Article: Transhumanism and The Spiritual Battle For Humanity | Gab News

In the simplest terms transhumanists believe in using technology to transcend beyond the limitations of human biology into a post-human existence.

This is something we are all familiar with on a surface level thanks to many different movies and TV shows over the years, but it’s time to start taking it seriously as a threat to humanity itself.

The march towards transhumanism isn’t a conspiracy theory or some outlandish science fiction movie, it’s a very real and dire situation unfolding before our eyes.

… Ultimately, this is a spiritual war. They are targeting our very humanity. This is evidenced by everything that these people promote. Their “values” are inherently anti-human. Abortion. Moral decay. The destruction of sovereign nations and people. The persecution of everything and anything related to God Almighty our Creator.

~~ Andrew Torba – CEO, – February 27th, 2021

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