Big Tech being unmasked by Biden coverup

Unfortunately, the majority of Americans rely on MSM for their news, as they’re too busy making their lives work (or not work, as the case may be) to devote time to digging into divergent news sources, vetting the information, double-checking and cross-referencing… all to slowly come to the realization that we live in a world of deception at (and of) the highest levels.

In 1967, in response to rising skepticism regarding the Warren Commission’s report on the JFK assassination, the CIA began propagating the term “conspiracy theory” as a convenient method of official dismissal of grass-roots enquiry and research that didn’t serve “the national interest”. The arrival of the internet, with the possibility of global communications and decentralized content, only exacerbated the deep state’s difficulties in controlling and shaping the narrative, which again spiked in the wake of 9-11, and again now in the midst of Covid hysteria.

It’s been downhill for the globalists in spite of their increasingly draconian efforts to manipulate the minds of the public, and has driven the present unabashed wave of shadow-banning, censorship, and outright deletion of troublesome materials. Big Tech is finally being unmasked by the Biden scandal (which should lead to the unveiling of many more scandals long-known by the alt-news contingent), and history may well look back on this event as the moment when the tide irrevocably turned against the “authoritative sources” (IOW, the purveyors of lies).

All that said — I’ve come to dislike the current overuse of the term “sheep” or “sheeple” to describe the uncurious. It’s an apt term, true enough, and I’ve used it many times myself in the past. But I realized one day that it smacks of the summarily dismissive attitude at the root of the culture of deception that started the whole mess in the first place. Besides, it’s just mean-spirited — to write folks off as sheeple because they haven’t looked into divergent sources of information demonstrates little compassion for the brainwashed, as I remind myself that there, but for the grace of God, would have gone I.

The music business offers few real perks to most musicians. Among the few, however, is enough free time to rend the veil of lies in which we live. I won’t go into the numerous downsides of the music business here, though… I’ve got real work to do.


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