Life in the Days of the Overlord War

Remember when America had a growing, vibrant economy? Back when, even under the shadow of a steaming volcano of multigenerational national debt, America was somehow succeeding and growing even as almost every other country in the world was struggling… how could this be?

In spite of all the resistance, the obstruction, the hoaxes, the sedition, an attempted impeachment and the unrelenting hatred of the leftists in our midst, President Trump single-handedly had taken the moribund mess left him by previous administrations, and utilizing a few deceptively simple strategies (lowering taxes, decreasing unnecessary regulations, and ending unfavorable trade deals with foreign countries, mostly), tuned up our economic engine to new heights of performance.

If the US economy had been an Indy car on the moon,
Trump was the oxygen, and the work ethic
of the American people the fuel.

Of course, the so-called “progressive” naysayers bloviated incessantly against this reality, but the numbers were indisputable. The entire liberal camp became one giant gasbag, inflated with pure emotional flatulence generated by their shared hatred of the Orange Man. Unfortunately for them, logic was nowhere to be found in their arguments… must have sucked to be a liberal back then. But conservatives had a good laugh, enjoying the circus. Ah… those were the days, weren’t they?

And then along came China’s little gift to the world, and the government of virtually every nation on Earth (even the one formerly sang of as “the land of the free and the home of the brave”) promptly responded in typical knee-jerk fashion, slamming down a tightly-fisted sledge hammer of social control, propaganda, and a level of draconian, unmitigated, unconstitutional oppression unprecedented in the history of mankind…  all of it disguised as “minimizing the effects of the virus”.

And amazingly, most of the people buy into the scam, voluntarily surrendering their individual, God-given sovereignty and freedoms; dutifully closing their businesses; fearfully locking themselves in their abodes; nervously distancing themselves from every other human being on the planet; eagerly accepting pathetic handouts from their offending institution of governance; enthusiastically snitching on neighbors who dared to appear in public without first stretching a pathetically ineffectual piece of cloth over their facial orifices, and so on and so on — all this to kowtow to the dictates of a few self-anointed “experts”, and proudly participate in some vain effort to keep a non-living nano-particle from traveling about on a sneeze… which, we discover, it’s doing anyway. And the mortality rate of this monster? Oh, about that of the common flu.

For his part, the President did what made sense (shutting down travel from China, then Europe), and cooperated with “experts” to give the states and the people what they demanded — relief. He populated the Corona Task Force with prominent (and vociferous) doctors and strategists… I think as much to expose as to indulge them. And now, when it’s clear that the initial lockdown had done all it could do, Trump is itching to get the country back to work.

And the response from the left, and others gripped by fear and hysteria?

“No no… can’t have that! My uncle might catch the bug and die. Hell, *I* might catch the bug and die! And our little lives are clearly more important than getting the vital lifeblood of the entire nation flowing again… down with capitalism!

“No no, all the chickens should stay in their coups until our savior, Bill Gates, has designed (and brings to market) the perfect vaccination for everyone. And when we say everyone, we mean EVERYONE ON THE PLANET, no exceptions, no dissent allowed, verified by a nifty little chip in your hand, without which you cannot work, buy, sell, travel, or pretty much do anything except await death, alone in your coup, a stupid rooster or hen with the axe of fate hanging over your head.

“THEN we’ll be happy… THEN we’ll be free again. Not before, dammit! So shut the hell up about all this Constitution stuff.”

I’ve recently retired from the music biz. But I’d still like to make a living. If you enjoy my writing and would like to support my efforts to bring more content to StringDancer, kindly toss a few bucks my way by clicking here:
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