Daily Shmutz | ISRAEL (IINO)  | 7/7/24



SCREAMS BEFORE SILENCE   Full Video  [57:00]                                                                                                                                                                                                                         A documentary film on the sexual violence committed by Hamas on October 7th, Screams Before Silence is a documentary film led by American businesswoman Sheryl Sandberg, that explores the sexual violence by Hamas during the Hamas-led attack on Israel, on 7 October 2023, including events at the massacre at the Nova Festival and abductions to the Gaza Strip.


Gaza:The Sajaya neighborhood from a bird’s eye view.   [VIDEO1:11]

July 7, 2024  𝗜𝗦𝗥𝗔𝗘𝗟 𝗟𝗜𝗩𝗘 𝗡𝗘𝗪𝗦

[Ed.:  Eye candy.  I could watch these shorts all day long.  ‘Here’s your consequences for Oct. 7th, Muth’afaks’. Don’t fuck with me!  Kahane was right. “They must go!”]


🟣 SUN night July 7, 2024 @ 1:07 p.m. Eastern   – ISRAEL REALTIME – Connecting to Israel in Realtime

TWO NORTHERN BARRAGES TODAY.. in the first, 27 northern towns were under alert and rocket risk.  On the second, 14 northern towns under alert and rocket risk.  There were rocket strikes and injuries, and many fires started.  4 injured, 2 serious, 2 civilians, 1 IDF soldier, 1 American citizen.

▪️A HERO SOLDIER HAS FALLEN.. Jalaa Ibrahim, 25, from Sajur, a Druze-Israeli, fell in battle in Gaza.  May his family be honored and may the dead receive mercy.

▪️WAR POLITICS.. the Defense Minister was under some verbal attack today for not supporting the coalition conscription law but demanding the reserve extension law.

🔸DEAL POLITICS.. statement from the Prime Minister’s Office:

The Prime Minister continues to firmly stand by the principles already agreed upon by Israel:

1 – Any deal will allow Israel to return and fight until all the goals of the war are achieved.

2 – It will not be possible to smuggle weapons to Hamas from the Gaza border to Egypt.

3 – The return of thousands of armed terrorists to the north of the Gaza Strip will not be possible.

4 – Israel will maximize the number of live abductees that will be returned from Hamas captivity.

▪️TERRORIST IN THE HOSPITAL?  The Nuchba terrorist is hospitalized at Asuta Hospital in Ashdod and is receiving life-saving treatment. The hospital said:  “Security detainees are brought to the hospital at the request of the security forces and the IDF.”

▪️BIZARRE STORY OF THE DAY.. the police arrested a young man in the Golan who had an old military truck, military weapons, a heavy mortar bomb, and a marijuana greenhouse.

▪️INTERNAL AID.. The government approved the extension of aid to residents of the south who live within 0 to 7 kilometers of the border fence with Gaza, and to residents whose homes are within 0 to 5 kilometers of the border with Lebanon until 8/31/24.

▪️ON THE ARRESTED DEFENDERS.. Message from the Attorney General’s Office: In light of much misinformation that has been published about arrests for “murder of a terrorist (from Oct. 7)”, which has resulted in serious incitement, the State Attorney’s Office publishes shares:

An investigation was opened following information received about the theft of weapons from army soldiers who were killed in the battles on Oct 7.  R. was indicted for the crimes of armed robbery and impersonation.  As well a video was found in which he was seen punching a Palestinian in his car, who’s body was found later.

S. was indicted after “written statements of his were found, in which he allegedly confessed to killing a number of terrorists whom he and others caught alive, as well as severe acts of violence committed against terrorists outside of combat” as well as finding gun parts in his home.

Any attempt to criticize the prosecutors and in general the work of the prosecutor’s office and to link the law enforcement system with attempts to harm the State of Israel, will not succeed.

♦️IDF ELIMINATION.. a senior member of the Hamas government in Gaza, Ihab El-Tzin.

♦️2 DRONES SHOT DOWN over LEBANON before hitting Israel.

REPORTS OF A HIT on the Meron mountaintop air control base.

One seriously wounded and two lightly wounded by an anti-tank missile in the Western Galilee.

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October 7 survivors, families to organize civilian inquiry into massacre – report

Unofficial probe aims to publish findings by first anniversary of attack; government yet to launch state commission of inquiry, despite calls for accountability

July 7, 2024 12:05 pm  Times Of Israel – Survivors of the Hamas terror group’s October 7 massacre are organizing a civil investigative committee to probe the government’s failures on the day of the attack, according to a Saturday report.

Bereaved families and wounded soldiers will also participate in the inquiry, which plans to gather testimony about that day, on which thousands of terrorists invaded southern Israel, killing some 1,200 people and taking 251 hostages, and sparking the ongoing war between Israel and the terror group.

The panel will be formed on Wednesday, and will be made up of former senior officials in the defense establishment and judiciary, former mayors of northern and southern communities, and a former top police officer, Channel 12 reported.

According to the report, the commission intends to publish its findings on the first anniversary of the massacre in October, after meeting some three times a week between now and then to gather testimony.

Channel 12 described the establishment of the commission as an “act of protest” against the government, which has not launched a state commission of inquiry despite mounting pressure and though the military has conducted internal investigations.

The government says a state commission of inquiry — a formal, nonpolitical process chaired by judges selected by the president of the Supreme Court — is required, but only after the war is over.

State Comptroller Matanyahu Englman announced a wide-ranging probe in December, but the military and the State Attorney’s Office opposed the effort, and good-governance watchdog groups said it was beyond the comptroller’s purview.

In June, the High Court of Justice ordered Englman to suspend his investigation, citing security concerns. The court will hold a hearing on the matter this month.

Continue reading  (…but don’t vomit!)

[Ed.:  We know exactly what they re hiding – and who!]


Report: IDF Ignored Sergeant’s Warning Signs Before Oct. 7 Massacre

July 5, 2024  JBN News – A damning new report has exposed a desperate plea from an IDF intelligence sergeant that was tragically brushed aside mere days before Hamas’ devastating massacre in southern Israel on October 7.

According to Channel 12 News, a female sergeant from the IDF’s elite Unit 8200 sent an urgent email to several of her superiors, remarking how Hamas’ training exercises were mirror images of Hamas’ “Jericho Wall” plan obtained by IDF intelligence a year prior to October 7. [Emphasis added

The 40-page confiscated Hamas document provides explicit details on how to obliterate Israel’s Gaza defense systems. It reportedly calls for a barrage of rockets at the outset of an attack, drones to knock out security cameras, and gunmen to pour into Israel en masse via paragliders, motorcycles, and on foot.

In her letter, the female officer warned that Hamas was actively rehearsing these scenarios, poised to execute them at any moment.

“The raid training into the country’s territory indicates that the ‘Jericho Walls’ plan is no longer just on paper,” she wrote.

“It is likely that we will not be able to provide a long enough warning to prepare for preventing the event,” she added, urging her superiors to “think about formulating coping strategies for when the event actually happens to minimize the damage.”

Despite her dire warnings, the sergeant’s words were inexplicably ignored.  [Emphasis added]

Responding to these and other damning allegations, the IDF announced a thorough investigation into the events leading up to October 7.

“The IDF is investigating the events of October 7 and the preceding incidents. These investigations aim to learn and draw lessons for future combat,” an IDF spokesperson told Channel 12 News. “The investigations are ongoing, and findings will be presented transparently to the public once concluded.”

However, for countless Israelis still traumatized by the horrors of Oct. 7, such assurances ring painfully hollow. The young IDF sergeant’s haunting words will forever serve as a chilling reminder of how Israeli leadership failed to protect its citizens from the worst massacre in Jewish history since the Holocaust.


  1. Sarah  July 7, 2024 12:43 am
    The generals, in alignment with the courts are trying to create a smokescreen. A twisted reality. He who ran to prevent the massacre, killing terrorists, kis a murderer. The generals who did not send the army, for 8 hours! Until the massacre has achieved many of its well planned goals are then not guilty of murder. Orwell’s 1984 on steroids.
  2. Chana Epstein  July 7, 2024 1:38 am
    Sadly, true. Hopefully soon, all who should be, will pay the price for their arrogance and ignorance.
  3. Katherine Keyser  July 7, 2024 2:30 am
    May I say that the boxes that state fill in here and there are non existent. I just guess where they would be, there is not even a line or prompter. It appears to me that so far, on two occasions, women are seeing these threats, but why do you have them in the military sect if they ignored. Their voices are just as important, if not more so than their male counterparts. If it were not for them who are faithful and true, your men would have nothing to boast on them. It’s a disturbing pattern which needs to be rectified. You gave these women these roles in army, where it’s obvious you won’t put men in, not even a gun? How are they to defend themselves. It’s a sad day when they are treated as inferior. Even radio or letter are ignored! What more is there to say.
  4. Julie D  July 7, 2024 3:07 am
    Women are used for intelligence for their superior gut feel of a situation or impending one. Arrogance of men resulted in 10.07

Important report from a source near the action    Chananya Weissman | #285 Gog Umagog Update

So hundreds of terrorists were able to cross the border by surprise and capture entire communities, with little to no military response for many hours, in a country blanketed by cameras, with supposedly some of the best intelligence in the world, and we’re supposed to believe this was a surprise attack. Never forget that the country is run by Erev Rav who work for Amalek. May Hashem save us from the enemies within as much as the enemies outside our land.

July 7, 2024 – I received this report from a source I believe is credible. Turn off the controlled propaganda, use the brain God gave you, and draw your own conclusions:

“It’s worse, there was a stand down order to the now erased Gaza Division – the murderous farce started at 0400 not 0630… It took the murderous zombie horde no less than an hour to get to towns…

No IAF action for at least 6 hours, while the hordes freely came and went unbothered and freely through the border “checkpoints”. . .

The Navy wiped out the sea incursions – guess they didn’t need “intelligence” to stop murderous feces …

I live close enough to see and hear comings and goings from there, for most of my military service I was attached to that division.”

There was unusually heavy weirdness starting at about 0200 – at approx. 0300 there were one or two fighter planes lighting afterburners (sonic booms), one helicopter moving one way which didn’t return. Then the sound of Merkava main cannon (105mm or 120mm) firing, then silence. Missile barrages started rising from Gaza. Not a single airplane or helicopter of any kind until at least 6-8 hours later. Probably no less than 5,000 missiles outgoing from Gaza by 0800 (this matches “foreign media reports”).

Al-Jazeera Arabic was showing live-streamed operations of the zombie horde (uniformed terrorists) over-running the Gaza Division unopposed, one drone with a bomb blew up on a Merkava and the crew was dragged out and mutilated – none of the soldiers seemed to be armed… The enemy took 4 completely undamaged Merkavas, unopposed, they took some mutilated Jewish survivors of the massacre of Gaza Division right back across the border, through the regular totally unmanned checkpoint, some on vehicles and some being dragged on foot. From some of the footage it was obvious there were “European” looking men (blond and pale skinned) with military haircuts and first-rate equipment and military-bearing wearing beige “covid masks” helping move “prisoners” across the unmanned checkpoints.

The main enemy “force” took, in their own words, more than an hour to get to their target towns – they were followed by “Einsatzgruppen” para-military hordes for looting and kidnapping survivors of the first wave.

I say with certainty this was a “stand-down” order – they do indeed have a very expensive “obstacle” to prevent this, sophisticated tracking surveillance with remote operated machine gun emplacements, and even if they were “overrun by surprise” which is IMPOSSIBLE, the IAF has Apache helicopters for this case, and there were NONE airborne until at least 6 hours later (when hostages were being taken back to Gaza, and the terrorist were coming and going as they pleased in great numbers). The Navy managed to destroy every single enemy that attempted a mass distributed coastal landing without a single loss…

Finally, some time ago, the security for these Southern towns was handled by the Gaza Division (they’d post soldiers at each town, check people coming in and patrol). Then there was a government decision to remove the soldiers and replace them with local civilian civil defense people, but the military defunded the programs and also took away the towns weapons armories that were supposed to be distributed to the local civilian defense persons (so the civil defense asked for personally armed volunteers, and we know how “easy” it is for a Jewish Israeli to get a firearm here).

Note how all the reports in Hebrew keep talking about the “Intelligence Failure” and that it’s the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War – not one word about where were the IAF helicopters and planes all those hours (but they talk plenty about how there was no military or police to be found in the towns being slaughtered by the terrorists).

Look at and pay close attention to what time this guy posted his heroic crushing of the murderous vermin who had already killed others in his town, as one example of many:
“I got up in the morning to smoke a cigarette. It was 6:15 a.m. Dawn had barely broken. Suddenly I saw a trail of light in the sky and that’s how this absurd scenario began. Little by little the horrible picture became clearer,” Nava Anker, who is a member of Kibbutz Nirim told Ynet. She said her son also lives in Nirim with his three daughters. “Only later did we realize that we were surrounded by terrorists. We heard small arms fire. The IDF forces arrived after seven hours or so.”

From: https://www.ynetnews.com/article/rkfnlwyzp

Thanks for everything you do, מבטחנו בהשם!

* * *

A few additional thoughts from me:

Expect war lockdowns and heightened censorship for your safety. Emergency government = emergency powers, and we know how they depend on emergencies. Do not trust the people who are supposed to be “protecting” you. They are your worst enemies.

Someone who responded to my first email put it best: “My first thought when I saw the news early this morning was that a government established by Nazi collaborators, that slaughters its babies, and kills and maims its citizens with medical tyranny would absolutely allow an enemy attack with all its suffering, wounded and dead.”

This wasn’t an intelligence failure. On the contrary; the operation was executed as planned.

* * *

In case you still find it hard to believe that the Erev Rav who sold you out so many times would allow this to happen, this comes from another astute commenter:

The Gaza border: one of the most fortified and technologically advanced borders in the world, teeming with combat soldiers, battalions of tanks, and a heavy air force presence. There are multiple systems in place there including;
1. Static thermal imaging observation posts.
2. Manned patrol vehicles.
3. Static manned observation posts.
4. Subterranean RADAR.
5. Reconnaissance drones.
6. Reconnaissance aircraft.
7. Autonomous patrol vehicles.
8. Fence motion detection.
9. Bomb proof multi-layered reinforced fence set in concrete.
None of the above was working. Hamas militants were able to cross open ground and infiltrate into multiple Israeli cities and yeshuvim without detection or being challenged. Hamas militants were even able to make it back into Gaza afterwards with the bodies of captured soldiers, civilians and vehicles.
Somehow every single security measure was ineffective.
This does not make sense.
You can’t just drive a tractor through the Gaza fence. It’s designed not to be driven through. There was a perfectly shaped cut hole for Hamas vehicles to pass through.
Even with a powerful angle grinder, it takes time to cut through that many layers of reinforcement. That went unnoticed for some reason…
Even an animal touching that fence would trigger an alarm and a protocol is in place to respond to that.

Gog Umagog Update

1. Two testimonies from Israel about the Erev Rav betrayal (Hebrew)

The first video is from a former IDF combat commander. He states in no uncertain terms that this was a betrayal from within. The second video shows a resident of a border community cursing out Israel’s “leaders” and stating that there were no Israeli military aircraft in the sky for 6 hours while citizens were being slaughtered.

2. How the Hamas Attack on Israel Unfolded

This short video is from the Wall Street Journal. As you watch this, ask yourself: Where were the soldiers? Where were the reinforcements? This took place over many hours in broad daylight. One helicopter with a machine gun could have taken them out. This was deliberate.

3. ‘Conspiracy theories about treason are fake news and Iranian misinformation’

Here’s my response to the mockingbird media: drop dead and go to hell.

* * *

Do not expect the army to protect you in the event of unwelcome visitors to your community. Anything can be used as a weapon. Organize and prepare accordingly.


Israeli Journalist: IDF bases were ambushed from within the night before Oct 7    [Hebrew VIDEO  6:12 with translation below]   Chananya Weissman

July 5, 2024 – Many have been shouting this from the rooftops all along, but a recently released video from Hamas provides clear evidence that IDF bases near the Gaza border were ambushed from within the night before the fence was breached to pave the way for the October 7 massacre. According to journalist Chaim Yativ, the bases were taken out by Mossad/deep state traitors, likely with the assistance of CIA agents and American armed forces. The Jewish soldiers protecting the border were murdered in cold blood from within the night before the invasion.

English transcript follows.

Chaim Yativ: “The soldiers were murdered when it was still during the night. Before daybreak. In specific bases. There was an attack with silencers…through “friendly” forces, which could have been Americans, American assassins of the CIA, together with men from the Mossad that partnered with them, brought them inside.

“Now, regarding what you said, regarding the bases, and the murder in the night. We spoke about this base of Refaim, of this video in which we see the people are sitting around, the female soldiers, at night, yes. And they tried to attribute it to bilateral shooting in the north (our forces against our forces) which is bull****. If this was a bilateral shooting in the north, there’s no way Hamas would have obtained this video from the telephone of the female soldier.”

This is the first video that Hamas released on its Telegram channel, as the opening event of the slaughter in the south. It was recorded in darkness.

While the video of the first breach of the fence was recorded by the light of day.

Interviewer: “Excuse me, Chaim, when you say “dutz” (Hebrew abbreviation), that is bilateral?”

Chaim Yativ: “Bilateral, yes. Meaning, this was our soldiers that fired against each other. That’s bull****, because also bilateral shooting couldn’t happen within a base. When they start shooting in the evening, when the soldiers are sitting around, with automatic weapons. It’s clear that this was an elimination. Otherwise we would also have seen the continuation of the video.

“Only what happened? The thing is that Hamas didn’t release this video immediately. It seems that they didn’t want to hand it over. They were working for the Americans. They didn’t want to hand over this matter, that this was at night. But because the elimination was at night…but it seems that they thought that this split second, after they already gave the general picture beforehand, wouldn’t disturb the matter. So it seems that someone mistakenly released this video.

“In any case, after this we went onto another video, which was on a Golani base, in which we see clearly that everything is staged. This isn’t a storming of a Golani base or anything. You see one person storming with a camera in hand on the base. Two men are sitting by the entrance of the base. No one shoots, no one does anything. The storming of the Golani base is bull****.

“What’s important in this matter is that you see the storming is by daylight, and by daylight we see in actuality, one who examines the video, we see it’s already daylight, that all the soldiers on the base were already murdered. And they weren’t just murdered, but they were murdered a while ago. Because if you look at the bodies of the soldiers, their blackened faces, the black blood that is there – this happened a while ago. They were murdered a few hours ago.

“Consequently, there was “preparatory work” the night before they came [from Gaza] in order to make it possible for them by daylight to breach the fences. Without this preparatory work, it would not have been possible at 6:30, 7:00, for the Hamasniks to reach the fences and breach them.”

Highlighted portion from post by Memi Golan:

“1. A veteran reporter told me in the morning that survivors from the Gaza envelope who are staying in one of the hotels by the Dead Sea told him that two types of terrorists participated in the slaughter. One type of Satan’s children we already recognize, and there was another type who spoke English, only English, who dressed in black. And after they broke into houses they asked nicely for an apple or a banana. They left the houses without harming anyone. They sat on the lawns and made themselves a fruit salad.

“2. This wasn’t one instance or two. I publicized one testimony like this yesterday, and now it has been strengthened.

“3. These ones had time for a fruit salad, and their friends had time to commit a series of acts of abuse in cold blood and to burn cars to ash. From where did they know that they would have time? Why didn’t they murder, take the hostages, and disappear? Who really was in charge of the terror, and what did his watch tell him?”

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.