Biden takes flattery wherever he can find it

MY TAKE: What is it about the southern border debacle (it went beyond “crisis” weeks ago) that impresses Resident Biden?

We don’t expect the doddering old fool to understand the dire consequences of scuttling President Trump’s effective border policies and initiatives — that would simply be asking too much of his braindead Marxist mindset.

Much less could we expect that he reassess, adjust, perhaps even reverse his disastrous handling of the border issue. If he had had such capacity for discernment at any time during his checkered career as a professional politician he would have switched parties decades ago.

No, what impresses FauxJo, what makes him chuckle, is that he actually feels flattered by the hordes of folks besieging the border.

President Joe Biden made false claims about his border crisis during Thursday’s press conference while also snarking that he “should be flattered” that massive waves of people are illegally flooding the U.S. southern border “because they know Biden’s a good guy.”

Biden’s remark came after left-wing PBS reporter Yamiche Alcindor claimed the surge in illegal immigration was due to “the perception of [Biden] that got [him] elected as a moral, decent man.”

He said, “Well, look, I guess I should be flattered people are coming because I’m the nice guy. That’s the reason why it’s happening, that I’m a decent man or however it’s phrased, that that’s why they’re coming, because they know Biden’s a good guy.”

Source: www.

The puppet non-president actually smiles when a pandering leftist activist disguised as a reporter describes him as “a moral and decent man” in the wind-up to her softball query. What level of maturity does this guy have?

If he were an airline pilot who through his own incompetence crashed his jet into the tarmac during the landing, killing all on-board except for himself, he would probably blush like a schoolgirl if told the flight control crew had complimented him for not also wiping out the conning tower on his way down.

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