Chuck Norris Interview- Extended Edition – YouTube

As “a black belt martial artist who dabbles in acting”, for such a tough guy Chuck Norris comes across as surprisingly soft-spoken. Speaking directly to the heated partisan rhetoric gripping the nation (of which I too am guilty), Chuck said, “Let’s be human about this here, and just say, “I agree to disagree… the hatefulness that’s going on in this country — it’s gotta stop.”

Chuck Norris invited Sheryl Atkinson to visit his Texas ranch where we talked about his life and career, the Chuck Norris facts phenomenon, and a little politics.

My only reservation regarding Chuck’s conciliatory stance is this: It wasn’t the right who started this fight. While conservatives in general are fairly laissez-faire in attitude, with more of a “live and let live” philosophy when it comes to social interactions, the left has been purposefully careening more toward the radical top-down liberal precepts which have spelled disaster in every nation in which they been indulged.

Unfortunately, the so-called ‘progressives’ consistently fail to learn the lessons of history, vainly assuming *they* know better than previous generations who attempted to implement nearly-identical societal transformations. I believe it’s the hubris that inevitably occurs when a group trends toward aggrandizing humans over the Divine.

Without accountability to a higher power, lower powers will prevail.
And is there anything lower than humans who falsely believe in their own infallibility?

I find it hard to reconcile how those of us who believe in smaller government, free markets, sound money, equality of opportunity above equality of outcome, morality-based common-law fundamentals and respect for God are to ever make peace with those who increasingly embrace the exact opposite. Nor why, given the stakes, such capitulation should ever be deemed desirable, much less expected.

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