And We Know: ‘This is about the SURVIVAL of the GREATEST Nation on EARTH!’ – Bitchute

And We Know online ==>

“THESE are the times that try men’s souls. … Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value.” ~~ Thomas Paine

A Bitchute stream

And We Know, noted for reporting well-researched, in-depth news the MSM will never cover, as well as their stunning intro segments (unique to every episode, each reportedly taking a full day to create), has been one of my favorite channels for over a year now. Politically savvy, persistently optimistic and humbly rooted in the Christian faith — even in the face of the radical left’s most unabashed and widespread corruption and derision — AWK’s two massively popular YT channels were victims of Google-owned YouTube’s October 2020 purge of the most ardent liberty-loving channels standing firmly against the NWO agenda being rolled out before us.

Unapproved non-propagandist narratives
will simply NOT be tolerated by Big Tech…
it’s high time we stop tolerating them!

In response to the censorship and destruction of their content, most of the cutting-edge content creators with which I’m familiar (SGT Report, X22 Report, The Crowhouse, and many others I’ve highlighted on my Kraken News page) finally tired of fighting a losing battle with YouTube for the sake of access to the world’s largest video platform, and have pivoted to post their work on alternative, anti-censorship platforms such as Bitchute, LBRY, Odysee, Rumble and others. These platforms are subsequently growing by leaps and bounds as thousands of alt-news channels migrate to them, along with their audiences.

Some, such as AWK, X22 and SGT, have even opened their own private servers and Web TV channels on, which offers military-grade encryption, zero censorship, exposure on multiple platforms such as Roku, Amazon Fire, Google TV, Apple TV, iOS and Android Mobile Apps.

I believe we are witnessing the beginnings of the end of Big Tech’s hegemony on information. Hoping and praying for it, anyway. In the not-too-distant future, I will be writing more on this topic.

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