Coronavirus case and death counts in U.S. ridiculously low

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Coronavirus case and death counts in U.S. ridiculously low – Washington Times

From the article:

“Johns Hopkins University of Medicine’s Coronavirus Resource Center, as of April 13 at 7:02 a.m., reported 557,590 confirmed cases of the new coronavirus in the United States and 22,109 deaths due to COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus.

“The current population of the United States, according to, is just over 330 million.

“Do the math. That means 0.17 percent of America’s population has been infected by the coronavirus. That means 0.007 percent of America’s population has died from the coronavirus — we think.”

Comment: Why is it, “— we think”? Because if I fell into the lake today and drowned, the coroner’s report would likely say I had died from “complications related to Covid-19”. Health care practitioners nationwide have reported being “instructed by the authorities” to document presumptive causes to deaths occurring since the ‘plan-demic’ started, attributing anything short of a car accident to the China bug. It would take the IQ of a sheep (or lower… eg, Rachel Maddow) to put any faith in the numbers we’re being fed.

The article continues:

“The health wonks — and billionaire philanthropists who are focused on making vaccines for the world — say the precautions of these last few weeks have saved us, and the precautions to come will save us even more.

“Sure. Except the math doesn’t really add up. The math, in other words, is fuzzy.

“And living on a “what if” of unclear, panicking predictions isn’t exactly living. It’s surviving. It’s surviving in misery.”

Comment: We should all have learned long ago (starting… oh, I don’t know… maybe November 22, 1963) to view *any* news coming from government, or its media lapdogs, with a strong dose of skepticism.

When this man-made scourge first emerged on the scene, like most people I was at first worried a bit. Hard-wired to be a survivalist, though, I wondered: is this the globalists’ final solution being unleashed? Is this the planned implosion of all currencies leading us inexorably into one world currency, and from there into one world government? Is this the Illuminati kill shot at last exploding from the barrel of their big frigging gun aimed squarely at the heart of the people?

But as the hype continued to build — as the closures commenced, as the anti-human “social distancing” became a government-enforced mandate, as the mass mental frenzy increasingly displayed before us on the MSM channels was amplified, as the soft martial law was rolled out by one egomaniacal state governor after another — I found myself reverting to my SOP of doubting what I was being told.

And day by day, as a more quantifiable and verifiable accounting of this China bug phenomenon comes to light, as the “Kung-flu” runs its miserable course and grinds to a crawl, my heart is lifted to learn that once again, cynicism is winning the day.

Questioning the authority of our “rulers”, “authorities”, “experts”, particularly government-funded “scientists” — whether we elect them or have them foisted upon us by the elected — is necessary if we are to preserve our God-given Liberty.

For once again, we are being lied to by projections of false power, mere Platonic shadows on the walls of our cave — but those with eyes to see the source of the light will dismiss the flickering shadows for what they truly are: manufactured illusions designed to control our minds, bodies and spirits.

The antidote to the corporate/media/government line of horseshit (there’s no better word for it) is doing our own research and coming to our own conclusions, all the while acknowledging that as our awareness of how the world works evolves, so will our opinions, and subsequently, our convictions.

Much of what I considered true a decade ago I’ve since dismissed… just as those beliefs were the distilled results of the decade before. Such is life… if you can keep your wits about you.

Prayer: Lord, protect us and our families as we travel the road before us. Lead us away from the many paths to perdition blazed by the Devil himself in his desire to capture our attention, our sympathy, and our devotion.

Grant us all as long and healthy a life as possible, so that we may distill our awareness down to as pure and correct an assessment of this world as possible, before You release us from this mortal coil, and call us home.

In your Holy name, amen!


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