Biden STRUGGLING To Answer Basic Questions From The AMERICAN PEOPLE! He Is Completely LOST! – Liberal Hivemind – YT

Among other gems in this video is news that old Beijing Biden apparently signed an Executive Order banning use of the term “China Virus”.

I can’t tell you how relieved I am to see the new head honcho in the District of Criminals addressing this pressing issue, demonstrating such bold and timely leadership in the hot-button arena of proper nouns.

BTW, I say “head honcho” as this walking brainfart isn’t really president, ya know… you have to earn votes to win elections, not steal them… rules can be a bitch for Dems.

In any event — since my preferred term for this virus critter from the beginning has been “China bug” — maybe FauxJoe’s EO doesn’t apply to me. But if the jackboots arrive at my door, I’ll try to pinch off a blog post about it before I go.

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