Coronavirus Will Resemble the Common Cold, Scientists Predict – The New York Times + My Take

As millions are inoculated against the coronavirus, and the pandemic’s end finally seems to glimmer into view, scientists are envisioning what a post-vaccine world might look like — and what they see is comforting.

The coronavirus is here to stay, but once most adults are immune — following natural infection or vaccination — the virus will be no more of a threat than the common cold, according to a study published in the journal Science on Tuesday.

The virus is a grim menace now because it is an unfamiliar pathogen that can overwhelm the adult immune system, which has not been trained to fight it. That will no longer be the case once everyone has been exposed to either the virus or vaccine.

Read more: Coronavirus Will Resemble the Common Cold, Scientists Predict – The New York Times


What’s that again? “… once most adults are immune — following natural infection or vaccination — the virus will be no more of a threat than the common cold”.

Which to me raises a question: Was Covid, in fact, ever more dangerous than a cold? I would answer that no, the evidence suggests that the panic surrounding this event was unjustified. Now, was Covid a hoax? I wouldn’t necessarily make that claim… but neither would I summarily dismiss the notion. Yes, there’s a bug going around, it appears to be pretty virulent, and yes, it has claimed many lives, God rest their souls — much as the annual flu has done every year, and in similar proportions.

Chart showing Covid spiking as the flu drops to almost non-existent levels

Which reminds me — oddly, there’s a bright side to all this. Covid seems to have virtually cured influenza! — (click to expand the chart on the right). As Covid deaths statistically skyrocket, have you noticed that no one’s talking much about the flu this year?

From the beginning of Covid Hysteria early in 2020, the world was duly trained and conditioned by an intense non-stop stream of information, the veracity of which, to some, was highly suspect from the beginning. A dark and dreadful narrative was (and continues to be) fueled by ever-shifting reassessments of lethality by a well-connected consortium of medical and scientific “experts”, resulting in draconian governmental reactions and edicts, and amplified by an eagerly cooperative lamestream media ever on the prowl for sensationalism and market share. The goal of this 24-7  never-ending news cycle was, IHMO, to inculcate the public with a perception of the Covid phenomenon as everything from a serious and highly communicable health threat to the veritable Angel of Death itself, a planet-killer of biblical proportions unleashed upon a defenseless population. And all of it probably caused by, you know, climate change or some such liberal nonsense.

A few of us instinctively looked at the proffered evidence behind the phenomenon and found it wanting. While MSM continually distracted us with  “numbers of new cases” (something to be expected as the scope of testing expanded), I was keeping an eye on actual hospitalizations, ICU admissions, and ultimately, death rates. But then, that endeavor became complicated by substantive reports of medical facilities being bribed to list every mortality as death by Covid, rather than possibly with Covid. Odd that virtually everyone succumbing to injuries from a motorcycle or hunting accident, for instance, would inevitably be listed as a Covid death. Weird how that happens, no?

A few months ago a widely-circulated trope went something like this: “Not to worry… Covid will go away come November 4th.” Certainly a pilfered election and the widespread breakdown of trust in virtually every American institution will capture the attention of a pandemic-numbed, economically-devastated citizenry. Now comes the NewYork Times to tell us that, what do ya know, the China Bug will peter out on its own “once most adults are immune”, the natural result of the human body adapting, as it has since the beginning of time, to seasonal viruses.

And for THIS they destroyed our social norms, our livelihoods, our sanity, and our will to live. The bastards!

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