Is Roberts a weenie?

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Attorney Lin Woods has revealed some rather damning insider info on the in-chambers process leading up to the SCOTUS rejecting the proposed Texas lawsuit against the key contested swing states of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin.

According to an as-yet unidentified staffer for one of the SC Justices (in marked contrast to how debates are typically conducted), Chief Justice Roberts “screamed” loudly enough to be overheard through the walls of the private, no-devices-allowed inner sanctum where the nine Justices debate whether to take up a case:

“I don’t give a #@&^ about ‘Bush v. Gore’… at that time we didn’t have RIOTS!”

The staffer “heard SCREAMING through the walls as Justice Roberts & other liberal Justices were insisting this case NOT be taken up…”

The Court itself has stated that since the ‘Rona hit, all proceedings have been done remotely. Ergo, there was no inner sanctum screaming going on. Maybe, maybe not.

Does this report prove 7 of 9 SC Justices (Alito and Thomas dissented) voted down the case out of fear that by merely agreeing to hear the Texas case, nation-wide rioting by irate progressives (think BLM/Antifa from last summer) would ensue? And for that reason, TX v PA, GA, MI, WI simply had to be rejected, otherwise SCOTUS would be marked as responsible for those riots occurring?

No… Lin Woods’ assertions are hearsay. He wasn’t there.

But… do I personally believe there is an unidentified staffer who is likely telling something akin to the truth, and that moral cowardice at the heart of the highest court in the land (which should be weighing cases based on their Constitutional merit, without regard to any subsequent inconvenience they may cause) was at the root of this case being turned away?

Absolutely! … as far as it goes.

That the three liberal Justices voted against hearing the case was to be expected. That the remainder of the moderate-to-conservative contingent — including all three of Trump’s SC success stories (Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett) — voted against it tells me one of two things.


  1. Many conservatives in high office, even those widely considered to be “good”, in the end are truly spineless, or
  2. The rejection of this case is political theater. There’s something going on behind behind the scenes about which the public is generally unaware.

There *could* be some overlap here, but probably about as much as there is overlap in the Venn diagram of American political principles these days. The former would seem obvious to some degree, yet is fairly conjectural and too generalized to be helpful, whereas the latter would be supported by the Q movement and their assertions that “Trump’s got this… trust the plan”.

We shall see what we will see.

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