Not my audience

It’s no secret that my views have been moving decidedly right of center for many years. You can blame that on my dad, who early on taught me to question everything I see and to think for myself. Once developed, that habit will make a clear-eyed conservative out of even the most ardent pot-smoking musician.

So I post things on Facebook (much of it virus-related these days) that routinely ruffle your garden variety, media-indoctrinated, neo-liberal feathers. I have spent an inordinate amount of time on the blue plague of the internet defending my positions and offering citations… which are summarily dismissed, of course. That’s okay… I summarily dismiss the claptrap they offer in our social media scuffles, too.

The deepening divide in society is being actively promoted by the legacy media, and fueled on both sides of the political spectrum (to be honest about it). However, I see it as mostly a manifestation of a decidedly leftist agenda, one intent on destroying the America we conservatives love and respect.

We can see the division being exacerbated by leftists by fomenting nebulous, nonsensical but intricately-planned “movements”, which soon enough jettison their original purported “causes” in favor of a generalized mob mentality infected with a very real hatred of the history, culture and traditions of this country. In spite of the many mistakes we have made over the centuries, the core principles established by the Founders still ring true to conservatives… we just wish we could find our way back to them.

Today’s leftists exhibit a firm determination to, as Obama put it, “fundamentally change America”. In the process of their self-described “progressivism”, the left is burning Lady Liberty to death on a stake of ideology right in front of our eyes.

Follow your ideology wherever it takes you, folks, I personally don’t care — nor actually mind all that much, truth be told, as the more your “peaceful protests” devolve into rioting, looting, vandalism, violence, destruction and death, the more your true values and motives are revealed. I believe that when a true, objective recount of this period in history is written (if ever), most of the information we have been fed by mainstream media will be deemed pure propaganda, and the actions of predominantly Democratic politicians prime examples of authoritarian hubris. I believe in the end, Patriots will prevail, and right our ship.

As an individual, I really can’t do much at all to influence the tides of history, much less turn them. But another thing I got from my father is a love of words and writing, so one thing I *can* do is push back against the conventional narrative a bit, to present another side of the story. This has proven to be a very unpopular endeavor to leftists. But I will continue, as those with whom my words might resonate need to know they are not alone in this fight, and those who refuse to even consider alternative, traditionalist viewpoints are not my audience. None of us will sway the other in core beliefs, and in any event I’m not here to get a dopamine hit from people (with whom I do not associate in real life) “liking” my posts. I’d be fresh out of dopamine in that case. I just call ’em as I see ’em.

So… to my leftist acquaintances on Facebook: I would encourage all of you who troll my posts to save us both a lot of time we can’t get back by simply unfriending or blocking my page, or short of that, simply scroll past my content. It’s a sad sign of the times that neither of us will miss the other.


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