Pinned Comment: “Amanda has done some great work exposing Germ Theory for the nonsense that it is. The French scientists Bernard and Bechamp disproved Germ Theory some time ago, they promoted Terrain Theory, which is what Amanda is describing here.
“Even Louis Pasteur, the main proponent of Germ Theory, admitted that it was wrong at the end of his life, and said Terrain Theory was correct. Louis Pasteur was a Freemason and promoted Germ Theory for most of his life even though so much evidence went against it. Germ Theory has been a huge deception.
“Essentially, we do not catch viruses, what we call viruses are created by our own body, by our own cells, to cleanse us of toxicity. Germ Theory has been incessantly promoted by the ‘elites’ and Big Pharma as it is vital to them – in making us sick, making Trillions of dollars from vaccines and creating their NWO.”
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