Here’s what appears to be an Antifa instruction sheet that some careless rioter accidentally dropped on the street. Instructive, indeed. And clearly puts to rest the absurd notion that these awful riots are just spontaneous outpourings of grief… except by a relative few, that is.
I think we can identify three primary contingents at these destructive events: 1) the “good” — those exercising their Constitutional right to protest the horrible murder of Mr. Floyd, whose voices are unfortunately being drowned out by 2) the “bad” — common local street thugs with low impulse control out to pillage and steal; and 3) the “ugly” — the reprehensible leftist terror organization, Antifa, hell-bent on creating a full-blown insurrection in America.
Add to this mix the indulgent response exhibited by the Democratically controlled cities and states suffering the most damage, and it’s a perfect storm of leftist desperation and last-ditch mayhem, a deranged nationwide temper tantrum performed in hopes of regaining political power and thwarting the rising conservative tide in this country.
Unfortunately for the hapless progressives, what they’re actually accomplishing is a major red-pilling of the voting public. I believe these people are in for a rude awakening.
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