Daily Shmutz | COVID-19  / Malicious Medical Quackery | 7/1/24

COVID-19  / Malicious Medical Quackery 

[Ed.:  FEAR YOUR DOCTOR!  Medicine is a disgraced profession.  They cannot (and must not) be trusted any longer! Cultivate Nosocomephobia and iatrophobia.  Spread ‘vaccine hesitancy’! How Bad is My Batch?]

[Ed.:  How Bad is My Batch?  Enter your batch number(s) and find out.  Then take action and purge yourself of this shit to the extent possible. It’s do-able!]


BREAKING Publication–A Critical Analysis of All-Cause Deaths during COVID-19 Vaccination in an Italian Province   PETER A. MCCULLOUGH, MD, MPH

COVID-19 and All-Cause Mortality Increased with Shots–Vaccination Did Not “Save Lives”

JUL 01, 2024 – Suppression of COVID-19 vaccine safety information on the internet, social media, and the peer-reviewed literature has made it difficult to discern what the real risks have been for beleaguered citizens who have capitulated with the global, never-ending, COVID-19 mass vaccination program.

Alessandria and colleagues analyzed data from the Italian National Healthcare System. The population considered is that of residents or those domiciled in the province of Pescara on 1 January 2021, aged 10 years and older, without a positive SARS-CoV-2 swab at the date of the follow-up start. Vaccination data were acquired from the official regional SARS-CoV-2 vaccination dataset, up to 31 December 2022. The follow-up considered ranges between 1 January 2021 and 15 February 2023.

The results are startling. COVID-19 specific deaths were not reduced with vaccination, however there was a U-shaped trend of note when COVID-19 deaths were adjusted per 1000 population: unvaccinated 1.98/1000, one dose 0.27/1000, two doses 1.08/1000, and 3/4 doses 3.5/1000.

The all-cause death hazard ratios in univariate analysis for vaccinated people with 1, 2, and 3/4 doses versus unvaccinated people were 0.88, 1.23, and 1.21, respectively. The multivariate values were 2.40, 1.98, and 0.99.

These data have some instability in the point estimates likely due to the variation in follow-up time since vaccination, refusal of more shots over time, and survival bias. It was appropriate to perform survival analysis with Cox Proportional Hazards model, however, since the authors had the survival time, they should have generated Kaplan-Meier survival curves for inspection. Likely with variation in the curves led them to criss-cross at times, thus the authors decided to hold them back. The main point of the paper is that COVID-19 vaccination did not “save lives” as so many in Washington have proclaimed without evidence. The trend was for multiple vaccine doses to increase COVID-19 mortality and there was an important signal for increased all-cause death with one or two doses.


17-Year-Old Chinese Badminton Star Dies Suddenly After Suffering Cardiac Arrest on Court    By Ben Kew

Jul. 1, 2024 9:30 am – A promising teenage badminton star has died suddenly after suffering a cardiac arrest on court.

17-year-old Zhang Zhijie suddenly collapsed during a match during a match on Sunday evening against Japan’s Kazuma Kawano at the Asia Junior Championships in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

The young man was treated immediately at the venue before being taken to hospital by ambulance. However, he sadly died hours later after resuscitation efforts failed.

The teenager received treatment at the venue and was rushed to hospital by ambulance, but passed away later that night after repeated efforts to resuscitate him failed.

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Supreme Court Strikes Down 50-State Bankruptcy Deal Granting Pharma Execs Immunity from Fraud & Willful Injury   KAREN KINGSTON

“The Sacklers sought an injunction “forever staying, restraining, and enjoining” claims against them. It sought to extinguish claims for negligence, fraud and willful misconduct.” – Justice Gorsuch

JUL 01, 2024


June 30, 2024: This past week, the Supreme Court overruled the Second Circuit (and decades of bankruptcy court precedent) in Harrington vs. Purdue, a mass-torte, 50-state, 100,000 victim lawsuit. With a 5-3 majority, the Supreme Court ruled that bankruptcy law does not grant the courts the authority to issue an injunction to stop future litigation from being brought against pharma companies, pharma execs, their families, or their affiliated companies for; fraud, willful injury, negligence, and/or other claims; in exchange for paying billions of dollars for class-action settlements.


“Sudden And Unexpected”   [2:01]   @toobaffled

Explosive Report Drops a Bomb on the Entire Childhood Vaccine Schedule

June 30, 2024 – It turns out that the shots forced on children to attend school have “negligible or NON-EXISTENT benefits” but “documented side effects.”

This is true for many of the most widely-used vaccines, including the MMR, DPT, flu, and the tetanus shots.

This information came to light from a comprehensive report written by popular Substack author, A Midwestern Doctor.

The author highlights that following the introduction of bacterial childhood vaccinations, not only did the targeted infections become more widespread, but other bacterial infections also emerged and evolved into more dangerous strains. This new reality prompted the creation of more vaccines, which in turn has accelerated this “downward spiral” and boosted “Big Pharma profits.”

Dr. Pierre Kory, an ICU specialist who has risen to prominence after the COVID debacle, writes, “Before COVID, I didn’t think there were serious issues with the childhood vaccines, but now, like many, I’ve come to question that assumption.”



RFK Jr. Leaves Dr. Phil Stunned As He Explains Huge Kickbacks Fauci and NIH Have Earned From Moderna Vaccines   (VIDEO)   By Ben Kew

Jun. 30, 2024 8:45 am – Robert F. Kennedy Jr. left Dr. Phil McGraw stunned over the amount of kickbacks Dr. Anthony Fauci and other high level deputies at the National Institute for Health receive from Moderna and other major pharmaceuticals.

Kennedy, who is running as an independent presidential candidate, explained the situation during an in depth interview with Dr. Phil, who recently interviewed Donald Trump in similar circumstances.

As long reported by The Gateway Pundit, the pharmaceutical industry has pocketed many billions of dollars off their dodgy COVID “vaccines,” and some of that money is going toward health officials such as Anthony Fauci.

Here is a transcript of the exchange:

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CDC Recommends New COVID-19 Vaccines For Nearly All Americans   by Zachary Stieber

SATURDAY, JUN 29, 2024 – 03:10 PM  The Epoch Times – The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on June 27 recommended forthcoming COVID-19 vaccines for virtually all Americans.

“CDC recommends everyone ages 6 months and older receive an updated 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine to protect against the potentially serious outcomes of COVID-19 this fall and winter whether or not they have ever previously been vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine,” the agency said in a statement.

The COVID-19 vaccines now available, which are also broadly recommended, target the XBB.1.5 strain. But observational data indicate they provide short-lived protection against COVID-19 infection and hospitalization.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials, acting on advice from their advisers, recently directed vaccine manufacturers to produce COVID-19 vaccines with updated formulations.

Updated vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna will target the KP.2 variant, while an updated shot from Novavax will target the JN.1 variant.

The updated formulations are expected to be available in September.

CDC advisers earlier Thursday unanimously advised the CDC to recommend the forthcoming vaccines to virtually all Americans, even though no clinical efficacy or safety data are available for them.

Data from animal testing suggest that the vaccines trigger higher levels of antibodies than the shots currently available, manufacturers said previously.

CDC advisers considered a risk-based recommendation that would only say certain groups receive one of the vaccines but ultimately opted for what is known as a universal recommendation.

Dr. Jamie Loehr, one of the members, said before the vote that the cost-effectiveness of vaccinating young people, who are generally at little risk from COVID-19, had him leaning towards a risk-based approach. He changed his mind, though, after listening to a presentation from a CDC researcher.

Dr. Denise Jamieson, another member, said that members should not “get too caught up in cost-effectiveness currently.” She said, “If we compare it to other vaccine-preventable diseases it seems like a really good investment.”

Each dose of a new shot could cost up to $130, according to estimates presented during the meeting.

Pooled effectiveness estimates from studies of the currently available vaccines, which target the XBB strain, and the last slate of shots, which were bivalent, found that effectiveness against hospitalization due to COVID-19 was below 50 percent, the original threshold laid out by regulators.

Researchers with the CDC and other institutions have also found the protection wanes over time, one reason U.S. officials have turned the COVID-19 vaccine model into a once-a-year update similar to the influenza vaccination program.

Many Americans took the original COVID-19 vaccines but most have opted against receiving the newer shots. As of May 11, just 14.4 percent of children and 22.5 percent of adults have received one of the currently available COVID-19 vaccines, according to CDC surveys, which also found that many doctors have stopped recommending the shots because they’re focused on promoting other vaccines and worry recommending COVID-19 vaccination could increase hesitancy among patients to receiving the other vaccines.

Experts said in Thursday’s meeting that the message needs to be that people need another shot.

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Depopulation by Design   Dennis Behreandt

When viewed in the context of U.S. and international policies on population reduction and control, the Covid pandemic was not an isolated or random event. …

June 24, 2024 – Here is a bit of bad news: We are in the end stage of a multi-pronged, multi-front, multi-decadal war against life itself. It gets worse: Most people have only a vague idea, at best, that this war is raging around them and that they and their families and their nations are the target. The enemy’s objective is to destroy the family, the nation that inevitably has its roots in the family, the religion that supports and breathes life into this superstructure, and even a majority of the individual people who live within this “vital framework.” The goal is simply the complete revolution of life, resulting in a globally managed state run through the United Nations and its affiliate NGOs and peopled by a carefully “curated” and “managed” population of humans “who own nothing and are happy.”

One of the most significant battles in this war that is now in its “kinetic” phase in Ukraine and Israel is biowarfare — specifically the Covid pandemic and the seemingly insane response to it. The global “insane” response to the pandemic, in fact, was the “skeleton key” that unlocked the pathway to the truth about what was happening. From a public-health standpoint, none of the policies instituted did a single thing to help human health and well-being. From standing six feet apart, following arrows on the floor in grocery stores, wearing masks, and telling people that for the most part they were “non-essential workers,” pandemic response policies had zero to do with actually helping people stay healthy, but everything to do with controlling and managing a population through fear and peer pressure. And this was pandemic policy at its best.

At its worst, the most extreme pandemic responses were and remain outright deadly attacks on human life. The virus itself almost certainly was bioengineered. Many public policies directly intermingled the sick with the weak and elderly, in a barely concealed attempt to do in the old and infirm. Globally, life-saving medications such as ivermectin were ridiculed and removed from the market, while dangerous concoctions were prescribed to the sick and hospital “protocols” including “ventilation” turned healthcare facilities into killing fields and medical practitioners, mostly unknowingly, into executioners. Finally, the vax with a raft of deadly side effects was unleashed on billions who believed with starry-eyed faith that everything being done to them was for the their own good.

Worldwide, this was a globally managed operation to lead billions of good and trusting people to injury, sickness, and, in far too many cases, death. But Covid was just the most recent, and perhaps most egregious, event in the biowarfare front of the Deep State global war on everyone else. The triple aims sought by the Deep State on this front are population transformation, control, and reduction. As this special report of The New American will demonstrate, the Deep State death cult has made significant advances, to the bloody detriment of millions around the globe, just since 2019.

Kissinger and His “Report”

The war we are in is between one large majority of primarily Americans and traditional Western Europeans who look to rebuild support for the great pillars of Western civilization and, especially in the United States, to protect the constitutional order and the Republic it created, and an opposing minority of illiberal progressives of the internationalist Deep State who seek to create a carefully managed and technocratic social and governing order deeply resembling Soviet-style communism, under which they wish to rule the world. The latter began this war on the former many decades ago, and one of its key strategies has been — and continues to be — to implement policies that are directly aimed at global population reduction.

Why would they be so interested in population reduction?

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.