Daily Shmutz | NEWS | 7/29/24

NEWS    [Ed.:  Notice the conscientious avoidance of Kamala/Biden articles!  …You’re welcome! 


Democratic VP Front-Runner Started a Spy Technology Company Partially Funded by China  By Michael Austin

Jul. 29, 2024 8:20 pm  The Western Journal  – Arizona Democrat Sen. Mark Kelly faced increased scrutiny following news that he may become the Vice President nominee on the 2024 presidential election Democratic ticket.

Kelly found himself on the top of a shortlist of Vice President Kamala Harris’s potential running mates, above names such as Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear, The Hill reported.

The increased scrutiny has raised questions about Kelly’s dealings with China.

As reported by Fox NewsKelly co-founded World View, a company that originally aimed to provide customers with space tourism using balloons.

One of the company’s earliest founders was Tencent, notoriously one of the largest companies in communist China, which the Chinese government therefore controls.

Perhaps most famously, the company runs the Chinese social media app WeChat, which serves as a “powerful surveillance tool for the Chinese government” that collects users’ personal information, search history, messages and so on, as reported by Fox News.

Over the years, what once started as a mere tourism company expanded its offerings.

World View balloons now provide clients with surveillance and “remote sensing services.”

Those clients have included companies dealing in lucrative industries like oil and gas, utilities, mining, shipping and insurance, to name a few.

As World View’s technology and business plan advanced, however, it began to grow a relationship with China.

Kelly held a meeting with the head of Tencent USA David Wallerstein in 2014. Accoridng to reports, Kelly introduced Wallerstein to World View’s “space tourism technology.”

The Arizona senator later downplayed the meeting as a short conversation.

When Kelly chose to run for senate, he gave up all company control. However, the senator remains invested in World View through a blind trust.

Notably, China famously sent surveillance balloons over the U.S. in 2023, generating great controversy.

The Department of Defense later revealed the same sorts of Chinese surveillance balloons were sent to many other countries as well.

“We were able to determine that China has a high-altitude balloon program for intelligence collection that’s connected to the People’s Liberation Army. It was operating during the previous administration, but they did not detect it. We detected it. We tracked it. And, we have been carefully studying it to learn as much as we can,” said John Kirby, the coordinator for strategic communication at the White House National Security Council.

“We know that these [Chinese] surveillance balloons have crossed over dozens of countries on multiple continents around the world, including some of our closest allies and partners.”


WW3 WATCH: Turkey’s Erdogan Suggests Invading Israel to Help Palestinians, Says ‘There Is No Reason Not To Do It’   By Ben Kew

Jul. 29, 2024 5:20 pm – Turkish strongman Reccip Tayyip Erdogan has suggested that he could invade Israel in order to protect the rights of Palestinians suffering under the country’s war against Hamas.

Addressing members of his ruling Justice and Development Party in the Black Sea city of Rize where he grew up, Erdogan appeared to threaten the possibility of military action against the Israeli state.

“We should be very strong, so that Israel cannot do this stuff to Palestine,” Erdogan said.

“Just like we entered Karabakh, just like we entered Libya, we can do similar to them,” he continued, a reference to his invasion of neighboring Armenia back in 2021.”

“There is no reason not to do it,” he added. “We must be strong to take these steps.”

Erdogan has long been a staunch opponent of Israel, accusing its military of genocide in Gaza. He has previously compared Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Adolf Hitler and described him as both a “psychopath” and a “vampire.”

Turkey broke off all diplomatic relations with Israel in the early months of the war and has also halted all trade with its Middle Eastern neighbor.

However, Erdogan has never previously gone so far as to propose a military intervention, a move that would inevitably escalate diplomatic tensions and may even lead to a third world war.

Posting on the X platform after his remarks, Turkey’s communications minister Fahrettin Altun attempted to play down Erdogan’s remarks, claiming that his boss had “devoted his life to fighting injustice and cruelty.”

“Our message to Israel is clear: Stop the genocide and accept Palestinian sovereignty if you want lasting peace and security,” he wrote.

“The Israeli leaders are condemning their own people to perpetual war,” he continued. “Their attempts to hide this fact by manipulating public opinion will not work. You cannot hide your war crimes by targeting our leader.”


INSIDE JOB: Secret Service Would Not Allow Communications with Local Police Until AFTER Trump was Shot – Police Spotted Suspect 90 Minutes Before Shooting   [VIDEOS]   By Jim Hoft

Jul. 29, 2024 6:40 pm – Members of the local SWAT team assigned to protect former President Donald Trump at his rally on July 13 have revealed that they had no contact with the Secret Service prior to an assassination attempt on the former president.

The shooting occurred on July 13 when a would-be assassin opened fire at Trump while he was addressing supporters.

During an exclusive interview with ABC News’ senior investigative correspondent Aaron Katersky, the officers detailed how a lack of communication and planning failures led to a critical delay in identifying and neutralizing the threat.

“They told us they had no communication with the Secret Service until after the gunfire started. This SWAT team saw the shooter. They recognized him as suspicious, even took pictures of him,” Katersky reported.

“None of the concerns, though, had a chance of reaching decision-makers before Trump took the stage because of what these men and women described as failures of planning and communication,” he added.

Jason Woods, the lead sharpshooter of the SWAT team in Beaver County, expressed his frustration.

“We were supposed to get a face-to-face briefing with the Secret Service snipers whenever they arrived, and that never happened,” Woods said.

“So I think that that was probably a pivotal point where I started thinking things were wrong because that never happened and we had no communication with the Secret Service,” he added.

Max Evans posted this incredible video. 

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Tax Hypocrisy: Nearly 6,000 IRS Employees and Contractors Owe $50 Million in Back Taxes, Treasury Audit Reveals   By Jim Hft

Jul. 29, 2024 7:00 pm – A recent audit by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) has uncovered that nearly 6,000 employees and contractors of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) collectively owe close to $50 million in overdue taxes.

U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), who requested the audit, did not hold back in her criticism of IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel.

In a press release, Ernst introduced the Audit the IRS Act, which mandates annual audits of IRS employees and calls for the termination of any agent found to be delinquent on their taxes.

“The spirit of 1776 is still alive and well with a tax revolt happening right now at the most unlikely of places in Washington, the IRS,” Ernst said.

“While the IRS warns, ‘tax evasion is a serious crime punishable by imprisonment, fines, and the imposition of civil penalties,’ the agency is rewarding its own tax dodgers with paychecks and lavish benefits made possible, ironically, with the taxes paid by law-abiding citizens.”

“My legislation will create a zero-tolerance policy for tax evasion and misconduct while ensuring these IRS bureaucrats are no longer allowed to live by one set of rules and enforce another on honest, hardworking Americans,” she added.

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EPIC: Venezuelans Topple Statues of Late Socialist Dictator Hugo Chavez Following Rigged Elections   (VIDEOS)   By Ben Kew

Jul. 29, 2024 8:00 pm – Venezuelans sick of their country being raped and pillaged by socialist gangsters expressed their anger by pulling down statues of the late Hugo Chavez.

The protests took place after the ruling Maduro regime blatantly an election from the conservative opposition.

Chavez, who led the country from 1998 until his death from cancer in 2013, implemented the socialistic Bolivarian Revolution that won plaudits from Democrats and leftists around the world.

While Chavez’s socialist reforms initially led to a reduction in poverty on account of the global oil boom, they eventually left the country bankrupt.

Under his leadership, Chavez also built a cult of personality that has since been exacerbated by his death. Statues, murals and tributes to his life remain stationed across the country.

By the time of his death, Venezuela had become the poorest and most dangerous country in Latin America, having previously been the richest and one of the safest.

As a result, millions of Venezuelans have fled the country in search of opportunities elsewhere, with many traveling as far as the U.S. to take advantage of Biden’s open border.

Venezuela is now run by Chavez’s handpicked successor, Nicolas Maduro, who has successfully rigged three presidential elections on the bounce.

While the Biden regime is publicly condemning the Maduro regime’s actions in Venezuela, Democrats will inevitably be taking notes on things they can learn on how to destroy a thriving democracy.


Venezuela expels diplomats from Latin American nations that questioned Maduro reelection    BY ANTONIO MARIA DELGADO

JULY 29, 2024 9:25 PM  Miami Herald – The Nicolás Maduro regime expelled on Monday the diplomatic missions of seven Latin American nations that expressed concerns over the results announced on Sunday of the country’s presidential election. Calling the comments on the election made by leaders in these neighboring countries “interventionist acts,” Maduro’s Foreign Minister Yván Gil ordered the diplomatic personnel from Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Perú, Panamá, the Dominican Republican and Uruguay to leave Venezuela immediately. “Venezuela reserves all legal and political rights to enforce, preserve and defend our inalienable right to self-determination,” the Maduro government said in a press release. “We will confront all actions that threaten the climate of peace and coexistence” inside the South American nation. In a controversial announcement, the regime-controlled National Electorate Council announced on Sunday that Maduro had won the election over opposition candidate Edmundo González even though exit polls from credible independent firms had been showing that the Venezuelan strongman had lost the election by a margin of two to one. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro is reelected to a third six-year term with 51.2 percent of the vote, the president of the electoral council Elvis Amoroso says, after a campaign marked by allegations of opposition intimidation and fears of fraud BY AFP The council said Maduro won the election with 51.1% of the vote, surpassing González’s 44%. But opposition leaders said the official numbers they had gathered and the exit poll numbers had the Venezuelan presidential candidate winning by more than 65% of the vote. Opposition parties accused the regime of committing a fraud of gigantic proportions, while officials in Washington said they did not believe that the numbers announced by the Caracas regime reflected the actual voting. Similar comments were also made by officials from the countries whose diplomatic missions were expelled on Monday, some of which called for a meeting at the Organization of American States to analyze the situation in Venezuela. The United States and Venezuela currently don’t have diplomatic relations.

[Ed.:  The word ‘maduro’ in Spanish means ‘ripe’, or ‘ready to pick’. Anecdotally, in Italian, there is another word ‘strunza’. which is a piece of shit while it is falling. I dunno, I just thought they were somehow related…]


Maduro Steals Venezuela Election  (Live VIDEO footage)

The People of Venezuela just won the national election and elected Edmundo Gonzalez 84% vs 16%.  Then Venezuelan Communist Tyrant Maduro proclaimed that he won the election.  Here is some of the reaction of The (unarmed) People:

The police woman took off her uniform and is crying, other police did the same and decided to be a part of the citizen voice! Everyone knows that they won the election.  (Sound familiar?)

(citizen’s voice:)  “Because they have arms…they will kill us!”

[Ed.:   Surprise, surprise, surprise!!]


Judicial Watch Files FCC Complaint Against NBC for Airing Obscene and Indecent Content from Olympics Opening Ceremony


July 29, 2024 – (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced it filed a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) complaint this weekend against NBC for airing obscene and indecent content from the Olympics Opening Ceremony.

The Judicial Watch FCC complaint, filed by Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton reads, in part:

NBC and its various stations/outlets on TV, cable and Internet carried (and continues to make available) the Olympics Opening Ceremony on July 26, which included an adult male purposefully exposing (himself) in the presence of a child/children. This content is both obscene and indecent and, to make matters worse, was aired during viewing hours when it was likely seen by millions of children and minors.

The obscene/indecent content occurred during a portion of the ceremonies that mocked Jesus Christ and the Last Supper. The Olympics was forced to issue an apology over the content.

According to the FCC, “federal law prohibits obscene, indecent and profane content from being broadcast on the radio or TV.”  The FCC further states:

Obscene content does not have protection by the First Amendment.  For content to be ruled obscene, it must meet a three-pronged test established by the Supreme Court: It must appeal to an average person’s prurient interest; depict or describe sexual conduct in a “patently offensive” way; and, taken as a whole, lack serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value.

Indecent content portrays sexual or excretory organs or activities in a way that is patently offensive but does not meet the three-prong test for obscenity.

Profane content includes “grossly offensive” language that is considered a public nuisance.

The FCC notes airing obscene or indecent content is a federal crime:

It is a violation of federal law to air obscene programming at any time. It is also a violation of federal law to broadcast indecent or profane programming during certain hours. Under 18 U.S.C. Section 1464, “[w]hoever utters any obscene, indecent, or profane language by means of radio communication shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.” Under 18 U.S.C. Section 1468(a), “[w]hoever knowingly utters any obscene language or distributes any obscene matter by means of cable television or subscription services on television, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than 2 years or by a fine in accordance with this title, or both.” Likewise, under 47 U.S.C. Section 559, “[w]hoever transmits over any cable system any matter which is obscene or otherwise unprotected by the Constitution of the United States shall be fined under Title 18 or imprisoned not more than 2 years, or both.” Section 73.3999 of the Commission’s rules, applicable to broadcast stations, bans the broadcast of obscene material and prohibits radio and television broadcasts of indecent material between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.

“The blasphemous Olympics’ Opening Ceremony which included, among other obscene and indecent acts, a man partially exposing himself around children, is patently offensive for any sensible American and requires immediate FCC action against NBC” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “The Justice Department should also launch an investigation, especially given the use of children in this obscene and indecent NBC broadcast.”

Any person can file a complaint about the NBC broadcast directly with the FCC: https://consumercomplaints.fcc.gov/hc/en-us/articles/27646986117268-TV-Form-Descriptions-of-Complaint-Issues[Emphasis added]

Kamala Harris’ harsh criticism of Israel is turning out to have deadly results   By Jonathan Sweet and Mark Toth

July 27, 2024, 8:34 p.m. ET  New York Post – Washington may not fully realize it yet, nor the presidential candidate herself, but Vice President Harris’ honeymoon effectively ended Saturday in the Golan Heights on a bloody soccer field. The Mideast is on the cusp of what might become its bloodiest war since Israel’s founding in 1948.

Harris’ self-serving decision to pander to Gen Z and progressive votes on Thursday after meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the Oval Office is turning out to have deadly results.

Harshly criticizing Israel as she did in front of Bibi at the White House might bag November votes – but they are also leading to body bags in Gaza and North Israel.

Now, Israeli civilians are paying a heavy price for her words.

In what could be described as a second Oct. 7, Hezbollah launched a rocket attack on a soccer field Saturday afternoon in the Golan Heights, killing 12 people, including children, and injuring 40.

The attack struck the village of Majdal Shams. Home to a large Druze community – an Arab and Arabic-speaking ethnoreligious group. Many Druze are Israeli citizens and proudly serve in the IDF.

Israel identified 30-plus projectiles crossing from Lebanon into Israeli territory and has blamed the Iranian-backed Hezbollah terrorist group for the attack. Hezbollah denies the accusation, “firmly denying” they fired the rockets.

According to IDF spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, the rocket used in the attack on the soccer field was an Iranian-made Falaq-1 rocket. If not fired by Hezbollah, then it could have been fired by Iranian Revolutionary Islamic Corps (IRGC) forces in Lebanon.

Same difference.

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Judo competitor refuses to shake Israeli athlete’s hand, yells ‘Allah Akbar’ at Paris Olympics — then gets instant karma   By Isabel Keane

July 28, 2024, 2:35 p.m. ET  New York Post – A judo competitor from Tajikistan refused to shake his Israeli competitor’s hand after beating him at the 2024 Paris Olympics — and then was subjected to immediate karma when he was beaten and left in tears during the next match.

Israeli judoka Baruch Shmailov won his first match in the men’s under-145-pound weight class against Morocco’s Abderrahmane Boushita, who declined to shake his hand.

He then faced Tajikistan’s Nurali Emomali in the round of 16, according to the Times of Israel.

Shamailov lost after 1:17 to Emomali, who also left the mat without shaking Shamailov’s hand, according to Ynet news.

Social media users also claimed that the Tajikistan athlete yelled “Allah Akbar” at Shmailov after the match.

The Israeli athlete was eliminated from the competition in Paris with the loss, according to Ynet.

Emomali went on to compete against Japan’s Hifumi Abe, who left him in tears on the mat with an apparent arm injury, according to the Associated Press and other online reports.

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WaPo dragged for ‘disgraceful’ front page showing mourners at 11-year-old’s funeral paired with Israeli airstrike headline   By Chris Nesi

Published July 29, 2024, 11:48 a.m. ET – The Washington Post is being mocked online for its perplexing Monday front page photo showing mourners at the funeral of an 11-year-old girl killed by a Hezbollah rocket strike, which the paper paired with a headline about Israeli airstrikes.

“Israel hits its targets in Lebanon,” the large-type front-page headline announces, positioned directly under a photo of anguished family members mourning over the coffin of Alma Ayman Fakhr al-Din, 11, one of the 12 kids killed by a Hezbollah rocket strike on a soccer field in the Israel-controlled Golan Heights.

Another 40 people were injured in the Saturday strike, making it the deadliest attack against Israel since the Oct. 7 massacre that sparked the war in Gaza.

“That’s an image of a funeral of a girl KILLED IN ISRAEL BY A HEZBOLLAH ROCKET FROM LEBANON, so why is the Washington Post headline backwards?” former Israeli government spokesman Eylon Levy asked incredulously on X in a post including a screenshot of the paper’s front page.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) took a swipe at the WaPo in its own post on X, showing the infamous front page and writing, “You can see the grieving family members burying children murdered by Hezbollah in the Madjal Shams massacre. If by chance you understood anything else from their headline, you might not be the problem.”

Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-NY) also posted the puzzling front page on X, the pro-Israel Democrat wondering about the decision to present the news the way the paper did.

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Alarming Report: X/Twitter Still Suppressing Conservatives, Boosting Leftists   By Michael Schwarz

Jul. 28, 2024 8:30 pm  The Western Journal  – Elon Musk, owner and Chief Technology Officer of the social media platform X, still has work to do.

According to a remarkable and unnerving study by the Media Research Center, Musk’s oft-stated and apparently sincere desire to transform X into a bastion of free speech has produced no meaningful improvement in the platform’s algorithm, which amplifies elected leftists and throttles their conservative counterparts.

MRC credited Musk with having “made strides” toward free speech. But data collected by MRC researchers suggested that “remnants of the Old Twitter censorship regime” remain.

Between July 1 and 2, MRC researchers used Grok, X’s AI search assistant, to conduct eight tests designed to determine how the platform assigns visibility scores for members of Congress. That matters because the visibility score dictates which accounts X boosts and which accounts it suppresses.

In short, the tests found that congressional visibility scores depended on four weighted factors: Mass Appeal (38 percent), Reputation (30 percent), Toxicity (21 percent), and Follow (11 percent).

Those factors, of course, should set off alarm bells in readers’ minds. After all, “Mass Appeal” and “Follow” could have objective components, but “Reputation” and “Toxicity” are entirely subjective.

Indeed, when applied to elected legislators and their X accounts, those factors had staggering consequences.

For instance, MRC found that “X gave a distinct advantage to Democrats” in Congress.

Furthermore, the X algorithm preferred leftists to moderates and moderates to conservatives.

“Generally speaking, the more left-leaning a congressional member is, the more visible their account is to X platform users. On the flip side, the more right-leaning a congressional member is, the more their account is penalized by the algorithm,” per MRC.

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Venezuelan Communist Tyrant Maduro Learns Tricks from US Democrats – Blocked Election Observers from Access to Ballot Counting Rooms  [VIDEOS]  By Jim Hoft 

Jul. 29, 2024 7:30 am – In November 2020 Democrats in Pennsylvania blocked Republican election observers, including Corey Lewandowski and former Florida AG Pam Bondi, from observing the ballot counting room in Philadelphia after the November 3rd election.

Republican observers were barred from entering the Philadelphia vote counting center even after receiving the appellate court order.

The Philadelphia Sheriff did not enforce the appellate court order, according to Corey Lewandowski, who was on the ground in Philly. Pam Bondi said the counting machines were moved far away from observers, defying the court order allowing GOP observers to be no more than 6 feet away from officials counting ballots.

This is what you would expect in a banana republic.

President Trump was ahead on election night by nearly 800,000 votes over Joe Biden in Pennsylvania. Four days later the vote went to Joe Biden. Trump was ahead in the state by nearly 800,000 votes on Election night! It only took four days of secret counting to flip the state to Joe Biden!

On November 3, 2020, in Michigan, President Trump was ahead of Joe Biden by over 100,000 votes. This appeared to be another solid win for President Trump in the battleground state with a greater margin than his 2016 victory. Democrats then locked doors on Republican election workers the next day and put cardboard over the windows to prevent the GOP observers from seeing in. The state continued to count until Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump in the state.

Similar events took place in several other states. It was a miraculous win for Joe Biden.

This tactic worked so well for US Democrats that Communist tyrant Nicolás Maduro this past weekend ordered his police force to prevent election observers from monitoring the ballot counting process at voting centers nationwide.


DEVELOPING: Argentinian Leader Javier Milei Claims Communist Tyrant Nicolas Maduro HAS LOST HIS ELECTION in Venezuela — Maduro Declared Winner Despite Contradictory Exit Polls  [VIDEOS] By Jim Hoft

Jul. 28, 2024 11:05 pm – Argentinian President Javier Milei announced late Sunday night that Communist dictator Nicolas Maduro has lost the national election in Venezuela!

Venezuelans chose to end the communist dictatorship.

Milei posted this on Sunday night.

“Translation: DICTATOR MADURO, OUT!!! Venezuelans chose to end the communist dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro. The data announces a crushing victory for the opposition and the world is waiting for it to recognize defeat after years of socialism, misery, decadence and death “Argentina is not going to recognize another fraud, and hopes that the Armed Forces this time will defend democracy and the popular Freedom Advances in Latin America.”

The exit polls have Maduro losing by a landslide.

66.6% for opposition leader Edmundo Gonzalez and 30.86% for Nicolas Maduro.

A Chavista worker allegedly posted a selfie from the Computing Center, inadvertently revealing on multiple screens the overwhelming defeat of Nicolás Maduro in several states.

George Behizy reported the initial reports:

It is likely that Maduro the communist will not go easily without mass violence.

The socialist government of Venezuela has issued a statement suggesting that President Nicolás Maduro is preparing to invalidate the recent election results, amid growing claims of foreign interference in the electoral process.

Read the statement below:

“The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela denounces and alerts the world about an intervention operation against the electoral process, our right to self-determination and the sovereignty of our country, by a group of foreign governments and powers.

This group, a version of the infamous, defunct and defeated Lima Group, which includes government officials from Argentina, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and the Dominican Republic, along with a group of right-wing politicians who specializes in destabilizing governments in Latin America, such as Iván Duque, Mauricio Macri, Andrés Pastrana, Oscar Arias, Marco Rubio and Rick Scott, seek to distort what has been expressed today in peace and with a civic spirit in our country, which is nothing other than the exercise of the people’s right to choose.

The right to vote is exercised in Venezuela with absolute freedom and legality under the aegis of our laws and the control of one of the five Public Powers of the State, the National Electoral Council. And it is done through a transparent, secure and inviolable system, recognized as one of the best in the world, which fully guarantees the principle of one voter, one vote.

The same people who recognized a puppet in 2019 intend to impose it today in 2024.

This miserable and desperate operation is destined to fail because Venezuela is a free and sovereign country and will never accept impositions or blackmail, much less from foreign entities without morals and legality to attack our rights and our people.”

However, Maduro was declared the winner despite reports of irregularities, according to AP.

Elvis Amoroso, head of the National Electoral Council, said Maduro secured 51% of the vote, overcoming opposition candidate Edmundo González, who garnered 44%. He said the results were based on 80% of voting stations, marking an irreversible trend

But the electoral authority, which is controlled by Maduro loyalists, has yet to release the official voting tallies from each of the more than 15,000 polling centers, hampering the opposition’s ability to verify the results.

The delay in announcing results — six hours after polls were supposed to close — indicated a deep debate inside the government about how to proceed after Maduro’s opponents came out early in the evening all but claiming victory.

Opposition representatives said tallies they collected from campaign representatives at 30% of voting centers showed Gonzalez trouncing Maduro.

Elon Musk responded to reports that armed communist Maduro gangs, known as “Colectivos,” are now storming polling stations in Punta Cardón, Falcón state, Venezuela to steal the boxes containing the votes.

“This is messed up,” Elon Musk wrote.

Rep. Marco Rubio wrote on X, “After announcing complete fraud in the elections, expect the Maduro regime to now turn off the Internet inside Venezuela to make it difficult for those inside to communicate with each other and the world. After announcing a complete fraud in the election expect the Maduro regime will now begin to blackout the internet inside of Venezuela to make it difficult for those inside to communicate with each other and to the world.”

[Ed.:  I don’t believe the stated voting percentages: “66.6% for opposition leader Edmundo Gonzalez and 30.86% for Nicolas Maduro”. Here the announcement of Maduro 158  vs. Gonzales 976.  = Gonzales by 84% (?):

[Ed.:  Here are Maduro’s motorcycle thugs intimidating the voters:



Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose No to Tell You – Episode 32   THE VIGILANT FOX

JUL 28, 2024

#10 – The “mother lode” of government data exposes the deadly COVID-19 shots.

#9 – RFK Jr. shreds Kamala Harris’ entire political career.

#8 – Chilling new video of 9/11 from a new angle surfaces after 23 years.

#7 – Jordan Peterson draws chilling comparison to today’s “gender-affirming care.”

#6 – Whistleblower reveals bizarre Secret Service decision ahead of deadly Trump rally.

#5 – Something fishy is going on with the social media companies and search engines tipping news in favor of Kamala Harris.

#4 – The FBI official who expressed disappointment over Trump’s survival has been identified.

#3 – Viewers notice big bruise on Biden’s jaw during Oval Office address.

#2 – Another COVID “conspiracy theory” becomes reality as a new study links the COVID shots to a serious eye condition.

#1 – Incoming “planetary emergency” signals a global government takeover.

BONUS #1 – The Gates Foundation Leaves Bioterror Smoking Gun

BONUS #2 – Trump Shooter’s Home Reportedly Scrubbed Clean Like a “Medical Lab” — No Silverware or Trash Found

BONUS #3 – How to Stay Connected When Disaster Strikes

BONUS #4 – The Silver Bullet to Losing Weight

BONUS #5 – Major US Tech Company Pulls ALL Advertising From Paris Olympics After Last Supper Mockery


NOT AGAIN: Votes in Two Key Swing States Likely to Take Days to Count Thanks to Dem-Friendly Absentee Ballots   By Cullen Linebarger

Jul. 28, 2024 3:40 pm – Anyone who thought America learned from the 2020 Presidential election debacle is sadly mistaken.

The Washington Post on Saturday reported that votes in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, two must-win swing states for President Trump and Kamala Harris, will likely take several days to count because of Democrat-friendly absentee ballots, just like in 2020.

The Post notes that Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are two of the only states that do not allow pre-canvassing — the act of opening and processing mail ballots ahead of Election Day.

Rachel Orey, an elections expert at the Bipartisan Policy Center, told the Post that if the election comes down to Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, America may not know the winner for days.

“If the electoral college comes down to Pennsylvania or Wisconsin, we might still face a long period where we don’t know the winner,” she said.

While the Post unsurprisingly blames Republicans for not acting to change the laws in these respective states, it is important to note that the real obstacle is Democrats’ refusal to consider even the most basic election integrity measures.

Pennsylvania especially had multiple opportunities to fix this crisis. Three years earlier, lawmakers in the Keystone State did pass a bipartisan bill that allowed county officials to begin processing mail ballots five days before Election Day. This legislation had critical voter integrity measures, including tighter rules for voter identification and limits to ballot drop boxes.

But liberal Democrat governor Tom Wolf vetoed the commonsense legislation, falsely claiming it would create barriers to voting.

The Democrat-controlled Pennsylvania House of Representatives made another half-hearted attempt in May, passing a bill along party lines that would have allowed county officials to begin pre-canvassing mail ballots seven days before Election Day. But they ignored GOP requests for stricter voter ID laws to prevent voter fraud, and the Republican-controlled State Senate refused to take up the legislation as a result.

As The Gateway Pundit has extensively reported, the 2020 election was ridden with reports of massive voter fraud across the country. In January, TGP’s Brian Lupo obtained a 32-page report highlighting extensive examples of such illegal activity in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania alone.

The memory of President Trump’s double-digit percentage lead over Biden dissipating overnight after massive voter dumps in the middle of the night is also seared into conservatives’ minds, which the left openly mocks.

These truisms are why Trump says at his rallies he wants an election that is “too big to rig.” The left will stop at nothing to seize political power, even if it means resorting to outright cheating.


Local SWAT Team from Butler, PA Reveals No Communication with Secret Service Prior to Shooting, Scheduled Meet-Up Upon Arrival Never Occurred   By Jim Hft

Jul. 28, 2024 2:00 pm – Members of the local SWAT team assigned to protect former President Donald Trump at his rally on July 13 have revealed that they had no contact with the Secret Service prior to an assassination attempt on the former president.

The shooting occurred on July 13 when a would-be assassin opened fire at Trump while he was addressing supporters.

During an exclusive interview with ABC News’ senior investigative correspondent Aaron Katersky, the officers detailed how a lack of communication and planning failures led to a critical delay in identifying and neutralizing the threat.

“They told us they had no communication with the Secret Service until after the gunfire started. This SWAT team saw the shooter. They recognized him as suspicious, even took pictures of him,” Katersky reported.

“None of the concerns, though, had a chance of reaching decision-makers before Trump took the stage because of what these men and women described as failures of planning and communication,” he added.

Jason Woods, the lead sharpshooter of the SWAT team in Beaver County, expressed his frustration.

“We were supposed to get a face-to-face briefing with the Secret Service snipers whenever they arrived, and that never happened,” Woods said.

“So I think that that was probably a pivotal point where I started thinking things were wrong because that never happened and we had no communication with the Secret Service,” he added.

Aaron Katersky: You had no communication with the Secret Service at all on that Saturday?

Jason Woods: Not until after the shooting.

Aaron Katersky: And by then

Jason Woods: It was too late.

The aftermath of this catastrophic failure resulted in one death—Corey Comperatore, a rally attendee—and left two others critically injured.

House Speaker Mike Johnson expressed his concerns on X regarding this massive security failure, stating, “Another alarming security failure. A local SWAT officer in PA told ABC his team had no contact with Secret Service at the rally until after the assassination attempt on President Trump. Our House Task Force will find the answers the American people deserve.”


In response to mounting pressure following her testimony before Congress, Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle resigned a week after the incident. Her evasive responses during hearings sparked outrage among lawmakers and citizens alike.

Cheatle’s primary responsibility—to protect the President—was called into question as she took full responsibility for both the assassination attempt and Comperatore’s death.

Trump, in a statement released on Truth Social just minutes after Cheattle’s resignation, wrote, “The Biden/Harris Administration did not properly protect me, and I was forced to take a bullet for Democracy.”


[Ed.: Of course not!  The SS didn’t want any local patriots screwing up their assassination project.  But, DJT choses to give them many more chances, instead of hiring out.  He wants to be a martyr, and to show us how bad it’s going to get... If the new hole in his ear didn’t wake him up, he can continue sleeping 6-feet down, God forbid,]


NO SHAME: Olympic Organizers Issue Pathetic ‘Apology’ for Cruelly Mocking Christians as Olympic Boycott Movement Grows   By Cullen Linebarger

Jul. 28, 2024 11:40 am – As The Gateway Pundit reported, the Paris Olympic organizers allowed a reenactment of The Last Supper with drag queens during the 2024 Olympics ceremony.

In the sickening opening ceremony, the scantily dressed drag queens stood behind a long table while mocking one of the most sacred images in all of Christianity. Worse, a young child was also spotted standing beside the drag queens in the performance.

Now, ESPN reports that the Olympic committee is scrambling to contain the fallout. On Sunday morning, Paris 2024 spokesperson Anne Descamps issued a so-called ‘apology’ if anyone was offended by the sick performance while maintaining they managed to celebrate “community tolerance.”

“Clearly, there was never an intention to show disrespect to any religious group. It (The opening ceremony) tried to celebrate community tolerance,” Descamps claimed during a news conference.

“We believe this ambition was achieved,” she added. “If people have taken any offense, we are really sorry.”

Translation: we have no regrets over the performance, and it’s your fault for misinterpreting our intentions, silly Christians.

Meanwhile, Christians worldwide remain livid that their faith was insulted at an event that is supposed to emphasize unity. The Daily Mail notes that THOUSANDS of Olympic fans have now vowed not to watch the event.

Hashtags #boycottOlympics and #boycottParis2024 trended globally Saturday and have continued into Sunday.

This follows one of the largest telecommunications providers in the United States yanking ads following the blasphemous performance.

From the Daily Mail:

Thousands of social media users have threatened to boycott the nascent Paris Olympics after its opening ceremony was widely panned on Friday.

Enraged viewers took to X where #boycottOlympics and #boycottParis2024 were seen trending over the course of the following day.

In particular, the appearance of a ‘naked blue man’ among a scene likened to the Last Supper angered many watching, especially Christians.


Media Sinks To Disgraceful Low in Hezbollah Rocket Attack Coverage   Rachel O’Donoghue
July 28, 2024  Honest ReportingThe international media’s coverage of Hezbollah’s deadly rocket attack on July 27 represents another low in reporting on Israel since the war began.

Here’s a brief summary of the events: On Saturday afternoon, Hezbollah announced it had launched 100 rockets at an Israeli army base in the Golan Heights, near the Druze town of Majdal Shams.

Tragically, one of the rockets hit a soccer pitch where children were playing, killing 12 and injuring another 19.

As the victims’ identities emerged and it was confirmed that they were not Jewish Israelis,  Hezbollah backtracked on its initial statement and denied responsibility for the attack.

So, why did the media obscure these clear facts in reports on the attack?

Sky News, for example, described it as an “attack on a football pitch in the Israeli-occupied Golan” that killed 11 people.

While the mention of the “occupied” Golan seemed to legitimize Hezbollah’s indiscriminate attacks, more tellingly, Sky News didn’t mention that all the victims were children and even implied in the subheading that the attack was retaliatory.

Compare the headline to Sky’s coverage published on the same day of an Israeli airstrike on a Hamas command and control center inside the Gaza Strip:

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Iran-Proxy Hezb’Allah Fires Rocket at Children Playground on Shabbat, 14 DEAD ALL CHILDREN, 35 Injured   [VIDEOS]   By Pamela Geller

July 27, 2024 – Slaughtering babies.

Biden/Harris is financing this terror.

And these savages are invited to the Olympics but Russia is banned.

Israel must obliterate them.


GRAPHIC IMAGE: Reports of at least nine children and teenagers dead and numerous others injured following a direct Hezbollah rocket strike from Lebanon on a soccer field in northern Israel.

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TERROR IN PARIS: Iran Behind Massive Sabotage of French Rail Network   By Pamela Geller

July 27, 2024 – Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said on Friday that the sabotage of France’s high-speed rail network ahead of the 2024 Paris Olympics was directed by “Iran’s axis of evil and radical Islam.”Israeli intelligence is the best in the world. And they have the enormous burden of protecting their athletes in what is an increasing an Islamic-ruled country.

But Russia is banned from the Paris Olympics, not Iran.

Terror in France: Major ‘Coordinated’ Arson Attacks Paralyze French High-Speed Rail Network as Olympics Begin, “This is a Sad Day”   By: Shiryn Ghermezian

Israel Says Iran Behind Sabotage of French Rail Network, Warns of Iranian Terror Plot Against Israelis at Paris Olympics

July 27, 2024  Algemeiner – Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said on Friday that the sabotage of France’s high-speed rail network ahead of the 2024 Paris Olympics was directed by “Iran’s axis of evil and radical Islam.”

The charge came one day after Katz warned his French counterpart of an Iranian-backed terrorist plot to attack Israelis at the Olympics.

France’s rail infrastructure was hit on Friday with widespread acts of vandalism including arson attacks, paralyzing travel to Paris from the rest of France and Europe just hours before the opening ceremony of the Olympics. French authorities described the acts as “criminal” and “malicious.”

Katz took to X/Twitter to claim that Iran was behind the apparently coordinated attacks and called on the world to stand up to the Islamist regime, which Western intelligence agencies have for years labeled as the world’s foremost state sponsor of terrorism.

“The sabotage of railway infrastructure across France ahead of the [2024 Paris] Olympics was planned and executed under the influence of Iran’s axis of evil and radical Islam,” Katz wrote. “As I warned my French counterpart [Stéphane Séjourné] this week, based on information held by Israel, Iranians are planning terrorist attacks against the Israeli delegation and all Olympic participants. Increased preventive measures must be taken to thwart their plot. The free world must stop Iran now — before it’s too late.”

Katz was referring to a letter he sent on Thursday to Séjourné raising alarm bells about what he described as a plan by Iran to attack Israel’s Olympic delegation.

“We currently have assessments regarding the potential threat posed by Iranian terrorist proxies and other terrorist organizations who aim to carry out attacks against members of the Israeli delegation and Israeli tourists during the Olympics,” Katz wrote in the letter, a copy of which was obtained by The Algemeiner. “This concern underscores the important of our shared commitment to ensuring the safety and security of all participants.”

France’s Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin and National Police both announced previously that they are taking increased security measures to ensure the safety of Israel’s Olympic delegation while they are in Paris. These measures include providing them with round the clock security from French police. The Israeli delegation will also receive additional security details from Israel’s Shin Bet security agency during the Olympics, which begin Friday night with the opening ceremony.

In his letter, Katz expressed “deep gratitude” to the French government for the “unprecedented security measures” it is taking to protect the Israeli Olympic delegation and Israeli tourists visiting Paris for the Games. He also thanked Séjourné and French President Emmanuel Macron for their “unequivocal condemnation of the incitement against Israeli athletes recently voiced in Paris.”

Macron said during an interview with a French radio station on Tuesday that Israeli athletes are “welcome” in France for the Paris Olympics, and that “it is France’s responsibility to guarantee their security.” He also rejected calls to ban Israel from the Olympics. “I condemn in the strongest possible way all those who create risks for these athletes and implicitly threaten them,” he added.

Séjourné made similar remarks on Monday.

Meanwhile, Iran’s Foreign Ministry this week condemned Israel’s participation in the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris and demanded that Israeli athletes be banned from them because of the Jewish state’s ongoing war against Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip.

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Sick 2024 Paris Olympics: Woke Orgy of Depravity BUT Israeli Athletes Can’t Wear Bring Them Home Pins  [VIDEOS]  By Pamela Geller

July 27, 2024 – The Olympics opening ceremony was, by any account, revolting. Awful. Severed heads, bi-sexual threesomes, vile depictions of the Last Supper, on and on and on….. Save for Celine Dion, it was a descent into hell. One had to shower afterward.

A minor point but the actual level of talent in the dancers and the music (if you can call it that) was so bad, it was comical.

If the Paris Olympics is any indication, the West has fallen.


Demonic Wokeness

Olympics Opens with Drag Queen Parody of the Last Supper…

And Bisexual Threesome

‘Non-Binary’ Athletes Take Paris

But, the Israeli athletes cannot wear their little Bring Them Home Pins for their countrymen and women held hostage for nearly 300 days by anti-human savages.

Further making the Olympics opening ceremonies the “gayest ever,” Parisian Olympics officials also featured an LGBTQ parody of the “Last Supper” along with a woke fashion show featuring gender-bending fashions and transgender models.

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Olympic Athletes Hit With Shortages, Horrible Woke Food as Green Movement Spreads

[Ed.:  See!  Those Israeli athletes would have been better off staying home and eating humus!]


England RISES: Tommy Robinson’s ‘Unite the Kingdom’ Rally Draws MASSIVE Global Crowd to London in Call for Political Reform  [VIDEOS]   by Miriam Judith.

Jul. 27, 2024 6:20 pm – On Saturday, London saw a massive rally organized by Tommy Robinson, the prominent and controversial activist known for his outspoken critiques of the British political establishment.

The event, titled “Unite the Kingdom,” attracted a remarkable turnout of thousands of participants from across the UK, as well as attendees who flew in from various countries around the world. The group participated in a grand march, stretching from the Royal Courts of Justice to Trafalgar Square. It was a dramatic display of public discontent aimed at addressing pervasive government corruption.

The rally commenced at the Royal Courts of Justice, a symbolic starting point reflecting the event’s focus on legal and political integrity. From there, the crowd marched through the heart of London, culminating in a mass gathering at Trafalgar Square. This route not only underscored the protest’s connection to issues of justice but also emphasized the scale and intensity of the demonstration.

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Trump Declares Outdoor Rallies WILL Continue with Increased Security  by Miriam Judith

Jul. 27, 2024 4:20 pm – In a declaration on Truth Social, former President Donald Trump has made it clear that he will not be deterred from holding outdoor rallies, despite growing security concerns.


The assertion underscores Trump’s unwavering belief in the importance of direct communication with his supporters. His outdoor rallies are not just political events but vital gatherings where he connects with his base and rallies support for his agenda.

By continuing these events, Trump demonstrates his steadfast dedication to maintaining this crucial dialogue with his base, regardless of the challenges he faces.

However, as Trump continues with his rally plans, questions arise about the effectiveness of the Secret Service’s enhanced security measures.

While Trump expresses confidence in the agency’s commitment to bolstering protection, recent events—including an attempted assassination last week—raise doubts about whether these assurances can fully address the risks. The growing scrutiny over the adequacy of security measures underscores concerns about whether increased efforts will be sufficient to safeguard all involved.

Despite numerous efforts to hinder his ability to connect with and energize his base, Trump remains undaunted.

His resilience and determination to continue holding outdoor rallies highlight his unyielding commitment to his supporters and his refusal to be stopped by any obstacles. Trump’s message is loud and clear: no amount of resistance or security concerns will prevent him from empowering his base and asserting his political presence.

[Ed.:  President Trump has made a fatal mistake. He has chosen to entrust his life to the Deep State.  They will certainly kill him soon, before the election (may God forbid). OFAC!  Obama wins…]

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.