Daily Shmutz | NEWS  | 6/21/24



ICYMI: New Documents Reveal U.S. Government Encourages Snitching on Your Neighbors to the Feds — Same Tactics Used by Communist China’s Cultural Revolution in the 1960s    By Jim Hft

Jun. 21, 2024 12:20 pm – American First Legal (AFL) has released a series of documents highlighting the U.S. government’s attempts to bolster intelligence collection on its own citizens.

Following a lawsuit filed by the AFL on behalf of former Ambassador Ric Grenell, the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Homeland Intelligence Experts Group was forced to disband.

With the disbandment, AFL has released the first set of internal meeting notes—part of the #DeepStateDiaries series—which unveils a concerted effort by federal officials to infiltrate and monitor American communities under the guise of public safety.

These internal documents disclose discussions involving high-profile figures like John Brennan and James Clapper, focusing on methods for DHS to subtly increase intelligence-gathering efforts across the nation.

The Homeland Intelligence Experts Group, which had been meeting for four months prior to its official announcement in September 2023, held a discussion on “Collection Posture and Associated Challenges.”

The conversation revealed frustration over the lack of mandate for state and local partners to collect information, resulting in “limited access in I&A.”

The group acknowledged that the “See Something, Say Something” campaign had not been as effective due to American’s general reluctance to report on their neighbors. The challenge they faced was: “How do we get into local communities in a non-threatening way? How do people safely report a concern about their neighbors?”

One of the proposed solutions discussed was the reclassification of political dissent as a “public health” crisis, effectively broadening the net of surveillance under the auspices of community safety.

This approach, aimed at making “mother[s] and teacher[s]” comfortable reporting on their own children or students, effectively turns family and educators into informants for the federal government.

This is the same playbook used during Communist China’s Cultural Revolution in the 1960s, where many people died.

During China’s Cultural Revolution (1966-1976), initiated by Chairman Mao Zedong, snitching on neighbors and even family members was a common and encouraged practice.

This period, known formally as the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, aimed to enforce communism by eliminating capitalist, traditional, and cultural elements from society. Mao mobilized the youth into groups called Red Guards, who were tasked with identifying and punishing perceived counter-revolutionaries.

According to History:

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CHILLING: Biden Regime Declares Trump Supporters Domestic Terror Threats in Newly Released Internal Documents, Sought to Set Up DHS Intel Unit to Target Them   By Cullen Linebarger

Jun. 21, 2024 1:20 pm – Jim Hoft reported yesterday that America First Legal (AFL) released documents demonstrating how the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) put together a since-disbanded DHS intel group that included Deep State goons John Brennan and James Clapper to reclassify political dissent under the guise of “public health” so that ordinary Americans felt empowered to rat on their neighbors.

Now, AFL has released an even more infuriating batch of documents that should send chills straight up your spine because Trump supporters are on the menu.

These newly released internal files by AFL show the Biden regime classifies someone as a person likely to commit “domestic violent extremist” attacks. But instead of focusing on actual threats like Antifa and pro-Hamas supporters, they have declared Trump supporters as enemies of the state instead.

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[Ed.:  Capiche?]


Islamic State Central Africa Province (ISCAP) Claims Killing 74 Christians In One Week’s Operations In Democratic Republic Of Congo

The following report is now a complimentary offering from MEMRI’s Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM). For JTTM subscription information, click here. 

June 16, 2024  MEMRI – In recent days, the Islamic State Central Africa Province (ISCAP) has continued its attacks on Christian civilians in the northern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). In the week since June 9, 2024, ISCAP has claimed responsibility for the killing of 74 Christian civilians, 19 of whom were reportedly beheaded.

On June 14, ISCAP claimed that on June 12, its fighters attacked the Christian village of Mikango, in the DRC’s North-Kivu province, killing more than 45 Christians and causing the remaining villagers to flee. The fighters then looted the village, and burned some houses and stores before returning to their bases safely.[1]

ISCAP claimed a second attack in North-Kivu province on June 12, reporting that its fighters captured and beheaded six Christians in the village of Masongo. The remaining villagers fled.[2]

On June 11, ISCAP claimed another two attacks on Christian villages in northeast DRC. ISCAP fighters attacked Mabanga village and four adjacent villages with machine guns, causing the residents to flee, looting their houses and setting fire to a number of them.[3] On the same day, in the village of Malia in the DRC’s Ituri province, ten villagers were beheaded, leading the surviving residents to seek refuge outside the village. ISCAP fighters then seized some of the villagers’ possessions and burned several homes.[4]

Attacks also occurred on June 9 and 10. Thirteen Christians were killed, houses looted and homes burned in three attacks in North-Kivu province.[5]

ISCAP assaults on Christian civilians have been ongoing, routinely featuring beheading, looting and the burning of homes. In a particularly large ISCAP attack, claimed on June 7, more than 60 Christian villagers were reportedly beheaded.[6]


WARNING-GRAPHIC: Al-Qaeda Affiliate GSIM Accuses Alliance Of Sahel States (AES) Of Bombing, ‘Massacring’ Civilians In Niger, Burkina Faso

June 16, 2024  MEMRI – The following report is now a complimentary offering from MEMRI’s Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM). For JTTM subscription information, click here.

On June 13, 2024, the Al-Zallaqa Media Foundation, the media arm of Al-Qaeda’s affiliate in the African Sahel, Jama’at Nusrat Al-Islam Wal-Muslimeen (the Group for Support of Islam and Muslims – GSIM), published[1] a statement in Arabic accusing the “Sahel coalition countries” of continuing their “series of attacks” against innocent civilians.

The Alliance of Sahel States (Alliance des Etats du Sahel – AES) was formed in September 2023 by the governments of Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger—all of which had replaced their governments in coups within the previous three years—to cooperate against jihadi insurgencies and external aggression.

The statement accuses those countries of a “systematic policy of forced displacement,” “indiscriminate killing,” “ethnic cleansing,” and utilizing “tools of extermination and abuse,” most notably Turkish-made drones, to kill “Muslim women and children” in the African Sahel and additional parts of the world.

It lists two recent “violations” against “innocent Muslims” perpetrated by the “militias” of Ibrahim Traore, Interim President of Burkina Faso, and Abdourahamane Tchiani, president of the military junta ruling Niger.

According to the statement, on June 9, a Turkish-made Nigerien drone bombed a civilian car in Niger’s Tillaberi region, killing “at least” two civilians, wounding nine others, and causing damage to property.

On June 11, forces of the Burkinabe army perpetrated a “horrible massacre” in the village of Monsango, in Burkina Faso, which killed 24 innocent civilians, mostly women and children of the Fula ethnic group.

The statement concludes that these “new incidents” demonstrate that these “coup governments” are continuing their “genocidal crimes” and “terrorist missions” against “innocent, defenseless” civilians in the Sahel countries, “in flagrant violation of all human norms and international laws, [and] in the face of local and global silence on these horrible, bloody tragedies.”

Seven photos were attached[2], showing corpses in Burkina Faso.

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Defense Department Won’t Release Report on Funding of Chinese Research Laboratories – Blames ‘Limitations in the DoD Tracking Systems’   By Jim Hoft

Jun. 21, 2024 8:45 am – US taxpayers hand over nearly a trillion dollars to the Department of Defense every year.

In March the Defense Department laid out details of its $849.8 billion budget request, which is expected to fund operations during fiscal year 2025.

In November 2023 the Department of Defense announced the completion of a department-wide financial statement. Michael McCord, the DoD Under Secretary of Defense and Chief Financial Officer, announced at the time, “Auditing the Department’s $3.8 trillion in assets and $4.0 trillion in liabilities is a massive undertaking. But the improvements and changes we are making every day as a result of these audits positively affect every soldier, sailor, airman, marine, guardian, and DoD civilian.”

On Thursday The Department of Defense announced that they were having trouble finding out the exact extent of taxpayer dollars that are going to Chinese research laboratories – “The full extent of DoD funds provided to Chinese research laboratories for research related to enhancement of pathogens of pandemic potential is unknown.”

They can’t figure it out. Apparently, they have no idea how much money is going to Chinese biolabs!  [Emphasis added]

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Biden Regime Interrogates Jews From Israel Applying for Green Cards, Whether They are “War Criminals” Before Approving Visas, etc.   By Pamela Geller

June 20, 2024 – ‘I felt like the questions were copied from the Office of the Chief Prosecutor in the International Criminal Court in The Hague’

The Biden regime has opened our borders to ISIS, murderers, rapists and military age men from hostile adversaries. His administration is teeming with terror tied operatives But don’t you worry, the Biden regime is tracking down the Jews coming from Israel.

Caroline Glick writes, “The U.S. is interrogating Israelis about the granular details of their IDF service under suspicion that they are “war criminals,” before approving visas, etc” Meantime, DHS immigration screener and Hamas supporter Nejwa Ali is still on payroll.

US asks Israelis applying for green card whether they committed war crimes   By Itamar Eichner, Ynet News, June 20, 2024;

Israeli applicants for permanent resident status in US must undergo in-depth investigation regarding their service in the IDF, including skills with weapons and explosives; ‘I felt like the questions were copied from the Office of the Chief Prosecutor in the International Criminal Court in The Hague’

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[Ed.:  Israel should classify the U.S. as a state sponsor of terrorism!]


Taxpayers Build Luxury High-Rise Homeless Shelter in Los Angeles with $600,000 Units

[Ed.:  Those Californians are real nice people to pay that our of their taxes for the homeless!]


SICK: Pentagon Scheming to Force-Feed U.S. Troops “Experimental’” Lab-Grown Meat to Reduce Carbon Emissions – Military Veterans Respond


Biden’s America: DHS Intel Group Led by Brennan and Clapper Proposed Plan to Have Americans Snitch on Their Neighbors and Redefining Political Dissent as “Public Health” So More People Will Snitch


Houston Police Arrest Two Venezuelan Illegal Aliens Over Abduction, Rape, and Murder of 12-Year-Old Jocelyn Nungaray

Update: More Than 1,000 Muslims Die During This Year’s Hajj Pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia

[Ed.: Isn’t that special!]


CONSPIRACY NO MORE: Explosive Undercover Footage Reveals Biden’s State Department Official Admitting ‘Great Replacement Theory’ is REAL — Admits Deliberately Importing Criminals   By Jim Hft

Jun. 20, 2024 3:20 pm – A State Department official has been caught on camera admitting the truth behind the ‘Great Replacement Theory.’

This theory is often dismissed by the far-left as “one of the most dangerous white supremacist conspiracy theories out there.”

They argued that the “Great Replacement conspiracy theory is a white supremacist, xenophobic, and anti-immigrant concept that posits white people are being replaced by immigrants, Muslims, and other people of color in their so-called “home” countries.”

The footage, recorded by Project Veritas, exposes a chilling reality: the Biden regime is knowingly allowing criminals into the United States to change the country’s demographics.

The video showcases Dan Fitzgerald, a Country Coordinator for the U.S. State Department, discussing the motivations behind the immigration strategies being pushed on Capitol Hill.

“The big issue for the Hill for our region is immigration,” Fitzgerald states. He reveals that despite significant investments in Central America—approximately $4 billion over four years—immigration patterns have shifted, with a growing number of migrants now arriving from places like Venezuela.

The Project Veritas reported:

Daniel Fitzgerald, a State Department Official responsible for allocating U.S. foreign aid across the Western Hemisphere told a Veritas investigative journalist that the U.S. State Department will be forced to answer to Congress for its failure to slow migration from Central America.

He describes failed efforts to pour ‘four billion over four years’ into Central America as part of the Biden Administration’s “Root Causes Strategy.” Under this plan, Washington provides foreign assistance to Latin American countries in order to preemptively relieve hardships that would trigger migrants to abandon their countries for the U.S. However, Fitzgerald shares that the plan isn’t working because migrants are now coming from new countries they didn’t account for.

“Migrants are coming from elsewhere, like Venezuela. So, we’re like, this [the Root Causes Strategy] doesn’t solve that problem.”

Fitzgerald admits that while he didn’t originally see illegal immigration as a concern, his mind has changed and those who raise issue with unchecked immigration are ‘on to something.’

“In my mind, I’m like oh, it’s not that much [illegal immigration]. And then I see the chart, I’m like oh that’s a lot compared to twenty years ago.”

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IAEA Accused of Secretly Funding Iran’s Nuclear Program

June 20, 2024  JBN News – A damning report by the German tabloid Bild accuses the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) of secretly funding Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

Iranian scientist Karimi-Sabet, who has been on the US sanctions list since 2020 for his role in the regime’s nuclear weapons development, was allegedly given multiple cash payments by the IAEA to avoid a paper trail.

To cover its tracks, the IAEA is claiming that its work strictly follows UN regulations. However, this excuse falls flat considering the report also exposes the agency’s funding of training Iran’s nuclear researchers in Russia. Allegedly since 2019, the IAEA has been sending Iranians to train under President Vladimir Putin’s clandestine Rosatom nuclear program.

Both the US and Israel have long suspected a quid pro quo between Iran and Russia, with Tehran receiving support for its atomic pursuit in exchange for supplying Moscow with deadly drones for its unprovoked war against Ukraine.

Despite the gravity of the situation, US President Joe Biden is still committed to reviving the failed 2015 JCPOA nuclear deal. If reinstated, this agreement would provide substantial financial benefits to Iran’s oppressive regime, amounting to approximately $275 billion in the first year and a staggering $1 trillion by 2030.

With the IAEA’s credibility in question and Biden seemingly more concerned with appeasing Iran, the world is left to wonder whether the West can hold Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei accountable before he obtains an ultimate doomsday weapon.


Biden Border Invasion: Hordes of Military-Age Men March Like Soldiers Into California in Midnight Invasion  (VIDEO)   By Cristina Laila

Jun. 20, 2024 12:40 pm – Biden’s Border Invasion.

Another day, another mass illegal crossing into Jacumba, California.

Hundreds of military-age illegal aliens marched like soldiers into California after midnight early Thursday morning.

“During the overnight hours, we encountered another mass illegal crossing into Jacumba, CA, after midnight, made up of 150-200 adults and families from around the world,” Fox News reporter Bill Melugin said.

“Despite the Mexican military posted up nearby, cartel smugglers still call the shots out here,” Bill Melugin said.

Illegal aliens from the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and Asia easily marched right over the border thanks to Joe Biden.

Watch  [0:55]   

Joe Biden’s new executive order for asylum seekers is a total scam.

Joe Biden earlier this month held a fake border security press conference on his new asylum ‘restrictions’ from the East Room.

More than 15 million illegal aliens – mainly military-age males – have invaded the US on Biden’s watch.

Joe Biden took 94 executive actions in his first 100 days in office to destroy the border.

According to The New York Post, Biden’s new border ‘crackdown’ will still allow at least 1.8 million illegals to enter the US every year.

Leaked internal documents reveal thousands of illegals are ‘exempt’ from Joe Biden’s executive order.

It’s business as usual at Biden’s open border.

“Absolutely nothing has changed down here as a result of this executive order,” Fox News reporter Bill Melugin said.


JOE BIDEN’S AMERICA: Five Illegals Arrested in Kidnapping of 14-Year-Old Girl From Her Indiana Home   By Cristina Laila

Jun. 20, 2024 11:20 am – Joe Biden’s America.

Five illegal aliens on Monday were arrested in the kidnapping of a 14-year-old child from her Indiana home.

  • Marlon Aguilar, 44, from the Honduras
  • Arturo Eustaquio, 41, from Mexico
  • Noe Guzman Hernandez, 24, from Mexico
  • Daniel Ruiz Lopez, 19, from Honduras
  • Carlos Funez, 56, from Honduras

The girl’s father last saw his daughter getting into a black SUV and reported her missing to law enforcement.

Missouri State Troopers were able to locate the missing girl after her phone pinged a tower on Highway 36. The vehicle was heading west. Police believe the illegals were taking the teen to California to meet with a man she met online.

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EXCLUSIVE: Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Summoned to Vatican to be Excommunicated   By Joe Hoft

Jun. 20, 2024 9:45 am – Breaking News – Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has been summoned to the Vatican to be Excommunicated by Red Pope Francis.

Archbishop Carlo Vigano, a friend of the faithful and totally dedicated to the church and sharing Jesus Christ in all he does has been notified that he is being summoned to the Vatican.

Our friend, Archbishop Vigano has stood up against the destruction of the church, COVID mandates that crushed individual rights worldwide, and stolen elections. He has called out this Pope for his destructive actions against the church and others like China and the World Economic Forum. For this he is being excommunicated from the Hoy Catholic Church.

Here is the message moments ago from Archbishop Vigano’s Twitter page:

(art. 2 SST; can. 1364 CIC)

The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith has informed me, with a simple email, of the initiation of an extrajudicial penal trial against me, with the accusation of having committed the crime of schism and charging me of having denied the legitimacy of “Pope Francis” of having broken communion “with Him” and of having rejected the Second Vatican Council. I have been summoned to the Palace of the Holy Office on June 20, in person or represented by a canon lawyer. I assume that the sentence has already been prepared, given that it is an extrajudicial process.

I regard the accusations against me as an honor. I believe that the very wording of the charges confirms the theses that I have repeatedly defended in my various addresses. It is no coincidence that the accusation against me concerns the questioning of the legitimacy of Jorge Mario Bergoglio and the rejection of Vatican II: the Council represents the ideological, theological, moral, and liturgical cancer of which the Bergoglian “synodal church” is the necessary metastasis.

Complete text of the announcement: https://exsurgedomine.it/240620-attendite-eng/

See the message below:

[Ed.: Gee!  Cardinal Vigano must have done something really bad!! (NOT!)  Actually, it should be the satanist Poop Francis that should be excommunicated!]

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Wolf in sheep’s clothing Poop Francis


Richest Family in the UK, the Billionaire Hindujas Stand Trial in Switzerland for Human Trafficking Charges   By Paul Serran

Jun. 20, 2024 7:15 am – The Hinduja family, owners of the multinational conglomerate Hinduja Group, have topped the 2024 Sunday Times Rich List, becoming recognized as the richest family in the UK.

Originally from India, the Hinduja relocated their businesses to London back in 1979, steadily expanding its global presence until they became worth an estimated £37bn ($47bn).

Their business operations span 48 countries across various sectors: oil, chemicals, IT, cyber security, automotive, healthcare, trading, infrastructure, media, property, and power.

So it’s a bit surprising to find some senior members of the family involved in a scandal of alleged exploitation and human trafficking.

Four members of Hinduja family are on trial in Switzerland, amid allegations ‘they spent more money caring for their dog than their servants’.

BBC reported:

“The family own a villa in Geneva’s wealthy neighbourhood of Cologny, and the charges against them all relate to their practice of importing servants from India to look after their children and household.

It’s alleged that Prakash and Kamal Hinduja, together with their son Ajay and his wife Namrata, confiscated staff passports, paid them as little as $8 (£7) for 18-hour days, and allowed them little freedom to leave the house.”

A financial settlement over the exploitation charges was reached last week, but the Hindujas remain on trial for trafficking – a serious criminal offence.

They all deny the charges.

“This week in court, one of Geneva’s most famous prosecutors, Yves Bertossa, compared the almost $10,000 a year he claimed the family had spent on their dog, to the daily amount they were allegedly paying their servants.”

The defense lawyers said the low wages must be understood in context – since staff were also receiving accommodation and food.

“But the allegations that servants’ passports were confiscated, and that they could not even leave the house without permission, are serious, because they could be judged as human trafficking.

Mr Bertossa is calling for prison terms, and millions of dollars in compensation as well as legal fees.”


Ex-Trump Adviser Kash Patel Asserts House Has Authority to Arrest and Detain AG Garland for Subpoena Noncompliance   By Jim Hft

Jun. 20, 2024 8:15 am – Kash Patel, a former federal prosecutor and adviser to former President Donald Trump, has asserted that Congress has the authority to arrest and detain U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland for refusing to comply with a subpoena.

Patel’s statement stems from Garland’s refusal to turn over embarrassing audio recordings of Joe Biden’s classified documents interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur, which were subpoenaed by Congress.

Last week, the House of Representatives voted to hold Merrick Garland in criminal contempt of Congress for defying a subpoena.

Two GOP-led House committees passed resolutions in May recommending US Attorney General Merrick Garland be held in contempt of Congress for refusing to hand over audio of Biden’s interview with Hur.

Merrick Garland has reportedly “classified at the highest level” the audio tapes of Joe Biden’s embarrassing interview with Special Counsel Hur. The tapes have been locked away in a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF), according to investigative journalist Paul Sperry.

The White House previously admitted in federal court to altering the transcript of Joe Biden’s testimony with Special Counsel Robert Hur.

The edits were made to artificially inflate Biden’s competence during his five-hour interrogation about his mishandling of stolen classified documents.

Biden has personally invoked Executive Privilege against The Heritage Foundation and Judicial Watch in an attempt to keep his controversial interview with Special Counsel Hur under wraps.

DOJ’s Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) asserted that no administration official has ever faced prosecution for non-compliance with a subpoena when the president has invoked executive privilege. Except if your name is Peter Navarro, Steve Bannon, or any other Republican.

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The Department of Justice Is Targeting The Gateway Pundit in Their Hopes to Ruin Us   By Jim Hoft

Jun. 20, 2024 7:45 am – As many of you know, on April 24, 2024, TGP Communications, the parent company of The Gateway Pundit, made the decision to seek protection under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code in the Southern District of Florida.

The parent company of this website, The Gateway Pundit, made this decision as a result of the numerous progressive liberal lawfare attacks against this media outlet.

This was not an admission of fault or culpability. This is a common tool for reorganization and consolidating litigation when attacks are coming from all sides.

We made this vow to our amazing audience that despite the radical left’s efforts to silence The Gateway Pundit through censorship, de-platforming, de-banking, cutting-off from advertisers, and other financial strategies, we will not be deterred from our mission of remaining fearless and being one of the most trusted independent media outlets in America today. And despite the unbelievable pressures on our organization, The Gateway Pundit is looking at another record year of growth, with up to one billion page visits expected this year.

We knew this was going to be a difficult process for our company, but we had no idea what the Biden DOJ had prepared for us.

Today, we can confirm that the Joe Biden and Merrick Garland Department of Justice have intervened in our Chapter 11 case.

According to our source, the Department of Justice spoke to the trustee assigned to our case and is pressuring this man to make sure our Chapter 11 efforts fail.

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President Trump Should Appeal Hush Money Case To Supreme Court By A Writ Of Habeas Corpus, A Rarely Used Judicial Remedy That Can Potentially Fast-Track The Reversal Of Merchan’s Horrible Decision   By Paul Ingrassia

Jun. 20, 2024 8:00 am – Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures.

President Trump’s sentencing is scheduled for July 11th, less than a month away.  Of course, it is no secret why Judge Merchan decided on this particular date: it takes place four days before the Republican National Convention is set to begin, on July 15th.

The hope, naturally, is that Judge Merchan – in collusion with District Attorney Bragg and Joe Biden’s Justice Department – will sentence President Trump, either by putting him behind bars or at the very least, on house arrest – thus denying him the opportunity to appear at the RNC in-person.

Historically, political conventions have given candidates of both parties a boost in their overall ratings.  This year that expectation still remains true.  But in a year where the incumbent has historically low approval ratings, and where most reputable polls have Biden losing to Trump in all key six battleground states, obviously Team Biden is now willing to do anything to prevent giving their opponent, President Trump, an additional ratings boost.

What is more, President Trump is careening down what looks to be an unstoppable trajectory, in part fueled by the political support he has garnered in recent weeks from the news of his unprecedented conviction.  Millions of Americans, of all partisan stripes, rightly feel outraged by the bald-faced political prosecution of the leading candidate to become the 47th President – which has never been done in America, once the world’s beacon of freedom, before.

This sense of a weaponized, two-tier justice system has only been further emboldened with the political prosecutions of Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro, Dan Scavino, Rudy Giuliani, Christina Bobb, Mark Meadows, John Eastman, Jeffrey Clark, and countless other loyalists of the 45th President (to say nothing of the overwhelmingly peaceful demonstrators who appeared at the Capitol on January 6th), many of whom have been severe casualties of Leftist lawfare against them and the movement, which is sanctioned by Joe Biden and his apparatchiks in the Justice Department and various state agencies across the country, now with shameless abandon.

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Study: Global Warming is Causing Cognitive Decline in Lunatic Politicians Causing Them to Lose Power to ‘Dangerous’ Populists   By Jim Hoft

Jun. 19, 2024 8:20 pm – Boy, these lunatics sure have gall.

A new “study” at 50 Science found that global warming is affecting the language complexity of the lunatic left, which in turn results in populists winning elections.

Apparently, global warming is causing the cognitive performance of the lunatic left to decline.


Via DiscloseTV:

The deranged left is known for their gaslighting and BS but they really outdid themselves here.

50 iScience reported:


  • Heat has been associated with decreased productivity and cognitive performance
  • We find warmer temperatures to reduce language complexity of politicians
  • In Germany, we observe a larger effect of warm days on older politicians
  • Climate change could reduce the speech complexity and productivity of politicians


Climate change carries important effects on human wellbeing and performance, and increasingly research is documenting the negative impacts of out-of-comfort temperatures on workplace performance. In this study, we investigate the plausibly causal effect of extreme temperatures, i.e., out-of-comfort, on language complexity among politicians, leveraging a fixed effects strategy. We analyze language complexity in over seven million parliamentary speeches across eight countries, connecting them with precise daily meteorological information. We find hot days reduce politicians’ language complexity, but not cold days. Focusing on one country, we explore marginal effects by age and gender, suggesting high temperatures significantly impact older politicians at lower thresholds. The findings propose that political rhetoric is not only driven by political circumstances and strategic concerns but also by physiological responses to external environmental factors. Overall, the study holds important implications on how climate change could affect human cognitive performance and the quality of political discourse.

More than anything, this study proves the left will stop at nothing to gain power over the people.

[Ed.:  This is much like the age-old question: ‘Which came first?  The chicken or the egg?’  Which came first? Global warming, or cognitive decline?  But, the answer is obvious!]


Biden Administration Seeks to Silence Consensus Civil Society Organizations in Israel   by Naomi Linder Kahn
June 20, 2024 at 4:00 am

  • The letter provides irrefutable evidence and undeniable testimony that the humanitarian aid provided to Gaza, ostensibly to the civilian population, is invariably commandeered by Hamas: The letter cites statements to this effect by the US embassy in Israel, the US government itself, the IDF, UNRWA – and even Fatah officials.
  • “The shocking truth is that the United States is providing material support to a terrorist organization that is waging a brutal war against the only democratic ally the US has in the middle east, and the US-funded and trained Palestinian Authority Security Forces are no different than Hamas. Exposing the terrorist nature of the US’s ‘partner for peace’ is ‘inconvenient,’ to put it politely, so the Administration has decided to attack the messenger in order to suppress the message.” – Meir Deutsch, Director General, Regavim.

Biden Administration seeks to silence consensus civil society organizations in Israel with sanctions typically used against terrorists: “A draconian measure that harks back to the days of colonialist oppression.”

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Europe: Nazis’ ‘Do Not Buy from Jews’ 2.0   by Robert Williams
June 20, 2024 at 5:00 am

  • Since October 7, when Iranian proxies Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad committed unspeakable atrocities against men, women, children and babies in Israel, large parts of the international community have been in a frenzy over the Jews’ puzzling inclination to defend themselves.
  • This is the same French government [which banned Israel from participating in Eurosatory 2024 defense industry trade fair] so obsessed with appearing inclusive and non-discriminatory that it recently supported a bill that outlaws discrimination based on hair texture, length, color or style.
  • Meanwhile, the French government did not think it necessary to ban the participation of China, presently indulging in two genocides – against Tibetans and against Uyghurs – from participating in Eurosatory. China’s representation at the trade fair counts around 61 defense companies.
  • The French government also did not ban… Turkey, which has been taken to the International Criminal Court for committing crimes against humanity against hundreds of thousands of opponents of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s ruthless regime…
  • When there are no Jews to blame, evidently, crimes against humanity, genocide and human rights abuses are perfectly acceptable.
  • Since October 7, more than 19,000 rockets have been launched into Israel, a country smaller than New Jersey, primarily by the terrorist groups ruling Gaza, as well as from another of Iran’s terrorist proxies, Hezbollah in Lebanon
  • Never mind that John Spencer, Chair of Urban Warfare Studies at the Modern War Institute at West Point, determined that Israel has consistently implemented more measures to prevent civilian casualties than any military in the history of warfare.
  • “The Middle East does not need more weapons, it needs more peace,” said Spanish Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albares. The remark, oddly, did not appear to be addressed the entities that started the war: Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran and Qatar.
  • Iran, the Middle East’s warmonger par excellence, and — along with major funding from Qatar, which seems never to have met an Islamic terrorist group it did not finance or promote — was the originator of the current war in Gaza.
  • Iran’s terrorist proxies span the region — Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Gaza; Hezbollah in Lebanon; the Houthis in Yemen, and various proxy militias in Syria and Iraq — well-funded because of the Biden administration’s lifting sanctions. Yet Albares has nothing but praise for Iran.
  • The submission to the Islamic regime by European leaders such as Albares, who knows full well that Iran is behind the war in Gaza, tells us more about them than about Israel.
  • In April, however, the EU imposed sanctions on Israeli “settlers.” Regrettably, to many Palestinians, all of Israel is “one big settlement” that needs to be uprooted, and everyone there, a “settler.”

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Here’s the Real Story Behind the Juneteenth Holiday – And It’s Not What They’ve Told You!   By Jim Hoft

Jun. 19, 2024 1:40 pm – Happy Juneteenth!

Today is the day the United States celebrates Juneteenth, a little known date that was recently dug up to divert attention from the real civil rights achievements by brave Republicans who fought to free the slaves.

Social media personality Xaviaer DuRousseau, who dubs himself, “Uncle Tom’s favorite nephew,” published a video on the history of Juneteenth on Tuesday.

According to Xaviaer:

When I hear woke people explain Juneteenth, it makes me wish that Rosa Parks personally forced you all to sit in the front of a school bus and go to history class. Now walk with me.

Somehow the left has convinced you that Juneteenth was the abolition of slavery when a black revolution arose. But what it really proved is that some people remain enslaved mentally, and that’s all it takes to keep you on the plantation.

If you know the actual history, Democrats kept black people enslaved for two and a half years after slavery was abolished until white, mostly right wing men, came on June 19th, 1865 and said, “You all have been free since 1863. Get off the plantation and go get a job.”

I wish we could celebrate what Juneteenth actually is, but instead we continue to let the left repackage segregation and sell it back to us. There is no such thing as a Black Independence Day, but if that’s what you want to call Juneteenth, then I don’t want to see all twerking on a boat on July fourth.

Here is the video  

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Milei To Implement Hardcore Security Measures Inspired by El Salvador’s Bukele to Combat Criminal Gangs   By Paul Serran

Jun. 19, 2024 9:30 am – With falling inflation and interest rates, Argentine President Javier Milei turns his attention away from the economy, and gets real on the fight against criminal gangs.

As his Security Minister visits El Salvador, we learn that Milei is considering emulating Nayib Bukele’s effective – if controversial – crackdown on violent crime.

Telegraph reported:

“Patricia Bullrich, a longtime law-and-order hardliner, toured the Terrorism Confinement Centre on Sunday. She praised the iron-fist approach taken by Nayib Bukele, president of the Central American nation.

‘From a country overtaken by violence, drug-trafficking and the maras [gangs] who murdered 150,000 El Salvadorans to one of the safest in the world, where families have recovered their lives and live in peace. This is the path. Tough against the criminals. Freedom for Argentines’, she posted on X.”

The massive prison was built in 2023 and jail can hold up to 40,000 prisoners.

El Salvador had the world’s highest murder rate, as much as 107 per 100,000 people – more than 100 times higher than in the UK.

“But in March 2022 [Bukele] placed the entire nation in an official state of emergency, suspending constitutional rights and due process. Since then, nearly 80,000 alleged gang members, often identifiable by their shaven heads and tattoos, have been locked up, making areas that were previously police no-go zones safe.”

Needless to say, allegations of wrongful arrests,  torture and deaths in custody followed.

But that does not keep Milei from looking up to Bukele, and developing a fertile relationship with him.

“The Argentine president was one of a handful of world leaders who attended the inauguration, held in private, of Mr Bukele’s second term earlier in June. The pair were pictured beaming at a one-on-one meeting afterwards”

Meanwhile, some doubt whether the El Salvadoran template would work in Argentina.

Xiomara Castro, leader of Honduras, also unveiled plans to build a new Bukele-like mega-prison to hold 20,000 gang members there.

Read more  


Australian Premier Creates Ministry In Charge Of ‘Changing Men’s Behavior’   BY TYLER DURDEN

TUESDAY, JUN 18, 2024 – 04:15 AM – The development of totalitarian governments always coincides with sweeping efforts to socially engineer the population to adhere to less rebellious behaviors.  Specific groups that present a threat to the regime are usually identified and targeted with propaganda or indoctrination.  In tandem, the rest of the population is also conditioned to fear those groups and treat them with suspicion.  In this way the establishment elites mold the more submissive public into a shield that protects them from the revolutionaries that might dethrone them.

But what happens when the social engineers want to create tyranny on a global scale?  The list of possible rebels grows exponentially larger and efforts to control them all or demonize them all become far more complex.  How can the elites simplify their agenda and suppress the public with more efficiency?

The only answer is to attack and cripple the largest subset of the population that is most likely to give them problems in the future.  Which monolithic group is more likely to fight back against the system?  Obviously, the answer is masculine men.  Therefore, this new global regime seeks to undermine and sabotage men, labeling masculinity an existential danger to society, like nuclear weapons or global warming.

In recent years Australia has been at the forefront of many authoritarian experiments.  Their egregious violations of citizen liberties during the covid hysteria were astonishing.  Perhaps even worse has been the complete takeover of DEI within the Australian government along with the infestation of radical feminism.  Australia, it would seem, is all but lost to the nightmare of the woke religion.

That’s why it’s not at all surprising that the the Premier of the Australian state of Victoria has created a new ministry tasked with the purpose of changing and perhaps even controlling men.

Jacinta Allan announced this month that state MP Tim Richardson would serve as the inaugural Parliamentary Secretary for Men’s Behavior Change – the first position of its kind in the country.  The appointment was in response to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese calling gender-based violence a “national crisis” and promising greater government action.  First, Australia blamed guns for violent crime; now they are blaming men in general.

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Climate Cultists Vandalize 3,500 Year-Old Rock Formations at Stonehenge to Battle Global Warning   [VIDEOS]    By Jim Hoft

Jun. 19, 2024 8:30 am – Send them to Greenland for a winter without oil and gas.

Climate cultists spray painted the Stonehenge monuments with orange paint on Wednesday in their efforts to destroy Western civilization.

They proudly filmed themselves vandalizing the historic rock formations.

The Just Stop Oil criminal group were behind the act. The vandals were arrested.

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REPORT: City of Seattle Now Recruiting Illegal Immigrants to Become Police Officers   By Mike Lachance

Jun. 18, 2024 9:20 pm – The city of Seattle is now recruiting DACA recipients (illegal immigrants) to become police officers.

Leaders of the city defunded and demoralized the police, then when people finally came to their senses and no one could find a police officer when they needed one, the city began to try to recruit new police but found few takers.

This is their latest attempt to fix their self-imposed problem.

Jason Rantz reported at KTTH Radio:

Seattle Police Department recruiting DACA recipients to be cops

Faced with an unprecedented shortage of officers, the Seattle Police Department (SPD) is actively recruiting recipients of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival Status (DACA) to become cops. It’s possible thanks to bipartisan legislation that went into effect on June 6.

Senate Bill 6157 allows DACA recipients to apply for civil service jobs across Washington State. These include police officer, firefighter and sheriff’s deputies. Prior to the legislation, they were prohibited from holding these positions.

The bill is getting renewed scrutiny after a LinkedIn job application post from the SPD for DACA recipients started receiving attention. The ad explains the SPD “is now accepting applications from DACA recipients! Apply Now!”

Seattle is not alone in hiring DACA recipients for police positions. Earlier in the year, the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) made the same move. They even altered its written firearms policy to allow DACA cops to carry a firearm while off-duty.

This has ‘bad idea’ written all over it.

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Jihadists Brutalize Non-Muslim Women, Feminists in West Remain Silent   by Uzay Bulut
June 19, 2024 at 6:00 am

  • Today, June 19, the United Nations will observe the annual International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict. Yet, it took the UN five months to document and condemn Hamas’ sexual crimes on October 7.
  • These crimes are reminiscent of the crimes ISIS (Islamic State) committed against Christians and Yazidis during and after their violent takeover of large parts of Iraq and Syria in 2014.
  • Sexual assault as a military tactic has commonly been used by Islamic terrorists since the seventh century, worldwide.
  • More than 2,600 abducted Yazidi women and children are to this day still waiting to be rescued from the hands of ISIS terrorists.
  • Teenage girls abducted by Islamic State terrorists in Iraq and Syria were sold in slave markets “for as little as a pack of cigarettes,” the UN envoy on sexual violence, Zainab Bangura, said.
  • “Since October 7th, the media has suppressed your [Israelis’] story, even going so far as to claim it never happened while others justified it as warranted resistance to Israeli oppression. Someone please tell me where children bound and shot to death with their guts cut out constitutes a warranted resistance… We live in a time where intelligent people are being silenced so that stupid people are not offended…. The media is actively suppressing the events of October 7th to rewrite history according to their chosen narrative…. It all boils down to likes, views, and revenue for them.” — Steve Maman, founder of The Liberation of Christian and Yazidi Children of Iraq.
  • “[On October 7], humiliation, mutilation and murder took place during those rapes. Woman raped in front of their loved ones and then shot. Knives inserted into their private parts. Scalped heads. Nails inserted into woman’s private areas. Indescribable pain must have taken place before death…. Attacking innocent people and subjecting hostages to torture is not an act of freedom fighting…. The global response to victims of radical Islam has consistently been one of silence, allowing such atrocities to continue unchecked, perpetuating a cycle of violence.” — Steve Maman.
  • Regarding the large numbers of Israeli women who were brutally raped by Hamas terrorists and their supporters, many of those women’s organizations have engaged in total denial, refusing to believe Israeli women and all the evidence in front of their eyes…. What their silence and denials have actually done is only to cover up and further the crimes of Hamas and other terrorist groups. In April 2024, the NGO CyberWell released a report on the widespread online denial of Hamas’s October 7 sexual violence…. The Women’s Alliance for Security Leadership, for instance, still has not issued a statement.
  • Many feminist and human-rights groups — such as Amnesty International and the National Organization for Women— have said little about the sexual crimes Gazans committed against Israelis. The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (also known as UN-Women) waited until December 1, nearly two months after the October 7 massacre, to make a superficial statement of condemnation.
  • Among others, UN-Women released a statement on October 13 equating the Hamas brutalities with Israel’s self-defense. Likewise, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) neglected to explicitly condemn Hamas’s atrocities. And the international #MeToo movement completely failed to mention Hamas — or the Israeli victims.
  • When it comes to abused and raped Israeli women, those women’s rights and human rights organizations have chosen to be on the side of rapists and murderers and to enable jihadist terrorism.


WH releases details on Biden amnesty plan, Johnson says it will incentivize more illegal immigration   By Nicholas Ballasy

Biden’s executive action establishes a new process to ‘help certain noncitizen spouses and children apply for lawful permanent residence’ without leaving the country and Johnson predicts it will be ‘struck down’ by the courts.  [Emphasis added]

June 18, 2024 3:07 p.m. – The Biden Administration on Tuesday afternoon released the details of President Biden’s executive action that offers permanent residence to some non-citizens without congressional approval – a measure House Speaker Mike Johnson argues will encourage more illegal immigration into the U.S.

“Just two weeks ago, the president pretended to crack down on the open-border catastrophe by engaging an election-year border charade. Now he’s trying to play both sides and is granting amnesty to hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens,” the Louisiana Republican said.

“The president may think our homeland security is some kind of game that he can try to use for political points, but Americans know this amnesty plan will only incentivize more illegal immigration and endanger Americans,” Johnson said in a statement.

Johnson also said the executive action is “proof-positive of the Democrats’ plan to turn illegal aliens into voters.

He argued that Biden’s executive action violates the Immigration and Naturalization Act and predicted that it will be “challenged and struck down in the courts.”

Biden’s executive action, posted Tuesday afternoon on the White House website, establishes a new process to “help certain noncitizen spouses and children apply for lawful permanent residence” without leaving the country.

“This action will protect about half-a-million spouses of U.S. citizens, and roughly 50,000 noncitizen children under the age of 21 whose parent is married to a U.S. citizen,” read a White House fact sheet on the executive order.


911 Services Across Massachusetts Down For Several Hours After System Crashes – Authorities Won’t Say Why   By Cristina Laila

Jun. 18, 2024 5:40 pm – 911 emergency services across Massachusetts were down for several hours on Tuesday after the system crashed.

Residents could not reach emergency services amid a sweltering heat wave. Temperatures soared to the upper 90s with the heat index on Tuesday.

“9-11 is currently down statewide,” Boston police said in a statement. “If you are experiencing an emergency please pull a Fire Box.”

The public was able to resume 911 calls at 3:43 pm after the system was down for a few hours.

“The 911 system across Massachusetts was restored Tuesday after going down for several hours, which made it impossible for anyone to reach emergency services through the call number.” the AP reported.

Authorities won’t say why the 911 system crashed.


Report: Israel Upgrades Nuclear Capabilities as Regional Tensions Rise

June 18, 2024  JBN News – A new report has shed light on Israel’s nuclear capabilities even as it maintains a policy of ambiguity.

According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), Israel has begun upgrading facilities at its Dimona nuclear site. The Jewish State allegedly holds as many as 90 active nuclear warheads, with 30 ready for aircraft delivery and the rest to boost its ballistic missile arsenal.

SIPRI also believes Israel may be augmenting the range of its nuclear capabilities by upgrading missiles from its mysterious Jericho defense program. Israel’s diesel submarine fleet could also soon be transformed into an undersea nuclear triad.

Israel’s alleged move should come as no surprise given that eight nuclear-armed states have recently prioritized modernizing their nuclear forces. In the US and Russia, the largest nuclear powers, there has been emphasis on not just upgrading warhead numbers but also tactical systems like cruise missiles.

Analysts argue that Israel’s suspected nuclear advancements illuminate the catastrophic failure of the Biden administration’s strategy of appeasing Iran’s apocalyptic regime. By obsessively clinging to his former boss’s failed 2015 JCPOA nuclear deal, the White House has boxed itself into empowering the very threat it claims to be containing.

According to the International Atomic Energy Agency, Iran’s stockpile of enriched uranium has ballooned to over 30 times the agreed-upon limit in the deeply flawed nuclear deal. As of mid-May, Iran possessed 142.1 kilograms of uranium enriched up to 60% purity. If Iran were to further enrich its existing nuclear material, it would be sufficient to produce two nuclear weapons.


Virgin Australia Boeing 737 Makes Emergency Landing in New Zealand After Engine Fire   (VIDEO)   By Jim Hft

Jun. 18, 2024 9:00 am – A Virgin Australia Boeing 737 was forced to make an emergency landing at New Zealand’s Invercargill Airport on Monday.

The Boeing 737-800, en route from Queenstown to Melbourne, was reportedly seen with fire spouting from one of its engines.

The Virgin Australia flight departed from Queenstown for Melbourne at 6pm, but was soon seen circling off the coast of Bluff, according to FlightRadar per 1 News.

Eyewitnesses on the ground reported loud noises emanating from the plane and flames visible from one of the engines.


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STOP CELEBRATING! We LOST the first round of the battle in Geneva. The “Pandemic Treaty” is NOT DEAD! The powers that be are on a “war footing” and they seek to end “vaccine apartheid.” WAKE UP!

JUN 18, 2024 – Please wake up!

We LOST the first round of this fight.

The amendments to the International Health Regulations were adopted on June 1, 2024 and the nations actually got far more than they originally requested.


The “Pandemic Treaty” is NOT dead. It is very much alive.


The Club de Madrid hosted a presentation by The Independent Panel on June 18, 2024 at 4am Pacific time and then held a brief press conference which I attended and was able to ask a question.


Please watch both videos below:



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Biden’s Secret Weapon for November   Brigitte Gabriel

Every Patriot Must Know!

JUN 18, 2024  ACT FOR AMERICABiden’s secret weapon for November: using federal agencies to ‘get out the vote’ FOR HIM   Tarren Bragdon | NY Post | 4-28-24 | Condensed

Joe Biden has an ace up his sleeve.

Without a doubt, the president is the weakest incumbent in modern history. No matter: He’s using the strength of the federal government to register and mobilize voters who are likely to support his re-election.

It’s an unprecedented effort, unwittingly funded by taxpayers, and it may even overcome the factors that could otherwise doom Biden’s electoral prospects, from his extreme age to his disastrous policies.

Biden began building this whole-of-government campaign almost immediately after taking office.

In March 2021, he issued an executive order, entitled “Promoting Access to Voting,” that directed every federal agency to “expand citizens’ opportunities to register to vote” and “participate” in “the electoral process.” Yet such actions are inherently political and have long been understood to be inappropriate if not illegal.

A partisan president could unfairly use taxpayer resources to influence voters and tip electoral scales in his favor by urging only those likely to back him to vote. That’s exactly what’s happening.

In a February meeting with left-wing groups, Vice President Kamala Harris announced a slew of actions from federal agencies.

The Department of Health and Human Services is sending voter registration information to every enrollee in Healthcare.gov. That’s more than 21 million people who may be more likely to vote for Biden after he expanded taxpayer subsidies.

The Social Security Administration is posting voter-registration signs in the lobbies of its 1,200-plus offices nationwide, targeting seniors after Biden’s repeated warnings that the safety net is under threat.

The Department of the Interior is doing the same at visitor centers and entrances for national parks and wildlife refuges, as well as other federal public lands. As Harris noted, “these sites received more than 500 million visits last year” — a rich source of potential votes for Biden-Harris.

The vice president separately announced that, under the federal work-study program, college students can now get paid to register voters.

That followed the Department of Education’s February guidance that the program could even fund “get-out-the-vote activities.” The department has also launched a “toolkit” to help colleges and universities get students to vote, many of whom no doubt appreciate the president’s student-loan cancellation.

At the high-school level, the Education Department has developed “strategies” to remind millions of students — many newly eligible to vote — about their “civic opportunities and responsibilities.” At both the high-school and college levels, these activities play to a predominantly liberal crowd.

The Department of Agriculture is pushing states to include voter registration information, including a “quick guide to voting,” in child-nutrition programs — some of which the Biden administration has expanded.

The Department of Housing and Urban Development has promised to work with more than 3,000 public housing authorities to register voters, potentially reaching up to 1.2 million housing units. HUD is also working to expand voting among homeless people (a well-known resource for voter fraud). The Indian Health Service is doing something similar with its patients.

By contrast, you’re not likely to see “remember to vote” flyers from the government at, say, gun shows, school-choice or pro-life meetings.

What’s publicly known is concerning, yet taxpayers should worry that more remains hidden.

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Camp Intifada: Hamas Terror group launches pro-‘Palestinian resistance’ youth camp that glorifies Hamas terrorism and Jew-hatred at Canadian University   By Geller Report Staff 

June 17, 2024 – When Canadians protested PM Justin Trudeau’s COVID-19 mandates, he had them arrested and froze their bank accounts. But an anti-Semitic hate group that launches a ‘youth summer program’ at an elite Montreal university, to glorify Hamas terrorism and to incite hatred of Jews, is not a problem for PM Trudeau. Canada’s next federal election is October of 2025. If PM Trudeau is once again re-elected then Canada is finished. If it isn’t already.

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RIGGING 2024: Biden Regime’s MASS AMNESTY is a Mass ILLEGAL VOTER Scheme   By Pamela Geller 

June 17, 2024 – Illegal immigrants allowed in by President Biden’s border chaos are showing up at government offices to sign up for benefits and services, and when they do they’re being prodded to sign up to vote. Every state but Arizona — which recently passed a law barring the practice on state but not federal forms — gives applicants for either welfare benefits, driver’s licenses, or in some cases, mail-in ballots voter registration forms without demanding proof of citizenship.
The Democrats stole 2020 right before our eyes. The Republicans did nothing. They ignored it. For years. And all of the lawsuits . And the voter rolls are as bad as they ever were. They jumped on the January 6 wagon while our people went to jail. All of the emergency voting exceptions should’ve ended when the Covid emergency ended i.e. mail in voting. In many places early voting begins in September. It’s madness.

Lara Trump and Michael Whatley are well intended. But it is much bigger than them.

There are countless pressing issues. But none as important as election reform. Because without free and fair elections, it’s over.



Trump Cannot Win 4 Swing States – Gaslight Yourself To Happiness

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Sinwar humiliates Blinken & Biden and reveals hideous Hamas strategy

June 16, 2024, 6:55 p.m. ET  New York Post – “It was a deal that Israel accepted and the world was behind. Hamas could have answered with a single word: ‘Yes,’” Secretary of State Antony Blinken fumed to reporters in Doha last week — exposing himself as either an utter cynic or a total fool.

Hamas doesn’t want a deal, except one where Israel just gives up.

And if Blinken doesn’t know that, then he’s not getting the basic info he should, not from US intelligence nor even from whoever’s in charge of getting him essential press clippings.

Two days before Blinken chastised Hamas, The Wall Street Journal revealed private correspondence of the terror group’s military chief in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar.

Sinwar admits openly that he wants more Palestinian casualties. They are “necessary sacrifices” that will “infuse life into the veins of this nation, prompting it to rise to its glory and honor.”

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Hateful pro-Hamas protests create another antisemitic Charlottesville rally every day   By Rich Lowry

June 16, 2024, 8:39 a.m. ET – Every day is a Charlottesville now, but hardly anyone notices.

The small central Virginia city is a metonymy for the 2017 white nationalist “Unite the Right” rally that created national shock waves and rocked the presidency of Donald J. Trump.

The antisemitic rhetoric and menacing nature of that event — in a different, left-wing form — are being replicated all over the country in openly hateful pro-Hamas protests.

Outside the White House last weekend, anti-Israel protesters wore terrorist headbands; chanted for Hamas and Hezbollah to “kill another solider now” and “kill another Zionist now”; held up signs urging another “intifada,” or intense period of terrorist attacks on the Jewish state, and vandalized statues.

A few days later, a mob showed up outside a New York City exhibit memorializing the Oct. 7 terror attack on the Nova music festival.

They waved Hezbollah and Hamas flags and held up banners saying, “Long live October 7th,” and “The Zionists are not Jews and not humans.”

In a subway car, members of the mob demanded to know if there were any “Zionists” present, offering them a “chance to get out.”

Meanwhile, at UCLA, a mob set up an encampment and assaulted an independent journalist and rabbi, who was told that he is a pedophile and that he should go back to Poland or Ukraine.

And on it goes.

At California State University Los Angeles, a rabble vandalized an administration building and barricaded the school’s president inside.

In New York City, the townhouse of the Jewish president of the Brooklyn Museum was splashed with red paint and emblazoned with an upside-down red triangle, another Hamas symbol.

The Unite the Right rally featured brawls between the white nationalists and counter-protesters, and a homicide when one enraged member of the alt-right rammed into counter-demonstrators with his car.

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Study finds: People worldwide are disconnecting from the news    Nisan Tsur

A new study shows that 39% of people worldwide avoid the news, an increase of 10% since 2017. Significant decrease in the number of people stating: ‘Very or extremely interested in the news.’ And how many believe the news?

Jun 17, 2024, 1:36 PM (GMT+3) – People worldwide claim that they do not want to hear “depressing, relentless, and boring” news.

A new study by YouGov for Reuters Institute at Oxford University, shows that 39% of people worldwide “often avoid hearing the news,” a 10 percent increase compared to a similar study conducted in 2017, when only 29 percent said they avoid the news.

In response to the question, “How interested are you in the news?” 46 percent answered that they are “very interested in the news,” compared to 63 percent who gave this answer in the 2017 study.

The authors of the report claim that the wars in Ukraine and Gaza, along with the COVID-19 pandemic and other natural disasters, have led to a significant drop in the number of people interested in hearing the news. “The news agenda has of course been particularly difficult in recent years. There was the COVID-19 pandemic and the wars, so it’s a pretty natural reaction for people to stay away from the news, whether it’s to protect their mental health or just to want to go on with their lives as normal.

The people who avoid hearing the news are the ones who feel they have no control over major events happening in the world. Some feel increasingly overwhelmed and confused by the mass of news around them, while others feel tired of politics,” Nick Newman, another of the authors of the new study, told BBC.

According to the study, women and youngsters are the ones who avoided the news more than men and older people.

And how much do people believe the news itself? 40 percent of the survey participants said that “they believe the news,” a figure that remained stable in comparison to the previous study. The survey included 94,943 people from 47 countries around the world and was held in January and February 2024.



Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You – Episode 27     THE VIGILANT FOX

#10 – Top law professor labels mRNA COVID-19 injections “weapons of mass destruction.”

#9 – Joe Biden’s daily pharmaceuticals have reportedly been revealed.

#8 – Joe Rogan now questions if elections are even “real.”

#7 – Candace Owens destroys Piers Morgan in a one-on-one debate about the COVID shots.

#6 – Celebrity trainer Jillian Michaels explodes on California’s woke policies. “You’ve lost your f*cking mind!”

#5 – The US-Saudi petrodollar deal ends after fifty years, and nobody’s talking about it.

#4 – Senator Lindsay Graham gives away the neocon playbook to the war in Ukraine.

#3 – Actor Kevin Spacey breaking his silence on Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, and Bill Clinton.

#2 – Newly-surfaced video exposes Nancy Pelosi admitting responsibility for unprotected US Capitol on January 6.

#1 – European elections see a dramatic shift to the right across the entire continent.

Plus, an exclusive interview with Dr. David Martin. (Watch 1:03:46)

BONUS #1 – Vaccine-Injured Pharmacist Breaks Down in Tears Testifying Before Ohio State Senate

BONUS #2- The Best Way to Prevent Government Snooping into Your Finances

BONUS #3 – How to Get Ivermectin, Z-Pak, and More


America INVADED: in grave danger, imminent    DR. PAUL ALEXANDER

Obama & Biden have INVADED USA with illegals that among them, while the Latino brings many murderers & rapists & feral animals, there are islamic jihadist

radical extremists hell bent on raping and killing Americans.

JUN 16, 2024  – The radical islamic follower is dressing Latino, shaving beards, complete as if Latino, even the radical Chinese radicals. Obama (as he runs Biden’s administration, his 3rd term) and Biden have set America on a path of sheer terror for Bataclan France 2015 was brought here; Canada faces same.

Obama and Biden have INVADED America! In our faces.

I say it how I understand it. Ensure your daughters know how to defend themselves from the islamic feral 6th century medieval barbaric sub-human beast. Understand the 2nd and when to use to defend life that is under threat. Learn to defend yourself from the feral 6th century beast.

You take this threat as a joke? Unreal? Overblown?

Well, Obama and Biden are now in the realm of treason to the US for we have many instances, but I will remind you of one that is recent. 8 (eight) Tajik persons, males, military aged, who came in illegally due to Obama and Biden, crossed at the Southern Border, and were vetted (a stunning aspect of this) and now arrested (New York, Philadelphia and Los Angeles) as have links to ISIS. Talking of ‘bombs’. They were on the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force radar. I thank the FBI here and the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). But shockingly, their criminal backgrounds checks came back clean when they crossed illegally. This is very serious. The vetting is hugely sub-optimal and dangerous.

Do you understand that? It is real and HERE.

So while Biden soils his pants on world stages now, we have the results of this invasion of America bubbling. They are plotting now to kill.

Understand that the threat is real, it is here, law enforcement knows about it, and I tip my hat to them for they know what is coming and I know that they do all they can daily to keep us safe.

Obama (in his 8 years) and now Biden have lit the funeral pyres of Americans, and no sane nation does this. Millions of unvetted animals with millions of ‘got-aways’. We do not know where they are or their names now. They ‘got-away’. Border services told us this. Many are hard core terrorists who came to rape and kill.

Be warned. Many will die due to Obama and Biden deliberate flooding of US with people who will rape and kill Americans and why? Why would they do this? Is it that democrats hate America? This election is about one thing, well two, the borders and the cost of living, inflation. If we do not close the border and mass deport, America is finished.

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House Intel Committee Chair Says US is at ‘Highest Level of a Possible Terrorist Threat’   (VIDEO)   By Cassandra Macdonald

Jun. 16, 2024 11:40 am – Republican House Intelligence Committee Chair Mike Turner has warned that the United States has hit its “highest level of a possible terrorist threat.”

Turner gave a dire warning on Sunday’s episode of Face the Nation.

Host Margaret Brennan asked Turner about the eight Tajik nationals who were arrested in the United States last week and were found to have ties to ISIS. All of them had entered through Biden’s open southern border.

Brennan asked if there had been an “active terror plot,” but Turner said that he could not confirm the details of the arrests.

“But what’s important about these reports and what we’re seeing, especially in conjunction with Director [Christopher] Wray’s public statements, that we are at the highest level of a possible terrorist threat, that the administration’s policies have absolutely directly related to threats to Americans,” Turner said.

The congressman added that the threat is “no longer speculative” and “no longer hypothetical.”

“We have actual administration officials stepping forward and certainly our committee and our committee members have concurred on the intelligence that we’re seeing. That as a result of the administration’s policies allowing people to cross the border unvetted, we have terrorists that are actively working with inside the United States that are a threat to Americans,” he said.

FBI Director Christopher Wray told a Senate committee earlier this month that the U.S. has seen “threats from foreign terrorists rise to a whole ‘nother level after October 7.”


Biden commits U.S. taxpayers to 10 years of ‘blank check’ funding of war in Ukraine: War’s ‘dark side’ includes organ harvesting and child sex trafficking   [VIDEOS]   By Leo Hohmann

Jun. 16, 2024 9:45 am – Biden commits U.S. taxpayers to 10 years of ‘blank check’ funding of war in Ukraine: War’s ‘dark side’ includes organ harvesting and child sex trafficking
Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Zelensky are planning to sign a deal for long-term US military assistance for Ukraine, a country whose government we now know is involved in the trafficking of children for sex and harvesting the organs of its own soldiers for profit.

If that sounds too sensational to be true, read on. The evidence is hiding in plain sight. See post below from X, and I will provide a video later in this article that contains more proof of what’s really going on in Ukraine. It will turn your stomach.

But back to Biden’s filthy deal with the devil. The deal commits U.S. taxpayers — we the people — to 10 years of arming and training the Ukrainian military, and feeds the military-industrial complex that holds sway over the majority of our elected members of Congress in both parties.

There is one small kernel of good news: Because the deal is a so-called “executive agreement” and not a formal treaty, it can be undone by future American presidents.

CNN previewed the deal, reporting:

“An annex in the agreement will lay out how the Biden administration plans to work with Congress on the implementation of the security commitments, specifically the long-term funding that will be needed to support Ukraine’s defense.”

So, we taxpayers are basically underwriting the defense of a foreign regime. I wonder what our Founding Fathers would think about that?

White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby stated that the US “will continue to be right up front and clear” at the G7, and that Washington “will take bold steps to show Mr. Putin that time is not on his side and that he cannot outlast us, as we support Ukraine’s fight for freedom.”

Let’s call it what it is: A blank-check commitment to a corrupt foreign government that has completely obliterated the freedom of the Ukrainian people. Elections have been canceled. Media outlets and churches that voice opposition to the war have been closed, young and middle-aged men are being kidnapped and sent to die at the front. How is this freedom?

But the Western corporate media thinks this is great. They don’t even question it.

Watch this breathless report (below) from a very excited ABC News reporter, whose only lament is that the deal could be canceled by a future President Donald Trump.


GANG OF LOSERS: G7 Meeting Displays the Decadence of the Globalist World Order   By Paul Serran 

Jun. 15, 2024 10:30 am – The Group of Seven was created as an intergovernmental political and economic forum formed by the great western powers post WW2.

It consists of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States. Lately, the European Union, as a “non-enumerated member”, has also become part of it – with not one, but two unelected members: the President of the European Commission and the President of the European Council.

But as the advent of a multipolar world unfolds, the 2024 G7 meeting in Italy has displayed for the world to see the sheer decadence of the Globalist world order as represented by the failing leaders present.

The EU dispute, to begin with, is very symbolic of the shift to the right taking place all over the world.

EU Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen (VDL) has her job on the line. She was first installed by the European Council – a body uniting the heads of the EU member states, but this time around, European Council’s President Charles Michel is von der Leyen’s rival, and is reportedly plotting revenge against her because of her authoritarian ways.

In order to win another term, VDL needs 361 votes of the members of the European Parliament, out of a total of 720. But her European People’s Party (EPP) is about to get only 170 votes.

The only G7 leader in an upward trajectory was the host, Italian right winger Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

Her party Fratelli d’Italia is trying to form a single faction in the European Parliament with France’s National Rally of Marine Le Pen and with the party Fidesz of Hungary’s Victor Orban.

CNN reported in a euphemistic way that the image of the G7 member this year ‘was not of leaders at the height of their political strength’.

“Instead, nearly to a person, the leaders assembling at a luxury resort in Puglia find themselves weakened at home by elections, scandal or waning influence. Amid the olive trees and swimming pools, the anti-incumbent sentiments coursing through Western democracies are creating extraordinarily high stakes for global geopolitics.

Rarely has the yearly gathering of the world’s leading economies been so overshadowed by the political vulnerabilities of nearly all its members. It raises questions of how effective the ‘steering committee of the free world’, as US President Joe Biden’s aides have labeled the G7, can actually be amid anger and discontent from their own populations.”

A mere week ago, populists, nationalists and right parties dominated in European Parliamentary elections, and critical upcoming votes in France and the United States are expected to closely follow this trend.

In this context, the G7 summit features arguably the weakest gathering of leaders the group has mustered for years – maybe ever, as the frankly decadent Globalist bunch clings desperately to power.

Politico reported:

“France’s Emmanuel Macron and Britain’s Rishi Sunak are both fighting snap election campaigns they called in last-ditch efforts to reverse their flagging fortunes. Germany’s Olaf Scholz was humiliated by far-right nationalists in last weekend’s European Parliament election and could soon be toppled himself.

Justin Trudeau, prime minister for nine years in Canada, has spoken openly about quitting his “crazy” job. Japan’s Fumio Kishida is enduring his lowest personal ratings ahead of a leadership contest later this year. And then there’s Joe Biden.”

The demented Democrat is in serious danger of losing not only the election, but his mind for good.

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Update: Judge Dismisses Infowars Bankruptcy – Alex Jones Releases Statement After Victory in Court   (VIDEO)   By Cristina Laila

Jun. 14, 2024 7:40 pm – As reported earlier, a federal judge on Friday ordered the liquidation of Alex Jones’ personal assets.

Judge Christopher Lopez approved Alex Jones’ request to convert a Chapter 11 business reorganization bankruptcy to a Chapter 7 personal bankruptcy.

However, the judge on Friday afternoon dismissed the bankruptcy reorganization of Infowars and its parent company Free Speech Systems.

According to the AP, Alex Jones smiled after the judge tossed out his company bankruptcy. Jones is able to keep his company, his studio and all social media accounts… for now.

Legal experts say the Sandy Hook families could go back to the bankruptcy court and demand Alex Jones liquidate his company to pay off the Sandy Hook debt.

The AP reported:

A federal judge on Friday ordered the liquidation of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones ′ personal assets but dismissed his company’s separate bankruptcy case, leaving the future of his Infowars media platform uncertain as he owes $1.5 billion for his false claims that the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was a hoax.

Judge Christopher Lopez approved converting Jones’ proposed personal bankruptcy reorganization to a liquidation, but threw out the attempted reorganization of his company, Austin, Texas-based Free Speech Systems. Many of the Sandy Hook families had asked that the company also be liquidated.

If Free Speech Systems’ bankruptcy reorganization had been converted to a liquidation, Jones could have lost ownership of the company, its social media accounts, the Infowars studio in Austin and all copyrights as the company’s possessions were sold. Jones smiled as the judge dismissed the company’s case.

In December 2022 Alex Jones filed for personal bankruptcy protection in a Texas court after the Sandy Hook verdict.

A Connecticut judge previously ordered Alex Jones to pay an additional $473 million to Sandy Hook families, Reuters reported.

This is in addition to the $1 billion Alex Jones was ordered to pay for questioning the Sandy Hook shooting.

Alex Jones released a video statement to X after his victory in bankruptcy court.



Archaeologists Just Made a ‘Spectacular’ Discovery at George Washington’s Home   By Ben Kew

Jun. 14, 2024 5:00 pm – Archaeologists at Founding Father George Washington’s former residence have made a fascinating discovery.

According to Mount Vernon’s website, archaeologists made an “unprecedented discovery” of pre-Revolutionary War artifacts including 35 bottles of perfectly preserved cherries and berries.

The museum said in a press release:

Archaeologists at George Washington’s Mount Vernon have unearthed an astounding 35 glass bottles from the 18th century in five storage pits in the Mansion cellar of the nation’s first president. Of the 35 bottles, 29 are intact and contain perfectly preserved cherries and berries, likely gooseberries or currants. The contents of each bottle have been carefully extracted, are under refrigeration at Mount Vernon, and will undergo scientific analysis. The bottles are slowly drying in the Mount Vernon archaeology lab and will be sent off-site for conservation.

This discovery follows a recent find in the cellar of two intact European-manufactured 18th-century glass bottles containing liquid, cherries, and pits. These archaeological finds are part of the landmark privately funded $40 million Mansion Revitalization Project at George Washington’s Mount Vernon.

Mount Vernon President & CEO Doug Bradburn said that he could never have imagined such a “spectacular” discovery:

Never in our wildest dreams did we imagine this spectacular archaeological discovery. We were ecstatic last month to uncover two fully intact 18th-century bottles containing biological matter. Now we know those bottles were just the beginning of this blockbuster discovery. To our knowlege, this is an unprecedented find and nothing of this scale and significance has ever been excavated in North America.

We now possess a bounty of artifacts and matter to analyze that may provide a powerful glimpse into the origins of our nation, and we are crossing our fingers that the cherry pits discovered will be viable for future germination. It’s so appropriate that these bottles have been unearthed shortly before the 250th anniversary of the United States.

These artifacts likely haven’t seen the light of day since before the American Revolution, perhaps forgotten when George Washington departed Mount Vernon to take command of the Continental Army. This means the bottles are extremely fragile and require the utmost care.

Mount Vernon Principal Archaeologist Jason Boroughs described many of the fruits as “perfectly preserved,” despite sitting there for around 250 years:

These extraordinary discoveries continue to astonish us. These perfectly preserved fruits picked and prepared more than 250 years ago provide an incredibly rare opportunity to contribute to our knowledge of the 18th-century environment, plantation foodways, and the origins of American cuisine.

The bottles and contents are a testament to the knowledge and skill of the enslaved people who managed the food preparations from tree to table, including Doll, the cook brought to Mount Vernon by Martha Washington in 1759 and charged with oversight of the estate’s kitchen.

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8-Year-Old Girl Dies on Skywest Flight After Suffering Medical Emergency from Missouri to Chicago   By Jim Hft

Jun. 14, 2024 3:40 pm – An eight-year-old girl named Sydney Weston lost her life aboard SkyWest Flight 5121 following a severe medical emergency, according to Daily Mail.

The flight had departed from Joplin, Missouri, on Thursday and was en route to Chicago. Approximately 45 minutes after takeoff, the flight was diverted to Peoria, Illinois.

According to officials, Sydney became ill and unresponsive mid-flight, prompting an emergency landing. “Her family immediately notified the flight personnel of her condition, and they began rapidly rendering aid,” stated the coroner.

Upon landing at General Wayne A. Downing Peoria International Airport, first responders found the girl unresponsive, without a pulse and not breathing.

Despite aggressive resuscitative efforts, Sydney was declared dead 2 hours after the flight at a local hospital. An autopsy is scheduled for Friday to determine the cause of death.

The Peoria County Coroner’s Office released the following statement:

The preliminary autopsy was inconclusive and pending several studies. However, there was no evidence of foul play and no signs of abuse or neglect.

We will be awaiting histology, biopsies, cultures, blood hematology and chemistry, and toxicology testing. These tests generally take 4-6 weeks to result. Once we have those tests completed, it is our hope that we will be able to provide a definitive and exact cause of death for this little girl and give her family some answers.

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Putin Names Two Conditions For Ending The War ‘This Very Minute  BY TYLER DURDEN

FRIDAY, JUN 14, 2024 – 11:55 AM – Russian President Vladimir Putin in a Friday speech addressed the West’s efforts to host a major Ukraine peace summit in Switzerland this weekend. Though scores of world leaders will be there, Russia has not been invited, and China has snubbed the event citing that it’s pointless without Moscow’s representation given it is a party to one side of the war.

Putin outlined his “conditions” for peace. He said for the military operation to be halted Ukrainian forces would have to withdraw from the four regions annexed by the Russian Federation. “Ukrainian troops must be completely withdrawn from the Donetsk People’s Republic, the Luhansk People’s Republic, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions,” Putin said in a televised address.

Russia held referendums in late September 2022 for these war-torn oblasts, and the overwhelming majority of voters were in favor of being absorbed into Russia, which Kiev and the West called a “sham” election.

Putin also stipulated a second main condition for ending the war: Ukraine must reject ambitions to join the NATO alliance.

“As soon as Kyiv says it is ready to do this and begins really withdrawing troops and officially renounces plans to join NATO, we will immediately — literally that very minute — cease-fire and begin talks,” Putin said in the talk given to a gathering of diplomats.

Interestingly, Putin showed signs he could be willing to compromise when it comes to territory, which is a bit of the first and hopeful sign that he’s serious about finding ways to wind down the war. According to AFP:

The Russian leader said he did not “rule out maintaining Ukrainian sovereignty” over the southern Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions “on the condition that Russia has a strong land link with Crimea.”

But despite what appears to be very serious possible overtures, the Zelensky government has long maintained that it will not countenance negotiations or peace settlement until there is a full withdrawal of Russian armed forces from Ukrainian territory as existed pre-February 2022.

The weekend Swiss peace summit is expected to focus on gaining full international backing for Zelensky’s 10-point peace formula, however international press has acknowledged this as still “a largely symbolic effort”.

The sixth point of Kiev’s plan reads as follows: it calls on Russia “To cease the hostilities, Russia must withdraw all its troops and armed formations from the territory of Ukraine, plain and simple. Ukraine’s full control over its state border, recognized internationally, needs to be restored.”

Putin also took opportunity Friday to reiterate that Zelensky is ‘illegitimate’ and is serving as a mere puppet of the West:

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Counterfeit Chinese Titanium Discovered In Some Boeing Jets, Per FAA   By Anthony Scott

Jun. 15, 2024 7:15 am – On Friday, the Financial Times reported that Boeing acknowledged some parts of their jets contain counterfeit titanium from China.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reported that Boeing had told officials they had received titanium parts containing counterfeit documentation.

Boeing bought the counterfeit components from Kansas-based aerostructure manufacturer Spirit AeroSystems.

In the past, Spirit AeroSystems has had problems with quality issues.

The Financial Times reported Spirit AeroSystems received the titanium from China, where its documentation was reportedly falsified.

The FAA said in a statement, “Once we realized the counterfeit titanium made its way into the supply chain, we immediately contained all suspected parts to determine the scope of the issues.”

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After Trump, Will U.S. Lawmakers be Charged for $17M in Hush Money?  [VIDEOS]

Jun. 15, 2024 7:45 am – Are various members of Congress, who paid some $17 million in taxpayer funds to silence people who brought sexual misconduct claims against them, now going to be investigated, tried, and convicted of felonies, like President Trump? After all, they didn’t report those payments as campaign contributions.

That’s the suggestion that has been raised in a congressional hearing.

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FAA’s Diversity Push   [VIDEO  0:46]   Texas Girl

𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗴𝗼𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗲 𝗸𝗶𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗺𝗲, 𝗜 𝗱𝗼𝗻𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗸 𝗜𝗹𝗹 𝗯𝗲 𝗳𝗹𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗻𝘆𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝘀𝗼𝗼𝗻

𝗙𝗔𝗔𝘀 𝗱𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝗽𝘂𝘀𝗵 𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗹𝘂𝗱𝗲𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗰𝘂𝘀 𝗼𝗻 𝗵𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵𝘀𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗰𝘁𝘂𝗮𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗽𝘀𝘆𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗮𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗮𝗯𝗶𝗹𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗲𝘀!!!!


BREAKING: Senate Armed Services Committee Proposes Mandatory Draft Registration for Women in FY25 Defense Policy Bill   By Jim Hft

Jun. 15, 2024 8:00 am – The Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) has proposed to include a provision in the Fiscal Year 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that mandates draft registration for women.

Under the latest National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), not only will men aged 18 to 26 be automatically registered for selective service, but an amendment also proposes mandatory draft registration for women.

Please note that the version of the Fiscal Year 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) passed by the House of Representatives is distinct from the version advanced by the Senate Armed Services Committee.

In May, the FY25 NDAA received strong bipartisan support as it was approved by the House Armed Services Committee (HASC). The vote was overwhelmingly in favor, passing 57 to 1.

On Friday, the House of Representatives approved its version of the bill to automatically register men aged 18 to 26 for selective service.

This automatic draft registration system would replace the existing system from 1980, which allows young men the freedom to decide whether or not to sign up for the draft.

The new legislation was introduced by Rep. Chrissy Houlahan (D-Pa.), a former Air Force officer, and was endorsed by HASC Chair Mike Rogers (R-Ala.).

The House version of the NDAA states:


Trump Says Biden is ‘Guilty of Providing Material Support for Terrorism’   [VIDEO]   By Cassandra Macdonald

Jun. 15, 2024 8:45 am – During the speech on his 78th birthday, Trump asserted, “So, in addition to all of his other well-documented offenses, crooked Joe Biden is now also guilty of providing material support for terrorism.”

“Under Biden, there’s been a 3,000% increase in the number of people on the terror watchlist crossing into our country from the southern border – 3,000%,” Trump emphasized. “And that comes from the Border Patrol. Our country is going to pay a steep price for many, many years. This is a terrible thing that’s happened.”

On Tuesday, NBC News reported:

Eight men from Tajikistan with potential ties to ISIS out of central Asia were arrested over the weekend in New York, Philadelphia and Los Angeles, three people familiar with the matter told NBC News on Tuesday.

The suspects had been on the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force radar and were arrested by personnel with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, better known as ICE, the sources say.

All eight men crossed through the southern border into the U.S., and their criminal backgrounds checks came back clean when they crossed, say two officials familiar with the matter.

At least two of the men crossed the border in spring 2023, and one of those men used the CBP One app, which the Biden administration created to allow migrants to book appointments to claim asylum, those officials say.

“Over the last few days, ICE agents arrested several non-citizens pursuant to immigration authorities,” the Department of Homeland Security and Federal Bureau of Investigation said in a joint statement on Tuesday. “The actions were carried out in close coordination with the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Forces. The individuals arrested are detained in ICE custody pending removal proceedings.”


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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.