I’ve always been a newshound. It’s a habit I picked up from my father, a first-rate mechanic who later started a heavy equipment business with my two older brothers. He was also an avid reader and a politically savvy guy for whom staying abreast of current events was a priority. In addition, the man was known to play a little guitar now and again.
I recall back in 1972 when Watergate was dominating the airwaves. Dad not only absorbed everything reported by Walter Cronkite, but sought out and read every book published on the crime and subsequent coverup. Dad could recite names, dates, locations, who the pivotal players were… pretty much everything that was available at the time on what was then considered to be the greatest scandal in American history.
Dad’s insatiable curiosity rubbed off. All my life I’ve followed the news, trying my best to be well-informed on the big (and not so big) stories of the day. Wherever I moved, one of my first tasks was to locate and subscribe to the local paper. For many years I maintained subscriptions to Time, Newsweek, the Rolling Stone, and several others. In more recent years, having shifted my browsing habits from paper to electrons, I’ve often shared interesting articles and videos on my FB page, or here in StringDancer.
This singularly outrageous year, 2020, with my music business in shambles due to the raging MSM-fueled Corona Hysteria sweeping the nation (the which I felt a strong need to investigate, and refute, as much as possible), I decided to kick it into a higher gear, launching a news page in StringDancer I initially called “Rabbit Hole News”, for lack of a better title.
Armed with a WordPress plugin called Embed Plus for YouTube Pro (with which one can create nifty playlists of entire YT channels with a bit shortcode), I began aggregating my favorite news and commentary channels in one place. The list has grown (as of today) to twenty-one channels, each unique in style, content and intention. One thing they all share is a decidedly conservative and/or libertarian point of view, and a mission to offer the other side of the story from the pablum the mainstream media and liberal government shills generate.
In a word, alt-news… honest reporting on issues
the mainstream media refuses to cover,
and perspectives the left cannot abide.
However, I was never really happy with the title “Rabbit Hole News”. It was entirely too unoriginal, to the point that in recent years it had become somewhat trite. “Going down a rabbit hole” came to mean an impulsive leap into what the left likes to call “conspiracy theories”, but which those who actually do the work simply call “research”. So I was on the lookout for a different name for my news page, one that had a nicer ring to it.
It was November 13th, when attorney Sidney Powell first commented on her plans to “release the Kraken” (a catchphrase from the 1981 movie “Clash of the Titans”) in a bid to overturn Biden’s ostensible victory in the election that I was inspired to go searching at GoDaddy for a new domain name for my little news page. I liked the way “Kraken News” rolled off the tongue, but someone had beaten me to the dotcom. Scrolling through alternative domain extensions, KrakenNews.us appeared, and I thought that would do quite nicely. Most of the news posted on my news page is America-centric, so the ‘dotus’ made sense.
And there you have it… how I came to own
KrakenNews.us as the new name of my news page.
Now, I’m aware that Dems like to ridicule Powell’s use of the phrase, and that’s just fine with me. Kids will be kids, and most times it’s fun watching them play with themselves. They only bother me when they attempt to cram their anti-human, anti-liberty, anti-American agenda down our throats. Then I feel a little like releasing a Kraken on them myself.
If Pat Foster were alive today, he’d have released the bugger long ago.
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