Daily Shmutz | ISRAEL (IINO) | 8/22/24



SCREAMS BEFORE SILENCE   [Full Video  57:00] A documentary film on the sexual violence committed by Hamas on October 7th, Screams Before Silence is a documentary film led by American businesswoman Sheryl Sandberg, that explores the sexual violence by Hamas during the Hamas-led attack on Israel, on 7 October 2023, including events at the massacre at the Nova Festival and abductions to the Gaza Strip.


BREAKING: IDF Airstrikes DEMOLISH Hezbollah Bunkers; Hostage Remains RETRIEVED In Gaza  [15:34]   Yair Pinto

August 20, 2024 TBN – TBN Israel’s Yair Pinto reports on the Israel-Hamas War. Pinto reports that the IDF has destroyed several of Hezbollah’s weapons and ammunition bunkers and warehouses throughout Lebanon as it continues its campaign to erode the terrorist organization’s operation structure. In Khan Yunis, the IDF has also retrieved the remains of six Israeli hostages who died in Hamas captivity while ceasefire talks proceed in Qatar.


BREAKING Hezbollah’s Kamikaze Drone Rain Has Begun! Israeli Commandos Finally Get in There!  [8:23]

August 22, 2024


Sderot Deputy Mayor: ‘If you don’t know how to win, hand in the keys and let someone else’   Shimon Cohen

Sderot Deputy Mayor Elad Kalimi criticized the military echelon and claimed that they did not wish to win the war.

Aug 21, 2024, 6:01 PM (GMT+3)  INN – Sderot Deputy Mayor Elad Kalimi voiced harsh criticism of Defense Minister Yoav Gallant’s decision to move the military’s main concentration to the northern front while the war in the south is still ongoing. Kalimi claims that the decision exhibits a lack of will to win the war in Gaza.

“I’m not a military tactics expert, but I feel and many others in Sderot feel that Gallant gave up on victory, and maybe from the start didn’t 100% want to win,” Kalimi says in an interview with Arutz Sheva-Israel Nationa News. He adds: “When you want to win, you hit the enemy again and again and increase intensity.”

Kalimi claims that the decision to allow Gazans to move to the northern Gaza Strip endangers the residents of Sderot and the Gaza envelope. “The return of Gazans to the north will have a clear price on security in Sderot and the Gaza envelope. It is clear and you do not need to be a big strategist,” he emphasized.

He says that the military echelon makes considerations that are not military considerations. “In any normal country, the military echelon is supposed to push through a will to fight and operate militarily,” states Kalimi and adds: “Here roles are switched, the military makes economic and diplomatic considerations, while the political echelon asks the military to listen to military strategies.”

Kalimi even attacked the military leadership for not concentrating on total victory. “If you concentrate on victory, you can do it just from the air, with commandos or any other way, as long as you’re concentrating on this direction,” he says.

The Deputy Mayor finishes by proposing to change the military leadership if can not succeed at winning. “Those who for 30 years have been deeply rooted in the notion that there’s no such thing as victory, only attrition and inter-war campaigns, it could be that they are convinced that there is no such thing as victory and therefore they don’t want to win. I am allowed to suspect when I see that after ten months they haven’t won. If you don’t know how to win, give back the keys and they’ll bring others who do know how.”

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[Ed.:  I second the motion! Complete and total military reform. You don’t go to war and get distracted by concern for innocent civilians (in this case there are none,) or concern for hostages. Your only concern is decimating the enemy so they could never fight again.  If you don’t believe it, read the book: The Art Of War by Sun Tzu – 130 pages]


Gen. Shlomi Binder appointed head of Military Intelligence

Operations Division head Brigadier General Shlomi Binder named as replacement for Major General Aharon Haliva, who announced his resignation from the Military Intelligence Directorate following October 7.

May 2, 2024, 10:54 PM (GMT+3)  Israel National News – The IDF announced this evening (Thursday) that Operations Division head Brigadier General Shlomi Binder will be appointed as the next head of the Military Intelligence Directorate and will be promoted to the rank of Major General.

Binder will replace Major General Aharon Haliva, who announced his resignation last month following the intelligence failures that led to the surprise attack by Hamas on October 7.

The IDF announcement states, “After a lengthy process, the Minister of Defense, Mr. Yoav Gallant, and the Chief of the General Staff, Lieutenant General Herzi Halevi, have decided to promote commanders who excelled in combat on the ground and at headquarters during the “Swords of Iron” War to positions in the General Staff Forum. The Minister of Defense has approved the Chief of the General Staff’s recommendations for the following appointments:”

“Brigadier General Shlomi Binder will be appointed as the Head of the Intelligence Directorate (J2). He will be promoted to the rank of Major General.”

On Tuesday, the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit denied a report by journalist Amit Segal that Binder had stated that Binder had called Jewish nationalist crime the “number one problem” in Judea and Samaria.  [Emphasis added]

“The statements attributed to Brigadier General Shlomi Binder were never uttered by him, they are devoid of any basis and do not reflect his positions,” the spokesperson stated.

Rabbi Ohad Teharlev, the head of Midreshet Lindenbaum, told Arutz Sheva-Israel National News that he knows and has “many good things to say about” Gen. Binder and that there is “no one better suited for the position.”



Outgoing Intelligence Chief: ‘Responsiblity for failure is mine, I beg your forgiveness’

Maj. Gen. Aharon Haliva, the outgoing head of the Military Intelligence Directorate. accepts responsibility for intelligence failures ahead of October 7 in tearful farewell address.

Aug 21, 2024, 9:58 PM (GMT+3)  Israel National News – Maj. Gen. Aharon Haliva, the outgoing head of the Military Intelligence Directorate, accepted responsibility for the intelligence failures of October 7 in his farewell address Wednesday evening.

“We did not live up to our sacred oath,” Haliva said in his tearful address. “I did everything to be a loyal soldier of the IDF and the State of Israel. I was given the greatest privilege to serve the State of Israel and its citizens. On that Shabbat, we did not fulfill the most important mission which we are tasked with, providing a warning of war.”

“The ultimate responsibility for the failure of the Intelligence Directorate rests on my shoulders,” he said, noting that he decided to step down in light of the failures of October 7. “The responsibility and setting a personal example is a core value of the IDF, and in leadership in general. Taking responsibility is not words, it must be actions. My decision to end my role and resign from the IDF is the norm in which I was educated.”

“I want to take advantage of this opportunity, and while saying goodbye to the IDF to ask for your forgiveness. In my name and in the name of the entire Military Intelligence Directorate, I ask for your forgiveness,” Haliva said.

After Haliva concluded, his successor as the head of the Military Intelligence Directorate, Maj. Gen. Shlomi Binder, spoke.

“I am asking for your trust and your commitment. The same commitment and determination that you have shown since the outbreak of the war, and which have resulted in many achievements. We are in the midst of a just war, a hard and long war, that may expand further, and we will continue our efforts to achieve all of its goals. We must dedicate our efforts to returning 109 hostages in the Gaza Strip. It is a national mission, an ethical mission of utmost importance, and an urgent one,” Binder said.

“We must continue to increase our readiness for the campaign expanding in the north, and build a good intelligence picture for defense and attack, and for more distant arenas, as this directorate has proved recently,” he said.

Related articles:

[Ed.:  Although Haliva is not exaggerating, and he is responsible of the massacre, he is not the only one. Unfortunately the modern state of IINO will not prosecute him (read: he will get away with it for now,) and he will have to wait until he gets to the big court upstairs. His final sentencing will be eternal.]


Pogrom at Kibbutz Be’eri: Jews Under Fire   by Nils A. Haug
August 21, 2024 at 6:00 am

Kibbutz Be’eri is one of 22 Israeli towns and villages that were attacked on October 7, 2023. At the kibbutzim and surrounding areas, a total of around 1,200 people were murdered (including 36 children), thousands more wounded, and more than 250 other abducted (including 30 children) — Jews and non-Jews, Israelis and foreigners, males and females, young and old, civilians and soldiers. It was purposed slaughter, a repeat of the massacres in the shtetls of Europe. Pictured: Covered bodies in front of a destroyed house in Kibbutz Be’eri, photographed on October 11, 2023. (Photo by Menahem Kahana/AFP via Getty Images)

“As word came that murderous hordes were approaching, the Jews attempted to flee. Those who could not, barricaded themselves indoors and prayed for a miracle.”

This moving narrative describes not the shocking events of October 7, 2023, at Kibbutz Be’eri and other communities in Israel, but the massacre of eastern European Jews nearly 400 years earlier by Cossacks during the 1648 Khmelnitsky pogroms, in what is now Ukraine.

Although Jewish settlements in the greater Kievan Rus region, Ukraine and Crimea included, can be traced to the 8th -10th centuries, a record of pogroms took some time to emerge. Not limited to the Rus region, pogroms were widespread in middle ages Europe as a whole. In the Rhineland area, the First Crusade of 1096 led to mass slaughter of Jews who had settled there, and the same later in Palestine when the Crusaders arrived. In England, the York pogrom of 1190 resulted in the expulsion of Jews from the land for nearly 400 years.

The long and woeful history of eastern European pogroms: the massacre of innocent, peace-loving Jews in their small villages, their shtetls, commenced about a thousand years ago and continues today. Out of these pogroms came the words of Rabbeinu Gershom, who in the 10th century wrote in his work, Zechor Brit Avraham (Recall the Covenant of Abraham):

“Wounds, bruises, and fresh blows
are inflicted on the daughter of Israel
She is pained and embittered in a foreign land
hunted like a bird from Mt. Moriah.”

The year 1391 witnessed the infamous Spanish pogrom in which Sephardic Jewish communities were destroyed, and those who refused to convert to Catholicism were murdered. By 1492, the date of final expulsion, there were few, if any, openly practising Jews left in Spain.

Nearly 400 years later, in 1881, a continuous four-year pogrom occurred in southern Russia, when thousands of shtetls with their Jewish occupants were eliminated. With numerous pogroms in between, some 40 years thereafter, between the years of 1918 and 1920, major pogroms were instigated throughout Ukraine, in which more than 250,000 Jews were murdered. The mass migration of Ashkenazi Jews from Ukraine and Russia to America can be traced to those events.

Only one day after Israel’s declaration of Independence in 1948, “murderous hordes,” like the Cossacks of before, once again sought to purge Jews in the region through an existential attack by five Arab armies. This time was different, however: the Jews had weapons and successfully fought back against the intended massacre.

In 2021 at the city of Lod, Israel, an intended pogrom of “violence and terror” by contemporary “murderous hordes” was attempted, but fortunately with limited success. In a repeat of history, and despite relocation to their ancestral homeland of Israel, Jews were forced once again to “barricade themselves in their homes in fear of the rampaging mobs while others chose to flee the city until calm was restored.” Still, this was not yet the Be’eri pogrom of 2023.

Just as the Jewish community in the European diaspora was typified by the shtetl, so the early Jewish community in Israel was characterised by a kibbutz, again a little village, established by displaced Jews from Europe in the enduring concept of communal shtetls. Shtetls were located in foreign lands, among alien cultures but not seeking assimilation, and near people invariably hostile to Jews. In his earnest way, the Russian Zionist, Ze’ev Jabotinsky (1880-1940), described this situation: the Jew, he said, “is accustomed to living by a culture while another is inaccessible to him, and he has nowhere to go.”

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DIVINE REVENGE! Iran’s Betrayal Ended Sinwar! IDF’s Raid On Hamaz Leaders’ Bunker Begins!   [9:07]

Aug 20, 2024  Raptor News – In this news report, you can find information about the escalation of conflicts between Israel and Iran. It includes details of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) responding to Iran rocket attacks, indicating a deepening of the conflict in the Middle East and the potential involvement of Iran-backed groups like Hezbollah. Developments in Lebanon, Syria, Iran, and Yemen are also covered. The conflicts involve the use of missiles, drones, and naval forces. Additionally, it emphasizes the close monitoring of the situation in the region by the United States, NATO, and Russia. It is noted that Putin’s administration could escalate tensions between Ukraine and Russia, and attention is drawn to military movements in critical regions on the world map. Despite efforts by air defense systems, the conflicts persist. Our news also highlights the roles of leaders such as Netanyahu, Biden, Trump, and Zelensky in crisis management.


State Attorney considering investigating second singer for post-massacre remarks

After recommending a criminal investigation into Eyal Golan, State Attorney Amit Aisman is considering opening an investigation into popular Israeli singer Kobi Peretz for remarks he made after the Hamas massacre.

Aug 19, 2024, 1:47 PM (GMT+3)  Israel National News – State Attorney Amit Aisman is considering opening an investigation into popular Israeli singer Kobi Peretz for inciting violence against Gaza residents in light of remarks he made following the October 7th massacre, Kan Reshet Bet reported on Monday.

On Sunday, Aisman recommended to the Attorney General to open a criminal investigation against famous Israeli singer Eyal Golan, who, shortly after the massacre, called to “Wipe out Gaza” and “Not leave a single person there.”

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir commented on the report: “Aisman’s lunacy continues. Instead of concentrating efforts on Israel’s war efforts, Aisman invests his efforts in Sinwar’s war efforts. I call on the Justice Minister and Prime Minister to bring the decision to immediately dismiss him to the next cabinet meeting.”

Former Deputy State Attorney for Special Assignments, attorney Nurit Litman, criticized the recommendation to investigate Golan. “Common sense shouldn’t excite you. I wouldn’t have opened a criminal investigation, and in my opinion, it’s not even a grey area,” Litman said on Monday in an interview.

“I’m not sure that the problem is a matter of two-tiered policing. The fact is that they looked into other names and they chose not to open an investigation, so maybe this isn’t two-tiered policing, just discretion,” she added.

Golan’s remarks were quoted in the suit that South Africa submitted against Israel in the International Court of Justice, along with quotes by others such as Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir. The decision on whether to open an investigation against Golan is pending the decision of State Attorney, Gali Baharav-Miara. “Liam Productions” and Eyal Golan responded: “Am Yisrael Chai.”

[Ed.:  You have to be careful of what you say in the modern land of IINO!  If they don’t like you or what you say, they will torture you and even have you die of natural causes! IINO is the only fascist nation in the Middle East calling itself a ‘Democracy’.]


Police demolish Israeli homestead in Binyamin region

Border Police officers, accompanied by Civil Administration inspectors, raided the Sde Yonatan and Or Meir homesteads in Binyamin, and destroyed all the buildings there, including a family’s home.

Aug 20, 2024, 11:23 AM (GMT+3)  Israel National News – A full 300 Border Police officers, accompanied by Civil Administration inspectors and heavy machinery, raided the Sde Yonatan and Or Meir homesteads in Binyamin early Tuesday morning, around 4:00 AM, and destroyed all the buildings there, including residential houses.

Among those demolished was the home of the Rom family, who married a month ago and are leading the development of the site along with a group of young men, in the hopes of absorbing new families.

In addition to the residential houses, the forces also destroyed sheep pens on both homesteads, and confiscated large quantities of equipment, including a solar panel array that provided electricity to the residents.

The homestead was established about a year and a half ago, east of the town of Michmas, and currently uses 2,500,000 square meters for agriculture and grazing. The homestead is part of a series of Israeli farms stretching from Kochav Ya’akov in Binyamin to Hamra in the Jordan Valley.

Or Meir is located on a ridge between Ofra and Givat Asaf, and boasts two flocks of sheep and 2,000,000 square meters of agricultural land.

“What happened here this morning is madness on every scale,” residents declared. “Arab terror strikes every day everywhere in the country, a terror attack occurs in Tel Aviv, and Jews are slaughtered in Samaria – but instead of ensuring the return of long-lost security, the defense system, under Minister Gallant’s orders, sent its best officers this morning to demolish settlements.”

“A security and political leadership that, in the midst of a war, cannot distinguish between a friend and an enemy cannot stay in their position for even a minute if we wish to stay alive. And to those who sent the destruction forces this morning, we are here to clarify: No matter how many harassments and prosecutions we go through, the homestead will remain steadfast and stronger than ever, and the battle against the Palestinian Authority’s takeover of the area for the establishment of a Palestinian state will not stop for a moment.’’

Related articles [that are totally unrelated]:

[Ed.:  You don’t want to be the wrong kind of Jew in the modern state of IINO! They’ll get you and your family at 4:00 a.m. with impunity!!]


In military operation: IDF, ISA, retrieve bodies of six hostages from Gaza

On Monday night, the IDF retrieved the bodies of Nadav Popplewell, Yagev Buchstab, Yoram Metzger, Haim Perry, Alex Dancyg, and Avraham Munder from Gaza.

Aug 20, 2024, 8:23 AM (GMT+3)  Israel National News  The bodies of Nadav Popplewell, Yagev Buchstab, Yoram Metzger, Haim Perry, Alex Dancyg, and Avraham Munder were retrieved Monday night from Gaza in an IDF operation.

All six were kidnapped to Gaza by terrorists during the October 7 massacre, and were murdered in captivity.

Popplewell, Metzger, and Perry were announced murdered in June, and Dancyg and Buchstab were reported murdered last month.

In a joint announcement, the IDF and ISA said, “On Monday night, in a joint IDF and ISA operation, the bodies of the hostages Yagev Buchshtab, Alexander Dancyg, Avraham Munder, Yoram Metzger, Nadav Popplewell, and Haim Perry were rescued from the Khan Yunis area in the Gaza Strip.”

“The rescue operation was conducted under the command of the 98th Division and carried out by the Paratroopers Brigade, ‘Yahalom’ Unit, and the 75th Battalion, along with ISA forces.

“The operation was enabled by precise intelligence from the ISA, IDF intelligence units, and the IDF Intelligence Directorate Hostage Headquarters.

“Following an identification procedure carried out by the National Institute of Forensic Medicine and the Israel Police, the IDF Manpower Directorate’s Hostage team, which is responsible for accompanying the families of the hostages, notified their families and communities today. The IDF and ISA send their heartfelt condolences to the families.

“The IDF and ISA are continuing to deploy all operational and intelligence means in order to fulfill the supreme national mission of bringing back all the hostages.”

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IDF attacks Hezbollah ammunition depots deep in Lebanon and eliminates a central terrorist in the organization’s rocket and missile unit.

Aug 19, 2024, 11:31 PM (GMT+3)  INN – IAF fighter jets on Monday evening struck a number of Hezbollah weapons storage facilities in the area of Beqaa in Lebanon.

Following the strikes, secondary explosions were identified, indicating the presence of large amounts of weapons in the facilities struck.

In addition, an IAF aircraft eliminated the terrorist Hussein Ali Hussein in the area of Deir Qanoun in southern Lebanon. Hussein was a significant terrorist in Hezbollah’s Rocket and Missile Unit in the area of Yarine.

Earlier on Monday, IDF forces identified a terrorist cell operating from a Hezbollah military structure in the area of Tayibe in southern Lebanon. IAF fighter jets struck the structure in which the terrorists were operating.

The attack follows the death of Chief Warrant Officer Mahmood Amaria, 43, from Ibtin, who was killed by a UAV strike in northern Israel earlier in the day. Several others were wounded in the same incident.

At the same time, about ten rockets were fired toward the Upper Galilee region. No casualties or damage were reported. Overnight, Air Force fighter jets attacked Hezbollah military structures in the areas of Ayta al-Shaab, Beit Lif, and Houla in southern Lebanon.

Earlier, Hezbollah claimed that IDF forces tried to penetrate southern Lebanon in the Ayta al-Shaab area and retreated following rocket and mortar fire from the organization.

Related articles:


FINALLY! Expected Big Hostage News Has Arrived! IDF Entered Hamas Stronghold for Rescue Operation!  [9:14]

Aug 19, 2024 Raptor News – In this news report, you can find information about the escalation of conflicts between Israel and Iran. It includes details of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) responding to Iran rocket attacks, indicating a deepening of the conflict in the Middle East and the potential involvement of Iran-backed groups like Hezbollah. Developments in Lebanon, Syria, Iran, and Yemen are also covered. The conflicts involve the use of missiles, drones, and naval forces. Additionally, it emphasizes the close monitoring of the situation in the region by the United States, NATO, and Russia. It is noted that Putin’s administration could escalate tensions between Ukraine and Russia, and attention is drawn to military movements in critical regions on the world map. Despite efforts by air defense systems, the conflicts persist. Our news also highlights the roles of leaders such as Netanyahu, Biden, Trump, and Zelensky in crisis management.


Report: Israel deducted nearly 7 million NIS from PA tax revenues

The PA says Israel continues to deduct from tax revenues intended for its treasury as punishment for its support of terrorists’ families.

Aug 18, 2024, 10:15 PM (GMT+3)  Israel National NewsThe Palestinian Authority is accusing Israel of continuing its economic war against it in the form of deductions of tax revenues intended for the PA treasury.

The deduction of tax revenues, which the PA calls an “illegal act,” is conducted amid the PA’s continued financial support of terrorists’ families.

PA official news outlet Wafa reported that the PA works in the international arena to pressure Israel to transfer the revenues that were deducted so it could meet its financial obligations.

According to the PA’s finance ministry, from October 7th until July, Israel deducted 2.55 billion shekels as punishment for the PA’s refusal to stop funding the Gaza Strip.

The total allowances given to the families of killed and imprisoned terrorists add up to a monthly average of 53.5 million shekels, and this amount is regularly deducted by Israel.

Wafa claims that in addition to withholding the equivalent of the allotments for the Gaza Strip and the terrorists’ families, which adds up to 6.03 billion shekels, Israel still refuses to transfer the PA’s revenues from the tax collected upon exiting the crossings at the Jordanian border which were collected over the year and add up to more than 900 million shekels, with the total deductions adding up to 6.93 billion shekels.


State Attorney: Investigate famous singer who said, ‘Erase Gaza’

Amit Isman demands investigating famous Israeli singer who called to ‘Erase Gaza,’ a few days after the 10/7 attack, in which Gaza residents participated.

Aug 18, 2024, 10:52 PM (GMT+3)  Israel National News – State Attorney Amit Isman recommended to the Attorney General to open a criminal investigation against famous Israeli singer Eyal Golan, on suspicion of inciting violence against the residents of Gaza, as reported by Kan News

A few days after the Hamas massacre on October 7th, Golan called to “Wipe out Gaza” and “Not leave a single person there.”

The decision whether to open an investigation against Golan is pending the decision of State Attorney, Gali Baharav-Miara. “Liam Productions” and Eyal Golan responded: “Am Yisrael Chai.”

At the beginning of July, the State Attorney recommended opening an investigation against Minister of Internal Security, Itamar Ben Gvir for the same suspicion of incitement. This recommendation is also awaiting the decision of State Attorney, Baharav-Miara.

Isman then claimed that the Minister’s words at the beginning of the war implied that he thought all residents of Gaza were terrorists and, in any case, it is clear that all residents of Gaza should be killed.

The Ministry of Justice severely criticized these two recommendations by Isman, to open investigations against Golan and Ben Gvir.

Channel 12 News commentator, Amit Segal responded “Isn’t this a joke? State Attorney Amit Isman is initiating a criminal investigation against singer Eyal Golan, who said to wipe out Gaza. For some reason he forgot about Yaron London who said the same things, but in an Ashkenazi accent.”

MK Moshe Saada wrote: “After investigating the IDF soldiers, the next enemy to be dealt with has been found: a singer who expressed the rage felt by many Israeli citizens immediately after the terrible massacre of 10/7. On the other hand, the Nukhba terrorists, who slaughtered Israelis or their enemies in their own homes, who incite on social media to carry out attacks and dream of being martyrs – those the State Attorney is less likely to investigate or prosecute. This is what happens when we have the combination of a failed Attorney General with a can of worms, who have been appointed to this important position for political reasons only.”

[Ed.:  Eyal Golan is 100% correctBe sure to read the comments!]


It’s Finally Starting! Tens of Thousands Israeli Soldiers Running to Border! Hezbollah Launched.  [9:24]

August 18, 2024  Baron Global – In this news report, you can find information about the escalation of conflicts between Israel and Iran. It includes details of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) responding to Iran rocket attacks, indicating a deepening of the conflict in the Middle East and the potential involvement of Iran-backed groups like Hezbollah. Developments in Lebanon, Syria, Iran, and Yemen are also covered. The conflicts involve the use of missiles, drones, and naval forces. Additionally, it emphasizes the close monitoring of the situation in the region by the United States, NATO, and Russia. It is noted that Putin’s administration could escalate tensions between Ukraine and Russia, and attention is drawn to military movements in critical regions on the world map. Despite efforts by air defense systems, the conflicts persist. Our news also highlights the roles of leaders such as Netanyahu, Biden, Trump, and Zelensky in crisis management.


Hamas fighting PA in Jenin   

August 17, 2024 @ 10:23 p.m. ET  𝗜𝗦𝗥𝗔𝗘𝗟 𝗟𝗜𝗩𝗘 𝗡𝗘𝗪𝗦

Jenin: Following the Israeli bombing of a vehicle earlier this evening, PA police seized remains, weapons, and other evidence from the vehicle that was attacked. Hamas supporters in the city have accused the PA of helping Israel locate the vehicle and have launched an attack on the PA police in Jenin, including a protracted gun battle between officers barricaded in the station and Hamas supporters on the surrounding streets.

[Ed.:  Isn’t that special! The musloids are so into dying that they’re killing each other! May both sides have great success! An evil religion they are. The world needs their ‘religion’ like we ‘need another hole in our heads.’]


IDF strike kills top Hezbollah commander in Lebanon: report   By Charlotte Hazard

In addition, Israel launched airstrikes into southern Lebanon killing 10, and Hezbollah launched 55 rockets into Israel in response.

August 17, 2024 5:28pm – A commander in Hezbollah’s al-Hajj Radwan Force was killed on Saturday in Lebanon, the group confirmed.

The Israeli Defense Forces released footage that showed the drone strike that reportedly killed Hussein Ibrahim Kassab, according to the New York Post.

The Times of Israel reports that Kassab was killed while riding his motorcycle through Tyre, a city in southern Lebanon.

The IDF says that the death of Kassab is the 412th killing of a Hezbollah operative since Oct. 7 when Hamas attacked Israel from Gaza, killing about 1,200 people and taking 251 hostage, which started this current, ongoing war.

Additionally, Israel launched airstrikes overnight killing 10 people near the city of Nabatieth in south Lebanon, and wiping out a Hezbollah weapons depot. In response, Hezbollah launched 55 rockets at northern Israel on Saturday, according to the New York Post.

Israel said that some of the rockets resulted in fires while others went into open areas.

On a separate track, mediators have continued trying to reach a ceasefire deal, which as of Friday has still not succeeded.

[Ed.:  He died painlessly. He was dead before he knew he was dead! The IDF reports that Hussein Ibrahim Kassab, a commander in Hezbollah’s elite Radwan force, was killed in a drone strike while riding a motorcycle near Tyre, southern Lebanon. The IDF has released footage of the attack:


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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.