Businesses Are Starting To Ban Masked & Vaxxed People! | Salty Cracker


NOTE: STRONG LANGUAGE — The salt must flow, and in this installment of Salty Cracker we get an update on certain businesses prohibiting not only masks, but vaccinated people! “What’s that… I thought only mindless lefties were allowed to do that!”

Yes, if you’re a devotee of Covidism, you too can get cancelled. This is just how RESISTANCE works sometimes. Leftist panties across the nation are in knots as we speak.

The way to fight against state-sponsored discrimination is to discriminate right back at ’em. Divest, boycott, and shame the sheep into oblivion!

Remember when to be ‘a discriminating person’ was considered a good thing? It meant that you had the ability to discern fact from fiction; to know the difference between the good and the bad; to even be something of a connoisseur.

As is their wont, lefties love to redefine words, or arbitrarily ban and replace them with inevitably clumsy verbal fabrications of their own design, meant to confuse and obfuscate culture, social norms and linguistic patterns, which in turn modifies how (and what) people think… or are allowed to think.

This is how “group-think” is created and sustained. So right-thinking folks should simply cancel group-think, and reclaim our language. Doing that goes a long way toward marginalizing the left, and will help put the loonies running the asylum into a holding pen of their very own. Outta sight, outta mind.

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