to hold the relevant discussions in the broader Security Cabinet instead.

However, those close to the Prime Minister predict that he will hold consultations with a smaller forum, similar to the War Cabinet, while decisions will be made in the Security Cabinet.

By doing this, Netanyahu absolved himself of National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir’s demands to join the War Cabinet after the National Unity Party left the government.

Last week, Ben-Gvir sent a letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu following the resignation of Benny Gantz and the National Unity Party from the coalition.

“With the outbreak of the war, as part of a necessary step of the unity of the ranks, the National Unity Party was added to the coalition. This step was taken with our full support out of statesmanship and national responsibility. In contrast, to this ‘statesmanlike’ step of ‘unity’, there was also added an ugly step, of an ultimatum to form a small cabinet, and to boycott parties in the coalition and senior ministers, including the undersigned,” wrote Ben Gvir.

He added that “out of that national responsibility, despite the difficult ideological differences with Gantz and Eisenkot’s views, which are dangerous in our eyes, we kept quiet about it.”

“The same small cabinet, which until now was the ‘cabinet of the concept’, led Israel until now, while excluding senior ministers in the government. No more. Now, with the resignation of the ministers of the concept, there is no longer an excuse for boycotting and excluding partners and senior ministers, certainly partners who warned in real time about the concept and perception that today everyone understands were wrong,” stated Ben Gvir.

“As a minister in the government, chairman of a party and a senior partner in the coalition, I hereby demand to join this cabinet, in order to be a partner in determining Israel’s security policy in the current precipice of times. The time has come to make brave decisions,” he concluded.

Related articles:

[Ed.:  This is the most important development in the war so far!  YAY!!  The Lion of Judah will now wake up, and the enemy will be quashed.]



🇲🇻🇮🇱 June 16, 2024 Jewish Breaking News – BACKFIRE: Two weeks after the Maldives announced they will ban Israeli nationals from entering the Islamic country the legal advisor to the government announced that there are difficulties with passing the legislation; namely the face that 2 million Israeli Arabs hold Israeli citizenship (which he called Palestinians.)

The Maldives are clear that they do not seek to ban Arabs, Muslim or Christian Israelis, but only one specific group of people: Jews. (Via Hen Mazzig)

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‘Innocent civilian’ children in Tulkarm, in central Israel

[Ed.:  IINO has condoned and enabled Arab children to be educated to kill Jews since IINO brought Arafat and his PLO to move to Israel from Tunisia 30-years ago in 1994.  This is the only explanation of why they all want nothing except to kill Jews. Don’t blame the freakin’ Arabs when we have only ourselves to blame!]


Jewish Right to Judea and Samaria   By Alex Grobman PhD.

10 Sivan 5784 – June 16, 2024

When U.S. Ambassador David Friedman, expressed support for Israel retaining part of Judea and Samaria in any future peace agreement, his remarks were greeted with scorn from Haaretz and others. Anyone familiar with the history of the Israeli/Arab conflict might conclude that the Arabs won all of the wars in which they fought, and therefore could dictate the terms of the peace. A logical question might be asked: By what legal right are Arabs permitted to live in Gaza and Judea and Samaria, but the Jews are restricted to only certain portions of these areas? The Mandate for Palestine conferred the right of the Jews to settle anywhere between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. This entitlement has not been changed in international law.

At the San Remo Conference in San Remo, Italy in April 1920, the Supreme Council of the Principal Allied Powers, Britain, France, Italy and Japan met to define the precise boundaries of the lands they had conquered at the end of the First World War. As part of a broad peace agreement, the Council decided that the Balfour Declaration of November 2, 1917, would be incorporated in The Treaty of Peace with Turkey.

When the Arabs brought their case before the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP), the committee established on May 15, 1947, to investigate the source of the conflict in Palestine and to offer a solution, the committee concluded, “There would seem to be no grounds for questioning the validity of the Mandate for the reason advanced by the Arab States.” Though the Arabs viewed themselves as having a “natural” right to Palestine, the UNSCOP report asserted that the “Arabs have never established a government there and…that not since 63 B.C., when Pompey stormed Jerusalem, has Palestine been an independent State.”

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Poll: Almost 70% of Palestinians Support October 7 Attack, Expect Hamas to Win   [VIDEOS]   By Pamela Geller

June 15, 2024 – These are the “innocent civilians” the world is supporting and funding and Israel is killing herself to save.

It is inhuman, irrational and anti-real. It’s evil.

PMW:=Shocking poll results in the latest poll by PSR! Only 9% of Palestinians think Hamas committed war crimes while a whopping 67% say the Oct. 7 attacks were a correct decision.

For those who still delude themselves into thinking that Palestinians are moderate, think again. For president, Palestinians overwhelmingly prefer the Hamas leader (46%) over the PA/Fatah leader (5%). Fatah is only preferred when their candidate is the terrorist Marwan Barghouti, a convicted murderer, who is serving 5 life sentences.

This must be an eye-opener for Americans and Europeans who are pressuring Israel to accept the Palestinian Authority as a peace partner. The PA represents no one. The Palestinian population is not interested in peace. Mahmoud Abbas only represents himself. And if they ever have a future election, they are certain to elect a terrorist as president and Hamas to rule the parliament.

The following are some of the most important findings in the latest poll by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR). Palestinians were questioned between May 26 and June 1, 2024. The poll includes Palestinians from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

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11 IDF soldiers killed in Gaza fighting over the weekend, bringing total to 306

Over the weekend, two separate incidents unfolded in Gaza: an explosion in the south that claimed the lives of 8 IDF soldiers, and another incident in the north which resulted in the loss of 2

June 16, 2024 at 05:09 AM  i24NEWS – The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are grappling with the aftermath of a devastating incident in Rafah, southern Gaza, where eight soldiers from Combat Engineering Battalion 601 lost their lives during an operation early Saturday morning.

The incident, which occurred at approximately 5:15 A.M. local time, marks a significant loss for the IDF, the largest in one day since January.

The soldiers, part of Givati Battalion 424, were engaged in an operation targeting Hamas militants and terrorist infrastructure in the northwestern part of Tal al-Sultan, a neighborhood in Rafah. Initial reports indicate that their Namer armored personnel carrier was struck by a powerful explosion, believed to have been caused by a remotely-detonated roadside bomb. The explosion was exacerbated by engineering tools and explosive materials carried inside the vehicle, leading to severe damage and making identification of the soldiers challenging.

“The incident has not yet been fully examined. These are preliminary findings,” stated IDF officials, emphasizing the complexity and seriousness of the situation.

The names of the victims that have so far been authorized for publication are:


Hating Israel Isn’t New; How the CIA and State Department Undermined the Jewish State   by Sean Durns

JUNE 3, 2024 11:00 AM – “Teddy Roosevelt’s great-great-great grandson is an anti-Israel protester at Princeton,” blared a New York Post headline on May 4, 2024.

The Post reported that Quentin Colon Roosevelt, an 18-year-old freshman, and descendant of the 25th President, is an anti-Israel activist at the Ivy League university. But far from being hip and new, Quentin’s brand of anti-Zionism is old hat — he is merely continuing a long family tradition of anti-Israel activism.

There is an abundance of literature on Franklin D. Roosevelt’s views on Jews and Zionism, the belief in Jewish self-determination. Both FDR and his wife Eleanor had made antisemitic remarks. In a private conversation in 1938, then-President Roosevelt suggested that by dominating the economy in Poland, Jews were themselves fueling antisemitism. And in a 1941 Cabinet meeting, FDR remarked that there were too many Jewish Federal employees in Oregon. In his final days, FDR promised Saudi leader Abdul Aziz Ibn al Saud that he would oppose the creation of Jewish state in the Jewish people’s ancestral homeland.

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