My contrarian position on the ‘rona

My contrarian position on corona hysteria is based on five basic points:

  1. Locking down the country in a well-meant attempt to “protect” people from the virus is both misguided and futile. Given the virulence of the bug, there is simply no way to guarantee anyone will not sooner or later be exposed to it… with the possible exception of universal and permanent solitary confinement for every individual on Earth, enforced under threat of extreme state violence. That is patently unacceptable.
  2. The numbers given us by “the authorities” are completely skewed (among other factors) by the well-documented, nation-wide, mandated over-diagnosis of “death by Covid”. So I summarily dismiss all such MSM disinformation as fake news. This response isn’t me being an obtuse luddite, it’s the natural result (and for them, the consequence) of being consistently lied to by MSM, government and so-called medical experts (most of whom haven’t actually practiced medicine in decades). They exacerbate the distrust on their own, by choice.
  3. Those who clamor for perpetuating the lockdown until such time as there’s a cure (when there’s still no sure-fire cure for the common cold after centuries of study and remedial protocols) are insufferable leftist authoritarians, and are being ignored for good reason. To destroy our entire economy and send everyone into complete misery, loss of resources, eventual starvation and death because those who accept the mainstream narrative are too frightened to leave the house is unreasonable, and they should be (and are) marginalized. They protesteth too much.
  4. I personally refuse to live my life in fear. Life has always been dangerous, but in modern times much less so than ever in history. And yet, the safer we get, the more complacent, and ironically, also the more fearful. Leftist bliss-ninnies somehow think that with enough state repression, their precious collective can be completely shielded from shit happening. This is the depth of stupidity to which they have fallen. Liberals, their philosophy being based on emotionality and irrational thinking, have simply lost their grit. Conservatives and libertarians look at things more dispassionately, accepting that liberty comes at a cost:
    1. Sometimes that cost is revolution, war and death on the battlefield, which when suffered for the sake of Liberty is noble. That’s why conservatives venerate our fallen, because it was their sacrifice that secured our freedom. The left, OTOH, prefer to denigrate and condemn any and all war as wrong. Some things are worth dying for, a fact liberals would not have the freedom to lambast had others not first secured their 1A rights with their own blood.
    2. Other times, the cost of liberty is being vilified by the left. Actually, this is no great sacrifice as sacrifices go. It’s almost funny how the more vociferous and tyrannical in their condemnation the left becomes, the less real power they possess as they further alienate the growing masses of true patriots. The more “deplorable” we become in the eyes of the left, the more we relish in it, and redefine the term for ourselves.
  5. “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no virus, for though art with me.” My life comes from, returns to, and utterly belongs to my Creator. If the Good Lord wants to take me home, there are infinite ways for that to come about. Conversely, if today’s not my time, then nothing can take me out, not even a flu bug on steroids. In neither case do I tempt the Lord, but neither do I allow my fundamental faith in His protection and grace to be rocked. For my part, I pray for the bodies and souls of others, and that an abiding faith in the Lord will carry them forward in peace, as well.
Some may argue that given the contagiousness of the bug, I am obliged to sacrifice my liberty to protect everyone else. I understand the warped rationale for this, but they are wrong. If you are fearful, you are also at liberty to sequester yourself away from me to your heart’s content. I would encourage it, actually. You’re the one with the problem, you’re the one with the fear, so you must own it, and take whatever steps you deem necessary to stay the hell away from me… and away from everyone else who chooses to go forth and live their lives rather than pander to fear mongers.
One final observation for now —  the debate over whether to continue the lockdown or reopen the country seems to be demographically falling across hard partisan lines. The left wants to perpetuate the lockdown, the right wants to get back to work to begin rebuilding the economy. There seems to be little crossover. Anyone who finds themselves caught up in this archaic left-right paradigm needs to remind themselves of something that is very well-expressed in Ephesians 6-12:
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
I’ll rest my case on that one. My friends, I’d rather die standing on my principles, staff in hand, than down on my knees trying to mollify and indulge a frightened herd of sheep. Ain’t no future in it.

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