BlazeTV – Liberty’s Content Juggernaut Continues to Grow

So ya know — I have no affiliation with, or profit in any way, from any clicks on the following links to BlazeTV.

The proliferation of incessant mainstream propaganda (and corresponding censoring of real news relevant to the conservative, libertarian, Christian or otherwise un-brainwashed mind) continues unabated. While legacy media networks like CNN, MSNBC, et al have pretty much sucked for decades now, it doesn’t seem all that long ago that we still enjoyed a relatively free and open internet… back when YouTube provided a fair and level playing field to channels of every stripe, including those leaning decidedly to the right.

The shadow-banning and outright censorship kicked into a higher gear a few years ago with the overnight purge of Alex Jones from the unholy Big Tech trinity of Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, along with a forced marginalization of alt-right sources from the search results of YouTube’s monolithic parent company, Google. Alex himself saw this coming well in advance, and predicted the day of mass censorship of all non-liberal voices was approaching, and that his show, as the self-described “tip of the spear”, would be the first causality. He was right on the money.

The prescient Mr. Jones was able to pivot afterwards, and soon his crew was back online — though with a much-reduced viewership due to having been severed from YouTube’s massive user base. His company eventually launched, even as other conservative channels were getting axed by Big Tech and moving to alternative platforms where 1A rights are respected. These platforms began with Bitchute, soon joined by LBRY/Odysee and Rumble, with several others vying for the opportunity to take on the Big Tech monopoly.

Unfortunately, without the lucrative monetization once offered by YouTube,
content creators striking out on their own have had to find new ways to pay
the bills associated with salaries, production expenses, promotion, etc.

Many content creators and channels followed the music biz trend and offered “merch” (T-shirts, mugs, posters, supplements, etc). Selling ancillary gear is often insufficient, however, so several have reluctantly turned to a paid subscription model. In a bid to stay connected to YT’s user base, often these channels will tweak their YouTube content sufficiently to stay below the radar of censorship, and reserve their more bleeding-edge bombshell material for private streaming platforms they maintain… which of course adds substantially to their production costs.

In terms of offering quality content, high production values,
intellectual rigor and talented hosts, arguably the leader of
the alt-news pack these days is Glenn Beck’s

I discovered the Blaze via Louder With Crowder (<– the link hits Crowder’s YT channel playlist in my Kraken News area). LWC is the brainstorm of the brilliantly quick-witted comedian and political commentator Steven Crowder, and one of the few content creators in this field still on YouTube… though the show has had several rather contentious conflicts with YT over the years, to the extent that Crowder’s lawyer is now a featured member of the on-air production crew.

Having been completely demonetized by YouTube, Crowder mostly supports his operation by selling memberships in the “Mug Club”, so named because with a subscription comes a large, custom-designed hand-etched coffee mug. An annual subscription costs $99, but Crowder was running a 1/3-off special one day, and I took the deal.

What I came to appreciate later was that the Mug Club sub was actually part of a larger subscription package to, giving me unfettered access to Glenn Beck’s entire pantheon of conservative content…. which includes several of my favorites, including Beck of course, plus Chad Prather, Mark Levin, Dave Rubin, Phil Robertson, and a few more I’m still exploring. It’s truly a smorgasbord of conservative thought, commentary and entertainment.

➤ Check out the full line-up of talent on BlazeTV

While one still mourns the passing of the free and open internet, times change and we have to change with it. In the grand scheme of things (and especially if one values such niceties as the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, personal liberty, free market capitalism, etc), shelling out a C-note for a year’s access to Blaze TV’s superior content is not too great a price to pay.

BTW, I also support a few other independent news platforms as well. I’m just thankful I’m in a position to afford a few bucks a month to stay well-informed.

And really… what value can one place on the Truth?

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