Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) Guide for the Perplexed, 2024   Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger, “Second Thought: a US-Israel initiative”
Based on ancient Jewish sages, October 14, 2024

More on Jewish holidays: SmashwordsAmazon

1. Sukkot is a Jewish national liberation holiday. It commemorates the Biblical Exodus, the transition of the Jewish people from bondage in Egypt to liberty in the Land of Israel, and the sustained Jewish ingathering to the Land of Israel, which inspired the US Founding Fathers and the Abolitionist Movement.

2. Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles (evening of October 16 – October 23, 2024) derives its name from the first stop of the Exodus – the town of Sukkot – as documented in Exodus 13:20-22 and Numbers 33:3-5. Sukkot was also the name of Jacob’s first stop west of the Jordan River, upon returning to the Land of Israel from his 20 years of work for Laban in Aram (Genesis 33:17).

The construction of the Holy Tabernacle, during the Exodus, was launched on the first day of Sukkot (full moon).

3. Sukkot is the 3rd 3,300-year-old Jewish pilgrimage holiday (following Passover and Shavou’ot/Pentecost). It highlights faith, reality-based-optimism, can-do mentality and the defiance of odds.  It is also the 3rd major Jewish holiday – following Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur – in the month of Tishrei, the holiest Jewish month. According to Judaism, 3 represents divine wisdom, stability and peace. In addition, the 3rd day of the Creation was blessed twice; God appeared on Mt. Sinai 3 days after Moses’ ascension of the mountain; there are 3 parts to the Bible (the Torah, Prophets and Writings); there are 3 Jewish Patriarchs; 3 is the total sum of the basic odd (1) and even (2) numbers, symbolizing strength.  According to Ecclesiastes 4:12, “a three-strand cord is not quickly broken.”

4. Sukkot underscores the gradual transition from the spiritual state-of-mind during Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur to the mundane, and from religious tenets of Judaism to the formation of the national, historic and geographical Jewish identity.

  • 5. The roots of the Hebrew word Sukkot (סוכות) are wholeness and totality (סכ), shelter (סכך) and attentiveness (סכת). The numerical value of סכך (every Hebrew letter has a numerical value) is 100 (ס=60, כ=20, ך=20), representing the totality/unity of the Jewish people, history, roots, education and legacy.

6. The 7 days of Sukkot – which is celebrated in the 7th Jewish month, Tishrei – are dedicated to 7 supreme guests-in-spirit and notable care-takers (Ushpizin in Aramaic and Hebrew): Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron and David. They were endowed with faith, reality-based-optimism, humility, magnanimity, principle-driven leadership, compassion, tenacity in the face of daunting odds and peace-through-strength.

7. Sukkot features the following four species (Leviticus 23:39-41): 1 citron (representing King David, the author of Psalms), 1 palm branch (representing Joseph), 3 myrtle branches (representing the three Patriarchs) and 2 willow branches (representing Moses and Aharon, the role models of humility). These are bound together, representing unity-through-diversity and strength-through-unity.

They embody four leadership prerequisites: a solid backbone (palm branch), humility (willow), a compassionate heart (citron) and penetrating eyes (myrtle).

These species also represent the agricultural regions of the Land of Israel: the southern Negev and Arava (palm); the slopes of the northern Golan Heights, Upper Galilee and Mt. Carmel (myrtle); the streams of the central mountains of Judea and Samaria, including Jerusalem (willow); and the western coastal plain (citron).

The palm branch, an ancient symbol of victory, was featured in coins from the Maccabean era (from the 2nd century BC through the 1st century AD) and the Bar Kokhba rebellion (132-135 AD).  According to the First Book of Maccabees, chapter 13, Simon the Maccabee celebrated the retaking of David’s Citadel in Jerusalem with drums, harps and palm branches.

8. Traditionally, Sukkot is dedicated to the study of the Biblical Scroll of Ecclesiastes (Kohelet, ,קהלת in Hebrew, which was one of King Solomon’s names), written by King Solomon, which highlights humility, morality, patience, learning from past mistakes, commemoration and historical perspective, family, friendship, long-term thinking, proper timing, realism and knowledge.

The late Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV), the longest serving US Senator, often quoted Biblical verses, in general, and Ecclesiastes, in particular. For example, on November 7, 2008, upon retirement from the chairmanship of the Senate Appropriations Committee, he stated: “’To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven.’ Those Biblical words from Ecclesiastes 3:1 express my feelings about this particular time in my life.”  On September 9, 1998, Senator Byrd made the following Senate floor remarks on the Lewinsky affair: “As the book of Ecclesiastes plainly tells us, ‘There is no new thing under the sun.’  Time seems to be turning backwards in its flight. And, many of the mistakes that President Nixon made are being made all over again.”

9. During the holiday of Sukkot, it is customary to highlight humility by experiencing a seven-day-relocation from one’s permanent dwelling to the temporary, humble, wooden booth (Sukkah in Hebrew) – which sheltered the people of Israel during the Exodus.

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67 Israelis Injured, 4 Soldiers Killed in Hizb’Allah Rocket Attack After Biden Harris Demand Israel Stop Targeting Lebanon   By Pamela Geller

October 13, 2024 – Biden-Harris told Netanyahu to stop targeting Beirut and scale down the offensive. Israel halted counter strikes for three days.

Hizb’Allah went on the attack and has now caused a horrific mass casualty incident deep inside Israel.

More of the catastrophic consequences of Biden Harris weakness and capitulation to savages.

Around 25 rockets and missiles were fired at Israeli towns and forces by Hezbollah from next to UNIFIL posts over the past month, the IDF says. One of the attacks launched from next to a UNIFIL position killed two IDF soldiers, according to IDF Arabic language spokesman Avichay Adraee.

Rockets target Haifa, interceptions seen above the city

Rockets were launched at Haifa a short time ago.

Interceptions are seen above the city.

Four soldiers killed, seven seriously hurt in Hezbollah drone strike on military base

Initial probe shows drone was tracked but dropped off radar, was assumed to have crashed * Gallant says Israel will ensure terrorists do not return to Lebanon border villages

Four IDF soldiers were killed in the Hezbollah drone attack on Sunday evening near Binyamina, according to the military. Seven soldiers were seriously injured.

The families have been notified, says the IDF.

Fifty-one soldiers were hurt in the strike on the military base, including 9 who were moderately hurt. The rest were lightly injured.

 NY Post reporting:

At least 67 injured after Hezbollah drone strike in Israel: reports   By Ronny Reyes, NY Post, Oct. 13, 2024:

At least 67 people were wounded in Israel on Sunday when Hezbollah terrorists reportedly launched a drone strike at the country.

One of the explosives-laden drones was successfully intercepted in western Galilee. But the other device evaded Israeli air defenses and crashed in the Haifa region of Israel — exploding in the Binyamina area, Channel 12 and Ynet News reported.

At least 40 people were injured in the drone strike, according to reports.

Israeli officials did not say if the drone struck the training camp or who the wounded were, including whether any were Israeli soldiers.

Four of the injured are in critical condition, with five others seriously wounded, according to Magen David Adom Director General Eli Bin.

The Israel Defense Force said all the wounded have been taken to nearby hospitals as it investigates the drone strike, which civilians said did not trigger alarms before the explosion.

Following the attack in the Binyamins area, the Israeli Air Force confirmed it intercepted another drone fired from Lebanon.

Hezbollah immediately claimed responsibility for that attack, which was targeting the Ramot Menashe area.
The Iran-backed terror group said it carried out the attack over the IDF’s assault in Lebanon and airstrikes in Beirut.

Sunday’s attack is the latest of Hezbollah’s constant drone and missile barrages against the Jewish state, with the terror group firing more than 300 rockets on Saturday during Yom Kippur.

While there were no casualties recorded in either weekend attack, a Hezbollah missile barrage on Thursday killed an Israeli couple as they were walking their dogs in Kiryat Shmona.

The attacks continue to escalate as Israel is conducting ground raids in Lebanon aimed at dismantling Hezbollah’s rocket firing stations and terror infrastructure around the border area.

The IDF boasted that its troops on the ground have killed more than 100 Hezbollah terrorists in the past week, with 50 launching sites destroyed along with 60 command centers.

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant vowed that the operations will continue until Israel is assured Hezbollah can never return to the border villages.

The year-long conflict, which began after Hezbollah began firing at Israel on Oct. 8 in solidarity with Hamas, has claimed about 2,229 lives and left more than 10,000 wounded, according to Israeli and Lebanese officials.

Israel said the goal of its ground operation in Lebanon is to end Hezbollah’s ability to target northern Israel and allow tens of thousands of Israeli evacuees to return home.


אם הלא ישמר עיר שוא שקד שומר: Civilians Reported Enemy UAV, Air Force Said It Was Israeli

October 14, 2024 6:01 am  Yeshiva World News – Minutes before the drone launched by Hezbollah hit the Golani Brigade training base near Binyamina and killed four soldiers, two civilians reported a suspicious drone flying over their homes to Israel Police, Army Radio reported on Monday morning.

According to the report, two Israeli civilians from the Yokneam area each called the Israel Police hotline between 7:05 p.m. and 7:06 p.m., and reported seeing a drone flying above their homes, suspecting it was an enemy aircraft.

The calls were received at the police center, and by 7:08 p.m. they were transferred to the appropriate authorities.

In the following minutes, the police contacted the Air Force’s air control unit. There’s a direct line between the police and the air defense unit specifically to report on such events.

Minutes later, the air control unit updated the police and said that after investigating the report, it was determined that the sighting was an Israeli aircraft and there was no report of an enemy aircraft incursion.

At 07:12 p.m. the police closed the case after the investigation was completed.

Three minutes later – at 07:15 p.m. – the Hezbollah drone exploded in the cafeteria of the Golani Brigade training base, killing 4 soldiers and injuring dozens of others, seven seriously.


October 13, 2024  YWN  📢 It’s Dovi, Commander of Battalion 8551, once again. 📢

Just a few days ago, you saw a video of me asking for life-saving equipment for my battalion. Unfortunately, on this Yom Kippur, just two days ago, I was injured when a Hezbollah drone exploded near me, and I survived by a miracle. But don’t worry – soon, I’ll be back, protecting my soldiers’ lives and Am YIsrael. 💪

Now, I’m reaching out to you again. We urgently need your help, not just for physical life-saving equipment, but also for spiritual protection. The soldiers need both – to protect their bodies and their souls. 🙏

You’ve already made a difference, and now we need you more than ever to stand by us. Please share this message with your friends and family,

Donate Now 

[Ed.:  This is a legitimate HELP request from an IDF solder (and it isn’t a scam, there have been many of these coming up almost daily).  The elephant in the room is:  Why (the f*ck) isn’t IDF providing everything and anything that the soldiers need? Are our soldiers mere canon fodder? (rhetorical question)  There is no excuse for this.  Jewish blood is cheapest in the land of IINO!  (Read:  something stinks!!]


UAV strike near Binyamina wounds 40, four critical   Uzi Baruch

Four are in critical condition, five are in serious condition, and 15 are in moderate condition. Rescue teams are tending to the wounded and evacuating them to hospitals. Eyewitnesses reported that no alarm was sounded before the UAV exploded.

Oct 13, 2024, 8:59 PM – A suicide drone struck the Binyamina area on Sunday evening wounding 40.

MDA CEO Eli Bin reported four are in critical condition, five are in serious condition, and 15 are in moderate condition.

Rescue teams are tending to the wounded and evacuating them to hospitals. Some of the wounded were airlifted to hospitals in central Israel.

36 victims were taken to the Hillel Yaffe Medical Center in Hadera and six were taken to Laniado Hospital in Netanya.

Eyewitnesses reported that no alarm was sounded before the UAV exploded. The IAF is investigating why an alert was not sounded

The Saudi Al Hadath network reported that the UAV launched a missile at a military base before it exploded.

Several months ago, Hezbollah published footage of one of its UAVs launching missiles before detonating.


UPDATE: As many as 39 IDF soldiers were wounded when asked drone struck a base in the Binyamina area.

October 13, 2024 @ 1:49 pm ET  Yeshiva World News

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🩸BAD EVENING, CITY ALERTS – Latest Updates from Israel 

October 13, 2024 @ 1:42 pm ET  ISRAEL REALTIME – Connecting to Israel in Realtime

( VIDEO – IDF commander in a Hezbollah village in Southern Lebanon – “every house is Hezbollah and filled with weapons, we’ve taken tens of trucks of weapons.” )


⚠️KIRYAT YAM – CITY.. In the last hour, 4 interceptions were carried out over the sea with no warnings. Be prepared to enter protected space.

🩸ATTACK DRONE (remote control drone that fires missiles) ATTACKS IDF BASE – HITTING BASE CAFETERIA.. in the north, fired by Hezbollah.  About 40 casualties, some serious.

🔪TERROR – STABBING – AFULA.. Givat HaMora, serious injury.

HAIFA – In the last few minutes, IDF forces launch interceptors into the sea in Haifa Bay – several explosions are heard in the area.  Incoming drones.

▪️LAWYER CAUGHT SMUGGLING MESSAGES TO TERROR.. prisoners.  Prison service: 14 lawyers so far this year.

🔹US jets flying low over North Eastern Syria.

🔹Israeli PM is right now in “final” consultations on the Israeli response to Iran’s ballistic missile attack.

🔹ON UN RESOLUTIONS 1701 AND 1559.. The Arab Desk provides context:

1701 – adopted Aug. 2006, called for a cease-fire between Israel and Hezbollah in the Second Lebanon War, while deploying an armed UN force and the Lebanese army in southern Lebanon, in order to prevent Hezbollah from continuing to operate in the territory of Lebanon.  The UN force “will take all the necessary actions to ensure that its areas of activity are not used to carry out hostile actions of any kind, and will use powerful measures to prevent shooting”.

This decision was not implemented even for one minute, and a UNIFIL observation force was deployed with no authority or capability to do anything.

1559 – adopted Sept 2004, called for the respect of the independence and sovereignty of Lebanon, the end of the Syrian military presence in the country, and the disbanding of the militias active in it, primarily Hezbollah.  Called for all foreign forces (when referring to Syria) remaining in Lebanon to withdraw from the country, and the dissolution of all Lebanese (when referring to Hezbollah) and non-Lebanese (Palestinian) militias.

No actions were ever taken.

📌WHAT TO DO in a MISSILE ATTACK -> Home Front Command instructions in ENGLISH: https://www.oref.org.il/eng/life-saving-guidelines/rocket-and-missile-attacks

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October 13, 2024 @ 12:57 pm ET  Jewish Breaking News Community

⚠️ BREAKING – ‘Mass Casualty Incident’: At least 20 people have been wounded by a Hezbollah suicide drone near Binyamina north of Netanya.

• MDA Director: Efforts are being made to contain the incident. Multiple MDA teams are at the scene conducting searches for additional casualties.

•20 injured in total, with 5 in serious condition, according to MDA Director.

•Israeli Air Force helicopters have been deployed to evacuate injured individuals to hospitals.

Israel Hayom says there was no red alert siren at the site of the severe attack.

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🟩 October 13, 2024 @ 12:52 pm ET  Latest Updates from Israel ISRAEL REALTIME – Connecting to Israel in Realtime

( VIDEO – every house a weapons warehouse in Lebanon. )

▪️Update On BE’ER SHEVA INCIDENT.. not terror related.

♦️LEBANON – (Enemy report) Hezbollah announces that they are in an intense battle with Israeli troops who are trying to enter the town of Qouzah from the south.  That would seem to mean that the IDF is in control of Ramyeh and Ayta ash Shah border villages and are pushing further.

♦️LEBANON – DID THE IDF BLOW UP A PILE OF (HEZBOLLAH’s) CASH?  investigation by Voice of America reporter Michael Lippin:  It is claimed here that Israel destroyed hundreds of millions of dollars in Hezbollah’s cash with the Da’ahia bombings and that as a result the organization is in a severe financial crisis.

♦️LEBANON – EVAC.. The IDF spokesman in Arabic is instructing the residents of ANOTHER 21 villages in southern Lebanon to evacuate northwards across the Awali River (which is north of the Litani River).

♦️LEBANON – IDF CASUALTIES.. 25 IDF soldiers were injured today in Lebanon in three different incidents: rockets at IDF forces, anti-tank missiles, and anti-aircraft fire – 2 were seriously injured, 10 moderate, and 13 were lightly injured. Their families were informed.

♦️LEBANON – REPORTERS, HEZBOLLAH’s FORTIFIED TUNNEL OUTPOST IN VIEW OF UNIFIL’s.. observation tower and outpost.  Not reported, not demanded closed, not acknowledged.

🔹US THAAD SYSTEM IS BEING DEPLOYED IN ISRAEL.. the US’s equivalent to Israel’s Arrow for ballistic missile intercept.  Pentagon Press Secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder confirms the Deployment of a THAAD Battery to Israel.   100 US troops will deploy to operate the state of the art anti-ballistic missile shield.  A typical US THAAD battery is capable of intercepting up to 72 incoming ballistic missiles, including in space.

🔹SYRIAN COMMENTATOR – ISRAEL IS IN AND IGNORED?  “The Israeli army entered deep into Qunaitra with tanks and equipment…  A few days ago, Russian forces evacuated 17 positions in southern Syria, including Tel al-Hara. (Turkey’s) Erdogan declared that the Israeli army would reach Damascus.. What’s going on? They entered in broad daylight? Where is the Syrian army?  Where are the militias? Hello? They reached the village of Kudna in Qunaitra. Is there an agreement?”

🔹IRAN DEFENSES?  Emirati Al-Ain Media: China has given Iran the Silent Hunter laser system to counter a possible Israeli attack.

▪️ECONOMY.. govt expands program to employee senior citizens in civil service jobs, with a goal of recruiting 1,000 seniors.

▪️PROTESTORS (anti-govt) IN TEL AVIV ALMOST LIGHT 2 POLICEMEN ON FIRE!  Police spokeswoman: Demonstrators against the government endangered the lives of policemen yesterday when they intentionally lit a large fire inches away from them.

▪️UPDATE ON CASES AGAINST OCT. 7 DEFENDERS.. The case against all those involved in the “murder” aka defense against the terrorists during the Oct. 7 massacre will be closed.

📌WHAT TO DO in a MISSILE ATTACK -> Home Front Command instructions in ENGLISH: https://www.oref.org.il/eng/life-saving-guidelines/rocket-and-missile-attacks

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Can Israel Counter Iran’s Missiles?   By Antonio Graceffo

Oct. 13, 2024 9:45 am – This year, Iran has launched a number of missile attacks on Israel, the largest of which came on October 1st in retaliation for Israel’s offensive against Hezbollah. Escalating tensions prompts the question of whether Israel can effectively counter a larger, more sustained missile attack from Iran.

Iran’s ballistic missile capabilities, particularly the Emad missiles, have a range of up to 1,800 kilometers, allowing launches from various locations in Iran, including Shiraz, Kermanshah, Khorramshahr, Isfahan, and Tehran. Major Yochanan Ben-Yaakov told Israel’s Security and Defense Forum (ISDF) that most of the recent attacks originated from Shiraz; because it is at a lower elevation, the Iranians believe it is more difficult for Israel to hit in a counterstrike.

Although Emad missiles are designed for long-range capabilities, they are not highly accurate. As a liquid-fueled missile, the Emad is less reliable and more challenging to launch compared to solid-fueled systems. This results in reduced accuracy and reliability, especially when compared to Israel’s more advanced precision-guided missile systems. In the October 1st attack, Iran launched approximately 180 missiles at Israel, the majority of which were intercepted by Israel’s air defenses or by the US Navy.

Major Ben-Yaakov told Israel’s Security and Defense Forum (ISDF) that Israel has the capability to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities, pending government approval. “We have F-35s, F-15s, and, of course, Jericho missiles, which are highly accurate and precise, unlike Iranian missiles…yes, we can {do it}.”

Iran’s Shahed 136 and 238 UAVs are kamikaze drones with a 100 kg payload and a range of up to 4,000 kilometers, designed to crash into targets. These drones lack cameras and cannot transmit intelligence, taking 7-9 hours to reach Israel. Israel uses its advanced Iron Dome defense system to decide whether to intercept them. The Iron Dome, developed to protect civilian areas, tracks and destroys short-range threats like rockets and UAVs using radar-guided missiles, ensuring efficient protection while conserving costly interceptors for real threats.

Systems like Iron Dome are designed to intercept short-range threats, such as UAVs, while David’s Sling handles medium to long-range threats, like cruise missiles. Both use advanced radar detection and guidance to track and neutralize incoming dangers. For ballistic missiles, Israel employs the Patriot and Arrow systems, providing layered protection depending on the threat. Emad missiles, with a range of about 2,000 kilometers, could reach Israel from Iran in 2-3 hours, depending on the launch location, requiring quick defense decisions.

Anti-missile systems are costly, so Israel carefully assesses whether to intercept based on the threat’s trajectory and potential impact. Many Iranian missiles and drones malfunction, crash, or land in areas like Jordan or unpopulated regions of Israel, reducing the need for interception. Major Ben-Yaakov explained that drones or missiles launched from Yemen are even less reliable, with the majority successfully intercepted by Israeli defense systems, further minimizing damage and the need for unnecessary defensive actions.

According to Major Ben-Yaakov, in retaliation, Israel could target Iran’s oil infrastructure, including refineries in Tehran, Abadan, and the Persian Gulf, with Harj Island being particularly crucial as it supplies China with 2 million barrels of discounted oil daily. Other possible targets include the Bandar Abbas terminal, IRGC bases in Kermanshah, and the Natanz a key nuclear site. Tehran, as the seat of government, would also be at risk. Israel can strike these locations with jets or Jericho ballistic missiles, capable of covering nearly every target in Iran.

Amid fears of retaliation from Israel for its recent missile attack, Iran has launched diplomatic efforts in the Middle East, seeking to reduce the scale of Israel’s potential response. Iran is concerned about the possibility of Israeli strikes on its nuclear sites and oil facilities, particularly given that Hezbollah, Iran’s key proxy, has been weakened. The Biden administration is urging Israel for restraint, while Gulf states have communicated their reluctance to be involved. Despite ongoing talks, Iran is unsure of the exact nature of Israel’s impending response.

Republicans are pushing Biden to take a harsher stance against Iran. Many Republicans in Congress urged Israel to retaliate fiercely against Iran, while leading Democrats were more cautious, calling for restraint and patience.

Senator Mitch McConnell, Republican of Kentucky and the minority leader, said in a statement, “It is not enough to intercept missiles and drones moments before they reach civilians in Israel or U.S. personnel in the Red Sea.” McConnell also called for the U.S. to replenish Israel’s munitions, stating, “It is time for the world’s leading architects of terror, and their proxies, to face severe consequences.”


🟨 Latest Updates from Israel 

October 13, 2024 @ 2:37 am ET  ISRAEL REALTIME – Connecting to Israel in Realtime

( VIDEO – IDF huge bombing of Ita al Shaab, south Lebanon.  No, it is not a nuclear strike. )

♦️IDF expanded its ground maneuver in southern Lebanon, and carried out massive artillery and aerial softening operations in the area – explosions from IDF fire heard throughout the Galilee overnight.

♦️LEBANON – (Enemy reports) Intense Battles ongoing between Israeli forces and Hezbollah at the Ramyeh village, Southern Lebanon.  Hezbollah confirms ongoing clashes at Ramyeh.  Additionally heavy clashes are being reported at Ayta-ash-Shab village, which is the next village over from Ramyeh.

♦️(Enemy Report) Israel killed Hussein Mohammed Assili, the (new) commander of Hezbollah’s Radwan (invasion) force.  He was killed in an airstrike in southern Lebanon. He was responsible for Hezbollah’s drug trade between Lebanon, neighboring countries and Africa. (He was in the position less than 100 hours.)

♦️Quiet Report that Hezbollah FIRED at the offshore gas rigs, with interceptions by the IDF Navy C-Dome.

♦️SIGNIFICANT COUNTER-TERROR OPS OVERNIGHT.. IDF forces raided the Arab town of Turmus Ayya in the Ramallah district, al-Khadr near Bethlehem, Tel near Shechem, Bethlehem, Shuafat in E. Jerusalem, and were blocking entrance to the hospital in Issawiya, E. Jerusalem.

♦️GAZA,, IDF forces deepened the ground operation in the north of the Gaza Strip – the IDF spokesman in Arabic, Col. Avihai Adrei, issued an evacuation notice to other areas in Jabaliya and al-Tsaftawi and ordered them to evacuate to the humanitarian area via Saleh El-Din Street.

LARGE ROCKET BARRAGE from HEZBOLLAH at north Haifa, the Krayot, Acre, Nahariya, and extended area.

.. Initial reports of a RESIDENTIAL BUILDING HIT by a rocket, appears to be interception shrapnel.  No reports of injuries.

🔹HOUTHIS THREATEN the Yemeni government, which threatened them yesterday.

Report: The Houthis are preparing for a direct naval battle with Israel and the U.S. The Israeli and American naval forces in the Mediterranean will be targets for missiles and submarines from Sana’a

🔹HEZBOLLAH RELEASES video of suicide drone launches “at Mossad HQ”, these are the drones that hit a Hertzliya nursing home.

.. AFTER FIRING ROCKETS at civilian sites for a year, we suddenly see Hezbollah trying to say they are ONLY attacking military sites.

🔹ISRAEL TO START SUPPORTING SYRIA REBELS?  Syrian sources report a likely Syrian Opposition offensive in northern Syria, following previous reports of contacts between Israel and the opposition forces.  Syrian military convoys to west Aleppo.  And Turkey moving forces to the Syrian border.  (Why do we care? The Syrian regime previously used Hezbollah to suppress and slaughter the opposition – the opposition is VERY anti-Hezbollah and anti-Iran for supporting them.)

.. Additional report: Tasnim news (Iranian) reports “Syrian Rebel factions have struck a deal with Israel to begin offensive measures against the Syrian Arab Army.”

.. Several people asked me: what is Israel doing with captured Hezbollah military equipment, which is of Russian, Chinese and Iranian make.  This is a possible answer.

🔹JORDAN – Multiple reports with photos of ARMED PICKUP TRUCKS (“technicals”) approaching the border near Eilat from Jordan and “observing”.

WHAT TO DO in a MISSILE ATTACK -> Home Front Command instructions in ENGLISH: https://www.oref.org.il/eng/life-saving-guidelines/rocket-and-missile-attacks

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Cyber attack targets Iran’s nuclear infrastructure, communication network: Report

Oct 12, 2024 16:10 IST  India TodayThere are reports claiming that Iran’s nuclear infrastructure has come under a massive cyber attack amid the ongoing conflict with Israel. The country’s Legislature, Judiciary and the Executive have also been subjected to a cyber attack.

Though there has not been an official confirmation from Iranian agencies. There are speculations that Israel may be behind this attack, but nothing could be said for certain as of now.

Meanwhile, reports say that Iran’s communication system, financial system and military communication have shut down as a result of the cyber attack. India Today’s Gaurav Sawant and Ashutosh Mishra bring you more on this from ground zero.

[Ed.:  The hesitation is over!  It starts.  <later> … Don’t know if this is accurate, but is all over on Telegram 10/12. .Not on Israel news yet. Let’s see.

Update 10/14:  Apparently, this was fake news from India Today.]


Ben Gvir Urges Netanyahu to Push for Death Penalty and Harsher Punishments for Terrorists
October 11, 2024 9:05 am The Yeshivah WorldNational Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir on Thursday called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to urgently convene the Cabinet for discussions on imposing the death penalty for terrorists and advancing tougher legislation aimed at deterring and punishing terrorism in Israel.

“The time has come to impose the death penalty on terrorists who carry out deadly attacks in Israel,” Ben Gvir wrote. “Terrorists who enter our streets and murder innocent people are not deterred enough, and the necessary step is to toughen the punishment.”

Ben Gvir pointed out that Article 116 of the coalition agreements between his party and Netanyahu’s Likud includes a commitment from Likud to support the death penalty for terrorists. He insisted that the time had come to fulfill that promise.

Alongside the death penalty, Ben Gvir is pushing for additional measures, including the deportation of terrorists’ families, stripping families of social benefits and allowances, and granting police commissioners the authority to demolish the homes of terrorists.

“Taking these difficult measures is a national, security, and moral obligation to maintain the security of the citizens of Israel,” Ben Gvir said, reiterating his call for harsher penalties to deter future attacks. He stressed that such actions are necessary to protect innocent lives and send a strong message to those who seek to harm Israeli citizens.


320 Hezbollah Rockets Fired Into Israel On Yom Kippur, 3 Injured

October 12, 2024  The Yeshiva World – The IDF stated on Motzei Yom Kippur that about 320 Hezbollah projectiles were fired by Hezbollah in Lebanon into Israel over Yom Kippur.

Over a million Israelis were forced to flee to shelters in the Galil, Accko, Haifa and its suburbs, and Tzfas. Additionally, a drone fired from Syria exploded over Ramat HaGolan.

Three people were lightly injured by the force of a rocket in the western Galil and 12 people were lightly injured from falling as they ran to protected spaces.

Hamas in Gaza fired two rockets on Yom Kippur from northern Gaza, hitting open areas in Ashkelon. B’Chasdei Hashem, there were no injuries.

On Yom Kippur night, Hezbollah fired two drones at central Israel. One was intercepted and the second one hit a nursing home in Herzliya. B’Chasdei Hashem, there were no injuries.

(YWN’s Jerusalem desk is keeping you updated after tzeis ha’Shabbos in Israel)


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