Dan Scavino Shares Enigmatic President Trump Painting Called ” THE MASTERPIECE” – Truth Revolution

“The Masterpiece”, a painting by conservative artist Jon McNaughton, is an interesting development suggesting that Donald Trump will continue to pull the veil away and expose the corruption within the Deep State even further.

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Artist Jon McNaughton Comments:

 “The Masterpiece” by Jon McNaughton

“What does the future hold for America? President Trump’s last few years in office have been remarkable. He has changed the direction of this country economically, devastated ISIS, negotiated with countries on the world stage, and been a powerful voice for American ideals. It hasn’t been easy, as he has been blocked by both Republicans and Democrats, trashed by the media, and hunted by the deep state in an attempt to undermine his presidency. But, the “painting” is not finished!

I believe that Trump will yet reveal in the future a greater degree of prosperity, justice, and American influence that has never been seen before. His greatest achievements are yet to be revealed. How will history remember the presidency of Donald J. Trump? I believe it will be considered a “Masterpiece.”


Source: Dan Scavino Shares Enigmatic President Trump Painting Called ” THE MASTERPIECE” – Truth Revolution

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