Why Joe, and what happens when he loses the election?

When designing a virus vaccine,
you start by inserting a bit of the virus itself.
Is Joe his own vaccination?

It’s been a mystery to me (and to many others) how it is that Joe Biden, being by any estimation a relatively (if not profoundly) weak candidate, wound up as the Dem’s choice to run against President Trump. Early in the primaries, Bernie Sanders had been the clear front-runner with this new crop of unapologetic socialists, with old mid-road Joe finishing as poorly as 5th. Then suddenly, beginning in South Carolina, Biden jettisoned into 1st place, and the media immediately began its fawning campaign in support of the former Vice President. As far as the Dems were concerned, the convention was henceforth a mere formality — Joe had suddenly become their go-to guy.

The Dem’s 2020 nominating process immediately began smelling like 2016, when Sanders was first summarily marginalized by the DNC (a subsidiary by then of the Clinton Campaign) so that their golden goose could seize the nomination in spite of lagging behind Bernie in popularity by a considerable margin. Ironic that the nominating process of the Democrats is always so decidedly undemocratic.

Clinton’s 2016 rise to prominence could thus be easily explained — she had bailed-out the bankrupt DNC in exchange for the nominative shoe-in. Business is business, even among Democrats. But there has surfaced no similarly remunerative evidence to support Biden’s usurpation of Bernie as the DNC favorite.

Which is NOT to say there’s no quid pro quo at work here. In fact, QPQ is quite likely at the very heart of the matter.

Consider this: It was right around the time the infamous video came to light of Biden spilling his beans before members of the Council of Foreign Relations that his prospects as a candidate remarkably rebounded. In the video, Joe was caught recounting in arrogant detail how he had strong-armed the President of Ukraine — using US taxpayer’s money, of course — into firing the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating son Hunter Biden’s Ukrainian business dealings, thus exposing Joe to well-founded accusations of unethical use of QPQ. In some circles, that act amounted to sedition, if not outright treason.

So the video had surfaced, and Joe soon took the lead in spite of the fact that he was languishing far down in the polls, had already lost in every primary up to that point to other even less competent candidates (yes, it was possible), was even then observed to be slipping cognitively, and much to the Marxists’ dismay, had not been a full-throated supporter of the Dem’s new extreme AOC-inspired agenda. So why Joe? We get how Hillary got the nod in 2016 — she bought it square and fair. But Joe? What did the DNC have to gain (or lose) by thrusting hapless old Joe into the driver’s seat?

Perhaps it was to insert a game piece into the election designed to ultimately deflect yet another scandal in the Democrat party’s already deteriorating reputation, a scandal that, if ever widely acknowledged by the public, could spell the end for the entire party. The right was keenly aware of the Russia hoax and the Mueller hoax. And soon after this point in time, the phone call hoax that led to the impeachment hoax. The debauchery of the Democrats had been spewing goodies for conservative news sources like a broken piñata, and Biden’s bleeding simply had to be staunched before even the Marxist media (which is all most liberals ever hear) was forced to take it more seriously.

Couple this with the undeniable fact that any reasonable observer (even among the most brain-dead of the so-called “progressives”, of which there are many) will see as undeniable: Even after taking every sling and arrow flung his way since his election, President Trump was and remains simply unbeatable in 2020. His popularity goes unrivaled in terms of voter enthusiasm. There is not a single Democrat alive and active who can best Trump at the polls in November… no matter how well the Dems cheat. And the Dems bloody-well know it. Period, full-stop.

So if defeat is certain, what if the Dems’ entire approach to this election centers around damage control? While the convoluted, corrupt and mysterious machinations of Hillary, the DNC, FBI, CIA, Mueller, the FISA Court, and the mainstream media itself can be obfuscated, finessed and downplayed to one degree or another, that damned video of Joe at the CFR, gleefully bragging about how he coerced Ukraine into submission (“Well, son of a bitch… he was fired”) just won’t go away. It stands as an eternal monument to Democratic malfeasance that even they cannot rip down from its pedestal.

So here’s the theory — And it centers around, of all people, Jill Biden:

  • The Dems know, with details coming to light daily regarding their various and sundry attempts to orchestrate a covert coup against Trump’s administration, that their future is likely destined to be riddled with indictments, prosecutions, convictions and jail time for players high and low on the totem pole
  • Since victory in November is mathematically impossible and their far-left agenda displeasing to more and more of their base, the Dems’ best shot at survival as a party is to weave a lifeline to keep their desperate asses out of prison post-election
  • So they play up the “never concede” narrative (led by Hillary, of course), and sew seeds of doubt and concern over how, when, and if we will ever know the true results of the election, reinforcing the hysteria with rumors of a coming civil war if Trump is reelected
  • The night of November 3, when preliminary results unveil the largest-ever landslide victory of an incumbent president in the history of the Union, by a margin so awesome that no amount of Democratic cheating, mail-in ballot fraud, media obfuscation and praying to Satan (they’re like that) can even begin to justify a prolonging of the inevitable — now comes mama bear Jill Biden, who corrals her hapless hubby and makes the dreaded call to Trump, declining Queen Hillary’s advice and prepares Joe to read his concession statement from a 3×5 card (assuming poor old Joe can still read by then)
  • BUT — Jill tells Trump that Joe will concede *only* in return for a solemn promise that Trump’s Department of Justice under AG Barr will forego any further investigations into (and/or prosecutions of) the multitudinous acts of capital-T Treason committed by the Obama/Biden administration in its post-2016 maneuverings against the president-elect and then sitting president… oh, and her darling boy Hunter also gets a pass and can keep his ill-gotten billion-dollar largesse from China (forgot to mention that little gem, sorry)
  • IOW: Sweep the whole damnable mess under the rug and move on “for the good of the country”.

Think about it: For months conservatives have been champing at the bit over why indictments against hundreds, if not thousands, of deep-state subversives have been so interminably slow to develop; why we’ve had only a single plea deal with a lower-level Democrat operative; why Joe’s clear and undeniable quid pro quo with the Ukrainian president has gone unpunished, etc etc, why, why, why. Is there no justice in the world anymore, even under the administration of arguably the most trusted, revered and beloved president in US history? It’s enough to vex even the most ardent Dan Bongino fan, and certainly the Q-club.

The Jill Biden Bailout Theory, which I first heard from Greg Hunter on his USA Watchdog YouTube channel (timestamped below), in its own fantastical fashion, actually pulls all these disparate and inexplicable elements together into a cohesive whole, and provides a plausible plot-line for the upcoming mini-series, “Sniffing Oblivion: The Joe Biden Story”.

And the post-election result? Conservatives are happy it’s all over and they can get back to work. Liberals are furious, but they’re furious all the time now, anyway, so what else is new? Better to have only half the nation furious as opposed to the whole shooting match. Under a Trump lame-duck, gloves-off administration, the National Guard will disperse the petulant rioters in short order and be back in their barracks in time for happy hour, and everyone can get back to overseeing the monetary collapse of America after decades of bi-partisan fiscal irresponsibility.

Does this mean the Jill Biden Bailout Theory is the true plan? Other than she agreed to marry Joe in the first place, the woman would appear to have retained her faculties to some degree. But let’s take the former 2nd Lady out of the equation — could the theory still be viable in principle, with someone else pulling Joe’s strings and handing him the 3×5? Is this bizarre theory, in fact, “the Truth” beyond all doubt?

Of course not. In a world solidly built upon the aspirations of corruptible humans, universal deception and moral relativity, “the Truth” is the brass ring on a hyper-speed political carousel, and most of us are kinda busy holding on to our horsey for dear life.

But still….


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