Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION | 7/16/24




Now, the Danger on the Left Must Be Stopped     BY BERNARD-HENRI LÉVY

Mélenchon is as much of a demon as Marine Le Pen

JULY 15, 2024 – Up until the European elections on June 9, I said: No to the National Rally and to the New Popular Front, these twin parties, one supposedly of the left and the other supposedly of the right, both equally Putinian, and equally destructive to our common European home.

Up until this past Sunday, July 7, the day of the second round of France’s legislative election, I stuck with my position of equivalence: Neither Bardella nor Mélenchon, neither of their absurd, demagogic, disastrous programs, both of which would scuttle republican principles, should be countenanced.

Now, the National Rally is, if not defeated, then at least contained.

The French—through one of their reflexes of political wisdom that comes to them at history’s critical hours and who I won’t insult by qualifying them as conservative—said no to the more or less human face of Le Pen-ism.

It’s now the other faction, Mélenchon’s, which is at the gates of power.

And that faction is, for now, the one that incarnates the main threat to the Republic, democracy, and France, and which must be opposed with full force.

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The French Election    MARC WEITZMANN

Whoever wins, loses. French Jews, meanwhile, are already losers.

JULY 15, 2024 – On June 16, in the French city of Courbevoie, a suburb in the north of Paris, a 12-year-old girl was beaten, tortured and raped by three boys her age for being Jewish.

According to the procureur (the French DA), the girl had been advised by her parents due to heavy pressures at school since Oct. 7 to hide her Jewish identity and pretend to be a Muslim. Her main aggressor, whom she’d met online and had a flirting relation with, was a 13-year-old Portuguese kid who had converted to Islam and was in the nearby city of Rueil.

Nobody knows how he learned the girl’s real identity. But when he did, he set up a trap for the girl with two of his friends. The three kids showed up in the Courbevoie hood where the girl lives, found her in the street, and took her to an abandoned nursery nearby where she was called a liar, a “dirty Jew” taking part in “the genocide in Gaza.” They then beat and raped the girl for two hours and threatened her with death if she did not give them 200 euros the next day and if she talked to the cops. Pictures of the Palestinian flag and of the slogan “Free Palestine,” that had been obsessively hammered on in every left-wing demonstration since Oct. 7, and again during the campaign for the European election that had just ended, were found in the main perpetrator’s phone.

We know these details because of the traumatized Jewish girl’s courage and moral strength. According to her parents’ legal counsel, the lawyer Muriel Ouaknine-Melki, she refused to keep silent about her treatment. Instead, she immediately reported the facts home and insisted on filing a complaint. Accordingly, she also had to undergo a battery of medical examinations the following days. At the age of 12, she was prescribed a preventive treatment for AIDS and a morning-after pill; she’s suffered from harrowing flashbacks and insomnia ever since.

How was her courage rewarded? Anyone curious about the details of what happened had to rely on media labeled “right wing” (Le PointLe Figaro). Prestige left outlets like Libération and Le Monde, on the other hand, covered the story as soberly and quietly as they could, with the latter taking so many precautions in its presentation of the facts that the journal sometimes seemed to doubt the victim’s version.

Did the left—and more specifically, did Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s far-left party La France Insoumise (LFI) with its obsessive “anti-Zionist” agitprop—bear some responsibility for the crime? The question was of course on everybody’s mind. But in the stormy political context it was a question people found too problematic to ask.

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Exclusive on Trump Assassination: “I’ve Been to Every Trump Rally, They Left a Clear Line-of-Sight to Kill Trump”  (VIDEO INTERVIEW)   By Benjamin Wetmore

Jul. 16, 2024 8:00 am – In the aftermath of Saturday’s attempted assassination of President Trump, details are continuing to emerge about the security decisions that made the shooting possible.

Lori Levi has attended every Trump rally selling merchandise except for 10, and noticed major security lapses in the set up and layout of the Trump rally by event organizers.

“I had a terrible feeling. I knew something was wrong. I kept waiting for them to fix the basic security problems, since there was a direct ‘line-of-sight’ to President Trump.”

The FBI and federal authorities have assumed total control over local law enforcement to respond to media inquiries. In an email, the City of Butler police told the Gateway Pundit, “The FBI has assumed the role of the lead federal law enforcement agency in the investigation. The FBI is now issuing all press related material.”

The corrupt FBI has been caught fabricating evidence used against Trump in the Russian collusion hoax case. The FBI was caught by Congress lying to hurt Trump. The FBI has been busy persecuting the January 6th protesters with imaginary criminal offenses. The corrupt FBI has worked to take out Trump by any means necessary.

Even the High School Crooks graduated from is now directing people to the FBI instead of making any additional comments.

Levi, a long-time rally attendee who attends every Trump rally as a vendor selling Trump-related merchandise, tells the Gateway Pundit: “I knew something was wrong the day before when I came to set up in Butler, Pennsylvania.

They weren’t blocking the line of sight like they have in every other location. Typically they would put cranes, or heavy machinery, in the way to block a clear line-of-sight to Trump as a security protocol. I kept thinking that his security detail was going to bring it in later, but they never did.”


“When we came in on Friday, after attending hundreds of Trump rallies, we noticed the situation did not look right. They can’t protect him from here. I just had this terrible feeling. I knew something was off.”

Levi makes clear that at every other Trump rally, the Secret Service made sure that there was no easy long-distance ‘line of sight’ to the President.

Levi says that the security protocol is to create a “layered” barrier to create a ‘line of sight’ protection for President Trump from sniper and would-be assassins.

This protocol was not in place at the Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, says Levi.

“I assumed they would bring in dump trucks, semi trucks, cranes, to block the line of sight, but they didn’t.”

“I do not believe that some 20 year old kid could have pulled this off,” said Levi. “The Secret Service does not make these kind of mistakes. I don’t believe this story. I think they let him get the shot off first.”

Levi also notes that the security perimeter to protect the typical Donald Trump rally is usually much farther out than it was in Butler, Pennsylvania at the Butler Farm Show Airport.

Other attendees tell the Gateway Pundit that the security problems extend not just to letting a Presidential assassin climb the most obvious building with a direct line-of-sight to the President, but they include a wide variety of other security failures that have as yet gone unreported by the mainstream media.

There were multiple security failures in Butler, Pennsylvania by the President’s official security detail.

Eyewitnesses also relate that the FBI has been vacuuming up photos and video from the event from attendees, and if past procedure is any indication, they will classify and seal all such material as the product of an ‘ongoing law enforcement investigation’ indefinitely.

The evidence and proof of the Trump assassination attempt is being buried right now. Federal law enforcement is starting to blame local law enforcement for the failure, claiming that they were in charge of providing security on the outer perimeter of the rally.

A source close with law enforcement in the area told the Gateway Pundit today that local Sheriff Michael Slupe was instructed to ‘stand down’ and not send extra manpower and SWAT teams to the rally site in advance of the President’s appearance in Butler, a small town of 13,000 in Pennsylvania about 30 miles northeast of Pittsburgh. This was allegedly done over the objections of Sheriff Slupe.  [Emphasis added]



Detailed Analysis of Trump Assassination Attempt   [VIDEO  1:06:10]  JOHN LEAKE and Dr. Peter McCullough

A critical evaluation of video recordings and witness testimony of the incident.   

JUL 16, 2024 – The incident on July 13 in Butler, Pennsylvania is the first time a would-be assassin has shot at a U.S. president or presidential candidate since John Hinckley shot President Ronald Reagan on March 30, 1981. As such, it is the first assassination attempt in our era in which most citizens are carrying cell phones equipped with video cameras.

Instead of one “Zapruder film,” we now have hundreds of videos of the incident, shot from multiple locations and angles. Instead of depending on the mainstream media for reporting, we now have hundreds of citizen documentarians who can capture footage and rapidly upload it to the internet.

In this video production of the McCullough Foundation, we analyze multiple video recordings and witness testimonies of the Trump assassination attempt. Please check out our critical presentation and evaluation of this historically significant incident and share it with your friends.

Endeavoring to learn the truth of this incident lies at the heart of the McCullough Foundation’s mission. To learn more about our work, please visit the McCullough Foundation website by clicking on the icon below and consider making a donation to support our ongoing efforts to protect our Constitutional republic from tyrants.



July 14, 2024 – Discussion between Jewish hero, Jonathan Pollard and the head of Machon Shilo, Rabbi David Bar-Hayim


Veteran Sniper Reveals Possible Twist for Would-Be Trump Assassin’s Narrative Following Shock Remarks   by Jordyn M.

July 15, 2024  Resist the Mainstream – A veteran sniper has cast doubt on the official narrative surrounding the recent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump.

Dallas Alexander, a former Canadian military sniper with 14 years of experience, has suggested that the 20-year-old gunman, Thomas Matthew Crooks, may have received assistance from within an agency, organization, or even the government.

“I’m very familiar with the layout of these types of things and what the job should be, and yesterday what happened,” he said in the now viral video.

“I have no doubts in my mind that the shooter had help from somewhere within an agency, an organization or the government.”

Watch  [2:20]

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Jonathan Pollard: Israel Versus Iran, Israel Versus Russia   [13:27]   Machon Shilo

Jul 15, 2024 – Watch Jonathan Pollard and Rabbi David Bar-Hayim on Biden and Iran:





“I don’t trust the FBI or the leadership of the Secret Service. I don’t trust anyone in the federal government right now to investigate anything that’s politically sensitive. Judicial Watch will conduct its own investigation,” @TomFitton.

[Ed.:  Tom is absolutely right.]


The Immaculate Conception of Thomas Crooks

July 14, 2024   Washington Free Beacon – Had Saturday’s assassination attempt been carried out against President Joe Biden, we have no doubt we would have read about how the right’s dangerous rhetoric was behind it. We are old enough to remember more than a decade back when former Alaska governor Sarah Palin’s use of crosshairs imagery to identify congressional districts—or, as the Atlantic’s James Fallows put it, “extreme, implicitly violent political rhetoric and imagery”—was fingered as an incitement for former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords’s (D., Ariz.) shooter. (He was, in fact, a deranged individual with no discernible motivation, political or otherwise.)

We could go on: The media fatuously attributed Georgia spa shooting in 2021 to right-wing, anti-Asian hatred while the motivations of the left-wing lunatic who almost took out Rep. Steve Scalise (R., La.) and other Republican lawmakers on a baseball field in 2017 went studiously unexamined.

Plenty of poisonous rhetoric has been flying around on the left for the past decade. Biden is waging a campaign whose only argument, expressed with intermittent coherency, is that democracy is on the ballot. “We’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bull’s eye,” Biden told donors last week. Even in the 2022 midterms he was scaremongering in front of Washington, D.C.’s Union Station, telling voters that the race was about “democracy itself” and a Republican victory would “allow dark forces to thirst,” whatever that means. The New Republic and others compare former president Donald Trump to Hitler.

We don’t know whether those moronic and misguided talking points led Thomas Crooks to try to assassinate Trump, but there are a few things we do know.

  1. The Democratic Party has bathed itself in violent and hysterical rhetoric about Trump. See above. And yet, the Democratic Party has consistently egged on Trump in the belief that he is the weakest possible standard bearer for the GOP.
  2. Trump is a force of nature, a unique political talent, and a showman who at the moment of maximum danger yesterday was at his finest. As it turns out, the Republican primary voters who nominated him see things clearly.
  3. The media are a spectacularly incompetent and ineffectual arm of the Democratic Party that has done more to empower Trump’s rise and resurrection than any other institution in American life. Their raison d’etre is defeating Trump and they’re about to go 1 for 3.
  4. The ultimate dissonance comes from the well wishes of Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and other pooh-bas of the Democratic Party. “Get well soon, Donald, so you can get back to destroying our democracy!” Either they didn’t actually believe their self-interested talking points about Trump the tyrant or they are coming to the realization that the public doesn’t buy it.

The Democrat-media complex has chosen the method of its destruction, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to imagine anything other than a Trump restoration in November. We can’t help but savor it.


BREAKING: Hamas and Hezbollah leaders ELIMINATED in coordinated STRIKE by IDF  [16:00]  Yair Pinto

Jul 14, 2024 • #israel #israelnews #israelwar – TBN Israel’s Yair Pinto reports on the Israel-Hamas War. IDF eliminates top Hamas leaders Mohammad Deif and Rafa’a Salameh in Khan Yunis and senior Hezbollah commander Abbas Qassem in Lebanon. Hezbollah rockets injur four female soldiers in Kiryat Shmona. A mysterious explosion occurs at a key Iranian UAV base. Stay up-to-date with the latest developments here on TBN Israel.


BLOOD on their hands: Trump’s Assassination Attempt was NOT out of NOWHERE   [38:53]    Caroline Glick

July 14, 2024 – The Caroline Glick ShowThe drumbeat of demonization that led to Trump’s near assassination did not begin yesterday.

The attempt on the former president’s life is the fruit of what billionaires and nefarious interests have been sowing for many years in both Israel and the USA. What’s worse, their collusion for chaos and delegitimization of popular sentiment has given the green light to political violence, all in the name of upholding “democracy.”


00:00 Origins and Parallels of Political Violence

02:12 Left-Wing Funding and Organization

04:06 Lawfare and Media Collusion

07:20 Unequal Enforcement of the Law

09:13 The Need for Responsible Discourse and Unity


Candace Owens is a cautionary tale about platforming ignorance   [13:52]  Jonathan Tobin

 Jul 14, 2024  JNS TV – The extremist talker went off the deep end by engaging in Holocaust denial. Conspiracy theories are the last refuge of antisemitic media con artists.


00:00 Introduction

01:53 Candace Owens’ Holocaust Denial

04:17 Owens’ Rise to Popularity

06:11 The Internet’s Role in Owens’ Rise

09:07 The Slippery Slope of Partisan Suppression

12:01 Lessons Learned from Owens’ Journey


Trump and Lion same gait. [Ed.]

Flag Angel at assassination attempt 7/13/24   [Ed.]

Trump and Van Gogh   [Ed.]


“This Was NOT Faked” – Mike Adams Delivers Gripping Forensic Assessment on Trump Assassination Attempt  [1:25:34]   THE VIGILANT FOX

Media Blackout – Episode 31

JUL 14, 2024

#10 – Trump Responds After Assassination Attempt; Shooter Dead; Secret Service Reportedly Ignored Warnings

Plus, Mike Adams delivers a gripping forensic assessment. “This was NOT faked.” (Watch)

#9 – Disturbing Government Data Suggests COVID-Vaccinated Kids are 45 TIMES More Likely to Die Than Unvaccinated Children

#8 – Anderson Cooper Dies Inside as Glorious Trump Quote is Read on Air

#7 – Elon Musk Issues Warning to America: Democrats Plan to Steal More Elections

#6 – Excommunicated Archbishop Sounds the Alarm on “Criminal Conspiracy” Between the Deep State and the Deep Church

#5 – Ben Shapiro Tears into Censorship Cartel in Fiery Congressional Testimony

#4 – Dr. David Martin Exposes Purdue Pharma’s Sinister Move That Led to “Hundreds of Thousands” of American Deaths

#3 – Senate Democrats Block the SAVE Act, Leaving Door Open for Illegal Immigrants to Vote in Presidential Election

#2 – Alarming Study Reveals Antibody-Dependent Enhancement and Infant Deaths Following RSV Vaccine Trial

#1 – Deep State Officially Tries to Launch Bird Flu as Colorado Declares State of Emergency

Plus, Dr. Peter McCullough gives his expert opinion on what’s going on with Joe Biden’s brain. (Watch)

BONUS #1 – Trump Issues New Statement on Morning After Assassination Attempt

BONUS #2 – More Photos of Trump Shooter Released

BONUS #3 – Trump Assassination Attempt Predicted 3 Months Ago by Christian Prophet


Know Thy  Enemy  MICHOEL GREEN

Reflections on the 2005 Zionist expulsion of Jews

JUL 14, 2024 – My watershed moment came in the summer of 2005 when Ariel Sharon and his cohorts conducted a mass expulsion of some ten-thousand Jews from Gush Katif.

Twenty-two beautiful synagogues, thousands of homes, gardens, greenhouses, yeshivas, parks, fertile fields. Young and old, women and children, hoary seniors and tender babies, mercilessly driven out of their homes in tears, clutching their Torah scrolls. Images from this traumatic day still haunt my imagination.
The biggest expulsion of Jews since the expulsion of Jews from the Iberian Peninsula in 1492 and 1496.
Except this time, it wasn’t at the hand of a fanatic Catholic monarchy. This time, it was a so-called Jewish State, led by a “right-wing” prime minister. It was conducted by Jews, police and other govt. employees, who were just “following orders..

Moreover, here Jews weren’t being expelled from distant Diaspora lands to which our ancestors had been exiled. Instead, we were getting expelled from our own Holy Land, cruelly evicted in order to make way for a jihadist terror state for a hostile population that demanded a Judenrein land of their own purged of its Jews.

And irony of ironies: the date for this historic expulsion — that they attempted to whitewash by calling it “disengagement” — was slated for August 14th, 2005, which just ‘happened” to coincide with the 9th of Av, the date that marks the cataclysmic destruction of both Holy Temples and a numerous other national calamities, including the expulsion from Spain in 1492! [1]
I had spent weeks that summer on the telephone calling Israeli police officers and begging them to refuse orders to expel fellow Jews. Every single one whom I was able to reach wept on the phone and told me they agreed this expulsion is immoral and unjust. Many said they planned to call up sick that day, but none were willing to refuse orders.

I simply couldn’t wrap my head around it. Jew-haters expel Jews. Since when do Jews expel Jews!?
At that point I began to wake up to the harsh reality that the Zionist State is just another assault against Jews, in fact the most insidious in history.
It has effectively weaponized the Jewish people, turning Jew against Jew, committing unthinkable crimes against their own.
If this sinister government can forcibly expel thousands of Jews and cede their beautiful synagogues, farms, greenhouses, homes, etc., to genocidal jihadists whom they created and funded, all for some alleged “greater good,” then what else are they capable of doing?
When this rogue regime opened the border to those same bloodthirsty hordes and allowed eight hours of horrific slaughter, rape, torture, abductions, etc., it sadly came as no surprise.
People of Israel, I beseech you. Wake up. Your regime is your mortal enemy.  [Emphasis added]
Ariel Sharon, Bibi, et al…they’re just a repackaged version of Ferdinand and Isabella, Stalin and the other totalitarian mass murderers of the past century. Their job is to enslave and euthanize you, all in the name of some “greater good” of course.
It doesn’t matter what their proposed “greater good” is. It might be “public health,” “carbon reduction,” “peace process,” “diversity,” or any other touted value.
Their goal is simply “depopulation,” i.e. elimination of the earth’s human population.
Zionism was a hoax. You’ve been duped. Your love for your Land has been cynically exploited. The objective all along was to enslave you under the guise of nationalist obedience and groom you for slaughter.
Wake up now.
Defy all orders. Resist. Expose their lies. ALL of them.
Your life and the lives of your children depend on it.


[1] Signed on March 31st, 1492, the Alahambra Decree ordered all Jews to leave Spain within three days from July 31st, 1492, i.e. by August 2nd. Not coincidentally, August 2 of that year was Av 9 in the Jewish calendar.

The 1st Holy Temple had been destroyed on the 9th of Av in 423 BCE and the 2nd Temple on 9 Av, 69 CE. Moreover, the once-proud city of Better was destroyed by the Romans in 133 CE and its inhabitants slaughtered. The site of the Temple on Jerusalem was ploughed and desecrated in 9 Av of 134 CE. The Jews of England were expelled on the same date in 1290 CE.

The Children of Israel were condemned to wander 40 years in the desert on the 9th of Av, 1312 BCE.

Funny how the Zionist ruling class must happened to pick this date for their banishment and forcible removal of Jews from their homes in 2005 CE. Funny not funny.

It’s time to end this cruel joke once and for all.


The same bureau that investigated the Las Vegas shooting and the January 6th pipe bombs is now investigating the attempted assassination of Trump.   Thomas Massie @RepThomasMassie

11:24 PM · Jul 13, 2024 – This is also the same bureau that raided Mar-a-Lago.

I’m sure they’ll get to the bottom of this soon.


“Something ‘FISHY And Suspicious’ About Trump Assassination Attempt Says Security Expert  [5:28]

Jul 14, 2024 • LONDON – Gunfire erupted at a Donald Trump rally on Saturday, sparking panic in the crowd and spattering the Republican presidential candidate with blood, before he emerged and defiantly pumped his fist in the air and was ushered to a waiting car.

Trump grimaced and grabbed his ear before security hustled him away, his red “Make America Great Again” hat knocked off. The Secret Service and the former president’s campaign said Trump was safe following the shooting in Butler, Pennsylvania, about 30 miles (50 km) north of Pittsburgh.

Live video showed blood spattered on Trump’s right cheek and ear.

Downing Street in the United Kingdom issued a statement about the shooting:

“We are shocked by the scenes at President Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania. We condemn all forms of political violence in the strongest terms and we send our best wishes to President Trump and his family at this time.”

Cristo speaks with international security expert Will Geddes.


Things are NOT what they seem!    TIERNEY’S REAL NEWS

JUL 13, 2024 – There have been many things happening behind the scenes in the past few weeks which appear to be another orchestrated coup against the office of President – but this time it’s to take down Joe Biden.

Now, I have no love for Joe Biden nor do I believe he is a legitimate President – he’s an old mobster and he was installed by the CIA & the New World Order. The same people who stole the White House from President Trump to install Joe Biden now want him removed and replaced with someone else. In other words, the will of people doesn’t matter in the US anymore – it’s the will of the New World Order and their chosen Deep State lackeys.

Yesterday, President Trump came out and said Obama & Biden hate each other – Obama wants Biden out and Kamala in.

Now, that seems obvious enough but it doesn’t exactly fit with what’s been going on of late, does it? How do you explain that if Biden is allegedly doing everything Obama tells him to? Is Biden really Obama’s puppet or not?

For example, why did George Clooney hold a fundraiser for Biden just last month in California, invite the likes of Julia Roberts, Barbara Streisand and Jimmy Kimmel, and then Obama showed up to “handle” Biden. If Obama wants Biden gone – why did this happen? Here’s what I think.

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The war against the Jews   Melanie Phillips

In Britain, France and America, the left is on the wrong side. The Jews are in the middle because they don’t know who hates them more,” said Chief Rabbi Sebbag.   Opinion.

Jul 12, 2024, 12:21 AM (GMT+3)  JNS  – We have to face without flinching what is now undeniable: There is a war across the globe raging against the Jewish people. It’s a war not just to destroy their national homeland but to drive them out of people’s heads, their conscience and their world.

Led by Muslims and the left, with its base in the universities, this war has extended much further than these circles into professional and commercial life.

The Palestinian flag, the symbol of the agenda to destroy Israel and erase the identity and history of the Jews in their ancestral land, is everywhere. Often-murderous antisemitism, once confined to cranks, Nazi supporters and the clinically insane, has been normalized and is surfacing in the most banal, everyday settings.

A Toronto health food restaurant is using the hashtag “#zionistsnotwelcome” in social media posts. In Britain, an ordinary middle-aged Manchester woman declared that Zionist lives weren’t worth saving and that Zionists “need to be finished.”

Palestinian flags sprouted in London at the Wimbledon tennis tournament, during Fashion Week in Berlin and on the lapel of a Delta Airlines flight attendant. In Amsterdam, Anne Frank’s statue was defaced with “Gaza” graffiti. At a Madrid rock concert, the crowd sang: “Let’s go bomb Tel Aviv.”

While this madness has liberals and left-wingers in its grip, its main impetus is coming from the Islamic world. U.S. Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines stated this week that the Iranian regime has been actively fueling the Gaza demonstrations by using agents posing as activists online, encouraging demonstrations and even providing participants with financial support.

In addition to Iran, the campaign has been orchestrated by Hamas and other Muslim Brotherhood operatives. The reason for all this is that fanatical hatred of the Jews is fundamental to the religion of Islam, as is the aim of Islamizing the world.

While many Muslims don’t subscribe to fanaticism or fundamentalism, far too many do—and the overwhelming majority subscribe to the demonization and delegitimization of Israel that flow from Muslim Jew-hatred.

The reason the Oct. 7 pogrom in Israel sparked immediate and triumphant Muslim demonstrations was the ecstatic belief that, having destroyed Israeli invincibility by murdering and capturing so many Jews, the way was now open to destroy Israel, wipe out the Jews and conquer the West for Islam.

The far-left, who have latched on to the anti-West aims of this campaign, also believe that their revolutionary time has come.

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.