Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION | 7/11/24


 [Ed.:  Obama created an entity called ‘Organization For Action’ (OFA).  I added the fourth word ‘Communista’.  Organization For Action Communista (OFAC).  In my daily toil working on this news and opinion site, I refer to them several times: “OFAC, OFAC, OFAC!!”  This helps me release some of the tension…  BTW, in the last three years, not one penny has ever arrived in the donation box!  But, this is simply Bidenomics.  My readers are all as poor as I am!  OFAC!  Please continue to not donate to this anonymous website.  Otherwise I would have to actually receive the money!  Then BAM,  they nailed me.  OFAC…]



Palestinian vs. Saudi education – ignored by Foggy Bottom    Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger, “Second Thought: a US-Israel Initiative”
July 12, 2024

*The October 7, 2023 horrific Palestinian terrorism was committed by graduates of the hate-driven K-12 Palestinian school curriculum, which has been a most effective production-line of terrorists, since it was established in 1993 by Mahmoud Abbas. The tightly controlled Palestinian school curriculum, as well as the official Palestinian mosque sermons, constitute the most authentic reflection of the Palestinian culture, aspirations, strategy and policy.

*In contrast, the UAE school curriculum was thoroughly overhauled since the conclusion of the 2020 peace accord with Israel, highlighting peaceful coexistence, and reflecting the peace-driven vision of the UAE.

*Likewise, the substantial expansion of Saudi-Israeli defense and commercial cooperation has reflected the game-changing moderation of the Saudi school curriculum. It has been introduced by Crown Prince Muhammed bin Salman in defiance of severe domestic opposition – including within the ruling family – with which the ruling families of the UAE do not have to contend. More on the Saudi school curriculum at the end of this article.

*In contrast to the oppression of women by Iran’s Ayatollahs, the Saudi Crown Prince has also introduced a dramatic enhancement in the status of women, despite the strident opposition by the fundamentalist, puritan Wahabi establishment, whose support has been critical to the domestic legitimacy of the House of Saud.

*Middle East reality has demonstrated a direct correlation between the intensity of hate education and mosque incitement, on the one hand, and the level of violence, terrorism and hostility toward the Western and Jewish “infidels,” on the other hand.

*The State Department’s policy toward the Palestinian Authority and Iran’s Ayatollahs has been largely based on their moderate talk – when communicating with Western movers and shakers – while taking lightly their walk, that has also been reflected by hate education and mosque incitement, which have been consistent with the 1964 Charter of the PLO (which controls the Palestinian Authority) and the 1979 Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

*While the State Department has pressured the pro-US Saudi Arabia to soften its wars on Moslem Brotherhood Sunni terrorism and Houthi Shiite terrorism – by restricting the sale of advanced military systems – it has extended annual foreign aid to the anti-US Palestinian Authority – and to UNRWA which funds much of the Palestinian hate education system – and has showered the anti-US Ayatollahs with mega billion of dollars, irrespective of the Iranian and Palestinian hate education and mosque incitement.

*According to the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-SE), the 2023/24 Saudi school curriculum “shows continued progress toward moderation, openness, and peaceful development through a step-by-step process…. Negative portrayals of infidels and polytheists have been toned down and decreased in number…. All problematic examples promoting jihad and martyrdom have been removed or altered. Considerable improvements in regards to gender have been made…. Removed examples include a statement that women must obey their husbands, a prohibition to appoint women as judges, and insinuations that women are partly to blame for being harassed. The contribution of women to Saudi society is emphasized…. Significant amounts of homophobic content have been removed…. Portrayals of Israel and Zionism have progressed further. Students no longer learn content which defines Zionism as a ‘racist’ European movement that aims to expel Palestinians, or that Zionism’s ‘fundamental goal’ is to expand its borders and take over Arab lands, oil wells and Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem… or accusing Zionists of the 1969 al-Aqsa Mosque arson…. In some instances, the name ‘Palestine’ which featured across the entirety of Israeli territory, has been systematically removed… leaving the territory unnamed….  [However], the Holocaust is absent from the curriculum, and Israel is still referred to as ‘the Israeli occupation’ or ‘Israeli occupiers’ in the context of the 1948 War. Several problematic examples still appear in some textbooks….”

*The State Department’s tolerance of Palestinian and Iranian hate education – while pressuring Saudi Arabia – has provided tailwind to anti-US Islamic terrorism, undermining the stability of all pro-US Arab regimes and the pursuit of peace. It has injured the posture of the US as a reliable ally, and could cause a setback to the US economy and national and homeland security.


Anti-Israel Coalition Forging & Russia’s Ambition For Middle East DOMINANCE   [40:58]   Yair Pinto, Matt Shoshani

July 11,2024  TBN Israel – Yair Pinto and Mati Shoshani discuss Russia’s complex Middle East policy and its dangerous alliance with Hezbollah in Lebanon. Learn about Russia’s history in the region, its ambition to regain powerful influence the Mideast, and the threat it poses to Israel as it deepens ties with Iran.


Israel Must Beware of Egypt   [16:45]   Mordechai Kedar

Jun 26, 2024   Avi Abelow – Just as the Israeli security establishment has been wrong for years about Hamas and the Palestinian Authority, they are also wrong about our “peace” with Egypt.

As everyone is focused on Gaza and a potential war with Iran, few are focused on the very disturbing news regarding Egypt.

Do not miss this eye-opening talk with Dr. Mordechai Kedar, expert on Islam and the Middle East on this specific topic.


The Radical Islamists Continue to Laugh About Oct 7   [6:06]   Mark Levin

July 10, 2024 – Watch with Mark as a Hamas leader laughs about October 7th, and reiterates they would do it all again.

[Ed.:  Mark tries to speak correctly.  He uses Daniel Pipes’ term “Radical Islam”.  Pipes coined this term on September 11th to gaslight us into thinking that there was such a thing as ‘Moderate Islam’ (thus spoken by an ‘expert’.)  BUT NO!  Ain’t no such animal.  REMEMBER THAT.  Islam is Islam is Islam. Their religion is not a religion at all.  It’s a military cult.  If we do not convert to Islam (from one of our Judaic-Christian religions,) they must behead us. It’s thier ‘Religion’. They must burn down out churches and cathedrals. Is Islam one of “The Worlds Three Great Religions”?  Why in hell would we describe them in such a favorable light?  For the same reason that Mark Levin refers to “Radical Islam”,  ignorance in the effort to be ‘politically correct’. Let it be said that Mark is a great American, a top Constitutional expert, and a very excellent man, – of the very best we have. Anyway, words have meaning.  Question the term ‘Islamist’.  Show me a Jewishist,  for example.]


Pinprick retaliation just doesn’t cut the mustard   Gerald Honigman

When existential circumstances are involved, no nation’s leaders should be expected to cave in to someone else’s interests. To America’s shame, that is what it forced Israel to do when Iran’s missiles attempted to attack its population centers. Opinion.

Jul 11, 2024, 8:56 AM (GMT+3) – Take a long, hard look at the article linked here.

This is so aggravating and the reaction so horribly ineffective on the West’s part.
A few months ago, after Iran launched a few hundred ballistic, cruise, and other missiles and drones against Israeli population centers, a unique situation presented itself.
Thanks to Israel’s investment in effective defense measures and some support from America, Iran’s intention to cause massive death and destruction was foiled.
At that moment in time, at least the more reasonable members of the world family of nations showed some empathy for Israel’s vulnerability—a nation which virtually requires a magnifying glass to find on a world globe, and which the Islamic Republic declares to be a “one bomb country.” Guess why?
But Israeli military and civilian leaders were forced by shortsighted American policy to blow this opportunity to “take care of business” big time. How? Israel needs US weapons and the Biden Administration does not hesitate at using that as a means of control.
So – Instead of the West getting its act together and doing unto Iran in defensive retaliation exponentially, taking out its major military facilities, nuclear sites, etc., Israel settled for pinprick retaliation which the would-be Atomic Ayatollahs merely laughed at. The article in the link here is just one result of such meek decisions forced on Israel.

Why were Iraq and Syria’s nuclear facilities targeted, but not the main source of not only Israel’s, but much of the rest of the world’s headaches—Iran? Against Iraq and Syria, Israel could go it alone because their distance from Israel is so short. For Iran, it needs the West’s cooperation.
There, of course, is also the not small detail that Israel is the only nation which Iran and its tentacle proxies aim to totally eliminate. So who cares.
The recent massive Hezbollah attack on Israel’s military bases in the north is another instance of the price Israel will continue to pay for not delivering something at least somewhat akin to a devastating knockout punch in the aftermath of that massive attack Iran launched a while back.
And why, I repeat, did this most probably happen?
Think no further than Israel bowing to the Biden administration’s pressure not to “escalate.” See below:

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They are NOT our cousins   Shmuel Sackett

This is not a “family squabble” and can not come to a happy compromise.  Op-ed.

Jul 10, 2024 – Everybody knows that arguments within families are the hardest ones to resolve. More often than not, disputes regarding inheritance cause irreparable damage. How sad that brothers stop talking, cousins never get to know each other, and families are literally broken apart.

From time immemorial, people have said that this is what lies at the root of the Jew vs Arab debate… we are cousins fighting over the inheritance of our grandfather Avraham. HaShem promised the following to Avraham; “For all the land that you see, I will give to you and to your offspring forever.” (Bereishit 13:15) The logical argument states that since both Jews (via Yitzchak – Isaac) and Arabs (via Yishmael – Ishmael) are offspring of Avraham (the Patriarch Abraham) , we are both entitled to share in the land. Therefore, we need to work out this “family squabble” and come to a happy compromise where every descendant gets his ancestral portion.

Sounds familiar? I’m sure you have heard this argument – or some form of it – a thousand times. “They are your cousins… why can’t you work things out?” I guess we just need to hire attorneys and go to family court and forget about the suicide bombings, massacres, rocket attacks and rivers of Jewish blood shed by our “cousins”…

There is however, one slight problem with this argument: The Arabs are not our cousins! Really? What about the line that “we both come from Avraham”? Wouldn’t that make us one big happy (or miserable) family?? Not really… Allow to me show you something that, unfortunately, is one of the best kept secrets in the Talmud Bavli.

Masechet Nedarim – Chapter 3 – Mishna 11 – (commentary and translation from ArtScroll): “If someone swears that he will not benefit from the offspring of Avraham – he is forbidden from Jews but he is permitted to benefit from all the other nations of the world” – Note 5 in this ArtScroll Mishna quotes the famous Mishnaic commentator, the Bartenura, who states: “He may even benefit from the descendants of Yishmael and Esav, because it is derived from the Torah that Avraham’s line runs only through his son, Yitzchak, and Yitzchak’s son Yaakov (Jacob) and not through Yishmael or Esav (Esau) !

Let’s think about this for a minute. Both Yishmael and Yitzchak were – undisputedly – the sons of Avraham. Nobody argues with that. Yet, as the Mishna clearly rules – and yes, this is the Halakha! – the descendants of Yishmael are not considered the offspring of Avraham. The Mishna bases its ruling on the verse in Bereishit (21:12) which says; “Through Yitzchak will offspring be considered yours”.

This changes everything because it proves that it’s not a battle of inheritors, with both sides having a legitimate claim… its simply good vs evil. This is how our Jewish leaders need to talk. The land – every grain of sand – belongs to the Jewish nation and only the Jewish nation. It was given to Avraham by the King of the world and passed down, from generation-to-generation, through Yitzchak – to Yaakov – to the 12 Tribes – and to you and me and every Jew today.

Let’s get our facts straight and stop parroting lines we hear from those who live with distortion and fraud. Eretz Yisrael was ours, is ours, and will forever remain an inseparable part of Am Yisrael, whether our fake cousins like it or not.


The Israeli Elite Are Still Blind to Hamas’ War  [44:30]  Caroline Glick

July 10, 2024  JNS TV – A revolutionary rubicon was crossed on October 7th – so why are Israel’s elite seemingly in denial? Saving Israel and civilization will ultimately require recognizing the Red-Green alliance for what it is.

Also, how will European elections affect Jews; what’s the big deal in recognizing “Palestine?” and Israel’s courts try to convict national heroes


00:00 Intro

00:40 European elections & the Jews

4:30 Recognizing Palestine: what’s the big deal?

22:20 Israeli legal complicity

31:00 The dysfunctional Israeli system

[Ed.: What have I been saying!]

You cannot ‘murder’ a terrorist, nor can you ‘assassinate’ a terrorist.  He is an enemy combatant, and you must kill him! (You also don’t arrest him and then litigate him…)  The original Hebrew wording in the Ten Commandments says “Thou shalt not murder,” but not ‘thou shalt not kill,’ as is often mistakenly translated.  We are also instructed to  “kill” our enemies before they kill us. The real problem here, besides IINO’s judicial structure, is IDF’s liberal, (and not very) ‘High Command’, and a little booklet handed out to IDF fighters called ‘Purity Of Arms’ which has no basis in Torah law, and is NOT what Hashem taught us in every war of our history!  It’s the opposite.]


NEW: Europe of Sovereign Nations alliance   PETER IMANUELSEN

A new right-wing political group in the EU parliament.

JUL 10, 2024 -Some big developments are happening in Europe right now.

Recently I reported on how Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán launched a new right-wing alliance called Patriots for Europe.

They have seen massive support with parties all over Europe joining to make it the third largest group in the EU parliament with 84 seats.

However, news are now coming out that the left is working to block them from having any committee posts, despite representing millions of Europeans.

HUGE: New right-wing alliance Patriots For Europe growing massively   PETER IMANUELSEN

JUL 7, 2024 – We saw a massive right-wing wave sweeping across Europe in the EU elections. Right-wing parties saw huge gains all in many countries, and interestingly, they did very well among young voters. Now the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has launched a new right-wing alliance called Patriots For Europe – And it is growing by the day!

Read full story

Now there is another right-wing alliance that has been formed called Europe of Sovereign Nations being led by the Alternative for Germany party.

This new alliance has 28 seats with politicians from 9 different parties across Europe joining.

Some of the parties in the group have been against the covid injections.

Other things that these parties want is to close the borders and are opposed to the green agenda. They also want more sovereignty, returning powers from Brussels to the national level.

continue reading


The die is cast. Jews have no sustainable future in Europe   Giulio Meotti

Jewish life in Europe will be a thing of the past by 2050. There is no future for them there and their desperate love for the old and beloved continent will die. What was unthinkable yesterday is plausible today and certain tomorrow.  Opinion.

Jul 10, 2024, 8:34 AM (GMT+3) – The chief rabbi of the Great Synagogue of Paris, Moshe Sebbag, called for departure:

“There is no future for the Jews in France. I tell all young people to go to Israel or a safer country”.

The president of the Jewish consistory of Alpes-Provence, Zvi Ammar, confessed to Cnews that “in order to no longer live hidden and insecure”, more and more Jews are ready to make aliyah, to move to Israel. “In the mouths of people in every Jewish home comes the question: ‘do we still have a future in France?’. It hurts a lot. Today people feel safer in Israel, despite it being a country at war”.

Last year, 1,100 French Jews left for Israel. This year there will be 4,500. Since 1972, over 100,000 French Jews moved to Israel (out of half a million). Before 2012, 500 Jews left France every year. Numbers multiplied tenfold.

A really profitable deal for Europe: we lose the Jews and gain their executioners.

Barcelona’s chief rabbi, Meir Bar Hen, also called on Jews to pack their bags. “This place is lost. Better to leave sooner than later” – for Israel. Our community “is doomed” both because of radical Islam and because of the authorities’ reluctance to confront it. Bar Hen urged co-religionists “to think about not being here forever. I encouraged them to buy a house in Israel.”

“Jews have no future in Europe,” echoes Avraham Gigi, chief rabbi of Brussels.

And Leon de Winter, one of the best-known Dutch authors living in Amsterdam, whose parents survived the Holocaust, explained: “I think Jewish life in Europe will be a thing of the past by 2050. There is no future for them here and their desperate love for the old and beloved continent will die”.

In the last decade, Europe seems to have developed a certain psychological ease towards the murder and flight of its Jews.

In Europe the posters of missing dogs remain posted on one side of a lamppost, while the posters of Israeli children held hostage by Hamas, posted on the other side are torn down.

In recent days, the last Jew from Yemen was buried (once a country with many Jews and where my fellow Italians went on their honeymoon to look for “exoticism”). Who knows if one day we will witness the same scene in many European countries.

Meanwhile, Frederik Sieradzki, spokesperson for the Jewish community of Malmö, declares that Sweden’s third largest city could lose all its Jews by 2029.

Meanwhile in London…A Conservative rabbi candidate, Arnie Saunders, had been invited to speak by the Bilal Mosque in Manchester. Saunders was attacked.

Nazi-allied Serbia was the second country in Europe to declare itself “Jüdenfrei”: they exterminated 94 percent of Serbian Jews. Now? A terrorist attack on the Israeli embassy in Belgrade.

Meanwhile, Jewish children are attacked at London train stops. And so London has become “a no-go zone for Jews”, denounced the tsar for the fight against extremism, Robin Simcox.

Samuel Hayek, president of the Jewish National Fund, shocked England: “Jews have no future in the United Kingdom,” said Hayek, who has lived in the United Kingdom for 40 years and is one of the country’s most famous philanthropists.

Rav Sebbag is not alone in thinking that Jews have no future in Europe.

“Very compromised” replies the great historian Georges Bensoussan in the latest number of Causeur. “No because the state apparatus is not doing its job. He does and will do so, but until such time as defending the Jews causes him to lose the support of a significant part of the population. However, demographic change is there, whatever name we give it. Demographically, the France of 2024 is not that of 1975. In this ‘new France’, the Jewish symbol, confused with the State of Israel, will be assimilated to the ‘rich, dominant and white’ world, also guilty of the grave sin of ‘colonialism ‘.

“In a France where cultural codes imported from Islam will gain ground, the Jewish identity sign will have little future. Finally, in a nation that has renounced its existence, the persistence of the Israeli national fact will disturb more than one. Israel will sound like a permanent reminder of their defeat. There are elements for French Jews to slide towards progressive invisibility in public spaces. Until departure.”

From Grenoble, from which half the Jewish community fled, to Nice, which was once home to the fourth largest Jewish community and went from 20,000 to 5,000, to the hundreds of Jewish families who left Toulouse, what Richard Abitbol, president, said of the Confederation of French Jews: “In a few decades there will be no Jews in France”.

What was unthinkable yesterday is plausible today and certain tomorrow.

Jüdische Allgemeine is the newspaper of German Jews. The editor-in-chief Philipp Peyman Engel in an interview with Die Welt says that “Judaism in Germany is becoming invisible.” Almost no one dares to go out into the streets with the symbols anymore because the probability of being verbally or physically attacked is too great. Berlin has already “turned around”, according to his shocking findings, things are no different in several cities in the Ruhr. There are “Islamists and left-wing extremists who massively threaten us by making our lives hell.”

During Nazism, Europe deprived itself of its best Jewish minds, to the advantage of the United States. The samething happened after 1948, when a million Jews left the Islamic world driven by pogroms and lynchings. And then again from the Soviet Union, when the “Jews of silence” left the “workers’ paradise” to go to Israel, where today in universities one in four academic staff members is Russian speaking.

A civilization that loses its Jews inevitably condemns itself to death. Does Europe really want to deprive itself of the contribution of Jewish minds and culture now, leaving Islamic anti-Semitism to devour it forever?


Immigration suicide   Jack Engelhard

Does Merkel wake up in a sweat howling, “My gawd, what have I done to Europe?” She should.  Op-ed.

Jul 9, 2024, 12:14 PM (GMT+3) – Recent elections…as recent as three days ago…make the point that England and France have become Islamic republics.

It all started with Angela Merkel when she opened the doors to Germany for migrants arriving from Islamic countries, swamping traditional Judeo/Christian values out of existence.

Soon, the native population became a minority…followed by Sweden, Belgium, Norway, France, and England, which then also opened their doors wide for the incoming traffic.

Why should only Germany have the pleasure of their company.

Regrets? Indeed. But too late. The deed was done.

Did we see this coming? What follows is what I wrote, January 8, 2016, under the heading, Merkel’s terrible blunder:

Merkel and the rest of Europe tried to keep it a secret. Good thing we have social media. Otherwise we’d know nothing.

If we had to rely on the mainstream media they’d have us just where they want us, whitewashed and blacked out from the truth.

But now we know what happened New Year’s Day and Night in Cologne and throughout Germany and elsewhere around the continent.

Diversity has come home to roost.

Blondes have more fun? Not if they’re in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Hordes of men described by victims as “Arabs” and as “men from North Africa” took to the streets to sexually assault the revelers, mostly female. There were rapes and attempted rapes and the women courageous enough to speak up continue to tell it straight and without embellishment of what it was like to be manhandled at an event that was supposed to joyous and festive.

In what used to be Europe.

To admit the truth would get Israel off the hook.

To admit that this generation of Arabs is the same gang that torments Israel night and day would be a stretch too far for Europeans.

To admit that Europe’s Migrants are the same stock as Israel’s Hamas and Fatah and Hezbollah would mean that Europe has awakened.

Europe would rather sleep and destroy itself from within from immigration suicide. (Coming to America as well.)

Europe would rather view Israel as an enemy than as a friend fighting the same war, a world war brought to us all from a generation of Arabs who know no limits, who share no Judeo Christian/Western values and who use our freedoms to liberate their carnal appetites.

Merkel is not entirely to blame but she is much to blame. She opened the door. Come one, come all, she declared. So they came.

This past year alone Germany cheerfully welcomed a million such refugees, most of them men without women – likely deserters from the wars in Iraq and Syria.

Ditto France and England.

Merkel’s heart was probably in the right place, but for the wrong people. It is obvious that she was motivated by atonement, guilt for the Holocaust.

So now, depleted of Six Million Jews, she’s replenished Germany (over the years) with six million Muslims, and the word is, mum.

Say nothing if it was a mistake to bring them in.

The mayor of Cologne, Henriette Reker, blamed the victims. Women, she declared, ought to know their place and “stay at arm’s length.”

Whatever that means…or rather it means that the world belongs to the mobs…the same mob, Hamas, which trampled the streets of Israel only today.

Everything belongs to them.

A high-ranking police officer in Berlin announced that there was nothing the police could do. Women, in other words, are on their own.

Too bad, ladies, but the Migrants come first. It’s their feelings that count.

In a recent column along these pages I wrote about it as clearly as I could:

“Therefore, it is not for them to adapt to us – it is for us to adapt to them. When they rape, it is our fault. They can’t help themselves.”

Finally, the mainstream media came clean, but only after being prodded along through Twitter and FacebookThe New York Times opened up about the New Year’s atrocities and even the BBC had no choice but to run with what’s happening in Germany, Sweden and Norway, but without naming Rotherham.

Rotherham was where we first learned about the trend. Women and girls were being raped by men of Pakistani origin, a scandal hushed up to protect Muslims rather than the thousands of victims. People who complained were arrested for daring to speak the truth and upset the balance favoring the coddled predators.

Chalk this up as the insanity of political correctness.

I warned about European Thinking toward a clashing civilization in the pages of this book, writing: “We understand your need to rape, behead, enslave and murder your neighbor. Perfectly understandable. You’re pi—ed off and it’s our fault. We are sorry and we are ashamed. We deserve everything you’ve got to give.”

Now, therefore, Islam uber alles.

Does Merkel wake up in a sweat howling, “My gawd, what have I done?” I think so.

But this won’t be the first time Germany is guilty of a terrible blunder six times over.

[Ed:  European do-gooders:


WHAT IS VICTORY?   [1:03:35]   Michael Doran and Gadi Taub

July 9, 2024 – The question is not just about the day after. It is also about the day before the day after: what should count as victory? Some have declared the return of the hostages to be the only meaning of victory and are willing to push for a deal almost at any price. But that means that in the real world, Hamas would be able to declare victory. This will not fly with the Netanyahu coalition. But even within the coalition, and importantly, between the politicians and the IDF brass, there are very different ideas of what this war can and should achieve. Gadi and Mike don’t necessarily agree on the issue.


Sundance: Big Picture Question – Big Picture Answer

[Peloni:  Sundance provides a deep dive into the Intelligence Community apparatus, how it came to be, and how it was weaponized by Obama.  Sundance also explains why simple fixes are less feasible than would otherwise appear to be obvious.  Additional links are provided for greater depth and analysis, as well as a three tier plan of action to overcome the control being exerted by the Intelligence Community over the US.]

July 9, 2024  Sundance – I was explaining how Joe Biden is now facing two formidable forces against his 2024 election candidacy, (1) Barack Obama, and (2) the Intelligence Community.

A question was raised: “I thought the IC and Team Obama were one in the same?”

The answer is no, not really; and the expanded answer is a little more important given the nature of what our nation is facing right now in the 2024 election.

ANSWER – Essentially the worst elements of the IC were always present within the deep parts of the apparatus (the “dark arts” parts where the Dick Cheney’s and John Brennan hung out together). However, they were present, but they were not in operational control.

After 9/11, post Patriot Act, the ranks of the IC bad actors began to swell, as the anger amid the general nation seemed to permit it.

Then a big inflection point. Obama was elected.

Obama’s team saw the opening to exploit, which was created by the newly formed Dept of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intel.

Obama, now with Brennan (CIA) and Holder (DOJ), then used the preexisting IC weapons to turn the system internally. The weaponization and surveillance system began targeting operations inside the USA. The targets were then defined as Obama’s ideological enemies (see DOJ/IRS targeting of Tea Party or Patriot groups).

The IC became a domestic targeting operation, with full surveillance power under the auspices of “national security.” That’s the current system we now see.

The FBI was always political, the new IC system made that exponentially worse. The DOJ National Security Division was created, which then weaponized Main Justice. We see this now.

DHS was used to conduct surveillance operations. Thus, social media companies were recruited by DHS for enhanced targeting operations along with speech control, censorship via Google, Facebook, Insta., Twitter etc.

With control over communication and information, the domestic weaponization got worse and worse. Now the DHS weaponizing systems are like HAL-9000, almost virtually self-aware and autonomous. Artificial Intelligence has made this surveillance capture speed even worse.

As with all institutions created by government, the DHS priority now includes self-preservation.

Obama holds influence in the dynamic of the people within the political silos, fellow ideologues. However, the IC no longer has any restraints, controls or bosses.

The IC function is now a weaponized system, with full surveillance power, that can target any threat, ANY THREAT, including the politicians who empowered and created it. That’s why the politicians are scared of it.

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“186,000 Dead in Gaza”: The Lancet Publishes Most Outrageous Claims About the Israel-Hamas War Yet    Rachel O’Donoghue

One of the oldest peer-reviewed medical journals in the world, The Lancet, boasts of its “extremely high standards,” selecting “only the best research papers for their quality of work and the progression they bring.” These…

July 9, 2024 – One of the oldest peer-reviewed medical journals in the world, The Lancet, boasts of its “extremely high standards,” selecting “only the best research papers for their quality of work and the progression they bring.”

These supposed gold-star standards were not on display when editors at the journal made the troubling decision to publish content that clearly suggests Israel is guilty of genocide. This disinformation, presented with the journal’s prestigious name, gives it an undeserved veneer of legitimacy.

Co-written by Rasha Khatib, Martin McKee, and Salim Yusuf, “Counting the dead in Gaza: difficult but essential” begins with the assertion that more than 37,000 people had been killed in Gaza since October 7—a figure attributed to the Gaza Health Ministry. The authors claim this data is backed by Israeli intelligence services and supported by independent analyses.

First, the assertion that Israeli intelligence backs these figures is simply false, with scant evidence except unidentified secondary sources offered by the authors to support this baseless claim.

Second, there is no mention that competing and more credible analyses have concluded the fatality numbers coming from Gaza “have lost any claim to validity.”

The writers’ quick and sweeping assertion that the casualty numbers are accurate lays the foundation for the most outlandish allegation yet—that the reported number may actually be just a fraction of overall deaths and that “it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186,000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza.”

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More straight talk about October 7    Chananya Weissman 

July 9, 2024

The below is from Mordechai Sones. My response follows, with additional material after that.

From Mordechai Sones:

The Israeli Left exists in order to lock in your allegiance to, and emotional dependence on, CIA agent Binyamin Netanyahu, so that you continue voting for him, even as he delivers you, your family, and your country into globalist totalitarian hell

It has been a smokescreen for the past forty years

Passing around links to news about “the situation” makes you a willing conduit for CIA disinformation. There is nothing that appears on a mainstream media site, including the “Jewish” news sites that seek to imitate them, that does not serve a psychological warfare function, even if it is only a vital omission

The United States forced Israel to stand down on Simchas Torah to justify the next phase of globalist intervention in the theater. This was obvious on the day of the attack.

If we were truly ehrlicher Yidden, we’d be burning our US passports and repudiating our American citizenship. And our Israeli citizenship, too, for that matter

We’ve been witnessing it. If the ultimate goal is to strip Israel of its “Jewish State” identity, which is incompatible with globalism, then Jews and friends of Israel must be conditioned to accept distortion in the form of raising “turning the other cheek” to the level of statecraft.

Every mainstream news article we share contributes to the CIA disinformation warfare juggernaut, and helps them to condition us. Truth is incompatible with post-modern pseudo-democracy. Every statement by a sitting politician is a lie, even if he happens to be accidentally or incidentally telling the truth. Maintaining power is the be-all-end-all.

Four global superpowers covet our land: the NATO powers, the Chinese, the Muslims, and the Russians. I understand there are internal struggles within each. We are seeing positioning to inherit globalist dominance. If you want to predict future phases, study the Gog uMagog prophecies.

I can do what we all can do, which is to truthfully report what I observe.

If asked for my single most important observation, it would be that Sefer Bamidbar’s lesson is to use our common sense, look at the miracles that never stop for a day or else we wouldn’t be here, and to ruthlessly reject any Yetzer-suggestions that would cause us to forget who we are.

Before COVID, perhaps, we had a more childish vision of the future Geulah (Redemption). It was easy to see all the wicked Goliath nations against little righteous David Israel. COVID changed things for many.

Members of this group, at least, can see how things aren’t so pat. The State of Israel itself is guilty of heinous crimes, and the accusers no longer need to rely on blood libel. The government of Israel has provided the accusers with ammunition, and it’s no longer so easy to paint things black and white. If before we could hide behind our Israeli identity to face the world, now we seem to have lost that security blanket, thank G-d. Let us realize there is no Friend America, there is no IDF, there is nothing without G-d’s protection.

We should be ashamed to let G-d catch us trusting anything else. When we achieve that mindset, we will have nothing to fear, ever.

You have a potent message of logic and life, they have inertia, political correctness, peer pressure, and herd mentality.

A little light dispels a lot of darkness.

My response:

My reply to the previous post: Powerful comment! I would suggest one revision. The United States did not force Israel to stand down on October 7, as if Israel — whatever or whoever that even is — wanted to repel the attack and was held back.

Whatever and whoever the Erev Rav corporate entity of Israel is actively collaborated on everything that went down, including dismissing warnings in the months, weeks, and days leading up to October 7, threatening and persecuting those who issued credible warnings, disarming the local communities, transferring many of the soldiers away from the border, ignoring calls for immediate help over many hours during the attacks — including from soldiers on bases that were ambushed, citizens under siege for many hours, and even the mayor of Ofakim.

They also moved the ill-fated music party into harm’s way just in time for the attack.

The same people who were too “surprised” and “shocked” to send help weren’t too surprised and shocked to institute a media blackout during the attacks.

Already on the morning of October 8 they had their operatives in the media hard at work declaring that any claims of treason were “conspiracy theories” and “fake news”. Somehow they managed to investigate what really happened and definitively rule that out.

And they declared that “now is not the time to ask questions”, and floated a fascist law that would criminalize statements that could be construed as “hurting morale” in a time of war.

And somehow they managed to get the Bring Them Home Now propaganda campaign running immediately, with an utterly ridiculous cover story that families of the hostages were the ones who created this campaign, and they did so within 24 hours of the attack.

And they have endless truckloads of “aid” to send into Gaza, that everyone knows goes to Hamas, but Jews worldwide had to raise money to buy food, clothing, and basic supplies for IDF soldiers being sent into death traps.

And all these months later, their Hamas partners never seem to run low on weapons and ammunition, despite having no weapons manufacturing facilities and Gaza supposedly being blockaded by Israel. Photos and videos show their military supplies often originate from the USA and Israel. How is that happening? What’s really on those trucks, anyway?

And Hamas never runs out of tunnels and booby-trapped command centers, while our best people are maimed and killed on an endless mission to nowhere, with victory undefined.

And Israel releases scores of terrorists, claiming there’s no room for them in prisons, while they have plenty of room for Jewish troublemakers who block the trucks, or build ramshackle homes on land the traitors want to give away to the Arabs. Israel also claims there is a manpower shortage in the IDF, but they never run short of Gestapo thugs to beat up Jewish “settler terrorists”, especially children. They have a particular joy in beating up children.

And Israel has no room in prisons for terrorists, but they have room for Amiram Ben-Uliel, who they brutally tortured for weeks until he gave a false confession to a crime everyone knows he didn’t commit. They don’t have room for Ahmed, but for Amiram Ben-Uliel they have room.

And Israel is prosecuting heroic civilians who “executed” Hamas attackers on October 7. Because slaves aren’t supposed to take matters into their hands, no matter what.

And Israel refuses to place “May Hashem avenge their blood” on the tombstones of slain soldiers, because Jewish slaves who express desire for vengeance might one day decide they don’t want to be slaves anymore.

The United States did not force the puppets who rule Israel to do any of this. The puppets were installed precisely for this purpose. The puppets who joined the worldwide Mafia are not free to leave it, but they did not do any of this against their will. They all sit at the same table and work together. They worked together before October 7, they worked together on October 7, and they continue to work together.

* * *

Since people’s memories are short and clouded by daily propaganda from media they shouldn’t be turning to, I’m reposting a video from 8 months ago that outlines many of the “coincidences” surrounding the October 7 narrative. An English translation is in the description beneath the video.


The narrative never made any sense, and any reasonable person who isn’t desperately clinging to comfortable fantasies should consider the narrative thoroughly debunked. At this point, it’s not about debating the finer points of the debunking. It’s about accepting reality and dealing with it accordingly.

What can you do to inform people? Are you willing to spread information in your local community, outside your online echo chamber?

What can you do to counter the ubiquitous lies and propaganda? Are you willing to take down war propaganda that is illegally posted to begin with?

What can you do to expose traitors? Are you willing to confront them with hard questions on camera and share it?

What can you do to throw a monkey wrench in the plans of your enemies? Are you willing to defy authority figures who are plotting evil, or are at least complicit?

Are you willing to be a leader instead of a follower? Are you willing to set an example for others, and embolden others with your actions?

There are countless things you can do, real things in real life, not just in virtual land. What are you willing to do?





Why the Democrats are freaking out   Jack Engelhard

Biden is and always was a hopeless case, an inferior man, but together with the media, they constructed a false idol to be worshiped as president. Now, they’ve been caught red-handed for their falsehoods and their cover-ups.  Opinion.

Jul 7, 2024, 10:24 AM (GMT+3) – They are afraid that what they did unto him, he will do unto them. That’s the crux of it all.

Up ahead, should Trump become president again, the Democrats foresee judgment days…karma well deserved. They know that they have, unjustly, tormented him every single day for eight years, and got away with it all that time because the Establishment was in their hands. They could not foresee their cruelties coming back to haunt them, until now.

Now they are afraid that payback is coming, and the reason they are so terrified is that they know that they have wronged him, and the nation. They know that they are guilty.

They will never admit it, of course. Instead, they shriek scare tactics…Trump will be a dictator…he will form death squads and concentration camps against his accusers.

It’s their way of saying, hey, don’t look at us. Look at him. Or, forget what we did. But beware of what he can do.

This is the same slander they used for those two impeachment trials against him, in the House, for no reason, no evidence, except to destroy him.

The nation’s business came to a stop…in fact the nation came to a stop…so that Adam Schiff and his cronies could pursue their wicked ways.

They will rue that day. Or so they fear.

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Live by the Law or Die on the Cross   BY  JEREMY ENGLAND

Israel must stop pretending it is a nation like any other

MAY 28, 2024 – When my parents moved to Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1974, they were young idealists trying to foment Marxist revolution.

Having kids and getting a mortgage mellowed their radical views substantially, but I still grew up marinating in progressive ideas. One such idea was that nationalism was a great evil that had caused Germans to hate and murder all of my mother’s aunts and uncles in Poland. Another idea was that private schools should not exist, a noble notion which lasted until we realized I was going to finish the math offerings at our small-town New Hampshire public high school before starting ninth grade. That’s how I ended up at Phillips Exeter.

Had you visited during my senior year you would have seen me acing written exams on the Sabbath, filling blackboards with German verb conjugations, and cracking claws with gusto at the annual lobster dinner. A Jew? Of course! But I would have told you that that just meant I leaned left politically, played Brahms on the violin, and enjoyed making clever arguments about what is right and wrong.

In 1999, I moved to Cambridge as a Harvard freshman. I had been there throughout my childhood, when we had made periodic family pilgrimages to Harvard Square, where we browsed in bookstores, sampled ethnic foods, and generally paid homage at the red brick, high temple of academic meritocracy. When I started as a student there, it felt like I was fulfilling my purpose, which was to develop my talents as fully as I could, with details to be sorted out later as to how best to use them. Subsequently, my studies carried me through Oxford as a Rhodes scholar, Stanford for my Ph.D., and Princeton for a postdoctoral lectureship, so that I returned to Massachusetts in 2011—this time, to MIT as a physics professor. While there, I made a bit of a splash with some theoretical work on thermodynamics and the spontaneous origin of life.

Israel must stop begging to be judged fairly by whatever standards the current hegemon has decreed we all agree upon. We need to look for standards from within our tradition to set a moral example for the whole world, while making it more practically possible to defend our homeland.

As for how to argue about what is right and wrong, that is something my elite academic surroundings were always eager to dictate to me, especially when it came to international relations. At Exeter in the 1990s, we had school assemblies about how the fighting in the Balkans had gone on between groups of identical people who had shot at each other pointlessly over differing tastes in cigarette brands. One MLK Day, a PLO apparatchik masquerading as a journalist came to tell us lurid tales about the Israeli Air Force dropping napalm on fleeing Arab children. I got in a heated, yet fumbling dispute with her about it, and was puzzled afterward as to why I had cared at all. At Harvard, the authorities made sure I read Kant’s Perpetual Peace, and otherwise the place was utterly awash in specimens of starry-eyed Clintonian social “science” about how economic growth through global trade would automatically bring an end to all war and oppression. I made it to Hillel for Yom Kippur two out of four years.

It was at Oxford, after having one too many chats over a glass of port with a fellow Oxonian who seemed way too interested in the Jewish influence on the American political process, that something shifted in me. The place was so fully blanketed by the fumes of post-colonial theory that Zionism (and its inherent criminality) was a constant subject, which made me wonder more deeply about it all.

I started doing wild things, like learning history and facts and even visiting the region. Somewhat inevitably, I also ended up familiarizing myself with the standard arsenal of arguments for Zionism made by people at universities: Israel is fighting on the front lines to defend the West from barbarian zealots! Israel kicks Jewish extremists out of their illegal settlements and puts Arab citizens on its Supreme Court! Israel is the only country in the Middle East that is entirely both bomb shelter and gay bar! These points captivated me, but there was always something about them that felt off.

I now know what it is.

During the last 20 years, anti-colonialist doctrine more fully replaced critical thinking throughout most of the academy, and it would be easy to attribute the fever pitch of present anti-Israel sentiment on campuses solely to that shift. And to be clear, it’s indeed obvious that many students today at Ivy League schools are badly informed and cannot craft good arguments with whatever information they do manage to come by. And, yes, all of the curricular and pedagogical rot compels them to join the mob pouring its wrath on the Jewish state.

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Jonathan Pollard & Rabbi David Bar-Hayim: Why did Defense Minister Yoav Gallant Visit the U.S.?  [2:23:13]   Machon Shilo

July 5, 2024 – Discussion between Jewish hero Jonathan Pollard and the head of Machon Shilo, Rabbi David Bar-Hayim


Labour Veterans Who Lost Their Seats Because They Were Insufficiently Pro-Hamas   BY HUGH FITZGERALD

JUL 6, 2024 10:00 AM – The landslide victory of the Labour Party in the UK means that Keir Starmer is now the British prime minister. Starmer managed to take over the Labour Party leadership in 2020, after years of disastrous electoral results when the party was led by the antisemitic and anti-Israel Jeremy Corbyn, who once called members of Hamas and Hezbollah “my friends” and invited them to visit Parliament as his guest. Starmer first suspended, and then expelled, Corbyn from the party, and several of the most extreme Corbynites who shared his deep animus to Israel followed him out of the party.

Following the many accusations of antisemitism in the Labour Party during Corbyn’s tenure, Starmer pledged to end antisemitism in the party during his acceptance speech as leader in 2020, saying: “Antisemitism has been a stain on our party. I have seen the grief that it’s brought to so many Jewish communities. On behalf of the Labour Party, I am sorry. And I will tear out this poison by its roots and judge success by the return of Jewish members and those who felt that they could no longer support us”

During the campaign, Starmer rejected pressure from his party’s left to come out publicly in support of recognizing a state of Palestine, as had recently been done by Ireland, Spain, and Norway. Nonetheless, he said that he wanted to recognize a Palestinian state, but that such a move would need to come “at the right time in a peace process.” Since that peace process may be years away, the pro-Israel groups have time to make their case and change his mind.

In the latest election, four Labour veterans lost their seats, having been judged insufficiently pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel by the large number of Muslim voters in their districts. More on their losses can be found here: “Despite Labour Party win, MPs lose seats to pro-Palestinian opponents,” Jerusalem Post, July 5, 2024:


CHAPTER 26: Pronouns and Publishing   by Linda Goudsmit
Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is (forthcoming release August 2024)
July 7, 2024

Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism. The tactical attack plan uses asymmetric psychological and informational warfare to destabilize Americans and drive society out of objective reality into the madness of subjective reality. America’s children are the primary target of the globalist predators.

The acceptance of philanthrocapitalism as the munificent foundation for globalism’s New World Order provides the philosophical rationalization for social engineering throughout the publishing industry. Over the last twenty-five years, the U.S. trade publishing business has been centralized and reduced to five main players. The Big Five are Simon & Schuster, Penguin Random House, HarperCollins, Hachette Book Group, and MacMillan.

British-owned Pearson Education is the largest publisher of educational books, professional training manuals, and educational assessment services in America. Pearson Education was created when its parent company, Pearson PLC, purchased Simon & Schuster’s education division from Viacom and merged it with its own education division in 2011.

In February 2019, Pearson sold its U.S. K–12 business to the private equity firm Nexus Capital Management LP for $250 million. In July 2019 Pearson announced its decision to move to a digital-first strategy, and began phasing out the publishing of printed textbooks.

BlackRock and Vanguard are among Pearson PLC’s top ten institutional shareholders, and BlackRock is among the top three institutional shareholders of Cevian Capital, Pearson PLC’s largest institutional investor.

The Big Five publishing companies and Pearson publish digital and printed books that follow an ESG/DEI editorial formula. Let’s take a look.

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Why everyone should care about tomorrow’s elections in France   LEO HOHMANN

Sunday’s election has the potential to neutralize globalist President Emmanuel Macron, who is itching to escalate the West’s raging proxy war against Russia

JUL 06, 2024 – The U.S. and its NATO allies have displayed a remarkable level of recklessness by trying to provoke the world’s biggest nuclear power, Russia, into a World War III scenario. It should be obvious in 2024 that it’s impossible to defeat a nuclear-armed power like Russia in a conventional war. At the very moment such a country feels like its existence is threatened, it has every incentive to launch its nuclear warheads at the source of the threat. And, yet, we see Washington and its allies sending long-range weapons to Ukraine and telling the Ukrainians it’s OK to use them to strike deep inside Russia. What do they think the outcome of such a policy will be? Of course, they are not stupid. They know they are risking World War III and a nuclear exchange that will kill us all but they are so desperate to preserve the Western-dominated liberal world order that they don’t care if they lose 70-90 percent of their populations.

There is a ray of hope, however. Following last week’s first round of parliamentary elections in France, it appears that some Western populations are waking up and will throw the warmongers out of office. It’s also possible that the elections in France represent an anomoly, not the beginning of a wider trend.

Either way, all eyes will be on the second round of elections Sunday, July 7, in France, which could result in France saving itself from the nuclear annihilation likely to be visited upon less rational countries like the U.S. and U.K.

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Overcome evil with good     TIERNEY’S REAL NEWS

JUL 06, 2024 – I’m working on a long newsletter about the importance of the latest SCOTUS rulings, Trump’s sentencing delay and the convoluted attempt to replace Biden – but while you’re waiting take ten minutes and listen to this video clip.

You’ll FINALLY understand how the Globalist uni-party NWO swamp of today actually works together and how it started during the cold war.

CLIP: https://x.com/csnetkova76/status/1809383450992078864

I’ve reported all this before but Mike Benz explains it all in a way that’s quick and easy to understand. It will also make it clear why they hate Trump so because he wants to dismantle all this.
BTW – Soros doesn’t just work for the Democrats. He works for the NWO uni-party – including guys like John McCain & Mitt Romney. How did THAT happen? Soros began as an operative for the CIA – recruited by Reagan – to create an infrastructure within other countries so the CIA could use coups and revolutions to take down the Soviets during the cold war.
Soros once said he wanted to create the United States of Soros out of the fallen Soviet Union. “Stealing” Ukraine was one of his goals (as I reported over 4 years ago) and now it’s personal. Soros funded Mitt Romney & John McCain and their ventures and they ran for President on the Republican ticket!

Soros & the CIA have two different operations – one serving the left and one serving the right. They just call them by different names and use different front groups.

Soros’ so-called humanitarian network has evolved into something else entirely since the cold war, is used in conjunction with the big hedge funds (think BlackRock) to launder OUR money and foreign money and has now been turned AGAINST US.

The CIA and their NWO masters are using the same “revolutionary” tactics that Reagan used to take down Communist countries during the cold war – against the United States. ONE BIG BOOMERANG. Not only that – but they are pocketing OUR money every step of the way. Once you understand this – you understand everything.

Here’s a longer version on YouTube.



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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.