Comfortably Compliant

Yet another FB buddy I’ll never understand:

Physical barriers and distancing “work” by reducing the rate of transmission. At no point did anyone claim they “work” by eradicating the virus. Not if we did it for a month, not if we did it for a year. As long as there is a population of a highly transmissible virus, it will move at some rate through the population. Colds never go away, rubbers didn’t eradicate herpes, and Taco Bell still leads the fast food industry in hepatitis contamination.

My reply:

So if colds never go away, then might we assume that this ostensibly more virulent virus will never go away, either? Are you suggesting then that masking and distancing and lockdowns are to be maintained indefinitely, or come and go like eternal waves upon the shore, despite the severe economic and psychological damage this tyranny is having on everyone?

What’s the point of making the entire world suffer to merely slow down a virus that most people infected scarcely realize they even have it because their symptoms are so mild, and which has a death rate on par with the annual flu? At what point do we admit this is madness and an exercise in futility? And at what point do we open our eyes and realize that we’re being played?

With all due compassion for the few who have lost loved ones to the ‘rona — but I’m sorry, life on this earthly plane is not so dear that we should live it in abject fear and misery. And it’s NOT the virus causing most of the misery, it’s the draconian response to it that’s being forced upon us, that most people seem to accept as if submission to these self-described “authoritative sources” is just fine and dandy.

I’m truly dumfounded by how so many folks can be so comfortably compliant.

Hadn’t heard the stat about Taco Bell, though… bummer.

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