Such evidence of election fraud irrevocably damages America

My buddy Dave R (with whom I am acquainted IRL and have verbally jousted on several occasions) can always be counted on to challenge my assertions on Facebook, the platform I like to call “the blue plague of the internet”. Today, in response to a YT vid I shared describing the impending financial disaster in store for us if the ‘Harris-Biden’ ticket manages to prevail, Dave came through again. As per my personal resolution to minimize the writing I do on FB and concentrate it in my blog, here is his salvo and my response.

Thing is, believing in conspiracies tends to paralyze some from taking action. I don’t think you fit into the category, but some use such beliefs as an excuse to avoid making a choice and moving forward because the possibility of failure causes too much anxiety.

There’s no election fraud. All 50 secretaries of state say things went smoothly and accurately. The director of Homeland Security today said same. Rural areas (counted first because of low density) tend to be pro-trump. Cities (counts come in last because of the density of ballots) tend to be liberal. We were told this would be the case weeks beforehand. The votes swung as described, though the total count couldn’t be guessed until statistically over. And, don’t forget, no one has certified the totals, yet…still counting.

If fraud were to be involved, no one is a winner, including left and right senators. But, for some reason, conservative leaders say all R-wins were legitimate and all D-wins were fraudulent. They claim there is a secret deep state that is far smarter and cunning than any elected official and is secretly constructing the outcome. That all secretaries of state and attorneys general are on the take in all 50 states, as well as all county clerks and auditors counting votes in the country’s 3,141 counties.

Is that really a reasonable conclusion?

That’s one way to look at it, Dave… I remain, as you might expect, completely unconvinced.

“There’s no election fraud. All 50 secretaries of state say things went smoothly and accurately.” So they say. So you say. But from my POV, those Sec’s of State in firmly red states (where massive ballot manipulation would seem incongruous and attract too much attention) can comfortably say such a thing. Here in Indiana, a decidedly red state, to my knowledge there is little (if any) evidence of ballot manipulation. However, in blue states, especially these swing states peppering the results map, Secs of State (and others) would *have* to make that assertion, either because they were in on the con, or tacitly approve of it and are trying their best to cover it up after the fact.

Now, I give you credit for positive thinking, old friend, holding fast to the proposition that most people are inherently good and honest. Perhaps you don’t believe that generally, but the sentiment certainly permeated your post. And I might even be inclined to agree to a very limited extent. However, I don’t believe such virtue extends naturally to the political class, and particularly to those on the left, who have demonstrated the most violent and incendiary responses to this president I’ve seen in my lifetime.

Discarding all the street-level antagonists as irrelevant, one need look no further than the illegal surveillance of the 2016 Trump campaign, the phony Steele dossier paid for by HRClinton, leading to the corrupt Russia probe, the FISA court abuse, the Mueller investigation, and the spurious impeachment at the hands of Pelosi and Schumer. Frankly, how you maintain your unabashed faith in “the system” is a marvel of individual will… or perhaps a secret desire to raise the dead.

For me, at this point the true problem associated with the mountain of evidence building against this being a fair and honest election goes far beyond whether Trump or Harris takes the White House in January (yes, I said Harris intentionally, as she would be to Biden what Cheney was to Bush).

A thorough forensic analysis and appropriate culling of illegal ballots
from the tallies is necessary to preserve any semblance of trust
in our electoral process by the people, regardless of party.

The hung-chad election of 2000 wasn’t that long ago, and I recall the damage that was done to my already shaky faith in government by that event. I said at the time that Bush wasn’t truly elected, but rather coronated by the Supreme Court. As a man in his final years of being a Democrat, the entire episode left a bitter taste in my mouth.

And now, thanks to the machinations of the Trump-deranged Democrats (unless ameliorated by a top-to-bottom recount in the contested swing states, and a reliable certification of the winner, whomever that actually is), I’m preparing myself for the distinct possibility of being forced to take yet another nauseating swig of that nasty concoction.

Sorry Dave, but I don’t for one moment buy your assertion that “there’s no election fraud”, nor even such garden-variety levels of fraud as one might expect. Given the evidence mounting daily (please look beyond MSM for such information), I firmly believe this to be perhaps the most corrupted and manipulated election in American history.

As a result, no matter who wins, it does not portend favorably for America. If Trump is eventually certified the winner, I’m fully expecting the left to lose their collective minds and go on an even greater rampage than what we’ve seen to date, throughout the nation. Leftist hate and aggression would be on steroids. It would make the pillaging and ravaging of Seattle, Portland and all the rest of the Dem-ruined cities look like the proverbial walk in the park.

Conversely, if the Dems, aided by the MSM and Big Tech censorship, manage to take over, on the whole I’m expecting conservatives to be quite vocal but disciplined, hunkering down to prepare for the inevitable shit-show that will be the Harris-Biden administration. Guess you know where I fall on that spectrum.

And laying aside politics — as a follower of Christ and a believer in the Bible, none of this shakes the foundations of my life. Secular humanists will scoff and dismiss this as rubbish (like I care or expect anything else), but my considered opinion is that humans, from the beginning of time, are a fallen people, prone to perfidy whenever it suits their purposes if they feel they can get away with it.

I openly confess that not only have I sinned in this life, but as per biblical law I fall short of the Glory of God every single day, in spite of my best efforts to avoid it. For me it took a lot of psychological mind games, social and comparative religion studies, and personal revelations… but I eventually came to realize that I, and every other person of faith, can rest easy in this world, not because of our occasional good works, but by the Grace of God made manifest on the Cross. God saw that the Law could not be followed, so He gave us an out. Amen.

And when it comes to my fellow man, I’ve learned the hard way to appreciate Romans 3:4 —

“Let God be true, but every man a liar.”




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