Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION | 7/7/24


 [Ed.:  Obama created an entity called ‘Organization For Action’ (OFA).  I added the fourth word ‘Communista’.  Organization For Action Communista (OFAC).  In my daily toil working on this news and opinion site, I refer to them several times: “OFAC, OFAC, OFAC!!”  This helps me release some of the tension…  BTW, in the last three years, not one penny has every arrived in the donation box!  This is simply Bidenomics.  My readers are all as poor as I am.  OFAC!  Please continue to not donate to this anonymous website.  Otherwise I would have to receive the money!  Then BAM,  they nailed me.  OFAC…]


Live by the Law or Die on the Cross   BY  JEREMY ENGLAND

Israel must stop pretending it is a nation like any other

MAY 28, 2024 – When my parents moved to Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1974, they were young idealists trying to foment Marxist revolution.

Having kids and getting a mortgage mellowed their radical views substantially, but I still grew up marinating in progressive ideas. One such idea was that nationalism was a great evil that had caused Germans to hate and murder all of my mother’s aunts and uncles in Poland. Another idea was that private schools should not exist, a noble notion which lasted until we realized I was going to finish the math offerings at our small-town New Hampshire public high school before starting ninth grade. That’s how I ended up at Phillips Exeter.

Had you visited during my senior year you would have seen me acing written exams on the Sabbath, filling blackboards with German verb conjugations, and cracking claws with gusto at the annual lobster dinner. A Jew? Of course! But I would have told you that that just meant I leaned left politically, played Brahms on the violin, and enjoyed making clever arguments about what is right and wrong.

In 1999, I moved to Cambridge as a Harvard freshman. I had been there throughout my childhood, when we had made periodic family pilgrimages to Harvard Square, where we browsed in bookstores, sampled ethnic foods, and generally paid homage at the red brick, high temple of academic meritocracy. When I started as a student there, it felt like I was fulfilling my purpose, which was to develop my talents as fully as I could, with details to be sorted out later as to how best to use them. Subsequently, my studies carried me through Oxford as a Rhodes scholar, Stanford for my Ph.D., and Princeton for a postdoctoral lectureship, so that I returned to Massachusetts in 2011—this time, to MIT as a physics professor. While there, I made a bit of a splash with some theoretical work on thermodynamics and the spontaneous origin of life.

Israel must stop begging to be judged fairly by whatever standards the current hegemon has decreed we all agree upon. We need to look for standards from within our tradition to set a moral example for the whole world, while making it more practically possible to defend our homeland.

As for how to argue about what is right and wrong, that is something my elite academic surroundings were always eager to dictate to me, especially when it came to international relations. At Exeter in the 1990s, we had school assemblies about how the fighting in the Balkans had gone on between groups of identical people who had shot at each other pointlessly over differing tastes in cigarette brands. One MLK Day, a PLO apparatchik masquerading as a journalist came to tell us lurid tales about the Israeli Air Force dropping napalm on fleeing Arab children. I got in a heated, yet fumbling dispute with her about it, and was puzzled afterward as to why I had cared at all. At Harvard, the authorities made sure I read Kant’s Perpetual Peace, and otherwise the place was utterly awash in specimens of starry-eyed Clintonian social “science” about how economic growth through global trade would automatically bring an end to all war and oppression. I made it to Hillel for Yom Kippur two out of four years.

It was at Oxford, after having one too many chats over a glass of port with a fellow Oxonian who seemed way too interested in the Jewish influence on the American political process, that something shifted in me. The place was so fully blanketed by the fumes of post-colonial theory that Zionism (and its inherent criminality) was a constant subject, which made me wonder more deeply about it all.

I started doing wild things, like learning history and facts and even visiting the region. Somewhat inevitably, I also ended up familiarizing myself with the standard arsenal of arguments for Zionism made by people at universities: Israel is fighting on the front lines to defend the West from barbarian zealots! Israel kicks Jewish extremists out of their illegal settlements and puts Arab citizens on its Supreme Court! Israel is the only country in the Middle East that is entirely both bomb shelter and gay bar! These points captivated me, but there was always something about them that felt off.

I now know what it is.

During the last 20 years, anti-colonialist doctrine more fully replaced critical thinking throughout most of the academy, and it would be easy to attribute the fever pitch of present anti-Israel sentiment on campuses solely to that shift. And to be clear, it’s indeed obvious that many students today at Ivy League schools are badly informed and cannot craft good arguments with whatever information they do manage to come by. And, yes, all of the curricular and pedagogical rot compels them to join the mob pouring its wrath on the Jewish state.

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Jonathan Pollard & Rabbi David Bar-Hayim: Why did Defense Minister Yoav Gallant Visit the U.S.?  [2:23:13]   Machon Shilo

July 5, 2024 – Discussion between Jewish hero Jonathan Pollard and the head of Machon Shilo, Rabbi David Bar-Hayim


Labour Veterans Who Lost Their Seats Because They Were Insufficiently Pro-Hamas   BY HUGH FITZGERALD

JUL 6, 2024 10:00 AM – The landslide victory of the Labour Party in the UK means that Keir Starmer is now the British prime minister. Starmer managed to take over the Labour Party leadership in 2020, after years of disastrous electoral results when the party was led by the antisemitic and anti-Israel Jeremy Corbyn, who once called members of Hamas and Hezbollah “my friends” and invited them to visit Parliament as his guest. Starmer first suspended, and then expelled, Corbyn from the party, and several of the most extreme Corbynites who shared his deep animus to Israel followed him out of the party.

Following the many accusations of antisemitism in the Labour Party during Corbyn’s tenure, Starmer pledged to end antisemitism in the party during his acceptance speech as leader in 2020, saying: “Antisemitism has been a stain on our party. I have seen the grief that it’s brought to so many Jewish communities. On behalf of the Labour Party, I am sorry. And I will tear out this poison by its roots and judge success by the return of Jewish members and those who felt that they could no longer support us”

During the campaign, Starmer rejected pressure from his party’s left to come out publicly in support of recognizing a state of Palestine, as had recently been done by Ireland, Spain, and Norway. Nonetheless, he said that he wanted to recognize a Palestinian state, but that such a move would need to come “at the right time in a peace process.” Since that peace process may be years away, the pro-Israel groups have time to make their case and change his mind.

In the latest election, four Labour veterans lost their seats, having been judged insufficiently pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel by the large number of Muslim voters in their districts. More on their losses can be found here: “Despite Labour Party win, MPs lose seats to pro-Palestinian opponents,” Jerusalem Post, July 5, 2024:


CHAPTER 26: Pronouns and Publishing   by Linda Goudsmit
Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is (forthcoming release August 2024)
July 7, 2024

Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism. The tactical attack plan uses asymmetric psychological and informational warfare to destabilize Americans and drive society out of objective reality into the madness of subjective reality. America’s children are the primary target of the globalist predators.

The acceptance of philanthrocapitalism as the munificent foundation for globalism’s New World Order provides the philosophical rationalization for social engineering throughout the publishing industry. Over the last twenty-five years, the U.S. trade publishing business has been centralized and reduced to five main players. The Big Five are Simon & Schuster, Penguin Random House, HarperCollins, Hachette Book Group, and MacMillan.

British-owned Pearson Education is the largest publisher of educational books, professional training manuals, and educational assessment services in America. Pearson Education was created when its parent company, Pearson PLC, purchased Simon & Schuster’s education division from Viacom and merged it with its own education division in 2011.

In February 2019, Pearson sold its U.S. K–12 business to the private equity firm Nexus Capital Management LP for $250 million. In July 2019 Pearson announced its decision to move to a digital-first strategy, and began phasing out the publishing of printed textbooks.

BlackRock and Vanguard are among Pearson PLC’s top ten institutional shareholders, and BlackRock is among the top three institutional shareholders of Cevian Capital, Pearson PLC’s largest institutional investor.

The Big Five publishing companies and Pearson publish digital and printed books that follow an ESG/DEI editorial formula. Let’s take a look.

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Why everyone should care about tomorrow’s elections in France   LEO HOHMANN

Sunday’s election has the potential to neutralize globalist President Emmanuel Macron, who is itching to escalate the West’s raging proxy war against Russia

JUL 06, 2024 – The U.S. and its NATO allies have displayed a remarkable level of recklessness by trying to provoke the world’s biggest nuclear power, Russia, into a World War III scenario. It should be obvious in 2024 that it’s impossible to defeat a nuclear-armed power like Russia in a conventional war. At the very moment such a country feels like its existence is threatened, it has every incentive to launch its nuclear warheads at the source of the threat. And, yet, we see Washington and its allies sending long-range weapons to Ukraine and telling the Ukrainians it’s OK to use them to strike deep inside Russia. What do they think the outcome of such a policy will be? Of course, they are not stupid. They know they are risking World War III and a nuclear exchange that will kill us all but they are so desperate to preserve the Western-dominated liberal world order that they don’t care if they lose 70-90 percent of their populations.

There is a ray of hope, however. Following last week’s first round of parliamentary elections in France, it appears that some Western populations are waking up and will throw the warmongers out of office. It’s also possible that the elections in France represent an anomoly, not the beginning of a wider trend.

Either way, all eyes will be on the second round of elections Sunday, July 7, in France, which could result in France saving itself from the nuclear annihilation likely to be visited upon less rational countries like the U.S. and U.K.

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Overcome evil with good     TIERNEY’S REAL NEWS

JUL 06, 2024 – I’m working on a long newsletter about the importance of the latest SCOTUS rulings, Trump’s sentencing delay and the convoluted attempt to replace Biden – but while you’re waiting take ten minutes and listen to this video clip.

You’ll FINALLY understand how the Globalist uni-party NWO swamp of today actually works together and how it started during the cold war.

CLIP: https://x.com/csnetkova76/status/1809383450992078864

I’ve reported all this before but Mike Benz explains it all in a way that’s quick and easy to understand. It will also make it clear why they hate Trump so because he wants to dismantle all this.
BTW – Soros doesn’t just work for the Democrats. He works for the NWO uni-party – including guys like John McCain & Mitt Romney. How did THAT happen? Soros began as an operative for the CIA – recruited by Reagan – to create an infrastructure within other countries so the CIA could use coups and revolutions to take down the Soviets during the cold war.
Soros once said he wanted to create the United States of Soros out of the fallen Soviet Union. “Stealing” Ukraine was one of his goals (as I reported over 4 years ago) and now it’s personal. Soros funded Mitt Romney & John McCain and their ventures and they ran for President on the Republican ticket!

Soros & the CIA have two different operations – one serving the left and one serving the right. They just call them by different names and use different front groups.

Soros’ so-called humanitarian network has evolved into something else entirely since the cold war, is used in conjunction with the big hedge funds (think BlackRock) to launder OUR money and foreign money and has now been turned AGAINST US.

The CIA and their NWO masters are using the same “revolutionary” tactics that Reagan used to take down Communist countries during the cold war – against the United States. ONE BIG BOOMERANG. Not only that – but they are pocketing OUR money every step of the way. Once you understand this – you understand everything.

Here’s a longer version on YouTube.



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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.