Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION | 8/18/24


Making a Deal in Doha: US Hopes to Seal Ceasefire  [47:01]   Josh Hasten and Alex Traiman

August 18, 2024  JNS TV – The world’s attention is on Qatar this week, where Israel and Hamas are discussing a deal to pause hostilities, even as the fight against the Palestinian terrorist organization rages on in the Gaza Strip.

U.S. President Joe Biden continues to pressure the Jewish state into a deal in the hope of quelling tensions with the left wing of his base ahead of next week’s Democratic National Convention.

The Iranian regime also seems to be postponing its anticipated response to the killing of arch-terrorist Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, hoping for a ceasefire to allow them to back down.

In this week’s “JLMinute,” JNS CEO and Jerusalem bureau chief Alex Traiman and Middle East correspondent Josh Hasten discuss every angle of the ongoing hostage release talks, and more.


0:00 Negotiations in Doha

5:00 Ready for Iran

9:00 Fighting continues

25:00 Leaving Gush Katif

30:00 Intelligence leaks

34:45 Violence in Samaria

41:30 Columbia President resigns


Ceasefire? In exchange for what?   Prof. Phyllis Chesler

It is as empty a term as the “two-state solution,” which the Palestinians have rejected time and again, and it certainly should not be one that endangers Israel’s future.  Op-ed

Aug 17, 2024, 11:04 PM (GMT+3)  (JNS) – The White House issued a joint statement on Aug. 16 from the United States, Egypt and Qatar about a hostage and ceasefire deal. Missing from those in agreement are Israel, Iran and its proxy armies, Hamas and Hezbollah.

Are these folks completely crazy? Egypt is the very country that refused to offer the slightest shelter to Gazan civilians who wished to escape—the same country that greedily profited for years from the weaponized, underground tunnels built by Iran/Hamas. Qatar? Iran’s paymaster and Taliban supporter does not bring clean hands to this statement. Who are they to have any say in this matter? America? Don’t even get me started.

A “ceasefire?” In exchange for what? What if there are only two Israeli hostages left alive; is that sufficient to justify a “ceasefire?” Israel cannot afford to free another 1,000 Palestinian Islamist terrorists in order to ransom another Gilad Shalit. Last time, senior Hamas leader and Oct. 7 mastermind Yahya Sinwar was one of those Israel released. See where that got us.

Also, the phrase “ceasefire” is a delusion; it is no guarantee that Iran/Hamas/Hezbollah will not commit massacres again and again, as they’ve sworn to do. “Ceasefire” is as empty a term as the “two-state solution,” which the Palestinians have rejected time and again.

Recently, journalist David Remnick spent 13 pages in The New Yorker on a too-positive portrait of the sadistic psychopath, Sinwar, whom even Remnick admits is hero-worshipped by the Gazans; even Remnick concedes that Hamas soldiers fight dressed as civilians and that the civilians support Hamas. Remnick portrays only the Israelis in a negative light, quoting only a handful of left-wing Israelis whose specialty is criticizing their own country.

There are no civilians in Gaza. With some very endangered and silent exceptions, they are all Hamasniks, all Jew-haters in their very bones.

OK, I get it. Israel screwed up beyond belief in not trusting the military intelligence they had before Oct. 7, maybe also by choosing a policy of “mowing the lawn” instead of launching a pre-emptive attack against Hamas and Iran long before now. But here we are. The entire world has propagated the filthiest lies against Israel and is now condemning the small nation for daring to fight back.

Enough! If I were the Emperor of Ice Cream, I would launch a pre-emptive attack against Iran’s nuclear facilities; institute a death penalty in Israel; and execute in battle every single fighter affiliated with Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi, etc., fighter.

These suggestions are not out of bloodthirsty revenge. They are to demonstrate to our enemies that Israel is here to stay. It’s not going anywhere. Israel is strong enough and savvy enough to play by the rules of the Arab street—and not only by the “higher” ethical standards of defenseless, Diaspora Jews.

Israel must be victorious in order for the 2020 Abraham Accords between Israel and the Sunni Arab states to succeed. And succeed they must.


War of Words: Part VII: Fighting the War of Words Against the Jewish People Today   By Alex Grobman PhD.

14 Av 5784 – August 18, 2024 – Jews were parachuted behind enemy lines in Europe, after being trained by the British. In May 1943, wrote Yehuda Bauer. Peretz Rosenberg, a radio operator, was parachuted into Montenegro with the first British mission to the headquarters of Josip Broz Tito, the leader of Yugoslavia. For several months, Rosenberg was the only link to the outside world. In October 1943, he was sent to Italy.

Two parachutists, Bauer said, were dropped into Romania on October 1, 1943. In January 1944, Rehaveam Amir, another radio operator, was dropped onto the island of Vis to work at Tito’s headquarters until April. In May, he parachuted into Slovenia to establish radio contact between the Yugoslavs and the British in Italy. He returned to Bari, Italy in August where he was given equipment and dropped back again to Slovenia. After teaching a group of Yugoslav fighters how to transmit, he went back to Italy in September 1944.

In March 1944, four Jews were dropped into Slovenia Bauer added. Two were on their way to Hungary. Hannah Senesh, a young poet, was betrayed to the Hungarian authorities, and was arrested in June once she crossed the Hungarian border. After she was tortured and given a show trial, the fascist Szalasi government executed her on November 7, 1944. In May, two additional men were sent to Slovenia en route to Hungary. The Germans murdered one; the other escaped and found refuge in Budapest.

Ten parachutists were scheduled to go to Romania Bauer noted. One group of Communist Yugoslav partisans refused to help one of them to reach her destination, forcing her to return home. Two were mistakenly dropped where they were immediately apprehended by the Romanian secret police. Two more were caught before they reached Romania. Four arrived in late July and early August 1944, but by that time the Romanian king had already changed allegiances and began fighting the Germans. They helped an entire prisoner camp of American and British pilots escape Romanian captivity.

In September 1944, five parachutists were dropped into an area liberated by the Slovak National Rising Bauer noted. When the Germans occupied the town of Banská Bystrica on October 28, the commandos organized a group of Jews and fled to the mountains to fight as partisans. Two days later, Russians collaborating with the Nazis arrested four out of the five, and executed them. The fifth joined a Soviet partisan group until the Red Army freed the territory.

For the most part, Bauer opined, the project did not succeed as planned by the British. Most of the parachutists were apprehended. Seven were killed. Many did not engage the enemy in combat until the Russian Army liberated an area, and sometimes even later. Yet a number of military operations in Austria, Romania and Yugoslavia, and to some degree in Slovakia were successful. They were also able to help Jews immigrate, particularly from Romania and Bulgaria. After the war, they helped re-establish Jewish life and Zionist activities in these countries.

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RG911 on TNT’s “Weekends” – “Explosive WTC Evidence on 9/11  [6 VIDEOS]


AUG 17, 2024

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Big Shock! Hezbollah Shot Iran In The Back! The Massive Uprising In Tehran Could Not Be Suppressed!   [9:06]

August 17, 2024 Raptor News – In this news report, you can find information about the escalation of conflicts between Israel and Iran. It includes details of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) responding to Iran rocket attacks, indicating a deepening of the conflict in the Middle East and the potential involvement of Iran-backed groups like Hezbollah. Developments in Lebanon, Syria, Iran, and Yemen are also covered. The conflicts involve the use of missiles, drones, and naval forces. Additionally, it emphasizes the close monitoring of the situation in the region by the United States, NATO, and Russia. It is noted that Putin’s administration could escalate tensions between Ukraine and Russia, and attention is drawn to military movements in critical regions on the world map. Despite efforts by air defense systems, the conflicts persist. Our news also highlights the roles of leaders such as Netanyahu, Biden, Trump, and Zelensky in crisis management.


Jonathan Pollard: Why Iran Has Not Yet Attacked Israel  [9:54]   Jonathan Pollard and Rabbi David Bar Haim

August 17, 2024  Machon Shilo


CHAPTER 32: Transhumanism, Big Lies, and the Great Reset   by Linda Goudsmit
Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is*
August 18, 2024

Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism. The tactical attack plan uses asymmetric psychological and informational warfare to destabilize Americans and drive society out of objective reality into the madness of subjective reality. America’s children are the primary target of the globalist predators.

We begin our discussion of transhumanism with its 2018 description from the World Economic Forum (WEF), “What is transhumanism and how does it affect you?“:[i]

The central premise of transhumanism is that biological evolution will eventually be overtaken by advances in genetic, wearable and implantable technologies that artificially expedite the evolutionary process…. The result is an iteration of Homo sapiens enhanced or augmented, but still fundamentally human….

Some distinguished scientists, such as Hans Moravec and Raymond Kurzweil, even advocate a posthuman condition: the end of humanity’s reliance on our congenital bodies by transforming “our frail version 1.0 human bodies into their far more durable and capable version 2.0 counterparts”.

Transhumanism is the political ideology promoted by the globalist elite in their quest for immortality. “Humanity 2.0” is the biological objective of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and stakeholder capitalism is its economic engine.

Klaus Schwab, the premier 21st-century humanitarian huckster, is selling stakeholder capitalism as the central feature of the Great Reset, WEF’s economic recovery plan in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Schwab is selling enslavement dressed up as freedom, with the infamous slogan “You will own nothing and be happy.” In reality, stakeholder capitalism is a return to the binary sociopolitical system of feudalism, where you will be an indentured serf who owns nothing because the elite own everything, including you.

The reader will remember that ownership is an ambivalent word as it relates to private property. Ideological Marxism rejects private property and promises that the people will own everything. Of course, the elite leadership deceitfully omit the essential operating principle: that the elite control the production and distribution of everything. So, the Big Lie of Marxism is public, not private, ownership; “the people” have no agency over that which they “own.” Whoever controls the production and distribution is functionally the owner.

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Israel Waits on the Edge of War    by Victor Rosenthal

August 18, 2024 – Israel has been in crisis mode for two weeks, waiting for a promised attack from Iran. At the same time, the Biden-Harris administration is trying to force Israel to accept a cease-fire agreement with Hamas. How are these things related?

The US administration is heavily invested in stopping the Gaza war and preventing Israel from obtaining full security control over Gaza both for domestic political reasons, and in order to advance its long-term goal of unifying the Palestinian territories under the control of single authority that can be a candidate for statehood.

The US has no leverage over Hamas, so the approach is to apply pressure to Israel, its client state, and to Iran, which is concerned that the US does not interfere with its progress toward nuclear weapons, which is currently at an advanced stage.

Pressure on Israel is multifaceted, including both carrots and sticks. The carrots are promises of future military aid and protection against attacks from Iran and its proxy Hezbollah. The sticks include slowdowns in delivery of promised munitions and threats to abandon Israel in the event that the war blows up into a major regional conflict. There is also the continuing political activity against PM Netanyahu, including various forms of support for his domestic opponents.

To Iran, the administration promises further sanctions relief and protection against a possible Israeli attack on her nuclear facilities.

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The long-term consequences of U.S. intel leaks   Caroline Glick

August 16, 2024 – On Wednesday, Fox News and The Jerusalem Post ran stories based on a report from Kuwait’s Al-Jarida newspaper claiming that the U.S. had revealed to Iranian authorities the identities of 10 Mossad agents in Iran who allegedly were involved in the July 31 assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh.

Al-Jarida claimed its report was based on information provided by a member of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council. The alleged source told the Kuwaiti paper that U.S. officials had visited Iran secretly after the assassination with the goal of appeasing the regime. They told their Iranian counterparts that Israel had not informed them of its plans to kill Haniyeh and proceeded to provide them with the Mossad agents’ identities.

On Thursday, Fox News deleted the story and the Post updated its report. The updated article led with the news that the U.S. National Security Council denied the Kuwaiti story.

On Wednesday night, I shared the Post report on my X account. My post received well over one million views. Following the Post’s publication of its revision and Fox’s deletion of its initial report, I deleted my post and shared the Post’s revised story.

Given the severity of the charge, why were Fox News and the Post so quick to report the Al-Jarida story? Why was my initial inclination to lend credence the report? The answer, in short, is that the Biden-Harris administration, like the Obama-Biden administration before it, has a track record of leaking Israeli operations in Iran.

Consider just a few well-known and widely reported examples.

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.